1、汉译英专项练习一,Low-carbon economy was put forward against the background of global warming, which is challenging human survival and development.In recent years, Chinas emissions of carbon dioxide increased year by year, with its per capita emissions exceeding developed countries, ranking first in terms of
2、 total emissions of greenhouse gases in the world.,汉译英专项练习一,Developing low-carbon economy is therefore an inevitable choice for China, for only in this way can the country fundamentally promote its energy safety capability.,汉译英专项练习二,As the worlds most populous nation, China is critical to the United
3、 States because it is a leading trader, consumer and investor. Its political influence is also rising across the world.,汉译英专项练习二,China has replaced the United States as the worlds largest consumer and could become the second largest economy in the world, after the United States, in the coming two to
4、 three decades.,汉译英专项练习三,In the 15th and 16th century when Islamic, Buddhist and Confucian civilizations were still intoxicated with their traditional religion and ethic systems, three historical movements, namely humanism, religious reform and the great geographic discovery, took place at the epoch
5、- making historical moment in Europe, where it was relatively poor and backward at the time.,汉译英专项练习三,Within as short as several centuries, both physically and mentally western culture has established its dominating status over the world with its irresistibly absolute superiority.,汉译英专项练习四,At a rese
6、arch seminar on healthy diet held in the US, dietitians from all over the country conduct thorough discussion into the close relations between breakfast and memory. They conclude that breakfast can help enhance a whole days memory.,汉译英专项练习四, As the research shows, in recalling and applying newly lea
7、rned knowledge, kids without having breakfast lag apparently behind those who have had breakfast. Moreover, they are inferior to the later both in oral expression and short-term memory.,汉译英专项练习五,It is our common wish to develop a harmonious society. The decline in public morality should not be overl
8、ooked. The film, which arouses / provokes disputes over ethic codes, has been banned. Raising the minimum wage is mainly aimed at protecting the interests of the workforce. Mental health is a major problem that concerns human health, and has aroused public attention.,汉译英专项练习六,Environmental protectio
9、n is a major social andeconomic problem of common concern in todays world as well as a major research subject in scientific and technological field. Environmental science is a comprehensive science that has evolved in the development of modern social economics and science.,汉译英专项练习六, As far the world
10、 range is concerned, it is not until recent twenty or thirty years that environmental science becomes a science.,汉译英专项练习七,In the 5 million years since we human beings separated from apes, our DNA has evolved less than 2%. But in the 21st century well be able to alter our DNA radically, encoding our
11、visions and illusions while creating new life-forms.,汉译英专项练习七,The 20th centurys revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st centurys revolution in biotechnology.,汉译英专项练习八,With the globalization of world economy, cities as windows of opening-up to the outside world can not undertake
12、 economic construction behind closed doors. If Chinas urban economy can not join international intercourse, our country will be in a disadvantaged situation in world market.,汉译英专项练习八,Therefore, China should not only develop its traditional third industries by way of compensation, but also keep up wi
13、th the world trend by promoting the development of newly emerged third industries, that is, the development of science and technology, information service, international financial trade, etc.,汉译英专项练习九,As specialists predict, in the near future, water will become a restriction (conditioned) factor fo
14、r social economic development in many parts of China. Water degradation and increased demand for water supply will, without mercy, result in the approaching of water shortage disaster.,汉译英专项练习九,Thus, fighting against pollution and protecting water sources has become the common responsibility of mank
15、ind as a whole.,汉译英专项练习十,BBS has been used for everything from daily service and want ads to highly specialized applications. The severe collapse of school buildings in the earthquake has to do with the quality of the buildings themselves. From a long-term perspective, Internet shopping is but a low
16、-level aspect of the Net, and it is not likely to become the most important trend.,汉译英专项练习十,Its generally believed that narrowing the gap between the poor and the rich is good for social stabilities. The latest opinion poll indicated that education is the top concern with the public.,英译汉专项练习一,世界卫生组织
17、于上周四发出警告, 全球金融危机导致很多人面临贫困和失业,从而可能造成不断攀升的心理问题甚至自杀事件。目前,全球已有数亿人遭受抑郁症等精神问题的困扰,而如今全球金融市场的崩盘无疑将进一步加重那些心理脆弱者的绝望情绪。联合国机构世卫组织称,这一问题在中低收入国家会尤其显著,因为这些国家的医疗条件相对有限。世卫组织在上周四的“世界心理健康日” 当天推出了一项新计划,目的是在今后六年里加大对心理疾病患者的资助和服务。,英译汉专项练习二,一份最新的调研报告显示,居家办公或移动办公的人数已达五百多万。随着在移动中工作成为发展最快的就业模式,这一数字在未来的数十年还将急剧增长。一份题为“工作在21世纪”的
18、报告称,人们将不必持“离家上班” 的理念,办公室以外的场所同样可以工作,但需不断在移动中进行,每周的上班时间也大多不再固定。对为数甚众的上班族而言,21世纪的工作将更多在移动中进行,而非固定一处。,英译汉专项练习三,欧盟的出现是20世纪最具特征的大事之一,欧洲重申其在世界舞台上的地位和作用,改变了西欧的政治、经济和社会全貌,改变了世界各地的力量均势,有助于带来欧洲有记载的历史上最为漫长的、持久的和平。直到20世纪初,欧洲仍是列强纷争,他们不仅在自己国土上与人争斗,而且在他们展开的建立殖民帝国的竞争中,将相互敌视带到其他各州。主要发生在欧洲领土的两次世界大战使欧洲列强饱受战争的蹂躏和耗竭,最终证
22、的能力,因此,即便在客观基础上竞争者在能力方面旗鼓相当,公司原先的形象和声誉往往能使公司的优势保持得更为持久。由于在独特的社会化境中核心能力和无形资产并非一朝一夕即可获得,模仿这些能力和无形资产就极为困难,花费巨大,或甚至无法模仿。例如,最近对首席执行官进行的一次调查发现,大部分人认为,如果公司声誉突然遭到损毁,恢复声誉将要耗费十余年时间。,英译汉专项练习九,尽管有不容置疑的科学证据表明烟草每年可导致40万人死亡,但是我国的儿童仍旧可以轻而易举地获得香烟,咀嚼烟草。经过长时间的彻底分析之后,美国政府终于制定了国家烟草控制方案的原则和方向,从而迈出了重大的一步。政府的计划要求对烟草制品实行提价,以减少青少年吸烟现象,并对未能执行命令的烟草工业施以重惩。然而还存在诸多挑战。烟草游说集团虽已不再对国会具有控制力,但其影响仍相当大。,英译汉专项练习十,上周,一个新设立的、由九家著名医学刊物编辑组成的委员会,呼吁政府采取更为系统的措施,对付科学上的不轨行为以及欺诈性出版物。出版道德委员会(COPE) 成员包括Lancet,Gut及美国医学协会杂志的编辑。该委员会邀请了一百多名其他刊物的编辑,来就他们所审稿件中的欺诈问题的范围以及如何进行处置等问题进行了讨论。德国重要的研究组织马普学会,也正在审定帮助打击不端学术行为的程序,而且结果很快就会揭晓。,