1、Farm PartyOn Old Macdonalds farm, there lives a very, very old horse. Nobody can tell his age, not even himself! Now his birthday comes. His friends want to give him a beautiful surprise! Lets see what happens剧中角色: Old George:农场上的老马 Percy:农场上的小猪 Maria:农场上的绵羊 Kate:农场上的母鸡 Emily:农场上的奶牛 Old Macdonald:农场
2、主人老麦克唐纳(旁白) 农场上的两只小鸡,农场上的三只小鸭,农场上的两只小猫,农场上的一只小狗Place(地点)Old MacDonalds farm Old Macdonald :Its almost time for Old Georges birthday. He is very, very old. Nobody can tell his age, not even him! (在老马乔治的马厩前,农场上的动物们正在讨论如何给老马乔治过生日。 ) Scene One Maria :We must do something special for Old George. How abou
3、t a party with games? Percy :A party will be fun for us. But Old George is an old horse. I dont think he likes games. Kate :Then whats your suggestion? Percy (歪着头想了想) :Lets have a feast! If we save some food every day, well have lots of food for his birthday! Maria, Emily, Kate (大家都很高兴地异口同声) :Thats
4、a great idea! (大伙四处找储藏食物的地方。最后大家选定了谷仓的一个角落,来藏他们的好吃的。 ) Percy :I like the barn. Maria : Its big and warm. Kate: Lets hide the food there!Percy, Maria, Emily, Kate :Yeah! (大伙每天都省下一些好吃的东东,然后存到他们选定的秘密地点。不久,大家就存了一大堆好吃的。 ) Scene Two Old Macdonald Percy (躺在自己的稻草床上,翻来覆去睡不着,自言自语。 ) Ill just eat a little bit.
5、 Itll be OK. (想到这里,Percy 不禁流出了口水。 ) (随后,Percy 悄悄起床,踮着脚走到谷仓门口。 他小心翼翼地打开谷仓的门,然后踮着脚走进去。 )Kate (一直藏在谷仓门后,见 Percy 进来,兴奋地冲出来指着 Percy 大叫。 ) :Got you, Percy! I knew you couldnt forget delicious food. Now, go back to bed and wait until morning. (Percy 很不好意思,羞红了脸。低着头回到自己的猪圈,一夜再也不敢动了。 ) Scene Three Old Macdona
6、ld AllHappy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear George, Happy birthday to you! Old George :Thank you, thank you. Im so happy! Kate :But wheres Percy? (大家发现 Percy 不见了,四处去找。原来他躲在苹果树后面了。 )Old George :Come out, Percy. Join our party! Heres so much tasty food!Percy (不好意思地说) Im so
7、sorry. I wanted to eat our party food last evening. II All :Never mind, Percy!Old George :Pigs will be pigs. You were just hungry last night, right?Maria :Yes. Never mind, Percy. Here, have an apple, Percy! Its your favorite! (Percy 高兴地和大家边吃东西边做游戏,农场上热闹极了,大家唱起了麦克唐纳农场上的歌,每当唱到一种动物时,这种动物还高兴地发出自己的叫声。歌声笑
8、声响成一片。 ) All 唱:Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O! With an oink oink here, And an oink oink there, Here an oink, there an oink, Everywhere an oink oink Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! (2) duck, quack-quack (3) sheep, baa baa (4) cow, moo moo (5) cat, meow meow (6) dog, bow wow (7)