1、阻燃剂 FPK8002 是针对于纯棉、麻、粘胶等纤维素织物研发的耐久阻燃整理剂。该产品的主要成分是含氮有机磷酸酯类化合物,与树脂等化学助剂联合使用,采用浸轧焙烘工艺。处理后的织物具有耐久的阻燃效果:无续燃和阴燃现象;残留甲醛含量低于 300ppm;强力损失小;对织物的手感和色泽影响低,毒性低;耐水洗和干洗。广泛应用于各种室内装饰、床上用品、睡衣、童装及玩具、野营帐篷;飞机、船舶、汽车上使用的各类纺织品。国家棉纺织产品质量监督检验中心及中国纺织科学研究测试中心一致证明:FPK8002 通过了 GB 50222-1995 标准。HERST 公司主要产品有:防紫外整理剂、抗紫外线整理剂、抗菌整理剂、
2、抗菌助剂、纺织抗菌剂、纳米银抗菌处理剂、吸湿排汗整理剂、吸汗速干加工剂、 纳米香味微胶囊整理剂、香味加工剂、织物面料抗菌剂、纳米维生素微胶囊加工剂、阻燃整理剂、 防火整理剂、纺织阻燃剂、阻燃涂层胶剂、阻燃助剂、甲壳素整理剂、防螨抗菌整理剂、抗菌防霉防螨整理剂、皮革防霉抗菌剂、防霉整理剂、抗静电整理剂、防静电剂、防蚊加工剂、 防虫加工剂、防油防水整理剂,含氟拒油拒水防污整理剂、芦荟丝素胶原保湿剂、无甲醛免烫整理剂、纳米银抗菌剂、羽绒抗菌除臭剂、纺织品防霉剂、纳米负离子加工剂、纳米远红外加工剂、远红外负离子发生剂、高发泡印花浆、珠光印花浆、金粉印花浆、银粉印花浆、 仿活性印花粘合剂、富锗整理剂、天
3、然物(丝素蛋白、绿茶、艾蒿、卵磷脂、仙人掌 )整理剂、舒适性(凉感、调温、唐辛子暖感、自发热)整理剂等精细化工产品。周帅Flame Retardant Finishing Agent FPK8001 Feature and advantageFeature AdvantageSound effect Excellent effect of flame retardant, easy to use Environmental friendly Non-halogen and protect the environment No influence on fabric No influence o
4、n color shading, handling, shade, touch Safe No irritating odor, non-toxic, no allergic reaction with skin. Applied noteThe finishing of flame retardant agent is suitable for dipping, spraying, etc. Before finishing clean up fabrics surface, which can strength the effect.1. FPK8001 (40-80%) can be d
5、irectly sprayed to curtain, paper, sofa and carpet etc decorative fabric and absorb materials. It can be got good flame retardant result after flow drying.2. Fabric Padding or dipping (FPK8001 40-80%) DryAttention point:1. Do some sample test before add other auxiliary agents.2. For some special dye
6、stuff, test the changing of color shade before production.Herst quality certificate: You can receive the Herst quality certificate, if you agree on a simple contact and the products fit Herst standard. Please get the Herst quality certificate contract documentary. Packaging and storage: 25kg 120kg in a barrel. Keep in cool warehouse and storage life for one year.