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1、Theme 3,Cultural Diversity,Definition,Cultural diversity does not refer only to ethnic diversity, it can be diversity in beliefs, gender, ability, sexual orientation, behavior, etc. In other words, a truly diverse culture accommodates both the mainstream and the alternative.,Movie,My Big Fat Greek W

2、edding,Try to understand (1):,Toulas father takes great pride in being Greek. How do you know? Toula and her younger brother want to break away from their Greek heritage. How do you know? Toula sends her daughter to Greek school even if she herself disliked it very much when she was a girl. Why?,Try

3、 to understand (2):,What kind of family does Ian come from? “Family” in the Greek sense refers to the extended family, while to “older“ Americans it is limited to the immediate family. How do the parents of both side react to the romance between Toula and Ian? What does it take to bring the story to

4、 a happy ending?,Project Questions (1),Identify the “key success factors” in this cross-ethnicity marriage, and explain why. Should we keep ethic food/clothing/housing/habits or should we embrace globalization?In other words, is cultural diversity necessary? What is Chinas image in the world? Do we

5、need to improve it? If so, how? What do you think of the Chinese elements in Western movies?,Project Questions (2),Compare the merits and demerits of the French and British approaches toward ethnic diversity. Which do you think is used or should be used in China? Why was the ban on headscarves propo

6、sed in France in the first place? What were peoples reactions? Surf online to find out more. What do you know of ethnic issues in China?,The issue:,Should we all be the sameor different? - Within a country: assimiliation or diversity - In the world: globalizationor localization,Time, April 1990,Cove

7、r story- Americas Changing Colors- “the browning of America”,“someday soon, white Americans will become a minority group”How soon?,By 2056, most Americans will trace their origins to “Africa, Asia, the Hispanic world, the Pacific Islands, Arabia almost everywhere but white Europe.”,President Obamas

8、Beer Party,On July 16, 2009, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., returned home from a trip to China to find the door to his house jammed. His driver attempted to help him gain entrance. Responding to a report of a possible break-in, a Cambridge police officer, Sgt. James Crowley ,arrested Gate

9、s and charged him with disorderly conduct after a confrontation. Prosecutors later dropped the charges. On July 22, President criticized the arrest and the response by the police for their having “acted stupidly”, saying that there is a long history of minorities being stopped by law enforcement dis

10、proportionately.,President Obamas Beer Party(2),Law enforcement organizations and members objected to Obamas comments and criticized his handling of the issue, saying Sgt. Crowley “was only doing his job”.In the aftermath, Obama stated that he regretted his comments exacerbated the situation, and ho

11、ped that the situation could become a “teachable moment”On July 30, 2009, President Obama invited Professor Henry Gatesand Sgt. Crowley to join him at the beer party in White House. The main aim of this beer party was to help patch things up between Professor Gates and Sgt. Crowley.,Discrimination,

12、reverse discrimination, Can a beer patch up all problems?,Australia Regrets Its Past Policy of Assimilation,Prime Minister Kevin Rudd introduced a motion in the Australian National Parliament on Feb.12, 2008, apologizing for past mistreatment of the countrys Aboriginal population. Apology refers to

13、Stolen Generation - Aboriginal children removed from families It says sorry for the “indignity and degradation“ inflicted on a “proud people“ The statement promises a “new page in the history of our great continent“,The Stolen Generation,The greatest assault on Indigenous cultures and family life wa

14、s the forced separation or taking away of Indigenous children from their families. This occurred in every Australian state form the late 1800s until the practice was officially ended in 1969. During this time as many as 100 000 children were separated from their families. These children became known

15、 as the Stolen Generation. The separation took three forms: putting Indigenous children into government-run institutions; adoption of children by white families; and the fostering of children into white families. The last two strategies were particularly applied to fair-skinned children. These force

16、d separations were part of deliberate policies of assimilation. Their aim was to cut children off from their culture to have them raised to think and act as white.,Another Example of Assimilation Policy,Students will not be allowed to wear conspicuous religious symbols in French public primary and s

17、econdary schools.,15 March 2004 President Jacques Chirac signed the ban into law,By 2 September 2004,Prevent religion from interfering in government affairs. This ban will help prevent the division of society into ethnic communities, and promote integration into French society.,Support for the Ban,A

18、rguments Against the Ban,Shortly after the French government announced its intention to ban religious attire, about 3,000 demonstrators marched in the streets of Paris. A global protest followed in January 2004.,By October 2004 seven girl students were arrested for disregarding the ban.,Echoes of Fr

19、ench Muslim headscarf debate in Singapore,Since its independence, Singapores government does not allow Muslim girls to wear the headscarves at school, a rule designed to “promote religious harmony“.,“Her education is important and so is religion,but we cannot have one at the expense of the other.“,A

20、 Singaporean Muslim girl embroiled in a political controversy over a ban on wearing Islamic headscarves in the islands public schools applied for permanent residency in Australia.,A Tale of Two “Courses”(1),soup (the melting pot) Melting away the “differences” (racial bias) and the birth of a new ra

21、ce of man Total assimilation into the mainstream French society,salad Laissez-faire multi-culturalismIts possible to be a good British citizen while retaining the values, customs, etc of his/her origin,A Tale of Two “Courses”(2),Social solidarity The French model Lack of ethnic visibility lily white

22、 Uniformity stifles excitement and innovative thinking,Diversity The British model Existence of highly concentrated minorities actual segregation May breed radicalism and extremism,Both the British and French models are seeing trouble right now.,The 2005 Paris Riots,Paris is torched!,On October 27,

23、2005, in an African/Arab immigrant community in suburban Paris, three teenage boys entered a substation to escape the police, where two of them died of electric shock. Young jobless people poured into streets to vent their anger. Interior Minister Sarkozy called the rioters “scum and hooligans“ Riot

24、s spread to other places in France,The new French immigration law (approved in June 2006),Aim: control immigration to France, prevent the October, 2005 Paris riots from recurring Assign grades (stars) to immigration applicants. More stars are assigned to highly skilled labors, scientists, computer e

25、ngineers, artists or other talents.To accept immigrants pro-actively instead of passively. Immigrants must integrate into the French society: learning to speak French( If the wife doesnt study French, the whole family will be expelled); finding a job (now only 5% are employed) It reflects the mainst

26、ream French thinking: Islam=poverty+ low education+ parasite+ violence,The New President of France,M. Sarkozy is the son of a Hungarian immigrant (he pushed the new immigration law as the then Interior Minister) He is also the grandson of a Jew, yet he converted to Catholicism in his early age In su

27、mmer 2010, his administration started a program to expel Roma migrants (also called Gypsies) back to Bulgaria and Romania, inspiring several other European countries to take similar steps.,The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World S. Huntington (1996),Culture and cultural identities,

28、which at the broadest level are civilization identities, are shaping the patterns of cohesion, disintegration, and conflict in the post-Cold War world. There are seven or eight major civilizations: Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African civ

29、ilization. Wests universalist pretensions increasingly bring it into conflict with other civilizations,Anti-Japanese Sentiments,April 2005 October 2010Violence Wide coverage Boycott Japanese goods,Revising the history textbooks,Visiting the Yasukuni Shrine,Domain conflicts,Ethno-nationalism: The Cla

30、sh of Peoples (by Jerry Muller, 2/29/2008, International Herald Tribune),The creation of a peaceful regional order of nation-states has usually been the product of a violent process of ethnic separation. In Europe nationalism twice led to war, in 1914 and then again in 1939. whereas in 1900 there we

31、re many states in Europe without a single overwhelmingly dominant nationality, by 2007, despite European Union, a transnational organization, there were only two, and one of those, Belgium, was close to breaking up. The other, Switzerland, protects domestic ethnic balance of power by strict citizens

32、hip laws .,Ethnic cleansing goes back in time in Czech, France, German, and Poland. Much of the history of 20th century Europe has been a painful, drawn-out process of ethnic disaggregation. The breakup of Yugoslavia was simply the last act of a long play. When the European overseas empires dissolve

33、d, they left behind a patchwork of states whose boundaries often cut across ethnic patterns of settlement and whose internal populations were ethnically mixed, resulting in enduring wars there.,Ethno-nationalism Poses Challenges in Tibet,Thirteen died during the March 14, 2008 incident in Lhasa Dala

34、i Lamas followers disrupted the Olympics torch relay in several locations around the world,Ethno-nationalism Poses Challenges in Xinjiang,2009年6月26日,韶关旭日电子玩具厂汉维两族员工集体斗殴,造成两名维族员工死亡,3人重伤,6人轻伤 热比亚(Radeer)的“世界维吾尔代表大会”借机煽动 2009年月日,乌鲁木齐打砸抢烧开始 2009年7月24日开幕的墨尔本电影节放映宣传热比亚的记录片爱之10条件,热比亚还应邀出席8月8日举行的该片首映式。新疆问题成

35、为世人焦点。2009年10月,“基地”组织通过视频攻击中国对新疆穆斯林实行“民族和宗教压迫”,扬言要对中国发动“圣战(Jihad)”,Huntington: 3 Guidelines in Avoiding Conflicts and Wars,Core countries in a civilization avoid interfering with conflicts between other civilizations. Core countries negotiate with each other to contain or prevent fault line wars bet

36、ween countries or blocs. Deepen the understanding of commonalities (e.g. absolute moral principle) among all civilizations,一本书的全球化魔法 魏英杰,东方早报,2007/7/23,7月21日,哈利波特终结篇全球同步发售。上海“哈迷”彻夜排队等候。这样的景象在中国各地和世界各地都有。一天之内就有约700万册书送到全世界读者手中。 全球化的鲜明注脚:不同国度、肤色、信仰的人们为同一本书着迷,显示了全球化时代是活生生无法抗拒的现实。 任何仅仅将之视为强势文化的论调,不仅充满偏见

37、,更是一种逃避现实的行为。 罗琳在书中营造了一个人类“想像共同体”,在这里,正义与邪恶、光明与黑暗的斗争成为焦点。最终正义获胜,这正是全球化进程中的基本文化共识。哈利的魔法棒在抹平这个世界的文化沟壑。,Shamit Saggar of Yale Univ.,“We should develop a glue that is sticky enough to build strong outlooks in times of need, but is not so sticky and cumbersome that it cements us into uniformity.”,Let my

38、house not to be walled on four sides, let all the windows be open, let all the cultures blow in, but let no culture blow me off my feet.- Gandhi,Cultural diversity can contribute to an economic boom (e.g. silicon valley),London calling Newsweek 25 April 2005,London in 2000-2008 reached a peak of int

39、ernational success - regularly rated as overtaking even New York to be the most successful city in the world and the worlds number 1 international financial centre.More than any other European capital, London thrives on the outsiders it welcomes in. Almost a third of todays Londoners were born outsi

40、de the country. More than 50 separate national or ethnic communities are scattered across a metropolis that sprawls over an area twice the size of New Yorks five boroughs. Some 300 languages are spoken. all linked (and this is key) by the global lingua franca, English”,Soy Bean Milk at KFCMoon Cake

41、at Starbucks,Can a balance be struck?,Why must it be a Chinese?,On April 16, 2007, news first came out that a student at Virginia Tech surnamed “Cho“ gunned down 33 faculty and students in cold blood,CHICAGO (WBBM) - Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed reports the gunman was a 25-year-old Chin

42、ese national who came to the United States last year on a student visa. Citing an unidentified source, investigators have not linked the man to any terror groups. Sneed reports the man arrived in the U.S. in San Francisco on a visa issued in Shanghai.,Sneed: Shooter Was Chinese National On Student V

43、isa,Reasons?,fast growth in military power and economy (China saves the world in movie 2012) “China threat“: Copenhagen Climate Summit; revaluation of RMB; China proposed SDR to replace USD as world reserve currency; Chinese companies buying overseas; etc. China now wants to advocate the Chinese way

44、, e.g. Confucius Institutes Differences on political system, culture, and values bad behavior of Chinese tourists western media tend to focus on negative sides: pollution, sweatshop, corruption, mine cave-ins, lead-contaminated toys, poisonous dumplings, tainted milk, ,The Cafferty Comment,April 16,

45、2008 Cafferty,CNN host , issued a disgrace speech towards china:theyre basically the same bunch of goons and thugs theyve been for the last 50 years.,Chinese students abroad,Feel different -lonely and isolated Bad command of English-little interaction with non-Chinese Shy & introverted -little socia

46、l life-”mystery man” Studying habits & educational background- too “tight and upright” They have little interest in mainstream local society while the latter pay a lot of attention to them for fear of physical/job security,The Chinese Government PR Efforts (1),A RMB45 billion campaign starting in ea

47、rly 2009 2/23/2009, China Daily launched its US edition 4/20/2009, Global Times, affiliated to Peoples Daily, launched an English version & an English website 7/1/2009, Xinhua News Agency started English-language TV news, first on screens in supermarkets and outside Chinese embassies in Europe 7/3/

48、2009, the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) hosted the first Global Think Tank Summit. The center has a mandate to promote the “Chinese model”. By the end of 2011, CCTV will broadcast in 7 languages and 11 international channel.,The Chinese Government PR Efforts (2),In late N

49、ovember 2009, the Ministry of Commerce started to air a 30-second “Made in China, Made in the World” commercial on CNN The commercial highlighted the way Chinese companies co-operate with overseas firms to produce high-quality goods.The commercial shows a series of products, including an IPod-like M

50、P3 player, a fashion shoot, and a refrigerator bearing the text Made in China with European styling.,More Efforts towards Communication,In April 2008 emails and text messages circulated around China urging people to boycott Carrefour, whose 10% stakeholder, LVMH, donated to Dalai Lama Government med

51、ia calls for restraint. Carrefour issued statements :it has nothing to do with Dalai Lama; it supports the Beijing Olympic Games; 95% of goods sold are made in China News spread that Carrefour would offer huge discounts during days when the boycott is supposed to take place, so that it could show the world that economic benefits override national interests Carrefour issued more statements: the sale was planned in March, not to counter the boycott; paying due respect to the Chinese sentiment, the sale will be cancelled,


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