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    1、超分子化学与材料,董 宇 平 E-mail: ,基于氢键的多层膜组装The first to publish is much more important than where to publish.,Hydrogen bonding directed layer-by-layer films,L.Y. Wang et.al. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 1997, 18, 509 (Jan. 24, submitted) M. F. Rubner, Macromolecules, 1997, 30, 2717 (Jan. 17 submitted).,C,O,O,H,O,

    2、C,O,H,O,H,N,C,O,H-bonding identified by FTIR,1718 cm-1,1709 cm-1,AFM height images of the (PVPQ0.5%/PAA)10 films after immersion in pH 12.5 NaOH aqueous solution at 25 for 1, 2 , 3 and 4 h.Shilong Bai et al, Langmuir, 2004,20, 11828,Effect of Electrostatic Interaction on the Microporous Morphology V

    3、ariation,PVPQn n= 0, 0.05 and1.5 %,8,rod-coil 嵌段共聚物的超分子结构,PSt嵌段:长度小,可限制超分子结构的尺寸; 聚丁二烯嵌段: 可在高温进行交联; 芳香嵌段:刚性,结晶能力强,共聚物的结构妨碍形成晶体; CF3:强极性取代基,提供了自组装的附加驱动力;,9,加热:分子量增加; SAXS:存在分层结构 ; 非线性光学实验 :超分子结构无对称中心;CF3换成其它结构:不能形成超分子结构;,10,溶液浇铸膜的荧光显微照片 (溶液浓度: 30,m:10, n: 300),11,溶液中嵌段共聚物的超分子结构,超分子结构(胶束):选择性溶剂,两亲性嵌段共聚

    4、物; 临界胶束浓度(cmc):胶束形成的最低浓度; 临界凝胶浓度(cgc):高浓度下,胶束可以有序堆积成晶格结构; 临界胶束温度(cmt):依赖于自组装是吸热还是放热的; 胶束的形态:球状、棒状、囊泡;,12,聚谷氨酸-b-聚赖氨酸超分子结构的pH依赖性,pH10: 聚谷氨酸嵌段充分电离,聚赖氨酸完全去质子化,溶解性降低 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 20262027.,13,聚(4-乙烯基吡啶-b-苯乙烯- b-4-乙烯基吡啶),P4VP43-b-PS260-b-P4VP43聚集结构 的原子力显微镜照片 a:直径21 nm的球(DMF) b:直径31 nm的线(D

    5、O) c :直径31 nm的环(DO)Materials Chemistry and Physics 101 (2007) 5662,14,聚乙二醇-b-聚苯(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 7195),透射电子显微镜照片 水溶液中形成的超分子结构 a) coil-like fiber (negatively stained with uranyl acetate); b) 截面TEM图像 (positively stained with RuO4) 正己烷中形成的超分子结构 c) stiff fiber (positively stained with RuO

    6、4) 偏光显微镜 d) 在正己烷中形成的向列液晶相的图像,15,聚乙二醇-b-聚苯(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 7195),溶剂诱导不同超分子结构的示意图,16,高分子超分子结构辅助合成ZnSe纳米结构,PEOPPOPEO/水/p-二甲苯三元体系相图(25 C) Pluronic P105 (EO37PO58EO37) Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 31213128 L1:常规胶束(水包); 溶致液晶相: I1 :立方球相; H1:六方柱相; V1:双连续立方相; La:层状相; V2:反双连续相; H2:反六方柱相; I2:反立方球相

    7、L2:反胶束,17,55 wt% PEOPPOPEO, 23 wt% p-xylene, and 22 wt% of 1 M zinc acetate dihydrate in water.,18,49 wt% PEOPPOPEO, 17 wt% p-xylene, and 34 wt% of 1 M zinc acetate dihydrate in water,19,56 wt% PEOPPOPEO, 6 wt% p-xylene, and 38 wt% of 1 M zinc acetate dihydrate in water.,四 配位化学的发展前景 -分子组装和分子机器,研制体积小

    8、、信息容量大、反应迅速的电子器件是发展计算机及信息处理技术关键,然而传统硅基器件由于原理性的物理极限、技术性的工艺极限使电子器件的尺寸不能无限制地减小。波粒二象性限制。电子器件的尺寸处于微米量级(大于 0.1m)时,其中的电子呈粒子性,器件是靠控制流动的粒子数目(即电子流)进行工作的;但是当器件的尺寸到纳米量级(小于 35 nm)时,电子则以波动性为主,这些电子器件是通过控制电子波的相位来工作的,电子器件的工作原理已发生根本性的变化。热力学限制。任何多体系都存在热的统计起伏,当器件尺寸缩小时,这种热起伏便会限制器件性能的一致性,以致集成芯片无法正常工作。半导体的限制。当 p-n 结耗散区的宽度

    9、大约为 20-30 nm,无法再减少。,绝缘体的限制。如对于 SiO2当小于 4 nm 时,高电荷区隧道现象将不可避免。 金属的限制,大于 107 A/cm2 的电流不能持续。 随机错误。非常少的掺杂物将在小掺杂区产生随机分布,可能会导致器件性质的致命变化。 光刻工艺接近限制。 经济性限制。结构复杂化,制作成本上升,工艺复杂,设备成本增大。 此外还有电流、电压感应击穿、功率耗散和海森堡测不准原理等限制.,分子组装的含义,分子组装:两种或两种以上的简单分子按照一定的 方式结合而成的超分子器件的方法。,金属配位聚合物,金属镞:次级构筑单元,单链聚合物,自组装及其功能膜,自组装:指在一定条件下,受体

    10、和底 物通过自组织自发的产生一个结构明确、具有一定功能的超分子的过程。 发生在溶剂、液晶相或固态 可利用的分子间相互作用有氢键、静电力、电子供体-受体相互作用、金属-离子缔和、疏水相互作用以及介质效应等,制备超薄膜的方法:气相沉积,旋转涂膜,浸泡吸附,自组装法,LB膜法,1.2 组装过程及,成膜影响因素,1.3 成膜驱动力,A 离子键,B 氢键,C 络合键,D 电荷转移,E 疏水相互作用,自组装膜的种类,a 传统聚电解质的自组装,b 特殊功能膜的组装,生物分子的组装,葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)和葡萄糖淀粉酶(GA)的多层膜(B)传感器,葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)和葡萄糖淀粉酶(GA)的多层膜(B)传感

    11、器,无机/有机杂化结构,有机小分子化合物的层状组装,非平面基底上的层状组装,葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)和葡萄糖淀粉酶(GA)的多层膜(B)传感器,包含纳米微粒、蛋白质、聚电解质等在内的三维的空心囊胞结构,自组装膜的内部反应,a 层间化学反应,成膜的影响因素及机理,浓度 离子强度 大分子本身性质 pH值 溶剂 水洗和干化 基材,自组装膜的内部结构,D. G. Kurth:Chem. Mater. 2003, 15, 196-203,K. S. Schanze: Langmuir 2003, 19, 6523-6533,(a) PPE-PO3-/PDDA film; (b) PPE-PO3-/Zr(I

    12、V) film.,X. Zhang: Langmuir 2003, 19, 8497-8502,a (PVP/DENCOOH) 6PVP multilayer film.,after immersion in a pH ) 12.5 NaOH aqueous solution at 25C for 10 (A), 30 (B), 60 (C), and 180 (D) min.,C. Lin and C. R. Kagan: JACS. 2003, 125, 336-337,T. Imae:Macromolecules 2003, 36, 9957-9965,M. L. Bruening: N

    13、ano Lett. 2002, 2, 497-501,a NaBH4-reduced PEI-Ag0/PAA film,a thermally reduced PEI-Ag0/PAA film. Ag+=0.1mM,a thermally reduced PEI-Ag0/PAA film. Ag+=0.5mM,a thermally reduced PEI-Ag0/PAA film. Ag+=3mM,Aggregation-Induced Emission,Self-quenching,Fluorophore/Protein (F/P) Ratioa key parameter impacts

    14、 on sensitivitya high F/P ratio is desired in bioassay,Aggregation Quenches Light Emission!,Many chromophores are fluorescent as isolated molecules in dilute solutions but become non-emissive when aggregated in concentrated solutions or fabricated into solid films,To Mitigate the Aggregation-Quenchi

    15、ng EffectChemical ApproachesBranched chains, bulky cyclics, dendritic wedges * Painstaking synthetic effort* Twist of chromophore conformation* Jeopardy of electron conjugationPhysical ApproachesSurfactant encapsulation, polymer blending, doping* Elaborate engineering control* Dilutants for luminoge

    16、n density* Barriers for charge transport* Temporal instability,Much effort has been devoted to hamper aggregate formation Limited success with partial or temporary controlWorking against an intrinsic natural process! Aggregation: an inherent process that occurs in the solid state,Can a molecule emit

    17、 efficiently in the aggregate state?,0,60,70,80,85,90,95,Water content (vol %),An “Abnormal” Photophysical Phenomenon,Siloles: a Group of Wonder MoleculesNonemissive when molecularly dissolvedHighly luminescent when aggregated!,Chem. Commun. 2001, 1740.,Formation of Nanoaggregates,Mechanistic Unders

    18、tanding,Restricted Intramolecular Rotation,Emission peak intensity of 3 vs. composition of glycerol/methanol mixtures; concentration of HPS: 10 M; excitation wavelength: 407 nm.,Viscochromism,Potential application: detection of viscosity change in the body fluid,Emission spectra of 3 in 1,4-dioxane

    19、at different temperatures. Concentration of 18: 10 M; excitation wavelength: 407 nm.,Thermochromism,Chem. Mater. 2003, 15, 1535.,EL spectra of an OLED device of HPS under different pressures at a bias of 5 V.,Piezoluminescence (Pressure-Enhanced Emission),Chem. Commun. 2008, 2989.,Internally Restricted Intramolecular Rotation,J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 10061.,Propeller Structure and Loose Packing,Mechanistic Understanding,Active intramolecular rotations in the solution state Intramolecular motions restricted in aggregate state Propeller shape prevents strong p-p stacking interaction,

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