1、2006 广东国际旅游文化节暨泛珠三角旅游推介大会开幕式晚会广东中国改革开放和现代化建设的排头兵,泛珠三角区域富有生机活力的一方热土。广东是中国改革开放的先行省、经济社会发展的排头兵。广东是一片创造奇迹的土地,她包容传统,融汇现代;她承接历史,创造未来;她经济繁荣,社会和谐。自上个世纪八十年代以来,广东一跃成为中国第一经济大省、第一旅游大省。广东是岭南文化的发祥地。岭南文化源远流长,博大精深,异彩纷呈。她独特的民俗风情、悠久的历史文化和鲜明的现代都市文明构成了新世纪璀璨而充满魅力的风景。广东山川秀美,气候宜人,人杰地灵。她漫长的海岸线蜿蜒曲折,她丰富的美食令人难忘,她风格别样的温泉、与众不同的
2、高尔夫和主体公园独领风骚。羊城鹏城辉映,丹霞地貌隽永,星湖风光旖旎,禅宗文化博大。泛珠三角是中国最具经济活力和旅游吸引力的地区之一。她横跨东中西部,联结港澳内地,地理区位优越, 发展腹地广阔,自然资源丰富,经济互补性强, 发展前景十分广阔、无限美好!2006 广东国际旅游文化节暨泛珠三角旅游推介大会,是旅游的盛会,文化的盛典,和谐 社会建设的盛举,人民欢乐的盛大节日!踏进千年国门,追溯岭南文明;畅游南粤山水,触摸珠水海韵;感受和谐广东,领略百越风情。高山流水,百鸟争鸣;花开四季,人间仙境;五羊仙子,天外飞临;心结南粤,赐福先民。天之灵佑,山海彭湃;百越风流,万千气概;俯仰古今,物华天宝;千年国
3、门,心向大海。渔歌唱晚,韵厚情浓;耍歌声声,情动心动;欢风乐土,乡味隽永;大地歌飞,粤韵传情。古今中外,南北西东;寻古访今,四海宾朋;拥抱世界,八面来风;走向未来,和谐广东。精彩岭南,今夜狂欢;五洲四海,今夜狂欢;畅游南粤,今夜狂欢;世界广东,今夜狂欢。Opening Ceremony of Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival&Pan-Pearl River Delta Tourism Promotion Convention 2006Guangdong the pioneer in Chinas reform, openi
4、ng-up and modernization drive, a land full of life and vitality in Pan-Pearl River Delta region Guangdong Province is a forerunner of Chinas reform and opening-up as well as a pioneer in Chinas economic and social development. It is a land of miracles, embracing both traditional and modern character
5、istics. It connects the history and creates the future. It enjoys a harmonious society with economic prosperity. Since 1980s, Guangdong has become the largest province in China in terms of economy and tourism. Guangdong is the birthplace of Lingnan culture. The age-old Lingnan culture has profound s
6、ignificance and radiant splendor. Its unique folklore, long-standing history and culture together with its distinct modern urban civilization form a dazzling and charming scene of the new century. Guangdong has beautiful landscapes, favorable climate and outstanding talents. It enjoys a long and win
7、ding coastline. Its rich varieties of delicious food are unforgettable. Its distinctive hot springs, extraordinary golf courses and theme parks stand out from the rest. In Guangdong, Guangzhou City and Shenzhen City add radiance and beauty to each other. Mt. Danxia has profound geomorphic features.
8、Zhaoqing Star Lake offers beautiful scenery. Besides, Guangdong is also blessed with rich Zen cultural heritage. Pan-Pearl River Delta is one of the areas which enjoy the most economic vitality and tourist attraction. It stretches over the eastern, central and western parts of Guangdong Province and
9、 serves as a bridge connecting Hong Kong, Macau with mainland China. It enjoys geographical advantages with a vast developing hinterland. It has abundant natural resources and it is highly complementary to other regions in term of economy. It embraces a bright and beautiful future. Guangdong Interna
10、tional Tourism and Culture Festival and Pan-Pearl River Delta Tourism Promotion Convention 2006 is not only a grand meeting for tourism and a grand ceremony for culture, but also a grand event for harmonious social development and a grand festival for the people. Visit the ancient country and trace
11、Lingnan culture.Enjoy Guangdong scenery and feel the charm of the Pearl River.Experience the harmonious Guangdong and appreciate its folklore.Mountains tower, water flows.Flowers bloom in wonderland all year round.Five-ram fairies fell from the sky,Bringing fortune to the ancestors in Guangdong. Ble
12、ssed by Heaven, with waves surging into the rocks, Guangdong displays tremendous spirit. Since ancient time it has always been a promised land rich in resources. Our country has a long history, with a heart that belongs to the sea. Night tunes of the fishermen express strong appeal and sentiment.Ant
13、iphonal singing arouses passion and emotion.This joyful land has distinguished local features.Flying songs for Mother Earth send out love.From ancient to present time, in all places at home and abroad, Friends and guests from everywhere explore the history together.Embrace the world and information of all kinds.Look into the future and build a harmonious Guangdong.Amazing Lingnan, live it up tonight.All corners of the world, live it up tonight.Enjoy Guangdong and live it up tonight.Guangdong and the world, live it up tonight.