1、ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 1 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only
2、.机构名称:福建中证司法鉴定中心注册号:L4709地址:A:福建省厦门市软件园二期观日路 14 号获准认可能力索引序 号 地 址 能 力 范 围 评 审 类 型 更 新 时 间1 授权签字人(中文) 复评 2013 年 09 月 25 日2 授权签字人(英文) 复评 2013 年 09 月 25 日3 授权签字人(中 文) 监督 2015 年 01 月 13 日4A授权签字人(英文) 监督 2015 年 01 月 13 日5 检测能力(中文) 复评 2013 年 09 月 25 日6A检测能力(英文) 复评 2013 年 09 月 25 日Name:Fujian Zhongzheng Judi
3、cial IdentificationCenterRegistration No.:L4709ADDRESS:A:No.14, Guanri Road, 2nd Phase of SoftwarePark, Xiamen, Fujian, ChinaINDEX OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORIESNo. Address Range Type Update date1 Approved signatories (Chinese) Reassessment 2013-09-252 Approved signatories (English) Reassessment 2013-09-
4、253AApproved signatories (Chinese) Surveillance 2015-01-13ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 2 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided b
5、y the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.No. Address Range Type Update date4 Approved signatories (English) Surveillance 2015-01-135 Testing ability(Chinese) Reassessment 2013-09-256ATesting ability(English) Reassessment 2013-09-25中 国 合 格 评 定 国 家 认 可 委 员 会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L4709
6、)名称: 福建中证司法鉴定中心 地址:福建省厦门市软件园二期观日路 14 号签发日期:2013 年 09 月 25 日 有效期至:2016 年 09 月 24 日更新日期:2013 年 09 月 25 日附件 1 认可的授权签字人及领域序 号 姓 名 授 权 签 字 领 域 备 注1 赵 庸 电子物证检测项目2 卢建斌 电子物证检测项目3 王跃聪 电子物证检测项目ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 3 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese an
7、d English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTAPPENDIXOF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No.
8、CNAS L4709)NAME:Fujian Zhongzheng Judicial IdentificationCenterADDRESS:No.14, Guanri Road, 2nd Phase of SoftwarePark, Xiamen, Fujian, ChinaDate of Issue:2013-09-25Date of Expiry:2016-09-24Date of Update:2013-09-25APPENDIX 1ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note1 Zha
9、o Yong Electronic forensic2 Lu Jianbin Electronic forensic3 Wang Yuecong Electronic forensic中 国 合 格 评 定 国 家 认 可 委 员 会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L4709)名称: 福建中证司法鉴定中心 地址:福建省厦门市软件园二期观日路 14 号认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025:2005 以及 CNAS 特定认可要求ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 4 页 共 12 页 Should there be an
10、y inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.签发日期:2013 年 09 月 25 日 有效期至:2016 年 09 月 24 日更新日期:2013 年 09 月 25 日附件 2 认可的检测能力范围项
11、目 /参 数序号检 测对 象 序 号 名 称领 域代 码检 测 标 准 ( 方 法 ) 名 称 及编 号 ( 含 年 号 )限 制范 围 说 明1 电子物证 1电子数据的提取、固定与恢复2401电子数据存储介质复制工具要求及检测方法GA/T 754-2008;电子数据存储介质写保护设备要求及检测方法GA/T 755-2008;数字化设备证据数据发现提取固定方法GA/T 756-2008;电子物证数据搜索检验技术规范GA/T 825-2009;电子物证数据恢复检验技术规范GA/T 826-2009只做:01 计算机存储介质;03 移动终端;04 智能卡、磁卡;05 数码设备;06 网络数据;07
12、 计算机系统现场数据1 电子物证 2电子数据的分析与鉴定 2402数字化设备证据数据发现提取固定方法GA/T 756-2008;电子物证数据搜索检验技术规范GA/T 825-2009;电子物证数据恢复检验技术规范GA/T 826-2009;电子物证文件一致性检验技术规范GA/T 827-2009只做:01 用户操作;02 网络入侵;03 恶意代码;04 电子文档;05 数据电文;06 数据库;07 隐藏数据ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 5 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistenc
13、ies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.序号检 测对 象项 目 /参 数 领 域代 码检 测 标 准 ( 方 法 ) 名 称 及编 号 ( 含 年 号 )限 制范 围 说 明序 号 名 称3信息系统分析与鉴定 2403程序功能检
14、验方法 GA/T 757-2008;电子物证软件功能检验技术规范GA/T 828-2009;电子物证软件一致性检验技术规范GA/T 829-2009只做:01 软件相似性;03 信息系统功能ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 6 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in t
15、hat the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTAPPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS L4709)NAME:Fujian Zhongzheng Judicial IdentificationCenterADDRESS:No.14, Guanri Ro
16、ad, 2nd Phase of SoftwarePark, Xiamen, Fujian, ChinaAccreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and relevantrequirements of CNASDate of Issue:2013-09-25Date of Expiry:2016-09-24Date of Update:2013-09-25APPENDIX 2ACCREDITED TESTINGItem/Parameter Test Object Item/ ParameterCode of Field Title, Code of S
17、tandard or Method Limitation Note1 Electronic Forensics 1Extraction, preservation and recovery of electronic data2401The requirements and test method of electronic data storage duplication toolGA/T 754-2008;The requirements and test method of write-blocker for electronic data storageGA/T 755-2008;Di
18、scovering,extraction and preservation method of evidence data on digital device GA/T 756-2008;Data search technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 825-2009;Data recovery technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 826-2009Accredited only for:01 Computer storage media;03 Mobile t
19、erminal;04 Smart CARDS;05 Digital equipment;06 Network data;07 The computer system data ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 7 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the
20、 English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. Test ObjectItem/ParameterCode of Field Title, Code of Standard or Method Limitation Note Item/ Parameter1 Electronic Forensics 2Analysis and identification of electronic data2402Discovering,extraction and prese
21、rvation method of evidence data on digital device GA/T 756-2008;Data search technical specifications of electronic forensicGA/T 825-2009;Data recovery technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 826-2009;File identification technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 827-2009Accred
22、ited only for:01 The user operation;02 Network intrusion;03 Malicious code;04 Electronic document;05 Data message;06 database;07 Hidden dataISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 8 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accredit
23、ation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. Test ObjectItem/ParameterCode of Field Title, Code of Standard or Method Limitation Note Item/ Parameter1 Electronic Forensics 3Analysis and identification of
24、 information system2403Test method of function of program GA/T 757-2008;Software function test technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 828-2009;Software identification technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 829-2009Accredited only for:01 Software similarity;03 Information
25、system function中 国 合 格 评 定 国 家 认 可 委 员 会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L4709)名称:福建中证司法鉴定中心 地址:福建省厦门市软件园二期观日路 14 号ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 9 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prev
26、ail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.签发日期:2013 年 09 月 25 日 有效期至:2016 年 09 月 24 日更新日期:2015 年 01 月 13 日附件 1 认可的授权签字人及领域序 号 姓 名 授 权 签 字 领 域 备 注1 赵 庸 电子物证2 卢建斌 电子物证3 王跃聪 电子物证CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTA
27、PPENDIXOF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS L4709)NAME:Fujian Zhongzheng Judicial IdentificationCenterADDRESS:No.14, Guanri Road, 2nd Phase of SoftwarePark, Xiamen, Fujian, ChinaDate of Issue:2013-09-25Date of Expiry:2016-09-24Date of Update:2015-01-13APPENDIX 1ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES A
28、ND SCOPE Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note1 Zhao Yong Electronic forensic2 Lu Jianbin Electronic forensic3 Wang Yuecong Electronic forensicISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 10 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of ac
29、creditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only.中 国 合 格 评 定 国 家 认 可 委 员 会认 可 证 书 附 件(注册号:CNAS L4709)名称:福建中证司法鉴定中心地址:福建省厦门市软件园二期观日路 14 号认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025、CNAS-CL08 以及 CNAS 特定认可要求签发日期:2013 年 09 月 25 日 有
30、效期至:2016 年 09 月 24 日更新日期:2015 年 01 月 13 日附件 6 认可的鉴定能力范围项 目 /参 数序号鉴 定 领 域/对 象 序 号 名 称鉴 定 标 准 ( 方 法 ) 名 称 及 编 号( 含 年 号 )限 制范 围 说 明1 电子物证 1电子数据的提取、固定与恢复电子数据存储介质复制工具要求及检测方法GA/T 754-2008;电子数据存储介质写保护设备要求及检测方法GA/T 755-2008;数字化设备证据数据发现提取固定方法GA/T 756-2008;电子物证数据搜索检验技术规范GA/T 825-2009;电子物证数据恢复检验技术规范GA/T 826-20
31、09ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 11 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference o
32、nly.序号鉴 定 领 域/对 象项 目 /参 数 鉴 定 标 准 ( 方 法 ) 名 称 及 编 号( 含 年 号 )限 制范 围 说 明序 号 名 称1 电子物证 2电子数据同一性、相似性鉴定程序功能检验方法 GA/T 757-2008;电子物证软件功能检验技术规范GA/T 828-2009;电子物证软件一致性检验技术规范GA/T 829-2009;电子物证文件一致性检验技术规范GA/T 827-2009CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTAPPENDIX TO ACCREDITATION CERTIF
33、ICATE(Registration No. CNAS L4709)NAME:Fujian Zhongzheng Judicial IdentificationCenterADDRESS:No.14, Guanri Road, 2nd Phase of SoftwarePark, Xiamen, Fujian, ChinaAccreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025, CNAS-CL08 and relevantrequirements of CNASDate of Issue:2013-09-25Date of Expiry:2016-09-24Date of U
34、pdate:2015-01-13APPENDIX 6ACCREDITED TESTINGItem/Parameter Identify Field/ Object Item/ ParameterTitle, Code of Standard or Method Limitation NoteISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD20/09-B/1No. CNAS L4709 第 12 页 共 12 页 Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of a
35、ccreditation, the Chinese version shall prevail in that the English version is provided by the conformity assessment body and is for reference only. Identify Field/ ObjectItem/ParameterTitle, Code of Standard or Method Limitation Note Item/ Parameter1 Electronic Forensics 1Extraction, preservation a
36、nd recovery of electronic dataThe requirements and test method of electronic data storage duplication toolGA/T 754-2008;The requirements and test method of write-blocker for electronic data storageGA/T 755-2008;Discovering,extraction and preservation method of evidence data on digital deviceGA/T 756
37、-2008;Data search technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 825-2009;Data recovery technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 826-20091 Electronic Forensics 2Identification and similarity of electronic dataTest method of function of program GA/T 757-2008; Software function test technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 828-2009;Software identification technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 829-2009;File identification technical specifications of electronic forensicsGA/T 827-2009