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1、一、把下列专业名词翻译成汉语1、Eyespot 眼斑病 2、Wireworms 金针虫3、captan 克菌丹 4、Seedcorn Maggot 种蝇(种蛆)5、European Chafer 欧(洲)金龟 6、metalaxyl 甲霜灵7、Pupate 化蛹 8、Fall Armyworm 草地粘虫9、Anthracnose 炭疽病 10、Herbicide 杀虫剂二、把下列专业名词翻译成英语1、瓢虫 ladybird beetle 2、普通锈病 common rust3、接种体 inoculums 4、病原体 pathogen5、咖啡锈病 coffee rust 6、露尾甲 Sap Be

2、etles7、缢管蚜 Leaf Aphids 8、玉米螟 European Corn Borer9、小地老虎 Black Cutworm 10、禾本科牧草灰斑病 Grey Leaf Spot三、翻译短句1. Seedcorn beetles are small, brown ground beetles, less than 1 cm long。豆象是小型,土棕色的甲虫,体长不到 1cm。2. Eggs are deposited in the soil from July until a killing frost in the fall.从 7 月直到秋季严霜期到来前,在土中产卵。3. T

3、he larvae attack roots, seeds and germinating seedlings of many crops。幼虫取食多种作物的根、种子和萌发的幼苗。4. The disease appears as long, elliptical (2-15 cm) greyish-green or tan streaks这种病害表现为长椭圆形(215cm) ,浅灰绿色或棕褐色条纹。5. Spores produced on the residue are dispersed by wind and rain splash. 作物残体中产生孢子,孢子通过风雨的溅射传播。四、将

4、下列段落翻译成汉语1、Wireworms 金针虫Description 概述Wireworms are larvae that are 7-35 mm long, cylindrical, copper-brown-coloured and hardened. Adult wireworms are beetles that have the ability to flip themselves upright when placed on their backs, making an audible click as they do, giving them their name “clic

5、k beetles.“ 金针虫是一种体长 735mm,圆筒形,铜棕色,体表坚硬的幼虫。成虫是一种甲虫。当他们背部着地时,能使自己向上翻过来,他们这么做时,可以听见叩头似的撞击声,起名“叩头虫”。Damage 危害Wireworms are most active during the months of May to July and occur most often in fields that have little disturbance. The larvae attack roots, seeds and germinating seedlings of many crops suc

6、h as corn, soybeans, wheat, edible beans and potatoes. Non-uniform growth or gaps in the stand may be due to wireworm feeding on germinating seeds. Injured seedlings appear stunted and wilted with leaves sometimes becoming purple or blue at the tips. The problem is usually worse in the second year o

7、ut of sod after high grass-weed pressure, or when cereals are frequently in the rotation. They are also generally more prevalent in sandier soils, especially on the knolls. 金针虫最活跃的时期是 5 月到 7 月,经常在田间发生,造成危害。幼虫取食多种作物的根、种子和萌发的幼苗,例如大豆、小麦、食用豆类和薯类等。作物群丛生长不一致或有缺失,可能是金针虫取食发芽的种子造成的。受到损伤的幼苗出现矮小、萎蔫,叶尖有时呈紫色或蓝色。

8、第二年,在高的杂草压力下的(形成的)草皮或谷类作物连续耕作时,危害会更加严重。金针虫通常在沙质土中,特别是土墩下发生较多。2、Anthracnose Appearance 炭疽病症状Anthracnose may affect both leaves and stalks. The main symptoms are leaf spotting, top dieback and stalk rot. Leaf spots are oval (up to 15 mm long) with a tan center and reddish-brown border. Individual lesi

9、ons may join, forming streaking along the margin or midrib. A general yellowing of the tissue surrounding the infected areas often develops. With the aid of a hand lens, small black spots (ascervuli) can be seen in the center of the lesions. Under close examination, black hairs (setae) may be seen p

10、rotruding from these spots. The disease is first observed on the lower leaves and later on the upper leaves. Top dieback can occur late in the season as diseased leaves wilt and gradually die, taking on the appearance of frost damage.炭疽病可以侵染叶和茎。主要症状是形成叶斑,梢尖枯萎,茎腐烂。叶斑椭圆形(长达15mm) ,中心棕褐色,边缘浅红棕色。单个叶斑可以连接

11、起来,沿着叶边缘或叶脉形成条纹。环绕发病区域的组织经常变黄。用手持放大镜观察,在叶斑中心能看见小黑斑。仔细检查,(会发现)在这些斑点上突起一些黑色刚毛。该病首先发生在较低的叶片上,然后向上蔓延。后期当病叶枯萎,逐渐死亡时,梢尖经常枯死,呈现霜冻危害的症状。五、将下列段落翻译成英语病害综合治理Integrated Disease Management如何使植株健壮和抗病How to make the plant strong and resist to the disease:使用植株强壮和健康的方法有很多:使用无病种子,土壤处理和种植小区的良好准备,除草,合理施肥灌水。There are ma

12、ny ways to make plant Strong and healthy - using disease free seeds, soil treatment and good preparation of plant plot, weeding, proper application of fertilizer and water. 要做的第一件事是使用无病的种子。但不是每一种作物和每个地方都可以获得经过确认的种子。农民可以根据良好的市场标准,从看起来很健康的植株上,自己收获种子。如果农民不得不从市场上购买种子,他们必须尽力挑选好种子(无病害症状)来用。假如对没有病症的种子有所怀疑的

13、话,农民们可以决定使用化学法或热水浴法(5055)处理种子。有些地方,生物防治药剂或抗生素(抗真菌、细菌等)用来处理种子也有效果。The first thing to do is using disease free seeds but certified seeds may not be available in every kind of plants and every place. The farmers can collect their own seeds from healthy looking plants with good standard marketing qualit

14、y. If the farmers have to buy seeds from the market they must try to pick out only good seeds (no disease Symptoms) for use. In case of doubt, the seeds do not show any symptom the farmers can decide to treat the seeds either with chemicals or hot water (50-55 ). Biological agents or BA(antagonists-

15、 fungi, bacteria etc) are also available in some places for using as seed treatment.一、把下列专业名词翻译成汉语1、ragweed 豚草 2、corn leaf aphid 玉米缢管蚜3、grubs 蛴螬 4、wasp 黄蜂5、fungus 真菌 6、seedling blight 苗腐病7、Pythium 腐烂病 8、fungicid 杀菌剂9、sclerote 菌核 10、thiram 福美双二、把下列专业名词翻译成英语1、苯菌灵 benomyl 2、白粉病 powdery mildew3、普通锈病 com

16、mon rust 4、菌丝体 mycelium5、青霉菌 Penicillium 6、螟蛉 earworm7、粘虫 True armyworm 8、捕食螨 predaceous mites9、小地老虎 Black cutworm 10、藜 pigweed三、翻译短句1. The seedcorn maggot is a small, yellowish-white, headless, legless larva.种蝇是一种小型、 ,黄白色,无头,无腿的幼虫。2. Grubs feed on the fibrous roots, 3-5 cm from the soil surface.蛴螬取

17、食地表下 35cm 内的须根。3. Root rot-causing organisms infect the seedlings root system, including lateral roots and root hairs. 根腐病是病菌侵染幼苗的根系,包括侧根和根毛。4. Anthracnose has been found in many places and may become severe in warm, wet years. 炭疽病在许多地方发生,在温暖、潮湿的年份危害更重。5. 历史告诉我们爱尔兰大饥荒就是由真菌致病疫霉引起的马铃薯晚疫病造成的。The histor

18、y told us about starvation and death of the Irish people due to late blight of potato caused by Phytophthora infestans.四、将下列段落翻译成汉语1、European Chafer (White Grubs) 欧洲金龟 1.1 Description 概述European chafer larvae are white and C-shaped with an orange-brown head and dark posterior. This pest can be disti

19、nguished from other white grubs by its Y-shaped pattern of anal bristles known as “rasters,“ located on the underside of the last abdominal segment of the larva. The adult is a medium-sized, light-brown, fawn-coloured, oval scarab beetle.欧洲金龟的幼虫是白色,呈 “C”,头部棕色,腹末黑色的昆虫。这种害虫与其他金龟的不同之处在于它的“Y”型的臀毛模式,即著名的

20、 “复毛区” ,位于幼虫最后一个腹节下。成虫为中型,亮棕色或浅黄色,卵圆形的甲虫。1.2 Life History 生活史This pest overwinters as larvae or “grubs“ in the soil below the frost line. In April to May, these larvae migrate back up close to the soil surface and feed on plant roots. Larvae then pupate from May to mid-June, and adult beetles emerge

21、 from the soil in early June to early July to mate. Adult chafers congregate in conspicuous mating flights and can be seen swarming at dusk. The beetles fly to tall objects along the horizon, usually trees or other landscape to mate. The adult females then locate cool, moist soil in nearby fields or

22、 lawns to lay their eggs in. Eggs hatch and newly hatched larvae begin feeding on roots in late July until the ground freezes. The grubs then migrate down below the frost line to overwinter. There is one generation per year. 这种害虫在冰封线以下,以幼虫的或“蛴螬”形式越冬。4、5 月份幼虫迁回近地表取食植物的根。幼虫在 5、6 月份化蛹,成虫 6 月至 7 月出土,交尾。

23、金龟成虫聚集在一起举行盛大的交尾飞行。在黄昏时可以看到成群的金龟。金龟子沿着地平线飞向高高的物体,通常是树或其他的景物,然后交尾。雌金龟成虫交尾后在附近的农田或草坪,选择阴湿、潮湿的土壤产卵,孵化。新孵化出的幼虫开始取食植物的根,从 7 月一直到地表冻结。蛴螬向下迁移到冰封线以下越冬。每年产 1 代。2、Northern Leaf Blight 北方叶枯病2.1 Appearance 外貌The disease appears as long, elliptical (2-15 cm greyish-green or tan streaks. Lesions most often begin

24、on the lower leaves. As the disease develops, individual lesions may join, forming large blighted areas. In some cases the entire leaves may become blighted or “burned.“ Losses due to northern leaf blight are most severe when the leaves above the ear are infected at or slightly after pollination. 该病

25、呈现长椭圆形(215cm)浅灰绿色或棕褐色条纹。大多数损伤经常开始于较低的叶片。随着病情的发展,单独的损伤可以连接在一起,形成大块病斑。有些病例中,叶片整个枯萎,象火烧过似的。当穗上的叶片被感染,在授粉或刚授粉后,叶枯病造成的损失最严重。2.2 Disease Cycle 病害循环The fungus survives in corn residue as either spores or fungal strands (mycelium). The spores of the fungus are spread from the ground residue to the developin

26、g corn plant through wind or rain “splashing.“ Plants that become infected act as a secondary source of infection and may spread to other fields. Disease development is favoured by moderate temperatures (18C-27C) with prolonged periods of humid or rainy weather. 病菌以孢子或菌丝体在玉米残体中存活。病菌的孢子通过风或雨水飞溅,从地表残体

27、传播到正在生长的玉米植株上。植株被侵染作为第二感染源,可以扩散到其他田地。在适宜的温度(1827) ,潮湿、阴雨天气绵延的时期,叶枯病易发生流行。 (五、将下列段落翻译成英语基于流行病学的措施Management based on epidemiology病原体存在于土壤、水、空气、杂草、种子和植物残体。减少田地中接种体(如真菌孢子、细菌、线虫的卵和幼虫、地下害虫等)的数量是十分必要的。使用干净的水,除草或清除杂草和植物残体也是必要的。在透明塑料屋顶的温室中只有一种方法可减少接种体从空气中传到生长中易生病的植株。有很多种方法减少土壤中接种体数量,但有一个很好且便宜的方法就是深翻土地,使田地至少

28、暴晒一周,以杀死病原体和土壤害虫。作物常规调查,除去侵染的劣种或部分,也是一个减少接种体数量的好方法。杂草使作物的敌人,与作物竞争养分和空间,它们是病害和虫害的源头。他们生长迅速,遮蔽阳光,因此作物容易患病。Pathogens are everywhere in soil, water, air, weeds, seeds and plant debris. It is necessari1y to reduce the amount of inoculum (e.g. fungal spores, bacterial cells. eggs and larvae of nematodes a

29、nd soil pets)in the ground. Using clean water, weeding or eliminating weeds and plant debris are also needed. Only one way to reduce the inoculum from the air is to grow susceptible plants under transparent plastic roof house. There are many ways to reduce the amount of inoculum in the soil but a be

30、tter and cheaper method is ploughing the land and expose to the strong sunlight at least a week to kill the pathogens and soil pests. Regular investigating the crops and roguing infected plants or plants part is also a good way to reduce the amount of inoculum. Weeds are enemy of the plants, they compete with the plants for nutrients and space, they are the source of diseases and pests, they grow more quickly and obstruct the sun1ight so they make the plants susceptible to disease.


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