1、纳米银抗菌整理剂 SILV9700Anti-bacterial and Anti-odor Finishing Agent产品用途纳米技术出现,使银在纳米状态下的杀菌能力产生了质的飞跃:纳米银是利用前沿纳米技术将银纳米化,在发挥银的抗菌功效的同时,由于颗粒极微小,表面积较大,具有超强的活性及更强的组织渗透性,其杀菌作用是普通银的数百倍。纳米银杀菌的机理是:Ag +直接进入菌体与氧代谢酶(-SH)结合,使菌体窒息而死;能和细菌细胞壁上暴露的肽聚糖反应,产生可塑性化合物,组织病菌活动,杀死病菌;Ag +可以和病原体的 DNA 结合而导致细菌 DNA 结构变异,抑制了DNA 复制,导致细菌失去了活力
2、。这种独特的作用机制,可杀死与其接触的大多数细菌、霉菌、孢子等有害微生物。这些有害微生物举例如下:革兰氏阳性菌 革兰氏阴性菌 霉菌和酵母菌 MRSA 大肠杆菌 白色念珠菌 枯草杆菌 肺炎杆菌 絮状表皮癣菌 金黄色葡萄球菌 绿脓杆菌 黑曲霉菌 UseThe anti-bacterial and anti-odor finishing agent H9000 is suitable for finishing cotton, and their blended fabrics, such as clothes, underwear, sheet and etc. The anti-bacteria
3、 and anti-odor finishing agent H9000 is non-dissolution agent, which durable resistant to wash and safe. The agent has highly efficient and extensive for bacteria, mould property, and keep the fabric clean to prevent the bacteria to grow again. H9000 can unit the fiber, so it is resistant to washing
4、 .It can destroy the cell wall and change permeability of cell membrane. The cytoplasts in the cell dropped out, and the result is that bacterium was killed. (In commercial, it is also called physical anti-bacteria or positive electricity field anti-bacteria.) All over the world, many authorized uni
5、ts prove: fiber treated by H9000 has excellent in anti-bacterial, anti-odor and anti-mould. It is non-toxic to the human body and non-stimulation to the skin and formaldehyde-free. Furthermore, the fabric can provide prevention and cure of ringworm of the foot, eczema, odor from sweat, foot odor, an
6、d skin itches. H9000 is accord with American standard AATCC 100and Japanese standard JISL1902-2002. Anti-bacteria and anti-odor finishing agent H9000 has highly efficient and extensive for anti G+ or G-. 基本性状组 分 Ag+外 观 淡黄色澄清液体PH 值 6.07.0 闪 点 100密度(20) 1.021.05g/cm 3离子性 阳离子溶解性 溶解于水相容性 与阳离子、非离子产品有良好的相
7、容稳定性,在实际大生产前须根据具体的配方进行试验牢 度 优异的耐洗牢度,及干洗,熨烫和汗渍牢度毒性、环保 无毒、对人体安全。不含酚类和重金属化合物。 本产品的贮藏、操作和使用应遵守化学品贮运的一般卫生安全规定,不得吞服皮肤刺激性 10%水溶液对皮肤无刺激性,商品原液对眼睛有刺激(戴护目镜)PropertyChemical composition Organic anti-bacteria agentAppearance H9000-A is colorless to light yellow transparent liquid, H9000-B light milky white liqui
8、d P H 6.5-7.0Flash point 100CSpecific weight(at20C) 1.02-1.08g/cm3Ionicity Non-ion/anionSolubility Can be dispersed in water Compatibility Compatible with non-ion or negative ion, please do experiment before actual productionFastness Resistant to washing and excellent in fastness of dry-clean, ironing and pressing and sweat strain. Toxicity/Pollution Non-toxic and safe to body, no phenol and heavy metal chemical compound, no oral taking.Skin irritation 10% water solution is non-irritating, but the stock solution is irritant to the eyes