1、浙江大学电气工程学院 模拟与数模混合集成电路 吴晓波 , 赵梦恋 2014-2015 学年 夏 学期 2015 年 05 月 Exercise 2 2-1. An NMOS with W=50m and L=0.5m operates in the saturated region and its layout is folded shown as Fig. 2-1. Calculate the all capacitances by using the parameters in Table2-1 and Cox=3.8 10-3 F/m, VR=0.6V. Assume that the
2、minimum size (lateral) of S/D region is 1.5m. W / 2E漏 端源 端Figure 2-1 Answer: 3 2 1 100963 2 8 31 2 1 90 . 5 6 1 0 / , 0 . 3 5 1 0 / , 0 . 4 5 , 0 . 2 ,0 . 4 1 0 / , 5 0 , 0 . 5 , 0 . 0 8 , 1 . 5 1 0 ,0 . 6 , 2 0 . 9 , 3 . 8 1 0 / , 9 1 0 ,1 1 . 9 8 . 8 5 1 0 / , 1 . 6 1 0j js w j js wo v DR F o x S
3、U BsiC F m C F m m mC F m W m L m L m E mV V V C F m P mF m q C 00 ( 1 / 2 ) ( 1 / 2 )2 / 4j js wj js wj js wmmR F R Fe ff D d e ff s i S U B FCCCCVVL L L C W L q P 2( ) 16 .9222( 2( ) ) 33 .7222( ) 20 .02263 .13D B j jswSB j jswG D ovG S e ff ox ovWWC E C E C fFWWC E C E C fFWC C fFC W L C W C fF C
4、GB:栅 -衬底电容在三极管区和饱和区通常被忽略,因为反型层在栅和衬底之 间起了“屏蔽”的作用。换句话说,如果栅电压发生变化,电荷是由源和漏提供,而不是由衬底提供。 2-2. There is an N-type current source, ID is 0.5mA, and the drain-source voltage VDS must less than 0.4V when it works as a current source. If the minimum output resistance is 20 K, determine the length and width of
5、the device by using the parameters in Table 2.1. Answer: 1 20= 0 .10 .5oDDrKII m A From the table2.1, L can be determined as L=0.5um. 2 0 . 5 2 0 . 0 8 0 . 3 4e ff DL L L m m m Calculating W 2 G S T H D S A T1 ( ) , V - V = V = 0 . 4 V2D n o x G S T He ffWI C V VL 32 4 3 20 .5 1 0 4711( ) 3 5 0 1 0
6、3 .8 1 0 0 .422De ff n o x G S T HIWL C V V 4 7 1 6effW L m 2-3. The layout of an n-channel MOSFET is shown in Fig.2.3. What is this devices width and length? 2 5 m4 mN+G a t eP o l yFigure 2.3 Answer: mmLe ngth 125255 mWidth 4 2-4. A “ring” MOS structure is shown in Fig. 2.4. Explain how the device
7、 operations and estimate its equivalent aspect ratio. Calculate the drain junction capacitance of the structure. GDSWLFigure 2.4 Answer: Width/length ratio is 4W/L js wjDB WCCWC 42 2-5. The layout of a circuit fabricated in n-well technology is shown as Fig.2.5. Give the corresponding schematic and
8、mark the W/L sizes of each transistor. Assume 2L , .4.0 m Figure 2.5 Answer: Schematic VD DAABBCCVo u tOut= CAB W/L of N-MOSFET: 8.0 4.24.02 4.0626 W/L of P-MOSFET: 8.0 2.34.02 4.0828 Table 2.1 NMOS Model LEVEL=1 VTO=0.7 GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.9 PSUB=9e+14 LD=0.08e-6 UO=350 LAMBDA=0.1 TOX=9e-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0
9、.56e-3 CJSW=0.35e-11 MJ=0.45 MJSW=0.2 CGDO=0.4e-9 JS=1.0e-8 PMOS Model LEVEL=1 VTO=-0.8 GAMMA=0.4 PHI=0.8 PSUB=5e+14 LD=0.09e-6 UO=100 LAMBDA=0.2 TOX=9e-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.94e-3 CJSW=0.32e-11 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.3 CGDO=0.3e-9 JS=0.5e-8 上表给出的是 0.5m 工艺 level 1 MOS SPICE 模型参数的典型值,其 中的参数定义如下: VTO: VSB=0 时的阈值电压 (单位
10、: V) GAMMA: 体效应系数 (单位: V1/2) PHI: 2F (单位: V) TOX: 栅氧厚度 (单位: m) NSUB: 衬底掺杂浓度 (单位: cm-3) LD: 源 /漏侧扩散长度 (单位: m) UO: 沟道迁移率 (单位: cm2/(v/s)) LAMBDA: 沟道长度调制系数 (单位: V-1) CJ: 单位面积的源 /漏结电容 (单位: F/m2) CJSW: 单位长度的源 /漏侧壁结电容 (单位: F/m) PB: 源 /漏结内建电势 (单位: V) MJ: CJ 公式中的幂指数 (无单位) MJSW: CJSW 等式中的幂指数 (无单位) CGDO: 单位宽度的栅 /漏交叠电容 (单位: F/m) CGSO: 单位宽度的栅 /源交叠电容 (单位: F/m) JS: 源 /漏结单位面积的漏电流 (单位: A/m2)