1、Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,1,PART TWO SPLANCHNOLOGY,INTRODUCTION (概述) THE ALIMENTARY SYSTEM (消化) THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (呼吸) THE URINARY SYSTEM (泌尿) THE GENITAL SYSTEM (生殖) THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM (内分泌),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Uni
2、cversity,2,Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION,A. Viscera: 1. Alimentary (digestive) system(消化系统)2. Respiratory system(呼吸系统)3. Urinary system(泌尿系统)4. Genital (reproductive) system(生殖系统)5. Endocrine system(内分泌系统) B. Functions: 1. To fulfil the metabolism(履行代谢)2. Maintain the life of the species(延续种族),Human Anatom
3、y,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,3,C. General Structure of the Viscera,1. The tubular viscus (中空性器官)1) mucous membrane (mucosa) (粘膜)2) submucosa (粘膜下层)3) muscular coats (肌层)4) adventitia (serosa)(外膜),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,4,C. Gene
4、ral Structure of the Viscera,2. The parenchymatous organ (实质性器官)hilum (porta) (门),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,5,D. The Reference Line of the Thorax (胸部标志线),1. anterior median line (前正中线)2. sternal line (胸骨线)3. parasternal line (胸骨旁线)4. midclavicular line (锁骨中线
5、),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,6,D. The Reference Line of the Thorax (胸部标志线),5. anterior axillary line (腋前线) 6. middle axillary line (腋中线) 7. posterior axillary line (腋后线),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,7,D. The Reference Li
6、ne of the Thorax (胸部标志线),8. scapular line (肩胛线) 9. posterior median line (后正中线),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,8,E. The Abdominal Regions (腹部分区),Epigastricregion 腹上区,Lt hypochon- driac region 左季肋区,Left lateral region 左外侧区,Left iliac region 左髂区,Umbilical region 脐区
7、,Hypogastricregion 腹下区,Right iliacregion 右髂区,Right lateralregion 右外侧区,Rt. hypochon- driac region 右季肋区,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,9,Chapter 2 ALIMENTARY (DIGESTIVE ) SYSTEM,A. Division1. Alimentary canal (消化管): 1) upper alimentary canal (上消化管):mouth to duodenu
8、m (口 - 十二指肠)2) lower alimentary canal (下消化管)jejunum to anus (空肠 - 肛门),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,10,ALIMENTARY (DIGESTIVE ) SYSTEM,2. The alimentary glands (消化腺):salivary glands (唾液腺)liver (肝)pancreas (胰)B. Functions1. ingestion (摄入) of food2. absorption (吸收)
9、 of the nutrient components (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water)3. defecation (排便) : the elimination of indigestible substances from the body via the anus in the form of feces.,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,11,Section 1 Oral Cavity,A. T
10、he Oral Vestibule (口腔前庭) B. The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,12,A. The Oral Vestibule (口腔前庭),1. Oral lips (口唇):1) upper lip (上唇):philtrum (人中)frenulum of upper lip (上唇系带)first aid acupoint 急救穴位cleft lip (hare lip) 唇裂2) lower lip (下唇) f
11、renulum of lower lip (下唇系带) 2. Nasolabial sulcus(鼻唇沟) 3. Cheek (颊),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,13,1. The palate (腭) 1) hard palate (硬腭)2) soft palate (软腭)a. uvula (腭垂)b. palatine velum (腭帆)c. palatoglossal arch (腭舌弓)d. palatopharyngeal arch(腭咽弓) cleft of palat
12、e 腭裂 e. isthmus of fauces (咽峡) sopor酣睡 apnea 呼吸暂停,The Oral Vestibule (口腔前庭),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,14,B. The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),2. The teeth (dentes) (牙)1) Composition a. crown of tooth (牙冠)b. neck of tooth (牙颈)c. root of tooth (牙根)d. dental cavity
13、 (pulp cavity) (牙腔)e. root canal (牙根管),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,15,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),2) Classification of the teeth (牙齿分类)a. deciduous teeth (乳牙) 20Eruption (萌出): from 6th to 24 m.b. permanent teeth (恒牙) 32Eruption (萌出): from 6th to 21 yrs.,Huma
14、n Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,16,i. incisive (切牙) deciduous teeth 2, permanent teeth 2 ii. canine (尖牙) deciduous tooth 1, permanent tooth 1 iii. premolar (前磨牙) permanent teeth 2 iv. molars (磨牙) deciduous teeth 2, permanent teeth 3,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),乳牙 牙式
15、I-V,恒牙 牙式1 - 8,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,17,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),3) Structure of the teeth a. dentine (牙本质)b. enamel (釉质) c. cement (牙骨质)d. dental pulp (牙髓)e. periodontal membrane (牙周膜)f. alveolar bone (牙槽)g. gingiva (牙龈) caries 龋齿determination of a
16、ge 年龄鉴定gum bleeding 牙龈出血,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,18,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,19,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),3. The tongue (舌)1) Divisiona. apex of tongue (舌尖)b. body of tongue (舌体)c
17、. root of tongue (舌根)d. dorsum of tongue(舌背)i. terminal sulcus (界沟)ii. foramen cecum of tongue (舌盲孔),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,20,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),2) Lingual mucous membrane (舌粘膜)a. papillae of tongue(舌乳头)i. filiform papillae(丝状乳头)ii. fungiform
18、papillae (菌状乳头) tasteiii. foliate papillae (叶状乳头) tasteiv. vallate papillae (轮廓乳头) taste,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,21,b. lingual tonsil(舌扁桃体) c. septum of tongue (舌中隔) d. frenulum of tongue (舌系带) e. sublingual caruncle(舌下阜) f. sublingual fold(舌下襞),The Oral C
19、avity Proper (固有口腔),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,22,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),3) Muscles of tongue (舌肌) a. extrinsic muscles (舌外肌) i. Genioglossus(颏舌肌) origin: mental spineinsertion: tongue & hyoid bone action: protrudes tongue,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy
20、, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,23,ii. Hyoglossus(舌骨舌肌) origin: hyoid boneinsertion: tongue action: retracts tongue iii. Styloglossus(茎突舌肌)origin: styloid processinsertion: tongue action: retracts tongue,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Uni
21、cversity,24,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),b. proper (intrinsic) muscles (舌固有肌)i. superior longitudinal m. (上纵肌)ii. inferior longitudinal m. (下纵肌)iii. transverse m. of tongue (舌横肌)iv. vertical m. of tongue(舌垂直肌),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,25,The Oral Cavity Pr
22、oper (固有口腔),4. The oral glands (口腔腺)1) Major salivary glands (大唾液腺)a. parotid gland (腮腺): only serous cells. parotid duct oral vestibule next to the upper M2,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,26,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),b. sublingual gland (舌下腺) mostly mucous c
23、ells10 12 ducts sublingual fold c. submandibular gland (下颌下腺)duct sublingual caruncle,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,27,The Oral Cavity Proper (固有口腔),2) Minor salivary glands (小唾液腺)i. palatine gland (腭腺)ii. buccal gland (颊腺) iii. labial gland (唇腺)iv. lingual glan
24、d (舌腺) Saliva(唾液): 1000-1500ml/dpH 6.75 7.00mumps 流行性腮腺炎,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,28,Section 2 The Pharynx,A. Division (分部)1. Nasopharynx (鼻咽)1) pharyngeal opening of auditory tube(咽鼓管咽口)2) tubal torus(咽鼓管圆枕)3) pharyngeal recess(咽隐窝)nasopharyngeal carcinoma
25、 鼻咽癌,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,29,The Pharynx,2. Oropharynx (口咽) 1) palatine tonsil(腭扁桃体)tonsillitis 扁桃体炎hypertrophy 扁桃体肥大2) tonsillar crypts(扁桃体窝),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,30,3. Laryngopharynx (喉咽)1) piriform reces
26、s (梨状隐窝)foreign body 异物2) aperture of larynx(喉口),The Pharynx,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,31,B. Muscles of pharynx (咽肌) 1. Constrictors of pharynx (咽缩肌):a. superior constrictorsb. middle constrictorsc. inferior constrictors2. Stylopharyngeus (茎突咽肌),The Pharynx,
27、Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,32,Section 3 The Esophagus,A. Division (分部)1. Cervical part (颈部)2. Thoracic part (胸部) 3. Abdominal part (腹部) B. Location (位置)mainly in mediastinumfrom lower border of C6 to vertebral body of T11,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medica
28、l College, Qingdao Unicversity,33,C. Constrictions (狭窄)1. Commencement(开始部) 15cm2. Crossed by left bronchus(跨左支气管) 25cm3. Pass through diaphragm(穿膈处) 40cm esophageal carcinoma食管癌,The Esophagus,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,34,Section 4 The Stomach,A. Location:le
29、ft hypochondraic region (左季肋区) & epigastric region (腹上区) gastroptosis 胃下垂,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,35,The Stomach,B. External Feature1.Cardiac opening (贲门)2.Pyloric opening (幽门)3.Cardiac part (贲门部)4.Pyloric part (幽门部) 1) pyloric antrum (幽门窦) 2) pyloric cana
30、l (幽门管) function: gastric emptying(排空)5.Greater curvature (胃大弯) 6.Lesser curvature (胃小弯)angular incisure (角切迹)7.Body of stomach (胃体)8.Fundus of stomach (胃底)X-film: magenblase (胃泡),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,36,The Stomach,1. Serous membrane (浆膜层) 2. Muscular
31、coats (肌层):external layer: longitudinalmiddle layer: circularpyloric sphincter (幽门括约肌)internal layer: oblique3. Submucosa (粘膜下层)4. Mucosa (粘膜):pyloric valve (幽门瓣) gastric area (胃区)gastric pit (胃小凹),C. Structure of the Gastric Wall,gastritis 胃炎 gastric ulcer 胃溃疡 stomach perforation 胃穿孔 gastric carcin
32、oma 胃癌,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,37,The Stomach,C. Structure of the Gastric Wall,gastritis 胃炎 gastric polyp 胃息肉 gastric ulcer 胃溃疡 stomach perforation 胃穿孔 gastric carcinoma 胃癌,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,38,Section 5 Th
33、e Small Intestine,A. The Duodenum (十二指肠)1. Superior part (上部): duodenal bulb (十二指肠球),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,39,The Small Intestine,2. Descending part (降部): 1) superior duodenal flexure (上曲)2) major duodenal papilla(大乳头) 3) minor duodenal papilla(小乳头)4) lo
34、ngitudinal fold of duodenum(纵襞)biliary ascariasis 胆道蛔虫病,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,40,The Small Intestine,3. Horizontal part (水平部):inferior duodenal flexure (下曲),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,41,The Small Intestine,4. Asc
35、ending part (升部): 1) duodenojejunal flexure (十二指肠空肠曲)2) suspensory muscle of duodenum (十二指肠悬肌) (ligament of Treitz) landmark of gastro-jejunostomy 胃空肠吻合术标志,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,42,The Small Intestine,B . Jejunum (空肠): anterior 2/5solitary lymphatic foll
36、icles (孤立淋巴滤泡)circular folds (环状襞)10 mm high intestinal villi (肠绒毛) enteritis 肠炎microvilli (微绒毛) parasitosis 寄生虫病function: 1. Digestion: secrets intestinal juice 1-2L/d, pH 7.62. Absorption: glucose, amino acid, glycerin.,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,43,The Sma
37、ll Intestine,C. Ileum (回肠): posterior 3/5Aggregated lymphatic follicles (集合淋巴滤泡)typhoid complicated with intestinal perforation肠伤寒穿孔 Meckel diverticulum 美克尔憩室,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,44,The distinguishing characteristics of the jejunum and ileum.,Character
38、istics Jejunum Ileum Diameter 2-4 cm 2.5-3 cm Wall thick, heavy thin, light Vascularity greater less Color deeper red paler pink Arteriae rectae (直动脉) tall short Arcades large loops, few short loops, many Fat in mesentery less more Circular folds well developed rudimentary Intestinal villi high, con
39、centrated short, scattered Aggregated lymphaticfollicles none or few many,The Small Intestine,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,45,Section 6 The Large Intestine,1.5 m long and 6.5 cm in diameterA. Structural Characteristics (结构特征)1. Colic bands (结肠带) semilunar folds
40、 (半月瓣)2. Haustra of colon (结肠袋)3. Epiploic appendices (肠脂垂),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,46,The Large Intestine,B. The Caecum (cecum) (盲肠) 1. Ileocecal valve (回盲瓣)intussusception 肠套迭,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,47,The Lar
41、ge Intestine,C. The Vermiform Appendix (阑尾)1. anterior ileal position (回肠前位) 28.0%2. posterior ileal position (回肠后位) 8.3%3. pelvic position (盆位) 26.1%,4. subcecal position (盲肠下位) 6.1%5. retrocecal position (盲肠后位) 24.0%appendicitis 阑尾炎 appendectomy 阑尾切除术 appendicular perforation 阑尾穿孔,Human Anatomy,De
42、pt of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,48,The Large Intestine,D. Ascending colon (升结肠): right (hepatic) colic flexure (结肠右曲) E. Transverse colon (横结肠): left (splenic) colic flexure (结肠左曲) F. Descending colon (降结肠),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,49,G.
43、 Sigmoid colon (乙状结肠)volvulus 肠扭转 Function of colons: 1. absorbing water (吸收水)2. eliminating as feces (排粪)3. fermenting cellulose (分解纤维素)4. synthesizing vitamin (合成维生素)vitamin B complex, vitamin KBacillus coli (结肠杆菌),The Large Intestine,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicver
44、sity,50,The Large Intestine,H. Rectum (直肠)1. External feature: 1) ampulla of rectum (直肠壶腹)2) sacral flexure (骶曲)3) perineal flexure(会阴曲),Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,51,The Large Intestine,2. Internal structure: transverse folds (直肠横襞) (Houston valve)superior (
45、left) 11 cm to anusmiddle (right) 9 cm to anusinferior (left) 7 cm to anusrectal carcinoma 直肠癌 prolapse 脱垂,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,52,The Large Intestine,I. Anal canal (肛管)1. Internal structure1) anal columns (肛柱) 2) anal valves (肛瓣) fissure in ano 肛裂 3) a
46、nal sinuses (肛窦) anal fistula 肛瘘 4) dentate (anocutaneous) line (齿状线)5) anal pecten (肛梳) pile (hemorrhoid) 痔6) white line (intersphincter sulcus) (白线)7) anus (肛门) examination per anus 肛门检查,Human Anatomy,Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao Unicversity,53,The Large Intestine,2. Muscles1) sphincter ani internus (肛门内括约肌)2) sphincter ani externus (肛门外括约肌) a. subcutaneous part (皮下部)b. superficial part (浅部)c. deep part (深部) fecal incontinence 大便失禁,