1、专业英语翻译技巧,2019-05-26,2,一、被动语态句的翻译方法,(一)顺译法 译成汉语的被动句 在译文中添加“被”、“受”等字 The heated water is thus cooled as it goes through the radiator. 当热水流过散热器时,就被冷却了。,2019-05-26,3,The integrated circuit is welcomed by most of users. 集成电路受到了广大用户的欢迎。 在译文中添加“由”、“把”等字 The electric-light bulb was created by Thomas Edison.
2、 电灯泡是由爱迪生发明的。,2019-05-26,4,在译文中添加“叫做”、“称为”、”命名为“等 Light from common sources is termed incoherent light. 来自普通光源的光称为非相干光。 Be called 叫做 Be named命名为,2019-05-26,5,(二)由as引出主语补足语的被动语态词组 Be classified as 被划分为 Be considered as 被认为是 Be described as 被描述为 Be regarded as 被看作 Heat is regarded as a form of energy.
3、 热被看作是能的一种形式。,2019-05-26,6,转化法,(一)把动作的发出者转换为主语 Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us. 现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。,2019-05-26,7,(二)把原句的谓语转换为主语 Energy is defined as the ability to do work. 能的定义为做功的能力。 The computer is characterized by its accurate and rapid computations. 计算机的主要特点是计算准确而迅速。,2
4、019-05-26,8,(三)把原句中的某一状语转换为主语 The data concerned are provided in the third chapter. 第三章提供了有关的资料。 (四)主谓合译 Attention should be paid to the study of ceramics. 应该注意陶瓷的研究。,2019-05-26,9,三、增补法,(一)增补适当的逻辑主语 若原句中并未包含动作的发出者,为使译文清楚,可以从逻辑考虑,添加适当的主语,如“我们”“人们”“大家”“有人”等词。 Air is known to possess weight. 大家知道空气具有重量
5、。 He was seen designing a new type machine. 有人看见他在设计一台新型机器。,2019-05-26,10,由it做形式主语的被动语态句型,It做形式主语的被动语态句型很多,有些在汉译时已有固定的译法。 It is found that 有人发现 It is pointed that 有人指出 It is regarded that 人们认为 It is thought that人们认为.,2019-05-26,11,省译法,(一)冠词的省译 不定冠词的省译 表示类别时的省译 A dictionary is a good teacher. b. 固定词组
6、中不定冠词的省译 In a word, in an instant, on a large scale, a number of,2019-05-26,12,2. 定冠词的省译,定冠词表示类别时省译 用于表示独一无二的自然界现象时省译 用于表示方位等名词前的省译 在固定词组中省译 On the whole, at the moment, by the way, in the end,2019-05-26,13,(二)代词的省译,人称代词、物主代词、自身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词、不定代词共九种, 人称代词的省译 省译做主语的人称代词 The finished pro
7、ducts should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory. 成品在出厂前应该进行抽样检查。,2019-05-26,14,b. 第三人称代词做宾语时省译 The industrial waste gases are harmful to us and we should by all means remove them. 工业废气对我们是有害的,我们应该尽力加以排除。 c. It的省译 当it用来表示天气、时间、距离或某种状态时,一概予以省译,2019-05-26,15,2. 自身代词的省译,通常在句
8、中用作宾语、表语或用作主语和宾语的同位语,汉译时,主要译文清楚,可以省译 Friction always manifests itself as a force that opposes motion. 摩擦力常表现为阻碍运动的力。,2019-05-26,16,3. 物主代词的省译,According to their ability to conduct electric current, all materials may be classified into three major categories: conductors, semiconductors and insulators
9、. 根据(它们的)导电性能不同 ,材料可以分为三大类:导体、半导体和绝缘体。,2019-05-26,17,(三)介词的省译,汉语中介词用的较少,词与词之间的关系往往是通过上下文表示出来的。 表示时间的介词常可省略 On May second (在)五月二号,2019-05-26,18,转换法,词类的转换、句子成分的转换、修饰词的转换 (一)词类的转换 1、英语名词的转换情况 a. 有一类具有动作意味的名词,常常转译为汉语的动词。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio w
10、aves. 电视是通过无线电波发送和接收活动物体的图像的。,2019-05-26,19,Pure science is primarily concerned with the development of theories establishing relations between the phenomena of the universe. 理论科学主要是发展理论,建立宇宙间各种现象间的关系。,2019-05-26,20,英语中有习语化动词,如make use of, take care of, make mention of (提及),中心词是名词,在汉译时,中心词可以转换为动词。 T
11、hese data have been made use of in production. 生产中已利用了这些资料。,2019-05-26,21,b. 转换为汉语的形容词 The laws of thermodynamics are of prime importance in the study of heat. 热力学定律在研究热方面是很重要的。 He found some difficulties to design a chemical plant without a computer. 他感到没有计算机,要设计一座化工厂是很困难的。 Their physical experimen
12、t was a success. 他们的物理试验是成功的。,2019-05-26,22,2. 英语形容词的转换情况 转换为汉语的名词 转换为汉语的动词,2019-05-26,23,在英语中,有一类表示感觉、欲望等心理活动的形容词,当它们分别和系动词一起构成合成谓语时,可把它们转换为汉语的动词。 如sure, afraid, aware, certain,2019-05-26,24,c. 转换为汉语的副词 With slight repairs the old type of engine can be used. 只要稍加修理,这台老式发动机就可使用。 In production, they
13、made full use of the old equipment. 在生产中,他们充分地利用了这些旧设备。,2019-05-26,25,3. 英语动词的转换情况,状态动词并不真正表示动作而是表示相对静止的状态,在这类动词中,当有的表示主语的特征或状态时,为了适应汉语的表达习惯,可转译为名词。 The computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations. 计算机的主要特征是计算准确而迅速。,2019-05-26,26,4. 英语副词的转换情况,Such robots controlled by co
14、mputers impressed us deeply. 这种用计算机控制的机器给我们留下了深刻的印象。,2019-05-26,27,5. 英语介词的转换情况,有些有动作意味的介词可转换为汉语的动词,如by, in, with, toward, through等 There are many substances through which electronic currents will not flow at all. 有许多物质,电流是不能通过的。,2019-05-26,28,(二)句子成分的转换,主语的转换情况 在把英语的被动语态改为汉语的主动语态句时,可将原文的主语转换为宾语。 Mu
15、ch progress has been made in electrical engineering in less than a century. 不到一个世纪,电气工程就取得了很大进步。 Each year faster and larger aeroplanes are being built. 每年(人们)都在建造速度更快、尺寸更大的飞机,2019-05-26,29,2. 转换为汉语的谓语,Attention is necessary to prevent the instrument from damaging. 必须注意,以防仪器损坏。 There is need for imp
16、roving in our designing. 我们的设计需要改进。,2019-05-26,30,2. 谓语转换为汉语的主语,英语中,有些并不真正表示动作的动词,如act, differ, feature, shape, soften等汉译时,宜转译成主语。 In iron boiler zinc corrodes much more rapidly than iron. 在铁制锅炉中,锌的腐蚀要比铁快的多。,2019-05-26,31,3. 表语的转换情况,a. 转换为汉语的主语 The shortest distance between raw and finished part is
17、casting. 铸造是把原材料加工成成品的最简便方法。,2019-05-26,32,b. 转换为汉语的谓语 系动词be+表语构成的谓语句子,若表语含有一定的动作意味,汉译时,常省译be而把表语直接译成谓语。 At present, some old types of engines are still in use. 目前,某些老式发动机仍在使用。,2019-05-26,33,4. 状语的转换情况,转换为汉语的主语 The melting point is different for different kinds of metals. 不同的金属有不同的熔点。 b. 转换为汉语的定语 Th
18、e critical temperature is different for different kinds if steel. 不同类型钢的临界温度是不同的。,2019-05-26,34,(三)修饰词的转换,所谓修饰词的转换,指的是原文中的修饰词转换为译文中的被修饰词。 Plastics have a good property of corrosion resistance. 塑料具有良好的耐蚀性。,2019-05-26,35,(1)tensile strength is measured in MPa. 抗拉强度以MPa为单位度量。(译为主动态) (2)the operational sequence is illustrated in Fig. 1. 图1阐明了操作顺序。(译为主动态) (3)metal aluminum itself had been known to man. 金属铝为人类所熟知。(译为被动态) (4)no steel can be melted without electric furnace. 没有电炉就不能炼钢。(译为无主语句),