1、 朱仙镇论文:朱仙镇木版年画艺术语言研究【中文摘要】朱仙镇木版年画是中国木版年画的“鼻祖”,源于北宋。它是根植于百姓生活的一种艺术形态,通过独特的艺术语言展示了民间大众生活的各个方面,传递着他们的内在情感和期盼。悠久的历史和地域文化,使其在题材内容、文化内涵、工艺特色和艺术语言方面都形成了不同于其他年画作品的特色,具有独特的精神内涵和装饰意味,是中国民间美术的重要组成部分。论文在分析朱仙镇木版年画的发展演变、题材内容和工艺特色的基础上,重点研究朱仙镇木版年画艺术语言。主旨在于以艺术审美与民间艺术的精神内涵为根本,以具体的年画作品为依据,对朱仙镇木版年画的艺术语言展开深入系统的研究,阐释朱仙镇木
5、与意义。【英文摘要】Zhuxian Town Woodcut New Year pictures originated in the Northern Song Dynasty, and it is the originator of the Chinese woodblock New Year pictures, and is an important part of folk art rooting in ordinary peoples life. The pictures show all aspects of peoples life, and they convey people
6、emotion and expectation by unique way. Because of the long history and the local culture, Zhuxian town Woodcut New Year pictures are different from other new year paintings, just as the content, technology and art of language features.On the basic of analyzing the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year pictu
7、res development evolution and subject material, the paper focused on studying artistic language of the pictures. The paper primary intention lies in take art esthetic and the folk art energetic connotation as the basis, and takes the concrete lunar New Year painting work as the basis. From craft, co
8、lor, line, composition and modelling five aspects, the author applied history, literature, sociology, chromatics, form study and image study knowledge, thoroughly and systematically studied Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year Pictures artistic language, including form feeling, cosmetic and intrinsic spiri
9、t. And the paper also had in-depth study about the the evolution of Zhuxian Town Woodcut New Year Pictures, theme categories and language Arts. The paper has four chapters.The first chapter studied historical data and reference literature, and through field visiting and literature researching method
10、s, traced origin of the Zhuxian Town Woodcut New Year Pictures. According to the historical route, the author analyzed the Zhuxian Town Woodcut New Year Pictures in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty, the Xi Xia Dynasty, the Jin Dynaty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and
11、Republic of China during 1912-1949 historical period evolution and development.The second chapter analyzed the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year pictures, about the subject content and form of classification by the way of field visits, interviews and observation. The pictures contains The moral of wealt
12、h and peoples expectations of a better life by Chinese traditional auspicious patterns and auspicious symbols specific.Different subjects have different expression. Door-God and God yards are the most prominent board pictures of two forms, the paper through analysis and comparison of methods, Zhuxia
13、nzhen woodcut New Year pictures are classified, and provide examples of their interpretation Pictures of variousformsand types of features.The third chapter is the key sections of the paper. At first, the author analyzed the definition of the artistic language, and thoroughly and systematically stud
14、ied Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year Pictures artistic language using knowledge of chromatics, form study, image study and ethnology. In the research, the author took the concrete New Year Picture as the basis, analyzed the Characteristic of the from craft, color, line, modelling and composition. Tradi
15、tional craft, vigorous gorgeous color, thick crazy succinct line, exaggerating humorous modelling and full compact, balanced symmetrical composition, constructs in together the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year Pictures art language the intense form feeling and the cosmetic. The Zhuxian Town woodcut New
16、 Year Pictures in all external form powerful unification intrinsic sentiments direct expression, forms one kind of intense visual performance effect, transmits its rich energetic connotation. The paper broke formerly inherent understanding of the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year Pictures, make the chan
17、ce of knowing the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year pictures the arts from and its charm from new perspective.The fourth chapter from artistic and reality angle embarking, have analyzed the Zhuxian Town New Year Pictures artistic value and the practical significance. This chapter has two sections. The f
18、irst section studied the value of the Zhuxian Town New Year Pictures to the Chinese tradition drawing and the print creation significance, and influences on contemporary art and design influence and value desk study, particularly decorative art. The second section discussed practical significance of
19、 the papers from social, historical, the national character and the economical.The paper key point and the innovation spot lied in union many kinds of disciplines the knowledge, from the craft, the color, the line, the composition and the modelling aspects, and carried on the system thorough analysi
20、s to the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year pictures artistic language. The author explained the form feeling, cosmetic and energetic connotation of the paperartistic language. The author hoped that breaks the out view of the Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year Pictures, and hope people have the chance to appr
21、eciate the papers from a new angle, at the same time, people would understand its unique value and significance as a folk.【关键词】朱仙镇 木版年画 艺术语言【英文关键词】The Zhuxian Town woodcut New Year pictures Language Arts【目录】朱仙镇木版年画艺术语言研究 中文摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-6 目录 7-9 前言 9-12 (一) 选题的目的和意义 9 (二) 研究现状及水平 9-10 (三) 研究的思路和
22、方法 10-12 一、朱仙镇木版年画的发展演变 12-18 (一) 朱仙镇木版年画的起源 12-13 (二) 朱仙镇木版年画的发展演变 13-16 (三) 朱仙镇木版年画的现状 16-18 二、朱仙镇木版年画的题材内容与工艺特色 18-29 (一) 朱仙镇木版年画题材内容及文化内涵 18-24 1. 朱仙镇木版年画的题材内容与分类 18-23 2. 朱仙镇木版年画的文化内涵 23-24 (三) 朱仙镇木版年画的工艺特色 24-29 三、朱仙镇木版年画的艺术语言 29-44 (一) 朱仙镇木版年画的色彩语言 29-34 1. 色彩的文化内涵 29-30 2. 原色的运用 30-31 3. 补色的
23、运用 31-33 4. 用色彩表现人物性格 33-34 (二) 朱仙镇木版年画的线条语言 34-37 1. 线条的书法韵味 34-35 2. 线条的表现力 35-36 3. 线条的装饰性 36-37 (三) 朱仙镇木版年画的造型语言 37-40 1. 夸张变形提炼概括 37-38 2. 不求比例协调 38-39 3. 借鉴戏剧的造型手法 39-40 (四) 朱仙镇木版年画的构图语言 40-44 1. 饱满紧凑 40-41 2. 均衡对称 41-44 四、朱仙镇木版年画艺术语言的特色和价值 44-47 结语 47-48 注释 48-49 参考文献 49-51 读研期间发表论文 51-52 致谢 52-53