1、EMC Corporation Technology Solutions容灾系统容灾系统 EMC 存储测试验收方案存储测试验收方案Date: Oct 28, 2005 Prepared for:Prepared by:EMC CorporationDate: EMC SOW Number: EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page ii09/16/05Record of RevisionsThe following is a list of revisions mad
2、e to this document:End User Note: Enter brief information to record any updates/changes made to this Test and Acceptance Plan (if necessary) during the engagement. Enter the revision identifier (AX), date, page number(s) affected, reason, and brief description of the change in the Summary column. Th
3、e final, complete document is the Basic issue. Enter the date that the implementations test procedures are complete and acceptance signatures are obtained. Remove these instructions and other red text items from this document when it is complete.Rev DatePages Affected Reason Summary of Technical Cha
4、ngesBasic Oct 28, 2005 All Initial document release.EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page iii09/16/05Table of ContentsPurpose of this Document1Test and Acceptance Plan/Product Demonstration Agreement .1Testing Prerequisites1EMC Developed Tests.2Develope
5、d Tests .6Test and Acceptance Plan/Product Demonstration Approval 7Appendix A: Contact Information 8Notes to End User: Update this TOC (right-click on TOC and choose Update Field) when your document is finished and ready for publishing.To update the Customer Name fields and automatically update all
6、Contents pages, select the entire document (Edit Select All from the menus) and press F9. The two Customer Name dialog boxes display, as well as the Table of Contents Update dialog boxes.EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page iv09/16/05List of Figures Er
7、ror! No table of figures entries found.Note to End User: Update this LOF after your draft document is finished and ready for publishing. Delete it if it is not used.List of TablesTable 1. Test and Acceptance Plan/Product Demonstration Acceptance1Table 2. EMC Local Storage Replication Implementation
8、for OS Test .2Table 3. XXXXX Test .6Table 4. Test Acceptance/Product Demonstration Approval 7Table 5. EMC Contacts 8Table 6. Contacts 8Note to End User: Update this LOT after your draft document is finished and ready for publishing.EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾
9、 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 109/16/05Purpose of this DocumentThe tests included in this document demonstrate EMC Local Storage Replication Implementation for Open Systems Service functionality using the installed components at CNC Henans (referred to as ) site. Perform the tests detailed in this document after
10、 completing all phases of the EMC Local Storage Replication Implementation for Open Systems Service engagement as described in the EMC Corporation Statement of Work (SOW).Performing the tests in this Test and Acceptance Plan is also considered a product Functional Overview/demonstration for this eng
11、agement and is part of the implementations acceptance and sign-off.A completed copy of this document becomes part of CNC Henans installation record.Test and Acceptance Plan/Product Demonstration AgreementThe parties hereby acknowledge, by signing in the appropriate fields in Table 1, that this docum
12、ent contains the procedures that will adequately test the systems being implemented during this engagement. EMC and will use these tests during this implementation to measure the engagements success.Important! EMC and must sign Table 1 prior to starting the engagement.Table 1. Test and Acceptance Pl
13、an/Product Demonstration AcceptanceEMC Corporation For Error! Reference source not found.Signature SignaturePrinted NamePrinted NameTitle TitleDate DateTesting PrerequisitesEnsure that the following prerequisites are met before you start the tests in this document: All implementation tasks are compl
14、ete as outlined in the EMC Corporation SOW. s representative is available to monitor and review the tests and results as they are performed. EMC and s representative will sign-off each test on its successful completion. The contact information in Appendix A must be complete and up-to-date.实施步骤 连通生产中
15、心和灾备中心的链路 创建 SRDF Diskgroupsymdg createEMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 209/16/05 使用 SRDF 适应性拷贝功能(Adaptive Copy )将数据从生产中心拷贝到灾备中心。正个步骤对生产中心的IO 没有影响。symrdf set mode acp_disksymrdf est -full 将 SRDF 设置为同步(sync)模式,使数据进入同步状态。symrdf set mode sync Split SR
16、DF,将生产中心和灾备中心分离开。symrdf split 在灾备中心验证数据可用性。EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 309/16/05EMC 测试项目下面的测试表格的目的是确认*容灾 EMC 存储设备的软硬件配置与*的预期相符。Table 2. EMC Storage General TestTest Procedure Completed Satisfactorily Test CommentsStorage General Test Initial H
17、ere: _1. 确认 “设备的型号与购货合同相符”2. 确认 “磁盘的型号与数量与购货合同相符”3. 确认 “通道卡的类型与数量与购货合同相符”4. 确认 “CACHE 的容量与购货合同相符”5. 确认 “EMC 的配置与划分与 BIN 配置要求相符”EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 409/16/05下面的测试表格的目的是确认*容灾 EMC 存储设备配置的 EMC PowerPath 软件负载分担和故障切换功能正常。Table 3. EMC PowerPa
18、th Implementation for OS TestTest Procedure Completed Satisfactorily Test CommentsPowerPath Initial Here: _1. 在主机上模拟 I/O 流量: dd if=/dev/rhdiskpowerXX of=/dev/null bs=2k & 2. 监控通道的状态和 I/O 吞吐情况, 查看每条通道的 I/O是否均衡powermt watch3. 在 I/O压力过程中拨掉主机上的一根光纤4. 查看是否 I/O都切换到无故障的通道上powermt watch5. 产生 I/O的 dd进程并没有中断P
19、s ef | grep dd6. 把光纤插回7. 查看是否通道自动恢复,回到负载均衡状态(需要若干分钟)powermt watchEMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 509/16/05下面的测试表格的目的是确认*容灾 EMC 存储设备配置的 EMC TimeFinder 软件功能正常。Table 4. EMC Remote Storage Replication(SRDF) Implementation for OS TestTest Procedure Com
20、pleted Satisfactorily Test CommentsTimeFinder Mirror Initial Here: _1. 创建测试磁盘组symdg create testdg2. 加入测试源磁盘卷symld g testdg addall dev range 3. 执行同步symrdf g testdg establish full optimized nop查询进度: symrdf g testdg query i 5确认同步状态: sym rdf g testdg verify synched4. 记录源磁盘卷的剩余空间或源文件系统的利用率5. 分离同步symrdf g
21、 testdb split查询进度: symrdf g testdg verify split6. 将 SRDF R2 磁盘卷挂入 R2 主机7. 记录目标磁盘卷的剩余空间或目标文件系统的利用率,与源比较确认一致8. 从目标主机卸载目标磁盘卷EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 609/16/05Table 5. EMC Local Storage Replication Implementation for OS TestTest Procedure Compl
22、eted Satisfactorily Test CommentsTimeFinder Mirror Initial Here: _9. 创建测试磁盘组symdg create testdg10. 加入测试源磁盘卷symld g testdg addall dev range 11. 加入测试目标磁盘卷symbcv g testdg associateall dev range 12. 执行同步symmir g testdg establish full optimized nop查询进度: symmir g testdg query i 5确认同步状态: symmir g testdg ve
23、rify synched13. 记录源磁盘卷的剩余空间或源文件系统的利用率14. 分离同步symmir g testdb split consistent nop查询进度: symmir g testdg query bg percent i 515. 将 BCV 目标磁盘卷挂入目标主机16. 记录目标磁盘卷的剩余空间或目标文件系统的利用率,与源比较确认一致17. 从目标主机卸载目标磁盘卷EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 709/16/05EMC Corpor
24、ation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 809/16/05下面的测试表格的目的是确认*容灾 EMC 存储设备配置的 EMC TimeFinder 软件能够满足备份的 Oracle 数据库在分离时数据同步和启动的需要。EMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 909/16/05Test and Acceptance Plan/Product Demonstrat
25、ion ApprovalEMC 与 *共同确认本文档包含的测试成功完成Table 6. Test Acceptance/Product Demonstration ApprovalEMC Corporation *Signature SignaturePrinted NamePrinted NameTitle TitleDate DateEMC Corporation, Technology Solutions Test and Acceptance Plan河南网通容灾 EMC 测试验收方案 Page 1009/16/05Appendix A: Contact Information下列表格记录了 EMC 及*项目联系人信息Table 7. EMC ContactsPrimary Contact Office Phone Mobile Phone FAX E-mail Address Table 8. ContactsPrimary Contact Office Phone FAX E-mail Address