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    1、1,How to write a research paper,What was your problem? -introduction How did you study the problem -Materials and Methods What did you find? -Results What do your findings mean? -Discussion,3,The IMRaD article: (Weissberg and Buker, 1990),4,For people who have trouble getting started with manuscript

    2、s, the materials and methods section should be easiest to write; it is as good place to start.,5,What he/she did What experiments were run How they were run What equipment and materials were used(manufacturer, model, city, state, country of manufacturer, calibration procedures,) How they were used H

    3、ow much, how often, what, where, when, why,The methods section,6,Content and Writing Style of the Methods Section,“Materials” - subject (e.g., humans, animals, tissue preparations) - chemicals, drugs and gases - Instruments (e.g., HPLC) “Methods” - How measurements were made - How calculations were

    4、made - How the data were analyzed,The method Section is divided into four parts: Participants materials/apparatus Procedure design & analysis,7,Patients Study Design Study Drugs/Interventions Study End Points (Efficacy End Points, Safety End Points) Statistical AnalysisExcept for statistical Analysi

    5、s, will need to be presented, in the same order, in the Results section. Foote M. Materials and Methods*A Recipe for Success. Chest. 2008; 133:291-293,Subjects Instrumentation Procedure and time frame Analysis plan Validity and reliability Assumptions Scope and limitations http:/ the number - age (t

    6、he mean age) - gender (percentage of females and males - ethnicity or cultural background - any other demographic information,Humans are the subjects: Provide the basic demographic profile of the participants/ the sample population :,9,Animals are the subjects: - list species, weight, strain, sex, a

    7、ge, living conditions and care) - animal model or mechanical model - preparations made prior to beginning the experimental protocol, use of sedation and anesthesia, the route of administration, efficacy of the model) - organisms (genus, species, strain of organisms and their source),10,Chemicals (ma

    8、nufacturer, location, concentration) Drug (the generic drug name, dose, manufacturer, concentration, infusion rate) Medical gas (concentration, flow rate) Explain what is especially different about your method.,.,11,Ethical Considerations: must be a declaration that medical centers institutional rev

    9、iew board governing research on living matter has determined that the study protocol. Without such approval, no research project can be conducted.,12,Tips for the materials and methods section,Dont mix results with procedures. Omit all explanatory information and background save it for the discussio

    10、n Dont include information that is irrelevant to the reader. Describe experimental procedures (in the past tense) “The sample was heated to 90 degrees C for 30 seconds.” ()“I heat the sample to 90 degrees C for 30 seconds.” (),13,Order procedures, avoid verbose descriptions (succinctly)- Use subhead

    11、s - Do not cite your laboratory manual! - Cite any of your methods is fully described in a previouspublication (yours or someone elses).- describe each piece of the experiment.- Not report methods word-for-word from any of the writtensources you used.,14,Using Scientific Names - write a standard sci

    12、entific name in italics or underlined.- It consists of two words. The first (the genus name) always is capitalized.The second (the species epithet) is never capitalized.Names of scientific families, orders, classes, phyla, and kingdoms are capitalized but not italicized or underlined.,15,16,The Metr

    13、ic System, Abbreviations, and Conversions for Common Units of Measure,17,General Rules for Abbreviating Units of Measure,Unless otherwise noted, singular and plural units are abbreviated the same. 1 km; 100 km (not 100 kms) Percent is not abbreviated, but is represented by the familiar “%“ symbol. A

    14、lways put a space between the number and unit, e.g., 203.65 m, 457 um Put the unit of measure at the end of a range or series. 100-200 MHz 8, 10, or 12 KB pH: The proper method for reporting pH is to place the unit before the number (pH 7).,18,Always abbreviate units when reporting numerical informa

    15、tion. Spell out the unit as a word when using them in a non-data (numerical) context except for temperature units (F, C, K) e.g., “Time was recorded in minutes“. When starting a sentence with a number and unit, both must be spelled out as words, e.g.,“One thousand six hundred and eighty-seven kilogr

    16、ams of ground beef were randomly sampled and tested for E.coli contaminants between 21 August and 21 November, 1995. “,19,20,Writing Numbers,Rule 1. spell out numbers one through one hundred, round numbers and approximations, and any numbers beginning a sentence. The tree is about sixteen feet tall.

    17、 I have told you a thousand times not to do that. The car is worth less than six thousand dollars.,21,- Whenever a number is the first word of a sentence it should be written out.“Three-hundred fifty-seven people died in highway accidents last year in Smith County.“ - If you have a paragraph that us

    18、es a lot of numbers or statistical data, you may choose one form in order to keep that section consistent. - If you have a number that directly follows another in a sentence, then spell out the first and use the number form for what follows.There are ten 500 pound slabs beneath the bridge.,22,Rule 2

    19、. Related numbers should be expressed consistently.He worked 40 hours the first week, and only seven the second week. () He worked forty hours the first week, and only seven the second week. ()He worked 40 hours the first week, and only 7 the second week. (),23,Rule 3. Always spell out simple fracti

    20、ons and use hyphens with them. When two numbers are adjacent, spell out one of them. Usually, the one with fewer letters is spelled out.One-half of the pies have been eaten. ()A two-thirds majority is required for that bill to pass in Congress. ()The couple had their choice of two 3-bedroom apartmen

    21、ts. ()Another couple had to decide between 3 two-bedroom apartments. (),24,Rule 4. A mixed fraction can be expressed in figures unless it is the first word of a sentence. We expect a 5 1/2 percent wage increase. Five and one-half percent was the maximum allowable interest.,25,Rule 5.The simplest way

    22、 to express large numbers is best. Round numbers are usually spelled out. Be careful to be consistent within a sentence. You can earn from one million to five million dollars. ()You can earn from one million to $5,000,000. ()You can earn from five hundred to five million dollars. ()You can earn from

    23、 $5 hundred to $5 million. ()You can earn from $500 to $5 million. ()You can earn from $500 to five million dollars. ()The road was 2 kilometres long. () The road was 2 km long. ()The road was approximately two kilometres long. (),26,Rule 6. Write decimals in figures. Put a zero in front of a decima

    24、l unless the decimal itself begins with a zero. The plant grew 0.79 of a foot in one year. The plant grew only .07 of a foot this year because of the drought.,27,Rule 7. When writing out large numbers of five or more digits before the decimal point, use a comma where the comma would appear in the fi

    25、gure format. Use the word and only where the decimal point appears in the figure format. $15,768.13: Fifteen thousand, seven hundred sixty-eight dollars and thirteen cents$1054.21: One thousand fifty-four dollars and twenty-one centsNote: The comma is now commonly omitted in four-digit whole numbers

    26、.,28,Rule 8. The following examples apply when using dates: The meeting is scheduled for June 30. The meeting is scheduled for the 30th of June. We have had tricks played on us on April 1. The 1st of April puts some people on edge. Rule 9. When expressing decades, you may spell them out and lowercas

    27、e them.During the eighties and nineties, the U.S. economy grew.,29,Rule 10. If you wish to express decades using incomplete numerals, put an apostrophe before the incomplete numeral but not between the year and the s. During the 80s and 90s, the U.S. economy grew. ()During the 80s and 90s, the U.S.

    28、economy grew. () Rule 11. You may also express decades in complete numerals. Dont use an apostrophe between the year and the s. During the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S. economy grew.,30,Rule 12. Spell out the time of day in text even with half and quarter hours. But spell out times when using “oclock“ o

    29、r when the a.m. or p.m. are omitted: She gets up at four thirty before the baby wakes up. The baby wakes up at five oclock in the morning.The alarm will sound at seven oclock. I make my bed at seven each morning.,31,Rule 13. Use numerals with the time of day when exact times are being emphasized or

    30、when using a.m. or p.m.: Monibs flight leaves at 6:22 a.m. Please arrive by 12:30 sharp. She had a 7:00 p.m. deadline.The alarm will sound at 7 p.m. I make my bed at 7 a.m. each morning. Rule 14. a.m. and p.m. are lowercase and take periods after each letter, with no space between them. Rule 15. Hyp

    31、henate all compound numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine. Forty-three people were injured in the train wreck. Twenty-three of them were hospitalized.,32,Days and YearsDecember 12, 1965 (or) 12 December 1965 A.D. 1066 in 1900 in 1971-72 (or) in 1971-1972 the eighties, the twentieth century the

    32、 1980s (or) the 1980s Time of Day8:00 A.M. (or) a.m. (or) eight oclock in the morning 4:30 P.M. (or) p.m. half-past four in the afternoon Addresses16 Tenth Street 350 West 114 Street,33,Abbreviations and Symbols,Abbreviate the term parenthetically at first mention in the text; thereafter use only th

    33、e abbreviation. Use an abbreviation only if the term occurs 4 or more times in the manuscript.,34,? has been described in detail elsewhere (Reference). Briefly, Details of ? method have been described previously (Reference). In summary, ? was initiated in September 1986 with the enrollment of 120,85

    34、2 subjects (58,279 males and 62,573 females) 5569 years of age living in 204 municipalities located throughout the country. ? between 1 January 1987 and 31 December 1996,35,The Results section,36,defines the paper short, clear and concise logical flow (needs transition phrases) Present the output of

    35、 the experiments, model or computation Dont mix Results with Discussion avoid discussion keep paragraphs simple (one major idea),37,The table or figure should then be presented, complete with title. The title should explain what the table or figure is showing. For example, “Table 2. Means (M) and St

    36、andard Deviations (SD) of Inhibition Zone Diameters (mm)“,38,Report the basic descriptive information: mean, standard deviation Report inferential statistics (t-test, multiple regressions, analysis of variance) Provide the alpha level you selected. you conducted to test your hypothesis (-ses) and wh

    37、at the results indicated. Present the data in figures and/or tables; Stated the findings: clearly, simply Describe the results: digested, condensed and extracted.,39,The descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) Provide a brief rephrasing of your hypothesis(es), avoid exact restatement. What

    38、 statistical test you used to test your hypothesis and what you found. Explain which correlations were in the predicted direction, and which were not (if any). Were differences statistically significant (i.e., p .05 or below)? Dont merely give the statistics without any explanation Make a claim that

    39、 there is (or is not) a significant correlation between X and Y (r=?, p=?). Never say the results were “insignificant”,40,Dont try to interpret why you got the results you did. Leave that to the Discussion. Some specifics: For each correlation, you need to report the following information either in

    40、the text of your paper or in a table: correlation coefficient, significance level (p value). If you are reporting a single correlation for the whole results section, report it in the text of the paper as follows: r =.26, p .01 or r = -.11, n.s.,41,Note: Use n.s. if not significant; or use whichever

    41、of the following is most accurate: p .05; p .01; p .001 If your correlation was non significant, but p .10 you can still talk about it. While the correlation was not significant relative to the standard alpha level of .05, the p-value was less than .10. Then provide a rationale for why you should st

    42、ill be able to discuss this non-significant correlation. You may then cautiously interpret such a correlation. Dont make grand conclusions or use strong language based on the existence of a marginally significant finding. Also, you should indicate that a marginal correlation is non-significant in a

    43、table; only refer to the correlation as approaching significance in the text of the paper.,42,Several ways of data presented,Photograph Maps- excellent visual basis for interpreting data- aid to understanding cause and effect relationships between the studied locations. Graphs- Trends- Relationships

    44、 between variables Tables,43,Label the graph axes, avoid overcrowing tic marks along axis lines. Plot each variables- Vertical (“Y”) axis: outcome/dependent variable.- Horizontal (“X”) axis: exposure/independent variable. Five or less wedges in a pie; limit the number of overlaying lines to three or

    45、 fewer in a line graph.,44,Leaving enough room for the graph:axis numeration, axis titles and the caption. 3 centimetre margin on the left side,2 centimetre margins on the top, bottom and right side of the page Provide each axis with a brief but informative title (including units of measurement). Do

    46、nt extend the axes very far beyond the range of the data. For example, if the data range between 0 and 78, the axis should extend no further than a value of 80. Dont use color, unless absolutely necessary.,45,Graphs,Bar graph: It emphasizes individual data values rather than trends. Single bars or m

    47、ultiple bars Pie Graph: A pie graph, or pie chart, compares parts to a whole. Line graph: showing trends and relationships over a period of time or space (not emphasize data values),46,Basic Bar Graph Horizontal Bar Graph Fat Bars,47,Basic Row Bar Graph Bar Graph with Internal Legend Bar Graph with

    48、Ellipse Note,48,Flow charts show methods, procedures Graphs plot data. Schematics show how equipment works, or illustrate a mechanism or model. Drawings and photographs illustrate equipment, microstructes etc.,49,Figure 1 Study domain grid system with location of pollutant monitors and population de

    49、nsity. AQ, air quality.,Ambient ozone concentrations cause increased hospitalizations for asthma in children: an 18-year study in Southern California. Environ Health Perspect. 2008; 116(8):1063-70.,50,Figure 1. Rank order of nucleotide diversity () in conserved noncoding, exon, intron, CDS, and 5 fl

    50、anking regions of the EGP genes,Livingston R. J. et.al. Genome Res. 2004;14:1821-1831,51,FIGURE 1 Rank order of nucleotide diversity () in conserved noncoding, exon, intron, CDS, and 5 flanking regions of the EGP genes. (A) Values are calculated for all 213 EGP genes for regions containing 1 kb 5 of

    51、 the transcription initiation site (green, 174 kb), exons (red, 483 kb), coding sequence (blue, 312 kb), and introns (purple, 3.26 Mb). (B) values are calculated for 115 EGP genes that had significant amounts of intronic conserved noncoding sequence (as described in Methods) for regions containing 1

    52、 kb 5 of the transcription initiation site (green, 91 kb), coding sequence (blue, 189 kb) and intronic conserved noncoding (orange, 170 kb), and randomly sampled intron (purple, 2.39 Mb). All categories were sorted independently before plotting. The randomly sampled intron category corresponds to the mean value per gene obtained by 10,000 independent samplings of the same size range as the intronic conserved noncoding region for that gene. The average SEM for this sampling was 9.3E-06 with a minimum and maximum SEM of 3.12E-07 and 3.07E-05, respectively.,

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