1、,如何利用思维导图 进行初三英语复习,从复习现象入手:,1.教材内容已学过,按部就班再讲学生毫无兴趣。优生不听,听懂了。差生不听,听不懂。中等生想听,理解不了还是听不懂。 2.单词短语默写+练习评讲,复习神器。 3. 题海战术消耗老师体力,磨灭了学生热情和欲望。买买买,做做做。,从复习时间入手:,1.新课早早收场,分册跑马观花,语法顾此 失彼,适应训练缺乏针对性。(时效性) 2.内容零散缺乏链接。(延续性) 3.教材话题是核心,复习是分册进行语法分块复习。(契合度),什么是思维导图?,发明人托尼巴赞(Tony Buzan)原理:对人脑的模拟 1)它的整个画面正像一个人大脑的结构图(分布着许多沟
2、与回); 2)突出了思维内容的重心和层次; 3)强化了联想功能,正像大脑细胞之间无限 丰富的连接; 4)利用了人脑对图像的加工记忆能力(大约是文字的1000倍)。,特点:可视化、发散性、浓缩性、系统性、开放性,思维导图,横向比较,教材分析,纵向延伸,分类图,头脑风暴图,分层结构图,5个,语法分析图,归纳图,内容分解图,功能,话题,任务,结构,教学内容变得再次新颖,激发学生大脑兴奋,复习内容构建成网络体系,互为支撑 相互促进 循环往复,由一般复习转向 语言运用,教材分析:,运用思维导图复习的四个阶段,书本词汇阶段,语法聚焦,阅读,真题运用,依据话题分单元归类。,词法、句法归类,梳理文章脉络,厘清
3、线索,B卷应对策略,此四环节彼此独立,但不孤立。可交叉、混合使用,层层递进、螺旋上升,1,2,3,4,第一阶段:书本词汇,书本归类,Identify people and things: Starter Units 2 Whats this in English? Topic: Things around you Functions: Identify things Spell words Starter Unit 3 What color is it? Topic: Colors Functions: Identify colors 七年级上 Unit 2 This is my sister
4、. Topic: The family Functions: Introduce people Identify people 七年级上 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Topic: Things in the classroom Functions: Identify ownership,Rules: 七年级下 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Topic: Rules Functions: Talk about rules 九年级 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clot
5、hes. Topic: Rules Functions: Talk about what you are allowed to do Agree and disagree,Can: 七年级上册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Topic: Joining a club Functions: Talk about abilities 八年级上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Topic: Invitations Functions: Make, accept and decline invitations Talk about
6、obligations Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Topic: Chores and permission Functions: Make polite requests Ask for permission,第二阶段:词法、句法,第三阶段:阅读,梳理文章脉络,厘清线索,导出写作框架及评价方式,学生在阅读中经常出现:1)见树不见林的现象, 2)缺少主动学习语篇的调控能力和反思能力, 3) 缺乏语篇分析概括能力和写作构架能力,导致阅读水平低。,artist,retire,10,now,40,60,八上Unit 10 I am going t
7、o be a basketball player.,Trip Map,who,what,when,where,When we talk about our trips, maybe these points are necessary.,how,八下Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A (1a-2c),Unit 7ReadingId love to sail across the Pacific!,structure,introduction,hopes,dreams,conclusion,Introduce the _ _ in which t
8、hou- sands of students in China took part.,Teenagers hopes are _.,Teenagers have _ dreams.,Teenagers have _ hopes and _ dreams;Lets _ dreams.,Step2 Read for knowing about the structure.,Step 3 Read for main ideas of each part.,parts,main ideas,findings,of a survey,different,all kinds of,similar,diff
9、erent,hold on to,Body:,location fantastic sights transportation drinks language,Beginning:,Ending:,For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?,Read for structure:,A travel ad,第四阶段:真题应用,中考真题分析B卷应对策略,(2011 江西)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从下面方框内的六个选项中,选出五个还原 到原文中,使原文句子通顺,结构完整。1 _It has around 3 billion f
10、ans - nearly half the worlds population! And about 300 million people play this game. Thats 4 percent of the world s population!2 Many people in old days played early forms of his modern game. Cu ju (蹴鞠) a ball-kicking game in China, was reported as early as 2500 B.C. Around the same time in Greece,
11、 people were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands.But modern soccer didnt become official (官方的) until 1863. An Englishman called Cobb Morley introduced the idea of a soccer association (联盟). 3 .From then on, other associations in the countries were set up. They came together-to
12、 make up the FIFA, which organizes the World Cup.Its not easy to tell what makes soccer so popular. 4 Soccer needs only two feet and a ball.This makes it a sport that developing countries can easily play. Some of the sports best players come from these poor nations.5 The sports no-hands rule makes b
13、eautiful dance-like movements on the field. Whats more, this sport excites the heart. Teams might score only a few times each match, so matches can turn around suddenly.No one knows who will win at the next World Cup. But one thing is certain: The world will be watching.,通篇阅读,掌握大意,阅读选项,缩小范围,根据上下文,初定
14、答案 先易后难, 瞻前顾后,对短文内容中所缺句子,寻找前后文支撑论点的关键信息,特别注意某些同义词反义词,连词或介词等key words的作用以及前后文和句子间的逻辑关系。,认真核查,验证答案,还原检查,验证答案,注意各题的答案应逻辑一致,不能自相矛盾。结构完整,意思通顺,确保答案准确无误。,解题步骤:,用笔进行原文与选项的key words的连线,这是确保答案正确的好帮手,不要怕把卷子弄得不整洁。,Tips:,通读全文,了解大意,观察表格,心中有数(大小写,形式),锁定原文,找到句子,对比表格,调整答案(同义短语,同义句,固定短语,变型),仔细检查,解题步骤:,同学们在将答案最终填入答卷时, 要注意顺序, 想清形式,小心仔细,并且规范书写,切勿因粗心大意而失分。,Tips:,如何开展我的思维导图制作?,确定方式:手绘、软件 软件:Mindmapimindmap,学生作品展示,初三复习管理之基础:,我校富有特色的集体备课,管理出效益,执行力就是生产力; 发动学生,智慧工作。,