1、1,英语构词法,1 derivation 词缀法 2 Compound word 复合词 3 conversion 转类词 4 Onomatopoeia 拟声法 5 by analogy 类推 6 by contrast 对比 7 Acronym(首字母缩略词) 8 clipping 剪切法 缩短法 9 blending 混合法 10 back formation 逆生法 11 By borrowing words from other languages 12 By adding new meaning into existing words 13 Translation loans译借词S
2、ep 2010,2,1 derivation 词缀法,前缀法 后缀法,3,2 Compound word,Soccer mom (足球妈妈:郊区妇女, 美选举中占相当大的投票者) Theme park Fat farm (减肥场所), Letter bomb (邮件爆炸物) Mail order (邮购货物) Toy solider (地雷) Open-heart surgery (体外循环心脏手术),4,3 conversion转类词,Such as: 名词转化为动词:hand in ones paper; to telephone;动词转化为名词: take a look, a find,
3、 a cheat;形容词语名词也可以转化,形容词也可以转化为动词等 To empty the basket, a must,5,4. Onomatopoeia 拟声法,The words coined in imitation of the sounds associated with the things named are called onomatopoeia (Echo-words). Such as: cuckoo, coo, mew, ding-dong, band, tick-tack Echo-words are universal features in any langua
4、ge.,6,发音与其所指之间存在很多自然的相似关系,如世界各语言中的拟声词等。英语中有不少音素,与所表达的意义之间有之间联系,如:,7,Gr-; Fl-,gr- 表示一种沉闷而又令人不快的声音:groan呻吟, growl咆哮, gruff粗哑的, grumble抱怨, grunt咕哝, gruntle 叽咕fl- 表示“闪烁,不稳定的光”:flame火焰,flamboyant火焰似的,flare 闪耀,flash 闪光,flicker 闪烁,8,Onomatopoeia(拟声法),nmtpi:,英语与汉语有些词的发音惊人相似 amorous(爱慕),back(背),bawd(鸨), chea
5、t(欺骗),cough(咳嗽) dawn(旦),ditch(堤),give(给),murmur(喃喃),palm(巴掌) rude(鲁莽),shy(羞) 记忆这些单词时可用联想法,9,de-;dis-; sn-; -ump,de-,dis- 表示“低,下,离去,否定” sn- 表示与鼻音有关的词 -ump表示“沉重碰击”:bump(碰撞), clump(沉重脚步声), dump(砰地一声), lump(笨重地走),stump(笨重地行走),thump(重击声),10,Onomatopoeia(拟声法),滴答, 扑通, 咚咚, 布谷, 鸡鸣, 犬吠狮吼虎啸, Can you give more
6、examples in Chinese? -?,11,The sound of clock,Ringing, jingling, pealing, tolling, ding, clang, tinting, tintinnabulation, chiming, ding-a-ling, clink,12,1)Structure of Onomatopoeia,A). Monosyllabic words: Such as: crack, crash, rap, ding, dong, bang B). Reduplicatives (重叠词) Such as: puff-puff, flic
7、k-flick, bow-bow, rat-tat-tat, hurdy-gurdy,13,2)Means of onomatopoeia,A). From the sound of human Such as: giggle(吃吃地笑), Titter (嗤嗤地笑), Murmur (喃喃地说), Hiss (嘶嘶地说),14,B). From the sound of animals,Apes gibber asses bray Bears growl beetles drone Bulls bellow camels grunt Cats mew ducks quack Eagles s
8、cream flies buzz Frog croak geese cackle Goats bleat horses neigh,15,From the sound of animals,Hens cluck larks warble Lions roar magpie chatter Mice squeak owls hoot (screech) Pigeons pigs squeal (grunt) coo Puppies yelp ravens croak Snakes hiss thrushes whistle Turkeys gobble wolves howl,16,C). Fr
9、om the things:,Such as: Bubble (汩汩地流) Splash (扑通) Clash (金属碰撞声) Tinkle (叮叮当当) Thump (砰然地响) Bang(砰砰地响),17,3)Function of Onomatopoeia,1. Used as verbs:to howl, to squeal, to roar, to twitter 2. Used as nouns: Cricket(蟋蟀), cuckoo(布谷), ping-pong(乒乓), pop(枪), pompom(高射炮),18,找出下列句子中的拟声词,1. “Never mind,” h
10、e murmured. “so long as you dont feel lifes paltry and a miserable business, the rest doesnt matter, happiness or unhappiness.” 2. did you ever in your life hear anyone rattle on so?使发出咯咯声 3. Far away a donkey brayed.发嘟嘟声 4. of course there was no market, so I had, ha-ha, to feel them.,19,5 Word for
11、mation by analogy 类推,Yesterday_ yester year Birds eye(俯视的)_ fish eye(全视的), worms eye(仰视的), Cats eye(猫眼) Sunrise _moonrise(月出)-earthrise(月平线上看到的地球升出,这种景象只能从宇宙飞船上才能看到), Spaceman _earthman(地球人), moonman(月球人),20,5 by analogy类推,Airport - moonport月球火箭发射站 Seafaring 海上航行 - spacefaring 航天飞行 Earthquake - star
12、quake星球地震,指星球形状连续的急剧变化 Landscape - moonscape - marscape火星的表面,21,by analogy 类推,Missile gap 指美国与苏联在导弹发展上的差距 Production gap 生产上的差距 Development gap 经济发展上的差距 Credibility gap 信用差距 Generation gap 代沟,22,White-collar blue-collar gold-collar grey-collar pink-collar open-collar,by analogy 类推,Black-list, White-
13、list(白名单, 指准予上演的短剧的名单), gray-list( 灰名单, 指非明文查禁但仍属于不合法的人或物).,23,by analogy 类推,First lady 第一夫人,国家元首的夫人 First mother 第一母亲,国家元首的母亲 First family 第一家庭,国家元首的家庭 The first world-the second world-the third world-the fourth world最贫穷的国家,24,by analogy,User-friendly(指电脑一般人都能使用的), reader-friendly(指书籍一般人都能阅读的), Lis
14、tener-friendly(指音响设备一般人都能使用的), citizen-friendly(指法律一般人都能读懂的),25,by analogy类推,Environmental pollution Visual or eye pollution Noise or sound pollution Cultural pollution Graffiti pollution,26,6 Word formation by contrast 对比,Baby-boom(生育高峰)_baby bust(生育低谷) Nightmare _ daymare (白昼恶梦) Blacklist _ whitel
15、ist (白名单,指守法人士,合法机构的名单,准备上演的节目等的名单) Brain drain(人才外流) _brain gain (人才引进), Cold war_ hot war Man of letters _lady of letters (女文人),27,by contrast 对比,High-rise(高层建筑)-low-rise (低层建筑) Hot line热线,原指苏美的热线- cold line 冷线,指关系冷漠,疏远 Phase out分阶段减少- phase in 逐步引入 Flash-back倒叙- flash-forward提前叙述未来事件 Overproduce过
16、剩地生产-underproduce 生产不足 Overkill过度的核杀伤力- underkill核杀伤力不足,28,7 Acronym(首字母缩略词),AI (artificial intelligence), BASIC (beginners all-purposed symbolic instruction Code), ASCII (American Standard Code for information Introduction) CD,VCD WHO (world health organization) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organizati
17、on),29,Acronym(首字母缩略词),BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) UN (United Nations) PM (Prime Minister) MP (Member of Parliament) NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Aids (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome),30,Acronym(首字母缩略词),Some abbreviati
18、on are only written forms; they are still pronounced as the full word. MR (Mister) DR (Doctor) St (Saint),31,8 Clipping 剪切法,Lab-laboratory; auto-automobile Gas-gasoline; trig-trigonometry(三角学) Copter-helicopter; quake-earthquake Scope-telescope Flu-influenza; fridge-refrigerator Daily-daily paper; f
19、inal-final examination,32,9 Blending 混合法,Camcorder 可携带式摄像机 = camera + recorder Comsat通讯卫星 = communication + satellite Smog = smoke + fog Motel = motor + hotel Brunch = breakfast + lunch,33,10 Back-formation 逆生法,baby-sitter baby-sit editor edit beggar beg typewriter typewrite emotion-emote television
20、- televise caretaker- caretake housekeeper- housekeep greedy greed Gloomy - gloom,34,11 By borrowing words from other languages,Ye-ye (爵士音乐的) Karaoke (卡拉OK) Chi-pao Mao tai Wok (炒菜锅), Autoroute (快速干道),35,12 By adding new meaning into existing words,Break(霹雳舞), mouse(鼠标), dove(主和派人物), hawk(主战派人物), country(乡村音乐的), beehive(女子蜂窝式发式), bread(美俚,钱), apple-pie(典型的美国价值观), conference call(电话会议),36,13 Translation loans译借词,Paper tiger Black humor Found object,