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1、Addition in Translation,增补法,1. Lexical Addition(从词汇上考虑的增词) 2. Syntactical Addition(从句法结构上考虑的增词) 3. Cultural Addition (从文化上考虑的增词) 4. Rhetorical Addition(从修辞上考虑),1. Lexical Amplification,1.1 增加动词 1.2 增加名词 1.3增加冠词 1.4增加介词 1.5 增加概括词 1.6 增加副词 1.7 增加量词 1.8增加表达复数的词 1.9 增加表达时态的词,1. 1 增加动词,1)In the evening,

2、after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibition, he would work on the drafting of the final communique. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后的公报。 2)My work,my family,my friends were more than enough to fill my time. 我要干活,要做家务,还要招待朋友,这些足够占去我的全部时间。,1. 2 增加名词,a. 在抽象名词后面增加名词 英语中某些抽象名词或表示动作意义的

3、名词,若单独译出时,意思不明确,翻译时常常根据上下文在其后面添加“情况”,“作用”,“方法”,“过程”,“工作”,“状态”,“现象”,“度”,“化”,“性”等概括词,使译文符合规范。,to develop 发展 development 发展水平(状况) to persuade 说服 persuasion 说服工作 to prepare 准备 preparation 准备工作 poor 贫穷的 poverty 贫困状态 emergent 紧急的 emergency 紧急情况 tense 紧张的 tension 紧张局势,1) He manifested a strong dislike for

4、his fathers business. 他对父亲的生意表示了强烈的厌恶情绪。 2)They are sanguine about building up a near peace. 他们对建立一种准和平局面非常乐观。 3)These fighters are able to cope with various emergencies. 这些战士们能对付各种各样的紧急情况。,b. 在具体名词后面增加名词 当具体名词表达某种抽象概念时,在译文中也常常需要根据上下文增加一些适当的名词。 1) He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge,a

5、nd declared his own son guilty。 他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情,而判决他儿子有罪。 2) In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they do today. 将来自动化可能使人类享受到比今天更多的空闲时间,c. 在形容词前面增加名词 This new type of computer is indeed cheap and fine. 这部新型电脑真是价廉物美。 He is a complicated man-moody, mercurial

6、, with a melancholy streak. 他是一个性格复杂的人喜怒无常,反复多变,有些忧郁寡欢。,1. 3 增加冠词,英译汉时,有些不定冠词可以译为“一个”,定冠词可以译为“这”、“或”、“那”,但也有很多时候冠词可以省略不译;反之,汉译英时则常常要根据行文需要增加适当的冠词。,The ear is the organ which is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. The tongue is used for tasting. 耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子是用来嗅气味,舌头用来尝滋味。 We must make

7、 a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved. 我们对问题要作全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。,1. 4 增补介词,介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,英语句子十有八九都少不了介词。汉语中不需用介词的地方,在英语中却常用介词。因此在汉译英时,增补介词的情况是屡见不鲜的。 1我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。 We should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country. 2你是白天工作还是夜间工作? Do you work in the

8、 daytime or at night?,1. 5 增加概括词,英语和汉语都有概括词,英语中的in short,and so on,etc.等等,翻译时可以译为“总之”,“等等”但有时英语句子中并没有概括词,而翻译时却往往可增加“两人”,“双方”,“等”,“等等”,“凡此种种“,等等概括词,同时省略掉英语中的连接词。 The Americans and the Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of messages. 美日双方在完全保密的情况下互相交换了信件。 3. They talked about wage, price a

9、nd inflation. 他们谈及工资、物价、通货膨胀等问题。,1. 6增加副词,根据原文的上下文,有些动词在一定场合可增加适当的副词才能确切表达原意。 In the films of those days,all too often it was the same one:boy tractor driver meets girl tractor driver;they fall in love and drive tractors together. 在那时候的电影里,总是老一套;男拖拉机手和女拖拉机手始而相遇,继而相爱,终而并肩开拖拉机了。 As he sat down and beg

10、an talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。,1. 6增加量词,英语中数词与可数名词往往可以直接连用,不用加量词。而汉语往往要加入量词。 1)A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮红日从平静的海面冉冉升起。 2)There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 一排排的房子,都是他从来没有见过的。,1. 6增加表达复数的词,汉语名词的复数没有词性变化,很多情况下不必表达出来。但要表达指多数人的名词时可在该名词后加“们”字,如“

11、the teachers“教师们”或在该名词前面加上诸位或各位,如“Ladies and gentlemen“诸位女士和先生们”。,1)Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。 2)There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 一排排的房子,都是他从来没有见过的。,1.9 增加表达时态的词,汉语动词没有词形变化,表达时态要靠增加汉语特有的时态助词或一般表示时间的词。因此,翻译完成时往往用曾、已经、过、了;翻译进行时往往用在、正在、着;翻译将来时往往用将、就、要、会、便等等。除此之

12、外,为了强调时间概念或强调时间上的对比,往往需要加一些其他的词。,1. The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him. 原来,是那位老人已经教会了孩子捕鱼,所以孩子很爱他。 2.He was the late presidents alter ego and he is a close and influential friend of the president to be in office. 他过去是已故总统的化身,而现在是即将就职的总统亲密而有影响的朋友。,2. Syntactical Amplificatio

13、n (从句法结构上考虑的增词),2.1 增补原文中省略或被替代的词 2.2 增补原文回答句中的省略部分 2.3 增补译文中结构或搭配所需要的词 2.4 增补表示逻辑关系的词语,2. 1 增补原文中省略或被替代的词,1)We wont retreat;we never have and never will. 我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也绝不后退。 2)Water evaporates more rapidly when the temperature is high than when it is low. 温度高,水蒸发得快;温度低,水蒸发得慢。,3)Men build hou

14、ses and women, families. 男人建造房子; 女人建造家庭。4)Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. (Francis Bacon) 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才,2.2 增补原文回答句中的省略部分,1)Is this your book?Yes ,it is. 这是你的书吗?是我的。 2)Rebecca:“What! dont you love him(Amelias brother)?”Amelia:“Yes ,of course,I do.“ 利蓓加:“怎么?你不爱他(爱米丽的哥哥)?”

15、 爱米丽:“我当然爱他。” (Yes,of course,I do=Yes,of course I love him.),2.3 增补译文中结构或搭配所需要的词,1)You cannot build a ship, a house,or a machine tool if you do not know how to make or read a design. 如果不懂得制图或看不懂图纸,就不能造船、盖房子或制造机床。 2)He was a quiet thoughtful man. 他举止文雅,待人体贴。,2.4 增补表示逻辑关系的词语,1)The strongest man cannot

16、 alter the law of nature. 即使是最强有力的人也不能改变自然法则2)I am in charge of the depot, only I. People will hold me responsible but not you. 只有我一个人负责管理这个仓库,出了事情别人找我,找不到你。,3. Cultural Amplification (从文化上考虑的增词),3.1增加比喻的喻意3.2增加背景信息,1)Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard. 俗话说,衣柜里面藏骷髅,见不

17、得人的事家家有。 2)No phrase was borrowed ;it was pure Roosevelt.(The Glory and the Dream) 没有一句话因袭他人,纯粹是罗斯福的口吻。,3)I was not Pygmalion, I was Frankenstein. Max Shulman: Love is a Fallacy “我不是皮格马利翁, 珍爱自己创造的美, 我是弗兰肯斯坦, 作茧自缚, 自作自受。”4)Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor.济公劫富济贫,深受穷苦人民

18、的爱戴。,3.2增加背景信息 补充解释性的词语,以利读者更好地理解,1)The blond boy quickly crossed himself. 那个金发小男孩立刻在胸前划十字,祈求上帝保佑。 2)It was Friday and soon theyd go out and get drunk.(J.Braine:Room at the top) 星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要去上街喝得酩酊大醉。(译者注:英国那时每逢星期五发一次工资),3)Hugh Sidy,Time-Lifes perceptive Presideng-watcher,recounted that while Nix

19、ons jet soared over Asia,Haldemen told Kissinger that “the boss“seemed to have it in his mind that he might be visiting Peking before another year was out. 时代和生活杂志那位透彻了解总统的记者休赛迪报道说,在尼克松的喷气式飞机翱翔在亚洲上空的时候,霍尔德曼对基辛格说:看来“老板”打算在一年内访问北京。,4. Rhetorical Amplification (从修辞上考虑),汉语中的语气助词很多,如“的” “吧”、“啊” 、“呀” “嘛”、

20、“吗” 、“啦” 、“了”、 “罢了”、“而已”等等。不同的语气助词可以表示不同的含义。在英译汉时,增加一些恰当的语气助词可以更好地表达英语原文的含义和修辞色彩。另外,为了使译文更加生动通顺,译者也可以增加无损原意的四字词组,四字对偶词组和叠词。,4.1增加一些恰当的语气助词可以更好地表达英语原文的含义和修辞色彩;4.2增加四字词组,四字对偶词组或叠词。,4.1 增加一些恰当的语气助词可以更好地表达英语原文的含义和修辞色彩。 1)The host carved,poured,served,cut bread ,talked and laughed. 主人割肉呀,斟酒呀,端菜呀,切面包呀,又说又

21、笑,忙个不停。 2)As I snooze, she talks of anything, everything, all the things that women talk of: books, music, dress, men, other women. 我这边打着盹,她那里说着女人爱说的一切,什么书籍啦、音乐啦、服装啦、男人啦、别的女人啦,五花八门,包罗万象。,4.2 增加四字词组,四字对偶词组或叠词 1)Target priorities were established there. 目标的轻重缓急,孰先孰后,是在那里决定的。 2)But there had been too m

22、uch publicity about my case. 但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。,3)The extravagance of some oil-rich sheikhs was frightening in its vulgarity and its irresponsibility.They could be seen driving Cadillacs with goats sitting beside them. 一些靠石油发财致富的酋长穷奢极欲,其粗俗下流、放纵无度的程度令人发指。人们可以看到他们坐着卡迪拉克牌轿车,带着山羊,招摇过市。,Bed in Summer,

23、In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day.I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up peoples feet Still going past me in the street.,And does it seem hard to you, When all the sky

24、 is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day? 译文一:夏之眠 冬日里我夜里起床, 借这昏黄的烛光穿衣裳。 夏日里可不一样, 我不得不白日里就睡觉上床。小鸟儿仍在树上蹦蹦跳跳, 大人们的脚步声 还在大街上回响, 我却得早早睡觉上床。,天空还那么蔚蓝、明亮, 我多么想嬉戏、玩耍, 你是否觉得 这时候就睡觉难入梦乡?!(肖洪森 译)译文一:夏之眠 冬天起床天还未亮, 穿衣需借黄色烛光。 夏天的情形完全两样, 上床睡觉还有日光。,上床睡觉,即能看见 鸟儿在树上欢跳。 也能听见 大人的脚步迈过屋前的街道。此时的天空蔚蓝明亮, 我多想去玩耍、嬉闹。 此时要你躺到床上, 是否能够进入梦乡?(李明 译),寻隐者不遇 贾岛,松下问童子, 言师采药去。 只在此山中, 云深不知处。,For an absent recluse Xu Yuanchong,I ask your ladneath a pine tree; “My masters gone for herbs,” says he. You hide amid the mountains proud; I know not where deep in the cloud.,Goodbye,


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