1、英汉日科技词汇(An English-Chinese-Japanese Dictionary of Technology,总数 578542,O/15617)=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z=OTHERS=本 网 站 搜 索本词汇表版权为 有限会社 MSC所有,欢迎使用。非法复制存照。船舶配件贸易分类= Main Ship Equipments | Equipment Types | Main Marine ManufacturersShip Spare Parts, =1=A=B=C=D=E=F=G=H=I=J=K=L=
2、M=N=O=P=Q=R=S=T=U=V=W=X=Y=Z= 女性肖像, by H. Nakajima | 燃料弁噴射装置 | 油圧 | Parts 1 | Parts 2 | Parts 3 | Parts 4 | Parts 5 | Parts 6 | Parts 7 | Parts 8 | Parts 9 1. O agglutination = 菌体凝集,菌体凝集 2. O antigen = 菌体抗原,菌体抗原 3. O nyong-nyong virus = 奥绒绒病毒 4. O radical = O 5. O ring seal = 密封圈 6. o type backward w
3、ave tube = o型返波管 7. o type tube = o型超高频电子管 8. O wave component = 正常波分量 9. O&C, operations and checkout = 運用 10.O&I, operations and instrumentation = 操作及計測 11.O&M, operation and maintenance = 運用及保全 12.O&M, operations and maintenance = O&M 13.O&S, operations & support = 運用支援 14.O,S-dimethyl acet dothi
4、oate = 高灭磷 15.o-acetic chloride = 三氯乙酰氯 16.o-acetyl chloride = 氯乙酰氯 17.o-aminobenzoic acid = 维生素 L1,氨茴酸 18.o-convex = 双凸,两面凸 19.O-diethyl phosphorodithioate = 氯甲磷 20.o-dihydroxybenzene = 邻苯二酚=o- 21.o-dime thyl phosphoroamidothioate = 精酰胺(二甲基硫代磷酰酯) 22.o-dimethyl phosphoroamido-thioate = 二甲基硫代磷酰酯 23.O
5、-man = 大型万能机械手 24.o-methyl-diphenhydramine = 邻甲基苯海拉明 25.O-P, zero to peak = 片側振幅(片振幅) 26.o-phenyl phenol = 邻苯基苯酚 27.O-ring and nonmetallic O-ring seal = 金属-非金属双 O型环密封 28.O-ring felt seal = 环形毡封圈 29.O-ring seal = 环形密封圈,密封胶圈 30.O-type microwave tube = O形波管 31.O/C, observation and calculation = 観測値及計算値
6、重合 32.O/CDT, Osaki command destruct transmitter station = 大崎送信局 33.O/F, oxidizer fuel ratio = 酸化剤燃料比 34.O/S, operational software = 運用 35.O2, diatomic oxygen = 二原子酸素 36.OA, office automation = 37.OA, Office Automation = 办公自动化 38.OA, orbital assembly = 軌道 39.OAA, orbital access arm = 軌道 40.oacetyl ch
7、loride = 二氯乙酰氯 41.oak = 橡树,柞,栎 42.oak apple = 栎五倍子 43.oak apples = 栎树瘿 44.oak bark beetle = 栎棘胫小蠹 45.oak bark extract = 槲树皮浸膏 46.oak bark tannage = 槲树皮鞣法 47.oak borer = 栎窄吉丁虫 48.oak gall = 栎五倍子 49.oak leaf-roller = 栎绿卷叶蛾幼虫 50.oak silkworm = 柞蚕 51.oak wilt = 橡树枯萎病 52.oak-wood extract = 槲木浸膏 53.Oakley
8、-Fulthorpe test = 奥克利-富尔索谱试验 54.OAL, OEM Adaptation Layer = OAL 55.OAO, Orbiting Astronomical Observatory = 天体観測衛星 56.oar = 桨,桨船 57.oar propelled lifeboat = 划桨救生艇 58.oarlock = 浆架 59.oars = 浆,橹 60.OART, Office of Advanced Research and Technology = 高等技術研究所 61.OAS, orbit adjust system = 軌道修正 62.OASIS =
9、 结构化信息标准促进组织 63.OASIS, Open Access Same Time Information Service = OASIS 64.OASIS, Open Access Same-time Information System = 送電線関同時情報公開。米国電力市場,必要情報全市場参加者無差別提供。 OASIS developed by the Electric Power Research Institute, is designed to facilitate open access by providing users with access to informati
10、on on transmission services and availability, plus facilities for transactions. 65.OASIS, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards = OASIS 66.OASPL, overall sound pressure level = 総合音圧 67.OAST, Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology = NASA航空宇宙技術局 68.oat = 燕麦,氧化物对准晶体管工
11、艺 69.oat bird cherry aphid = 黍缢蚜 70.oat cell carcinoma of lung = 肺燕麦细胞癌 71.oat clipper = 燕麦脱壳机 72.oat crown rust = 燕麦冠锈病 73.oat flour = 燕麦粉,燕麦面粉 74.oat grass = 燕麦草 75.oat hay poisoning = 燕麦干草中毒 76.oat hull = 燕麦皮 77.oat kicker = 燕麦清选机 78.oat malt = 燕麦芽 79.oat nematode = 线虫 80.oat roller = 燕麦碾压机 81.oa
12、t seed = 燕麦种子 82.oat separator = 燕麦分离机 83.oat stubble = 燕麦茬 84.oat unit = 燕麦单位 85.oat varieties = 燕麦品种 86.oat-cell carcinoma = 燕麦细胞癌 87.oat-flakes = 燕麦皮 88.Oatax = 燕麦灵 89.oatcake linen = 麦饼纹亚麻布 90.oatmeal = 燕麦皮 91.oatmeal paper = 麦片纸 92.oats hull sugars = 燕麦糠壳糖 93.OATS, optical alignment transfer sy
13、stem = 光学転送 94.OB apparatus = 实况广播设备,实况转播设备 95.OB Oil-Lubricated Stern Bearing = 加过润滑油的船尾轴承 96.OB program(me) circuit = 实况转播节目电路 97.OB programme circuit = 实况广播节目电路 98.OB recording = 实况录音 99.OB scanner = 实况电视摄像车 100. OB site connections = 实况转播场地线路 101. OB vehicle = 实况转播车 102. OB, octave band = 103. O
14、BA, optical barrel assembly = 104. Obach process = 阿巴赫法,奥巴赫法 105. OBC, onboard computer = 計算機 106. OBCAE, onboard computer assembling and evaluation = 搭載用計算機組立検査 107. OBCP, onboard computer program = 搭載計算機 108. OBD, On Board Diagnosis = 車載式故障診断 109. OBD, oxidizer bleed disconnect = 酸化剤 110. obducted
15、 sheet = 仰冲岩席 111. obduction orogen belt = 仰冲造山带 112. obduction plate = 仰冲板块 113. OBE, on-body equipment = 装着型装置 114. obedient disposition = 马性温驯 115. oben-zenesulfonyl chloride = 对氯苯磺酰氯 116. obenzoyl chloride = 对氯苯甲酰氯 117. obenzyl chloride = 对氯苯基氯 118. Obers sign = 奥伯氏征 119. Obers test = 奥伯氏试验 120.
16、 Obermayers reagent = 奥伯迈耶试剂 121. obermuellers test = 检胆固醇法 122. obervation ward = 观察病室 123. OBF, observation data file = 観測 124. OBFS, observation data file for storage = 保存観測 125. obital apex = 眶尖 126. obituary = 追悼=新聞死亡記事 127. object = 物,物体,对象,抗议,客体,目标,目的 128. object angle = 物角 129. object base =
17、 目标程序库 130. object beam = 物体光束 131. object brightness = 目标亮度 132. object carrier = 载物玻璃,载物体 133. object code = 结果代码,目标代码,目标代码,目标码,目的码 134. object code compatibility = 目标代码兼容性,目标码兼容性 135. object code field = 目标码符号组,目的码符号组 136. object code listing = 目标代码表 137. object code module = 目标代码模块,结果代码模块 138. o
18、bject code program = 目标代码程序 139. object command = 结果指令 140. object component = 141. object computer = 结果计算机,目标计算机,执行计算机,执行用计算机=実行用計算機,目的計算機 142. object concept = 対象概念 143. object configuration = 目标程序结构,目标程序配置,目标配置,目标组成 144. object coordinate = 座標系 145. object cost = 目标成本 146. object deck = 目标叠,目标卡片叠
19、,目标卡片组 147. object deck for a procedure segment = 过程段的目标卡片叠 148. object defining aperture = 物体限制孔径 149. object definition = 对象定义,目标定义 150. object depth = 物深 151. object description = 記述 152. object design = 目标设计 153. object detection = 目标检测=物体検出 154. object distance = 目标距离 155. object file = 目标文件,目标
20、文件 156. object focal point = 物焦点 157. object focus = 物方焦点 158. object function = 目标函数 159. object glass = 物镜 160. object glass collar = 物镜环 161. object height = 物体高度 162. object identification = 目标识别 163. object illumination = 目标照度 164. object language = 目标语言,目的语言,对象语言 165. object language program =
21、 目标语言程序 166. object language programming = 目标语言程序设计 167. object lens = 物镜,接物镜=対物,対物鏡 168. object level access protection = 目标级存取保护 169. object level instruction = 目标级指令 170. object level program = 目标级程序 171. object level reasoning = 目标级论证 172. object level structure = 目标级结构 173. object library = 目标程
22、序库,目标库 174. object list = 结果表,对象表 175. object locating system = 目标定位系统 176. object machine = 目标计算机 177. object map = 目标图 178. object matter = 主题 179. object metamerism = 物体条件配色 180. object micrometer = 物镜测微计 181. object module = 目的 182. object module card = 目标模块卡片 183. object module data set = 目标模块数
23、据集 184. object module library = 目标模块程序库,目标模块库 185. object of assessment = 课征对象 186. object of civil legal relationship = 民事法律关系的客体 187. object of civil right = 民事权利客体 188. object of entry = 描述体客体,项补语,记入目的,记入项目标 189. object of inoculation = 接种对象 190. object of invention = 发明的项目,发明项目 191. object of ob
24、servation = 观察对象 192. object of private right = 民事权利的客体,民事权利客体 193. object of regulation of economic law = 经济法调整对象,经济法调整对象 194. object of sanctions = 制裁对象 195. object of taxation = 课税品,纳税对象,赋税客体 196. object oriented technology = 面向对象技术 197. object pack = 目标程序穿孔卡片叠,目标穿孔卡片叠 198. object phase = 目标程序执行阶
25、段,目标阶段 199. object phrase = 宾语短语 200. object plane = 物面 201. object plate = 检镜片 202. object point = 物点 203. object procedure = 目标过程 204. object program = 目标程序 205. object program address = 目标程序地址 206. object program code generation = 目标程序码的生成 207. object program development = 目标程序编制,目标程序开发 208. obje
26、ct program language = 目标程序语言 209. object program library = 目标程序库,目的程序库 210. object program list = 目标程序表 211. object program module = 目标程序模块 212. object program optimization = 目标程序优化,目的程序优化 213. object program preparation = 目标程序准备 214. object program size = 目标程序长度 215. object programmed control = 制御
27、216. object record = 结果记录 217. object relationship = 对象关系 218. object routine = 目标程序,目标例行程序 219. object run = 目标操作,目标运行 220. object segment = 目标段 221. object set = 目标集 222. object slide = 物镜滑筒 223. object space = 物方,物方物界 224. object staff = (测量的)准尺 225. object stage = 载物台 226. object statement = 目标语
28、句 227. object subschema = 目标子模式 228. object table = 目标表 229. object tape = 目标带 230. object tape format = 目标带格式 231. object tax = 目的税 232. object time = 目标程序时间,目标程序执行时间,目标时间,目的程序时间 233. object time system = 目标运行系统 234. object tracking = 移動体追跡 235. object variable = 目标变量=対象変数 236. object wave = 物体波 23
29、7. object-blindness = 物体盲 238. object-centered representation = 对象中心表示法 239. object-image coincidence method = 物象重合法 240. object-image function = 目标像函数 241. object-image transform = 物象变换 242. object-line = 轮廓线,外围线 243. object-oriented design = 指向設計 244. objection = 反对,抗议=異議,難点,異論,反対 245. objection s
30、ystems = 異議申立制度 246. objectionable = 不许可的 247. objectionable character = 名声不佳 248. objectionable constituent = 有害成分 249. objectionable flicker = 有害闪烁 250. objectionable impurities = 有害杂质 251. objectionable literature = 违禁文献 252. objectionable oil oxidation products = 油氧化后生成的有害物 253. objective = 物镜,接
31、物镜,真实的,客观的,目板,目的 254. objective and fair = 客观公正 255. objective angular field = 物镜视场 256. objective aperture = 物镜孔径 257. objective appraisal = 客观的评价 258. objective approach = (社会阶层分类的方法之一)客观法 259. objective astigmatic corrector = 物镜象散校正器 260. objective attribute = 客观属性 261. objective attribute target
32、 attribute = 目标属性 262. objective audiometry = 客观测听法 263. objective cap = 物镜盖 264. objective carrier = 物镜架 265. objective cause = 客观原因 266. objective changer = 物镜转换盘 267. objective condition = 客观条件 268. objective data = 客观数据 269. objective design = 目的设计 270. objective directive operation = 目的指令操作 271
33、. objective environment = 客观环境 272. objective evidence = 客观凭证 273. objective exchange value = 客观交换价值 274. objective fact = 客观事实 275. objective factor = 客观因素 276. objective fidelity criteria = 客观保真度标准 277. objective function = 目的関数 278. objective grating = 物端光栅,物镜光栅 279. objective holder = 物镜座 280. o
34、bjective indicator = 客观指标 281. objective judgment = 客观判断 282. objective language = 目标语言 283. objective laws = 客观规律 284. objective lens = 物镜,物镜透镜 285. objective lens adjustment = 物镜调整 286. objective lens magnification = 物镜放大率 287. objective magnification = 物镜放大 288. objective measurement = 客观量度 289.
35、objective noise meter = 客观声级计 290. objective noisemeter = 客观噪声计,绝对噪声测定表,绝对噪声测定表 291. objective photometer = 客观光度计 292. objective plane = 目标平面 293. objective prism = 物端棱镜,物镜棱镜 294. objective prism spectrum = 物端棱镜光谱 295. objective probability = 客观概率=客観的確率 296. objective probability distribution = 客观概率
36、分配,客观性概率分配 297. objective program = 目标程序 298. objective program instruction = 目标程序指令,结果程序指令 299. objective program library = 目标程序库 300. objective ranking = 仪器评定 301. objective rating = 客観的評価 302. objective rationality = 客观的合理性 303. objective reading = 客观读数,客观读数法 304. objective reality = 客观的现实 305. o
37、bjective requisites of crime = 犯罪的客观条件 306. objective set = 目标体系 307. objective shutter = 物镜快门 308. objective sign = 客观征象 309. objective statement = 要素別計算書 310. objective table = 载物台 311. objective tax = 客体税 312. objective test = 客观标准,客观测验 313. objective things = 客观事物 314. objective tree = 目标树 315.
38、objective turret = 镜头转轮 316. objective use value = 客观使用价值 317. objective utility = 客观效用 318. objective value = 客观价值 319. objective value in use = 客观使用价值 320. objective value theory = 客观价值学说 321. objective variable = 客观变量,客观变数 322. objective with variable focal length = 可变焦距物镜,变焦距物镜 323. objective-an
39、d-task method = 目标任务法 324. objectively correct preference = 客观地修正偏好 325. objectivism = 客观性,客观主义 326. objectivistic decision criterion = 目标决策准则 327. objectivity = 客观性 328. objectivity principle = 客观性原则 329. objects of regulation of the same category = 同类调整对象 330. oblate = 扁球状 331. oblate ellipsoid =
40、扁球面,扁球体球体,扁椭球 332. oblate ring = 一种铜制扁圆形挠性活塞环 333. oblate sphere = 扁圆球 334. oblateness of the earth = 地心扁率 335. obligate aerobic = 专性需氧的 336. obligate aerobic bacteria = 专性好气细菌 337. obligate autotroph = 专性自养生物 338. obligate autotrophy = 专性自养 339. obligate saprophyte = 专性腐生物 340. obligate thermophili
41、c bacteria = 专性嗜热菌 341. obligated balance = 保留余额 342. obligation = 义务,责任,职责. We are under an obligation to try to give an explanation of it. 343. obligation assumed = 负担的义务 344. obligation incurred = 已发生债务 345. obligation of compensation for loss = 赔偿的义务 346. obligation of compensation for losses =
42、赔偿损失的义务 347. obligation of giving claim notice = 通知损失的义务 348. obligation to pay tax = 纳税义务 349. obligation to serve = 供給責任 350. obligation to supply information = 資料提出義務 351. obligations of distributor = 特約販売店義務 352. obligations of principal = 売主義務 353. obligations under capital leases = 资本租赁债务 354.
43、 obligative heterotrophic bacteria = 专性异养细菌 355. obligative parthenogenesis = 专单性生殖 356. obligatory = 强制性的 357. obligatory annual contribution = 每年度必须交纳的会费 358. obligatory apomict = 专性无配体 359. obligatory license = 强制许可 360. obligatory parasite = 专性寄生物 361. obligatory point = 约束点 362. obligatory pres
44、entation copy = 纳本 363. obligatory rule = 强制性规则 364. obligatory term = 義務年限 365. obligue shock = 斜激波 366. obligue shock wave = 斜激波 367. oblique = 斜,斜的,倾斜的,偏斜的=斜格,斜筋,傾斜 368. oblique air photograph strip = 倾斜航空照片带 369. oblique amputation = 斜切断术 370. oblique angle = 斜角 371. oblique angled triangle = 斜角
45、三角形 372. oblique anode = 倾斜阳极 373. oblique arch = 斜拱 374. oblique ascension = 斜交升交点赤经 375. oblique asteroid = 斜星形线 376. oblique astigmation = 斜像散 377. oblique astigmatism = 斜像散 378. oblique astroid = 斜星形线 379. oblique axis = 斜交軸 380. oblique axis mount = 斜轴座架 381. oblique axonometry = 斜轴测射影法 382. ob
46、lique banded leaf roller = 斜纹卷叶虫 383. oblique berth = 斜驶靠泊 384. oblique berthing = 斜向驶靠 385. oblique boom = 斜挡栅 386. oblique brush = 斜柄刷 387. oblique butt joint = 斜对接 388. oblique camera = 倾斜照相机 389. oblique chart = 斜轴图 390. oblique circle = 斜円 391. oblique circuit = 交叉回路 392. oblique circular cone
47、= 斜圆锥 393. oblique circular cylinder = 斜円柱 394. oblique cissoid = 斜蔓叶线 395. oblique cleat = 斜割理 396. oblique cleft grafting = 斜劈接 397. oblique collision = 斜向碰撞 398. oblique compartment = 倾斜地形 399. oblique compression = 斜压缩 400. oblique cone = 斜锥 401. oblique coordinate = 斜交座標 402. oblique coordinates = 斜交座標 403. oblique coordinates system = 斜坐标系 404. oblique cord = 斜索 405. oblique cordon = 斜生单干形 406. oblique course = 斜向 407. oblique crank = 斜曲柄 408. oblique crank web = 斜曲柄 409. oblique crossing = 斜交 410. oblique cut grafting