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1、词汇手册-重点词翻译(C),Call Call for=involve; need Call at =drop in at Call on=drop in on; appeal to Call off=put off Call up=assemble On call=waiting for 这种场合尤其需要冷静的头脑。 This occasion calls for a cool head particularly. 在他的号召下我们决定下周末去郊外野营。 Called upon by him, we decided to go on a camping trip to the suburb

2、next weekend.,Calm (adj. v.) Calm down 过了很久他才努力使自己冷静下来。 It was a long time before he managed to calm himself down. 虽然她害怕, 但还是能够用平静的态度审时度势。 Though frightened, she could consider the situation with a calm attitude. Frightened as she was, she took a calm attitude to the current situation.,Capable Be ca

3、pable of sth./doing sth. 他自信有能力不乘缆车徒步登上山顶。 He was sure that without taking the cable car he was capable of getting to the peak. 那个家伙可是什么坏事都干得出来,包括违法甚至犯罪。 That fellow is capable of any bad things, including an illegal act and even crime.,Care Take care of Care for=like; take care of Care about=beconc

4、erned with; worry about Under the care of With care 在船长的悉心照顾下,哈里很快恢复了健康。 Under the considerate care of the captain, Harry pulled though soon. 我已经报名参加了校园歌手大赛,我不在乎是否获奖,关键是参与。 I have entered for the Campus singing competition but I dont care whether I can win the honor. What I care is participation.,Ca

5、rry Carry off=accomplish the goal easily; succeed Carry on=keep on Carry out=perform; put into practice 尽管困难重重我们还是决心实现我们的计划。 Despite so many difficulties, we are determined to carry out our plan. 关于利率调整的消息刊登在今天的中国日报头版头条。 The news of the adjustment of the rate if bank interest is carried on the front

6、 page of China Daily as todays headline.,Case In case In case of In the case of In some/most cases In any case Be the case 天或许会下雨,如果是那样的话,我们的出行计划只好取消。 It may rain, in which case our plan of going out will have to be canceled. 高压之下人做事情会更有动力吗?事实证明并非如此。 Will a person be more motivated to perform a task

7、 under great pressure? Facts have proved that that is not the case.,Catch Catch up with Catch sight of Catch on=be popular Catch ones breath Be caught in=be taken in; be trapped in 他解释说自己上班的路上因为塞车耽误了半个小时。 He explained that he had been caught in the traffic jam for half an hour on the way to work. 正是

8、那不经意的一瞥他在人群中看到了就已不见的汤姆森。 It was just that casual glimpse that made him catch sight of Thomson, whom he hadnt seen for a long time.,Cause 一个偶然的原因激发了这位自然学家对穴居人生活的兴趣。 An occasional cause stimulated the naturalists interest in the cave mens life. 在结账处一个顾客因为找零钱和收银员发生了争吵。 At the checkout, a matter about c

9、hange caused a quarrel between the customer and the cashier. At the checkout, a customer quarreled with the cashier, which was caused by change.,Celebrate 我们得到了梦寐以求的毕业证书,打算今晚去酒吧庆祝一番。 We are going to the bar to celebrate our getting the graduate certificates which we have long been dreamed of. 数以万计的大

10、学生涌上街头庆祝中国申博成功。 Tens of thousands of university students crowded into the street to celebrate Chinas success in bidding for the Expo.,Chance There is a chance that There is a chance of Chances are that By chance The chance of a lifetime 在朋友的婚礼上,他与她不期而遇。 At his friends wedding ceremony he met her by

11、chance. 一旦食物链被破坏,许多动物可能面临灭绝的危险,人类也将不得不面对生存的挑战。 Once the food chain is destroyed, chances are that many animals may be faced with extinction and mankind will have to face the challenge of survival as well.,Charge In charge of In the charge of Take the charge of Charge someone money for something Char

12、ge someone with crime Free of charge 有消息说史密斯将代替托尼负责公司的全部事务。 Word came that Smith would be in charge of all the businesses of the company in place of Tony. 他所在的部门被控向客户收取不合理的费用,作为负责人他应为此负责。 The department he worked for was charged for charging customers unreasonable fees and as the one in charge he wa

13、s to blame for it.,Cheat Cheat someone of something 利用那个民工的无知骗子骗走了他身上所有东西。 The cheat took advantage of that migrant workers ignorance and cheated him of all is belongings. 他因为被指控在比赛中作弊被取消了冠军资格。 He was accused of cheating in the game and was disqualified for his championship.,Choice A wide choice of

14、Make a choice (between) Have no choice but Of ones choice 你没什么可抱怨的,这种生活是你自己选的。 You have nothing to complain of since this way of life is of your own choice. 上海为来自五湖四海的人才提供了广阔的就业选择。 Shanghai provides a wide choice of career for the talents from all over the country.,Circumstance In no circumstances=n

15、ever; by no means; 你相信他的所作所为都是为环境所迫吗? Do you believe that what he did was all caused by circumstances? 面对当时危机四伏的情况,他做出的选择实属无奈。 Faced with the circumstance in which everything was at crisis, he had no other choice but do that.,Claim Claim the protection/ownership of Claim to be/do Claim something 一个自

16、称是孩子父亲的陌生男人用车把杰米从幼儿园接走了。 A strange man who claimed to be the father of that child picked up Jimmy in his car from the nursery school. 文明社会的原则之一:公民在遭到不法侵害的时候能够请求法律保护。 One of the principles in a civilized society(civilization) is that citizens are able to claim protection of the law when attacked ille

17、gally.,Clear Clear off=make off Clear up=make/be clear Clear oneself of=to prove that one is innocent 孩子们一看见他过来就四散逃开了。 At the sight of his coming up the children cleared off in all directions. 他收集了足够的证据来证明自己的清白。He has collected enough proofs to clear himself of being guilty.,Coincidence By coinciden

18、ce 我在巴黎时你也正在那里,多巧啊! What a coincidence that I was in Paris at the same time as you! 警方正在收集了关于那座大厦在施工中倒塌的线索,正巧当时他在现场。 The police are collecting clues to that buildings collapse in construction and by coincidence he was,Combine (combination) Combine something with something Be combined with In combina

19、tion with 理论必须与实践将结合才能发挥最大的作用。 Theory, only when combined with practice, can plays the best role. 新任总理在新闻发布会上宣布国内两个主要政党将联合起来组成新政府。 The newly appointed prime minister announced in the press conference that the two principal parties in his country would be combined to form a new government.,Come Come

20、on Come up=turn up Come into being/existence Come to Come to a conclusion Come across Come true When it comes to something How come 谈到政治我真的一无所知。 When it comes to politics, I really knows nothing about it. 你怎么能对这样一出喜剧无动于衷? How come you have kept emotionless when watching such a comedy?,Command Have a

21、 good command of At ones command 只有掌握充足的词汇,阅读才不会成为你的拦路虎。 Only when you have a good command of vocabulary, will reading no longer be your obstacle. 我们已经将资金存入你的银行账户,另外还派了三名职员听你调遣。 We have deposited the capital in you bank account and arranged three clerks at your command.,Comment Comment on Make comme

22、nts on 他在报纸和杂志上发表文章对商业广告的违规现象加以评论。 He writes articles for the papers and magazines to make comments on the phenomenon of illegal commercials. 这份报纸为普通读者开设了一个点评时事的专栏。 This newspaper has opened a column for ordinary readers to comment on current events.,Commit Commit a suicide /crime/murder 从现场的遗物分析犯罪应

23、该是在被害人睡眠中发生的。 Judging from the remainings on the scene, the crime must have been committed during the victims sleep. 那些中途辍学的孩子进入成人社会,得不到正确的引导就很容易犯罪。 The children, when entering the adult society after they drop out of school, are likely to commit crimes if they are not properly instructed.,Company K

24、eep company with Know someone by his company In company with 特此致函衷心感谢你在我生病期间对我无微不至的照顾和陪伴。 I am writing to appreciate your company and considerate care when I was ill. 选择朋友务必要慎重,因为近朱者赤近墨者黑。 Make sure you are thoughtful when choosing a friend because “one can be judged by his company”.,Compare (compar

25、ison) Compare something with something Compare something to something Compared with, In comparison with 与十年前相比,这个城市的人均收入增加了五倍多。 Compared with ten years ago, the average income in this city has been increased five times. 国外的一些媒体把中国经济比作是正在崛起的东方巨龙。 Some overseas media compare Chinas economy to a rising

26、 Eastern Dragon.,Complain 当消费者权利受到侵害的时候,他们第一个想到的办法就是向店家或厂商投诉。 When consumers right was pirated, the first way they can think of is to complain to the store or the manufacturer. 邻居反映说哪个年轻人深更半夜把录音机开的太响,搞得大家都睡不着觉。 The neighbors complained that that young fellow kept his recorder working so loud that th

27、ey could not fall asleep.,Compliment 他在比赛当中的不凡表现受到观众由衷的好评。 His outstanding performance in the game won the audiences sincere compliments. 有关部门致电祝贺工程完工,赞扬他们在此次合作中为国增光。 Some departments concerned telegraphed to congratulate on the completion of the project and compliment them on the honor they had won

28、 for our country.,Compose 一支由救援人员和各部门专家组成的小分队被派往受灾地区。 A team composed of rescue personnel and experts from different divisions has been sent to the disaster area. 仅仅有资料,如果陈述得很糟糕,并不能组成一本好书。 Only facts, if badly stated, cannot compose a good book.,Conceal 事故发生后当地的政府企图对公众隐瞒真相。 After the accident the lo

29、cal government ever attempted to conceal the truth from the public. 往往表面上的简洁会掩盖其复杂的内在关系。 It is likely that the simplicity of the appearance may conceal its complicated internal relations.,Concentration (concentrate) 很多学生学不好英语的原因就是太多关注与语法练习而不是实际应用。 The reason why many students fail to learn English w

30、ell is that they concentrate too much on grammar exercises instead of practical application. 父母伴读使孩子的注意力不是集中在学好功课上,而是更多在思考怎样摆脱家长控制。 With parents presence, children concentrate more on how to get out of control instead of how to learn their lessons well.,1 Concern be concerned with have no concern fo

31、r as far as.is concerned of no concern it is no concern of yours 总理很关心被困在井下的矿工安危。 The premier is concerned with the safety of those miners who are stranded in the mine. 就资历而言,恐怕他是我们现在能找到的唯一人选。 As far as qualification is concerned, Im afraid he is the only person we can find now.,1 Conclude (conclusi

32、on) come to/draw/form/arrive at a conclusion to conclude=finally 综合上述事实我们可以推断在这个地区蕴含着大量的天然气资源。 From the facts above we can come to the conclusion that there is a large supply of natural gas in this area. 我们断定有人趁他熟睡之际割断了系在他腰带上的钱包的链子。 We can conclude that when he was sleeping someone must have cut the

33、 chain linking his wallet to his waist belt.,1 confirm 旅行社给我们来电确认所订膳宿不作变动。 The tourist agency telephoned us to confirm our reservation. 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。 Please write to me to confirm the news you conveyed to me in the call.,2 confuse 面对客户的咨询,他不知所措。 He was confused by the customers inquiries.

34、 她一口气问了我一大堆的问题,把我都搞糊涂了。 She shot so many questions at a heat that I was confused.,1 congratulate 各国元首纷纷来电祝贺中国成功发射了第一艘载人飞船。 Leaders of many countries sent telegrams to congratulate on Chinas success in launching its first manned spaceship. 他的亲属朋友或亲自前来或致电祝贺他的婚礼。 His relatives and friends came in perso

35、n or telephoned to congratulate on his wedding.,1 consequencein consequencetake the consequences (of)as a consequence of.由于从小常去医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。As a consequence of going to hospital frequently since she was young, Shelly determined to become a nurse. 如果你不听劝告一意孤行,你会自食其果的。 If you go your own way withou

36、t following our advice you will have to take the consequence.,1 consist consist of=be composed of consist in=lie in consist with=in accordance with 这幅画的美就在于它的构图简约。 The beauty of this painting consist in its simplicity. 这批空运的给养主要包括药品、食物和服装。 The supply transported by air consist mainly of medicine, fo

37、od and clothes.,1 contact keep in contact with bring into contact with 父亲从国外带回来的那些图片资料使他开始对西方艺术有所了解。 The pictures and other materials his father had brought from abroad brought him into contact with the western art. 我们希望通过民间的友好往来推动两国的经济与技术方面的合作。 We hope that the non-governmental contact between the

38、people will promote the cooperation between the two countries in economy and technology.,1 contrary on the contrary contrary to 我们原以为玛丽会及格,约翰不及格,但结果与预期的相反,完全是另一回事。 We had expected that Mary would pass the exam while John would fail, but on the contrary the result was just the other way around. 生活中的许

39、多事情都是事与愿违。 Many things in our lives are contrary to our wish.,1 contrast be a contrast to by/in contrast in contrast to contrast with (v) 你的行为与你所宣扬的原则相去甚远。 Your behaviors are just in contrast to the principles you claim. 专家认为应采取有力措施抑制房价上涨,而一些政府官员则坚持这正说明经济的良好发展。 Experts think that effective action should be taken to prevent housing price from rising, by contrast, some governmental officials insist that it just shows the healthy development of economy.,


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