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1、1、检索课题名称:煤矿供电保护及改进2、课题分析:“供电保护”属于本课题中的主体,其应用领域为煤矿电气,而“改进”则是煤矿电气管理方法的进一步的方法改进,具有一定的层次性。中文关键词: 煤矿、供电保护、改进英文关键词:colliery、 Power supply protection、improve3、选择检索工具:本课题检索目标为中文各类相关文献。根据本图书馆的资源情况选择如下数据库:(1)CNKI 数字图书馆:中国期刊全文数据库(2)万方数据库(会议论文)(3)超星数字图书馆(图书检索)、书生之家数字图书馆等。4、构建检索策略:因“煤矿”为课题的研究领域,应优先检索,而“供电保护”和“改进

2、”应在检索结果中同时存在。故制定如下检索策略。“()”表示优先、“*”表示并且。检索算法:(煤矿)*供电保护*改进时间范围:1999-2008文献范围:期刊论文、会议论文、专著为了保证查全率可考虑使用全文检索途径和高级检索方式。5、简述检索过程:1)在 CNKI 中国期刊全文数据库中(CNKI 数据库镜像):使用主题检索,总共找到 28 条记录,由于搜索结果太少。继续扩大搜索范围,将煤矿电气改为全文检索,供电保护和改进仍为主题检索,总共找到 112 条记录2)万方数据库(会议论文):a、由于“万方数据库(会议论文)”收录的文献比较单一,为保证查全率,使用“(煤矿)*供电保护*改进”检索运算式,

3、检索范围选择:全字段中检索,不限定年代,检索出记录 0 条。b、上述检索策略得到的检索结果 0 条。考虑检索算式复杂,可简单一些。由于本课题的主体是“供电保护”,改用“供电保护”单一算式检索,检索出记录11 条。3)超星数字图书馆A 使用高级检索中的书名检索,不限定年代。检索式(煤矿电气+供电保护+改进),检索出记录 0 条。B、调整检索策略,改为课题主体检索。用“供电保护”单一算式在书名中检索,检索出记录 1 条。6、整理检索结果:(1)CNKI 中国期刊全文数据库有关专辑检索结果(选 1 条):煤矿供电保护及其改进【作者】 刘迪博;【作者单位】 国投新集集团板集煤矿;【文献出处】 中小企业

4、管理与科技(下旬刊) , , 编辑部邮箱 2009 年 06期期刊荣誉:ASPT 来源刊 CJFD 收录刊【中文关键词】 煤矿电气; 供电保护; 改进;【摘要】 本文分析了煤矿井下有关保护,同时针对供电系统中目前煤矿现场进行短路保护的措施和反时限过流保护不能区分过流和速断的缺点,分别提出了煤矿井下供电短路保护新设想和给 GL 继电器另加一个回路信号的改进措施。【更新日期】 2009-07-03【分类号】 TD611.5(2)万方数据库检索结果(选 1 条):煤矿井下供电设备监控系统设计及实现 2011-05-18(3)超星数字图书馆(选 1 条):小煤矿供电系统安全性能探讨【作者】 刘小柯;【

5、摘要】 结合安全评价过程中发现的小煤矿供电系统中存在的主要问题,从矿井电源点、矿井变电所运行方式、矿井一级负荷的供电方式、井下电气设备的保护等方面,探讨如何提高小煤矿供电系统的可靠性和稳定性,使小煤矿供电系统更好地保证矿井安全生产。【更新日期】 2009-11-067、标示原文线索:(1)阅读疗法对抑郁症疗效的观察【作者】范文田、王旸、 徐清芝【作者单位】山东省精神卫生中心、 山东大学医学院、【刊名】中国行为医学科学, 2006 年 04 期(2)专题危机干预与自杀第三届泛亚太地区心理卫生学术研讨会 2001 年 10 月(3) 行为大学生心理障碍的自我超越作者:杨心德等著出版日期:2003

6、年 02 月第 1 版(二) 利用网络检索工具与搜索引擎1、检索课题名称:煤矿供电保护及其改进2、课题分析:中文关键词:1 煤矿电气 2 供电保护 3 改进3、选择搜索引擎:1 谷歌(google)2 百度(baidu)3 雅虎搜索4、构建检索策略:检索算法:(煤矿电气)*供电保护*改进文献范围:期刊论文、学位论文、会议论文、专著使用学术类文献检索、选择。5、简述检索策略调整的过程:1)在谷歌(google):使用“(煤矿电气)*供电保护*改进”检索运算式,约有25,900,000 项符合(煤矿电气)*供电保护*改进的查询结果。2)百度(baidu):使用“(煤矿电气)*供电保护*改进”检索运

7、算式,百度一下,找到相关网页约 1,760,000 篇。3)雅虎搜索:使用检索式“(煤矿电气)*供电保护*改进”,网页搜索结果(详情)搜索来源报告(已去除 42%重复) 一共约 11,850 条6、整理检索结果:(1)谷歌(google) (选 1 条)。短路保护和漏电保护两者之间是互为备用的不过,凡是与地不相联系的短路故障与电弧,漏电保护装置都是无能为力的。总之,无论对于漏电保护装置或短路保护装置,它们的动作一定要十分准确可靠,并要求上下两级短路保护装置之间具有一定的后备保护作用。此外,不管漏电保护装置工作与否,保护接地装置都是一种极为重要的防止人身触电的安全保护措施,绝对不可忽视(2)百度

8、(baidu)( 选 1 条)。整理如下:浅析煤矿电气设备与供电系统的保护屈雁芳 【摘要】:对煤矿井下电气设备与供电系统常见的三大保护作了详细论述,阐明其重要性。分析了煤矿常用的保护装置的组成部分及其原理,并对煤矿电气设备和供电系统保护的发展作了展望。【作者单位】: 潞安集团司马煤业公司; 【关键词】: 煤矿电气 供电系统 保护 【分类号】:TD611【正文快照】:煤矿井下工作环境恶劣,负荷波动大,工况很不稳定,瓦斯积聚、滴水等现象又会逐渐降低绝缘强度,经常会出现漏电等故障。因此,在煤矿安全生产中,煤矿井下的电气设备和供电系统的保护起着十分重要的作用。目前,煤矿电气设备与供电系统的保护大多采用

9、继电保护装置,随着计算机控制(3)雅虎搜索( 选 1 条)。目前煤矿供电设备的电气保护有过流、漏电和接地保护三种类型,各种系列的电气保护装置和保护设备伴随着电力电子技术、微电子技术、计算机控制技术及网络通讯技术的发展而不断得到改进和完善。 1. 煤矿 6kV 高压供电设备的电气保护:地面变电所和井下中央变电所等使用的地面和矿用一般型高压开关柜,通用的电气保护是继电保护装置,安装在专门设计的继电器室内或独立组成保护装置屏。目前煤矿用高压开关设备的保护继电器以电磁感应式为主7、标示原文线索:(1)煤矿供电保护及其改进链接网址: 链接网址:http:/ 进行文献信息检索示例1、检索课题名称:煤矿供电

10、保护及改进2、课题分析:中文关键词:煤矿电气 供电保护 改进英文主题词:Coal mine electrical Power supply protection Improvement3、选择检索工具:美国工程索引(Ei village2)4、构建检索策略:Coal mine electrical*Power supply protection*Improvement5、简述检索过程:选择快速检索,输入检索词:第一、Coal mine electrical;第二、Power supply protection;第三、Improvement 检索结果 10 篇6、根据检索结果选择 3 条记录根据

11、检索结果,浏览题录可以确定该文献的收藏单位(图书馆或情报所、信息中心等),从而可以进一步确定是否索取或借阅、复制原文。Search Results :10 records in Compendex for 1969-2012 (Coal mine electrical) WN All fields) AND (Power supply protection) WN All fields) AND (Improvement) WN All fields) 1. Design of battery system of emergency power supply for auxiliary fan

12、 in the coal-mineHuang, Kai (Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China); Li, Zhigang; Yang, Chunwen Source: 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering,

13、CASE 2011, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, CASE 2011Database: Compendex Abstract - Detailed2. Environmental issues from coal mining and their solutionsBIAN, Zhengfu (Institute of Land Resources, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 22

14、1008, China); INYANG, Hilary I; DANIELS, John L; OTTO, Frank; STRUTHERS, Sue Source: Mining Science and Technology (China), v 20, n 2, p 215-223, March 2010Database: Compendex Abstract - Detailed - Cited by in Scopus (4)3. Research and implementation of mine high voltage switch permanent magnetic ac

15、tuator intelligent control technologyLi, Xin (College of Electrical and Engineering Control, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, China); Yang, Zhen; Guo, Feng Yi; Miao, Chuanhai Source: 2010 International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, ICCDA 2010, v 3, p V343-V346, 2010, 2010 In

16、ternational Conference on Computer Design and Applications, ICCDA 2010Database: Compendex Abstract - DetailedSelected Records阅读文摘:1 3of 3 selected records from Compendex for: (Coal mine electrical) WN All fields) AND (Power supply protection) WN All fields) AND (Improvement) WN All fields)1. Design

17、of battery system of emergency power supply for auxiliary fan in the coal-mineHuang, Kai1; Li, Zhigang1; Yang, Chunwen1, 2 Source: 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, CASE 2011, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineeri

18、ng, CASE 2011; ISBN-13: 9781457708602; DOI: 10.1109/ICCASE.2011.5997772; Article number: 5997772; Conference: 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, CASE 2011, July 30, 2011 - July 31, 2011; Sponsor: Singapore Management University; Publisher: IEEE Computer Soc

19、ietyAuthor affiliation: 1 Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China2 KaiLuan Group Co. Ltd., Tangshan, ChinaAbstract: To improve the safety and reliability of local ventilation of headin

20、g face in the coal-mine and prevent gas accumulation effectively, the paper develops a flameproof 660V-high power three-phase emergency power supply (EPS) for auxiliary fan in the mine. The paper illustrates the design and implementation of the battery system which is the core of the EPS, including

21、the design of constitution of high-voltage battery, high power charging power supply, charging circuit based on PLC, and circuit for charging protection and equilibrium of batteries. 2011 IEEE. (10 refs.)Main Heading: Charging (batteries)Controlled terms: Design - Electric power supplies to apparatu

22、s - Electric power systems - Phase equilibria - Solar cells - Systems engineeringUncontrolled terms: Battery systems - Emergency power supply - Gas accumulation - High-power -High-voltages - Power supply - Programmable logicClassification Code: 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 715.2 Indus

23、trial Electronic Equipment - 706.1 Electric Power Systems - 961 Systems Science - 702.3 Solar Cells - 531 Metallurgy and Metallography - 408 Structural Design - 702.1.2 Secondary BatteriesDatabase: CompendexCompilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.2. Environmental issues from coal

24、 mining and their solutionsBIAN, Zhengfu1; INYANG, Hilary I2; DANIELS, John L2, 3; OTTO, Frank4; STRUTHERS, Sue5 Source: Mining Science and Technology (China), v 20, n 2, p 215-223, March 2010; ISSN: 16745264; DOI: 10.1016/S1674-5264(09)60187-3; Publisher: China University of Mining and TechnologyAu

25、thor affiliation: 1 Institute of Land Resources, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221008, China2 Global Institute for Energy and Environmental Systems, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC 28223, United States3 Natural Science Foundation, the USA, Arlington, VA 22230, United

26、 States4 Department of Geoengineering and Mining, University of Applied Science, Bochum, 44801, Germany5 Skapa Mining Services, Orkney KW17 2SX, United KingdomAbstract: The environmental challenges from coal mining include coal mine accidents, land subsidence, damage to the water environment, mining

27、 waste disposal and air pollution. These are either environmental pollution or landscape change. A conceptual framework for solving mine environmental issues is proposed. Clean processes, or remediation measures, are designed to address environmental pollution. Restoration measures are proposed to h

28、andle landscape change. The total methane drainage from 56 Chinese high methane concentration coal mines is about 101.94 million cubic meters. Of this methane, 19.32 million, 35.58 million and 6.97 million cubic meters are utilized for electricity generation, civil fuel supplies and other industrial

29、 purposes, respectively. About 39% of the methane is emitted into the atmosphere. The production of coal mining wastes can be decreased 10% by reuse of mining wastes as underground fills, or by using the waste as fuel for power plants or for raw material to make bricks or other infrastructure materi

30、als. The proper use of mined land must be decided in terms of local physical and socio-economical conditions. In European countries more than 50% of previously mined lands are reclaimed as forest or grass lands. However, in China more than 70% of the mined lands are reclaimed for agricultural purpos

31、es because the large population and a shortage of farmlands make this necessary. Reconstruction of rural communities or native residential improvement is one environmental problem arising from mining. We suggest two ways to reconstruct a farmers house in China. 2010 China University of Mining and Te

32、chnology. (20 refs.)Main Heading: Coal minesControlled terms: Air quality - Building materials - Coal - Coal industry - Coal reclamation - Electric generators - Energy conversion - Environmental protection - Geomorphology - Methanation - Methane - Mining - Solid wastes - Waste disposalUncontrolled t

33、erms: clean coal mining - Mine environment - Mine gas - mined land reclamation -Mining wasteClassification Code: 503 Mines and Mining, Coal - 503.1 Coal Mines - 522 Gas Fuels - 524 Solid Fuels - 525.5 Energy Conversion Issues - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing - 705.2 Electric Gene

34、rators - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 811 Cellulose, Paper and Wood Products - 821.5 Agricultural Wastes - 911 Cost and Value Engineering; Industrial Economics - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 502.1 Mine and Quarry Operations - 481.1.1 Geomorphology - 411 Bituminous Materials -412 Concrete - 413 Insulating

35、 Materials - 414 Masonry Materials - 415 Metals, Plastics, Wood and Other Structural Materials - 443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 451.2 Air Pollution Control - 452.3 Industrial Wastes - 452.4 Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal - 454.2 Environmental Impact and ProtectionDatabase: CompendexCompila

36、tion and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.3. Research and implementation of mine high voltage switch permanent magnetic actuator intelligent control technologyLi, Xin1; Yang, Zhen1; Guo, Feng Yi1; Miao, Chuanhai1 Source: 2010 International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, I

37、CCDA 2010, v 3, p V343-V346, 2010, 2010 International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, ICCDA 2010; ISBN-13: 9781424471638; DOI: 10.1109/ICCDA.2010.5541229; Article number: 5541229; Conference: 2010 International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, ICCDA 2010, June 25, 2010

38、 - June 27, 2010; Sponsor: Int. Assoc. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol. (IACSIT); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao (NEUQ); Dalian University of Technology; National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC); Publisher: IEEE Computer SocietyA

39、uthor affiliation: 1 College of Electrical and Engineering Control, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, ChinaAbstract: In view of the traditional mine high voltage switch actuator (electromagnetic and electric spring) having poor movement reliability and slow response speed, it is difficult to a

40、chieve precise control of mechanical movement. Considering the requirement of high voltage vacuum interrupter opening and closing quickly, bi-stable permanent magnetic actuator in which adding adjusting coil is used in the paper to meet the mine operating conditions requirement. DSPTMS320LF2407 is u

41、sed to design intelligent control unit mainly composed of detection, control, protection, CAN communication function and so on. It makes use of RBF neural network to predict the opening and closing time of moving contact to achieve synchronous closing of high voltage switch, and has greatly improved

42、 the quality of coal mine power supply and protected the coal mine safety in production. 2010 IEEE. (10 refs.)Main Heading: Neural networksControlled terms: Actuators - Coal mines - Computer applications - Design - Electric power systems - Electricity - Intelligent control - Mining - Permanent magne

43、ts - Radial basis function networks - Vacuum technologyUncontrolled terms: Bistables - Coal mine safety - Communication functions - High voltage switches - High voltage vacuum interrupter - Intelligent control unit - Mechanical movements - Movement reliability - Moving contact - Operating condition

44、- Permanent magnetic actuators - Power supply - Precise control - RBF Neural Network -Response speed - Synchronous closingClassification Code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 706.1 Electric Power Systems - 704.1 Electric Components - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phen

45、omena - 633 Vacuum Technology - 632 Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Related Equipment, and Fluidics - 503.1 Coal Mines - 502.1 Mine and Quarry Operations - 408 Structural DesignDatabase: CompendexCompilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.7、标示原文线索:用中文标示各检索结果的著录事项第一篇文献:一、篇名:Design of batt

46、ery system of emergency power supply for auxiliary fan in the coal-mine二、第一责任者:Huang, Kai1; Li, Zhigang1; Yang, Chunwen1三、第一责任者单位:1Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China2 KaiLuan Grou

47、p Co. Ltd., Tangshan, China四、文献来源:2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, CASE 2011, 2011, 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, CASE 2011;第二篇文献:一、篇名:Environmental issues from coal mining and their solutions二、第一责任者:BIAN, Z

48、hengfu1; INYANG, Hilary I2; DANIELS, John L2, 3; OTTO, Frank4; STRUTHERS, Sue5三、第一责任者单位:1、Institute of Land Resources, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221008, China2、Global Institute for Energy and Environmental Systems, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC 28223, United St

49、ates3、Natural Science Foundation, the USA, Arlington, VA 22230, United States4、Department of Geoengineering and Mining, University of Applied Science, Bochum, 44801, Germany5、Skapa Mining Services, Orkney KW17 2SX, United Kingdom四、资料来源:Mining Science and Technology (China), v 20, n 2, p 215-223, March 2010第三篇文献:一、篇名:Research and implementation of mine high voltage sw


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