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    1、积成电子Oracle RAC 集群版权所有者 赵帅本篇仅为项目记录,供大家学习之用方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告11 安装准备及注意事项1 确认电是否已就绪。2 无终端,需自带笔记本。最好自备一根两端均为母头的九孔串口线使笔记本与服务器直接相连。使用 Reflection X 来操作,否则只能用 Web Console。3 确认是否有网络设备(Switch)及网线。MC/SG 需 4 根直连(Server-Switch),一根互连(Server-Server),Web Console(lan Console )需 2 根。要有备用网线或可当场做线的条件。4 配置为两台 RP5405 主机,

    2、但软件 Mirror Disk 及 MC/SG 各买了两个,工厂分开预装。所以需安装 Mirror Disk、MC/SG 各一。B2491BA Mirror DiskB5161FA MC/SG5 准备 MC/SG Patch:GOLDQPK11i_11.11.depot2 用户及主机配置信息 1 主机信息Gateway 为 *.*.*.254No. Host name Host IP Package Name Heart Beat IP netmaskLan Console IP1 SMSDB1 SMS1 192.0.0

    3、.12 SMSDB2 SMS2 MC/SG 11.14 patch bundles执行以下命令,给主机添加相应补丁:swinstall s /tmp/GOLDQPK11i_11.11.depot 按提示安装软件 B5161FA 即可安装补丁结束时,系统要求重新启动主机,重启主机即可。3 系统安装步骤1 配 hostname、IP 及 Gateway。 (见上表)2 扩 /tmp 到 500M。3 安装 Mirror Disk,MC/SG 各一。4 系统部分:Ignitemake_recovery -

    4、C -A5 打系统 Patch:(GOLDQPK11i_11.11.depot)6 打 MC Patch:同上7 配置 ROOT 盘 Mirror,方法如下:pvcreate -B /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxvgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/cxtxdxmkboot /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxmkboot -a “hpux -lq“ /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxlvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol1 /dev/dsk/cxtxdx. . . . .方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告2. . . . . . . . .lvlnboot -

    5、Rlvlnboot -v8 修改 BOOT ALT 路径到 Mirror 盘。9 配 Lan Console IP 地址分别为, 。10 连网线,配心跳 IP 地址。hosta:注意:心跳地址信息不要出现在 hosts 文件中。4 VG、LV 划分1 VG、LV 信息由用户提供,划分由用户工程师完成。2 以下为一个例子,可作参考。LV 划分:3 注意:确认 vglock 盘已划分,一般空间为 100M。4 主机参数调整,由用户工程师完成。方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告3方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告45

    6、安装 ORACLE 数据库1 由 Oracle 工程师完成。2 数据库用户名与组的建立由 Oracle 工程师完成。3 oracle 的 start,stop,monitor 脚本由 oracle 工程师提供。以下为配置实例,可作参考。Db_startsu - oracle -c “/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/ start“su - oracle -c “/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/ stat“su - oracle -c “/orac

    7、le/oracle/app/oracle/product/ start“su - oracle -c “/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/ stat“su - oracle -c “/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/ / as sysdba“ #SERVICE_FAIL_FAST_ENABLED #SERVICE_HALT_TIMEOUT # Enter the network subnet name

    8、that is to be monitored for this package.# Repeat this line as necessary for additional subnet names. If any of# the subnets defined goes down, the package will be switched to another# node that is configured for this package and has all the defined subnets# available.SUBNET The keywor

    9、ds RESOURCE_NAME, RESOURCE_POLLING_INTERVAL, # RESOURCE_START, and RESOURCE_UP_VALUE are used to specify Package # Resource Dependencies. To define a package Resource Dependency, a # RESOURCE_NAME line with a fully qualified resource path name, and # one or more RESOURCE_UP_VALUE lines are required.

    10、 The # RESOURCE_POLLING_INTERVAL and the RESOURCE_START are optional. # The RESOURCE_POLLING_INTERVAL indicates how often, in seconds, the # resource is to be monitored. It will be defaulted to 60 seconds if # RESOURCE_POLLING_INTERVAL is not specified. # The RESOURCE_START option can be set to eith

    11、er AUTOMATIC or DEFERRED.# The default setting for RESOURCE_START is AUTOMATIC. If AUTOMATIC # is specified, ServiceGuard will start up resource monitoring for # these AUTOMATIC resources automatically when the node starts up. # If DEFERRED is selected, ServiceGuard will not attempt to start # resou

    12、rce monitoring for these resources during node start up. User # should specify all the DEFERRED resources in the package run script # so that these DEFERRED resources will be started up from the package # run script during package run time. # # RESOURCE_UP_VALUE requires an operator and a value. Thi

    13、s defines # the resource UP condition. The operators are =, !=, , =, # and or = may be used# for the first operator, and only 5.1 greater than 5.1 (threshold)方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告14# RESOURCE_UP_VALUE -5 and #RESOURCE_POLLING_INTERVAL #RESOURCE_START #RESOURCE_UP_VALUE and 14创立包配置文件#cmmakepkg -s /etc/cm

    14、cluster/rac/control.sh15 编辑包配置文件 (以库尔勒为例)#vi /etc/cmcluster/rac/control.sh#“(#) A.11.13 $Date: 02/12/2001 $“# *# * * # * HIGH AVAILABILITY PACKAGE CONTROL SCRIPT (template) * # * *# * *# *# The PACKAGE and NODE environment variables are set by# ServiceGuard at the time the control script is executed

    15、.# Do not set these environment variables yourself!# The package may fail to start or halt if the values for# these environment variables are altered.# UNCOMMENT the variables as you set them.# Set PATH to reference the appropriate directories.PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/etc:/bin# VOLUME GROUP ACTIVATI

    16、ON: # Specify the method of activation for volume groups.# Leave the default (“VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a e“) if you want volume# groups activated in exclusive mode. This assumes the volume groups have# been initialized with vgchange -c y at the time of creation.# Uncomment the first line (VGCHANGE=“vgch

    17、ange -a e -q n“), and comment # out the default, if your disks are mirrored on separate physical paths,# Uncomment the second line (VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a e -q n -s“), and comment # out the default, if your disks are mirrored on separate physical paths,方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告15# and you want the mirror res

    18、ynchronization to ocurr in parallel with# the package startup.# Uncomment the third line (VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a y“) if you wish to # use non-exclusive activation mode. Single node cluster configurations# must use non-exclusive activation.# VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a e -q n“# VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a e -q n

    19、-s“# VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a y“VGCHANGE=“vgchange -a s“ # Default# CVM DISK GROUP ACTIVATION: # Specify the method of activation for CVM disk groups.# Leave the default# (CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=exclusivewrite“)# if you want disk groups activated in the exclusive write mo

    20、de.# Uncomment the first line# (CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=readonly“),# and comment out the default, if you want disk groups activated in# the readonly mode.# Uncomment the second line# (CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=sharedread“),# and comment out t

    21、he default, if you want disk groups activated in the# shared read mode.# Uncomment the third line# (CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=sharedwrite“),# and comment out the default, if you want disk groups activated in the# shared write mode.# CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup

    22、set activation=readonly“# CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=sharedread“# CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=sharedwrite“CVM_ACTIVATION_CMD=“vxdg -g $DiskGroup set activation=exclusivewrite“ # VOLUME GROUPS# Specify which volume groups are used by this package.

    23、Uncomment VG0=“ # and fill in the name of your first volume group. You must begin with # VG0, and increment the list in sequence.# For example, if this package uses your volume groups vg01 and vg02, enter:# VG0=vg01# VG1=vg02# The volume group activation method is defined above. The filesystems# ass

    24、ociated with these volume groups are specified below.#VG0=“VG0=“/dev/vgdata“ #不写vglock# CVM DISK GROUPS# Specify which cvm disk groups are used by this package. Uncomment# CVM_DG0=“ and fill in the name of your first disk group. You must # begin with CVM_DG0, and increment the list in sequence.# For

    25、 example, if this package uses your disk groups dg01 and dg02, enter:# CVM_DG0=dg01# CVM_DG1=dg02#方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告16# The cvm disk group activation method is defined above. The filesystems# associated with these volume groups are specified below in the CVM_*# variables.#CVM_DG0=“# VxVM DISK GROUPS#

    26、 Specify which VxVM disk groups are used by this package. Uncomment# VXVM_DG0=“ and fill in the name of your first disk group. You must # begin with VXVM_DG0, and increment the list in sequence.# For example, if this package uses your disk groups dg01 and dg02, enter:# VXVM_DG0=dg01# VXVM_DG1=dg02#

    27、The cvm disk group activation method is defined above.#VXVM_DG0=“# NOTE: A package could have LVM volume groups, CVM disk groups and VxVM # disk groups.# NOTE: When VxVM is initialized it will store the hostname of the# local node in its volboot file in a variable called hostid.# The MC ServiceGuard

    28、 package control scripts use both the values of# the hostname(1m) command and the VxVM hostid. As a result# the VxVM hostid should always match the value of the# hostname(1m) command.# If you modify the local host name after VxVM has been# initialized and such that hostname(1m) does not equal uname

    29、-n,# you need to use the vxdctl(1m) command to set the VxVM hostid# field to the value of hostname(1m). Failure to do so will# result in the package failing to start.# FILESYSTEMS# Filesystems are defined as entries specifying the logical volume, the# mount point, the mount, umount and fsck options

    30、and type of the file system.# Each filesystem will be fsckd prior to being mounted. The filesystems # will be mounted in the order specified during package startup and will # be unmounted in reverse order during package shutdown. Ensure that # volume groups referenced by the logical volume definitio

    31、ns below are # included in volume group definitions above.# Specify the filesystems which are used by this package. Uncomment # LV0=“; FS0=“; FS_MOUNT_OPT0=“; FS_UMOUNT_OPT0=“; FS_FSCK_OPT0=“# FS_TYPE0=“ and fill in the name of your first logical volume, # filesystem, mount, umount and fsck options

    32、and filesystem type # for the file system. You must begin with LV0, FS0,# FS_MOUNT_OPT0, FS_UMOUNT_OPT0, FS_FSCK_OPT0, FS_TYPE0# and increment the list in sequence.# Note: The FS_TYPE parameter lets you specify the type of filesystem to be # mounted. Specifying a particular FS_TYPE will improve pack

    33、age failover time. # The FSCK_OPT and FS_UMOUNT_OPT parameters can be used to include the # -s option with the fsck and umount commands to improve performance for # environments that use a large number of filesystems. (An example of a # large environment is given below following the decription of th

    34、e # CONCURRENT_MOUNT_AND_UMOUNT_OPERATIONS parameter.)# Example: If a package uses two JFS filesystems, pkg01a and pkg01b, 方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告17# which are mounted on LVM logical volumes lvol1 and lvol2 for read and # write operation, you would enter the following:# LV0=/dev/vg01/lvol1; FS0=/pkg01a; F

    35、S_MOUNT_OPT0=“-o rw“;# FS_UMOUNT_OPT0=“; FS_FSCK_OPT0=“; FS_TYPE0=“vxfs“# LV1=/dev/vg01/lvol2; FS1=/pkg01b; FS_MOUNT_OPT1=“-o rw“# FS_UMOUNT_OPT1=“; FS_FSCK_OPT1=“; FS_TYPE1=“vxfs“#LV0=“; FS0=“; FS_MOUNT_OPT0=“; FS_UMOUNT_OPT0=“; FS_FSCK_OPT0=“#FS_TYPE0=“# VOLUME RECOVERY# When mirrored VxVM volumes

    36、 are started during the package control# bring up, if recovery is required the default behavior is for# the package control script to wait until recovery has been# completed.# To allow mirror resynchronization to ocurr in parallel with# the package startup, uncomment the line# VXVOL=“vxvol -g $DiskG

    37、roup -o bg startall“ and comment out the default.# VXVOL=“vxvol -g $DiskGroup -o bg startall“VXVOL=“vxvol -g $DiskGroup startall“ # Default# FILESYSTEM UNMOUNT COUNT# Specify the number of unmount attempts for each filesystem during package# shutdown. The default is set to 1.FS_UMOUNT_COUNT=1# FILES

    38、YSTEM MOUNT RETRY COUNT.# Specify the number of mount retrys for each filesystem. # The default is 0. During startup, if a mount point is busy # and FS_MOUNT_RETRY_COUNT is 0, package startup will fail and # the script will exit with 1. If a mount point is busy and# FS_MOUNT_RETRY_COUNT is greater t

    39、han 0, the script will attempt # to kill the user responsible for the busy mount point # and then mount the file system. It will attempt to kill user and# retry mount, for the number of times specified in FS_MOUNT_RETRY_COUNT.# If the mount still fails after this number of attempts, the script# will

    40、 exit with 1.# NOTE: If the FS_MOUNT_RETRY_COUNT 0, the script will execute# “fuser -ku“ to freeup busy mount point.FS_MOUNT_RETRY_COUNT=0# CONCURRENT VGCHANGE OPERATIONS# Specify the number of concurrent volume group activations or# deactivations to allow during package startup or shutdown. # Setti

    41、ng this value to an appropriate number may improve the performance# while activating or deactivating a large number of volume groups in the# package. If the specified value is less than 1, the script defaults it # to 1 and proceeds with a warning message in the package control script # logfile. CONC

    42、URRENT_VGCHANGE_OPERATIONS=1# CONCURRENT DISK GROUP OPERATIONS# Specify the number of concurrent VxVM DG imports or deports to allow # during package startup or shutdown. # Setting this value to an appropriate number may improve the performance# while importing or deporting a large number of disk gr

    43、oups in the# package. If the specified value is less than 1, the script defaults it 方正世纪公司 MC/SG 安装报告18# to 1 and proceeds with a warning message in the package control script # logfile. CONCURRENT_DISKGROUP_OPERATIONS=1# CONCURRENT FSCK OPERATIONS# Specify the number of concurrent fsck to allow dur

    44、ing package startup. # Setting this value to an appropriate number may improve the performance# while checking a large number of file systems in the package. If the# specified value is less than 1, the script defaults it to 1 and proceeds # with a warning message in the package control script logfil

    45、e. CONCURRENT_FSCK_OPERATIONS=1# CONCURRENT MOUNT AND UMOUNT OPERATIONS# Specify the number of concurrent mounts and umounts to allow during # package startup or shutdown. # Setting this value to an appropriate number may improve the performance# while mounting or un-mounting a large number of file

    46、systems in the package.# If the specified value is less than 1, the script defaults it to 1 and# proceeds with a warning message in the package control script logfile. CONCURRENT_MOUNT_AND_UMOUNT_OPERATIONS=1# Example: If a package uses 50 JFS filesystems, pkg01aa through pkg01bx,# which are mounted

    47、 on the 50 logical volumes lvol1lvol50 for read and write # operation, you may enter the following:# CONCURRENT_DISKGROUP_OPERATIONS=50# CONCURRENT_FSCK_OPERATIONS=50# CONCURRENT_MOUNT_AND_UMOUNT_OPERATIONS=50# LV0=/dev/vg01/lvol1; FS0=/pkg01aa; FS_MOUNT_OPT0=“-o rw“;# FS_UMOUNT_OPT0=“-s“; FS_FSCK_OPT0=“-s“; FS_TYPE0=“vxfs“# LV1=/dev/vg01/lvol2; FS1=/pkg01ab; FS_MOUNT_OPT1=“-o rw“# FS_UMOUNT_OPT1=“-s“; FS_FSCK_OPT1=“-s“; FS_TYPE0=“vxfs“# : : :# : : :# : : :# LV49

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