1、1,第一部分,文体概述,2,II. News Structure (英语新闻结构 ),新闻结构(news structure)是指新闻的组织结构,它体新 闻中新闻事实的安排次序和内部联系。英语新闻结构有 多种形式,常见的有: Inverted Pyramid Structure(倒金字塔结构) Chronological Structure(编年史结构),3,II. News Structure (英语新闻结构 ),Focus Structure(聚焦结构)(或称Wall Street Journal Structure 华尔街日报结构) Extended-Dialogue Structure
2、(对话结构) Hourglass Structure(沙漏式结构) First-Person Structure (第一人称结构)等,4,II. News Structure (英语新闻结构 ),但是,英语报刊上的绝大多数新闻,尤其是硬新闻 (Hard News) 都是用倒金字塔结构写的。因此,我们只介绍倒金字塔结构。一般来说,用倒金字塔结构写成的新闻包括三个部分:,5,5,headline,lead,body,6,II. News Structure (英语新闻结构 ),倒金字塔结构写成的新闻包括三个部分: 标题 (Headline)、 导语 (Lead)、 正文 (Body)。,7,II-
3、1. Inverted Pyramid(倒金字塔结构),The most popular structure for news stories is the inverted pyramid.In the inverted pyramid, the information is arranged in descending order of importance. The most important material is placed at the beginning of the story, and less important material follows.,8,II-1. In
4、verted Pyramid(倒金字塔结构),The inverted pyramid format turns traditionalstorytelling on its head. In a short story or novel, the most important moment the climax typically comes near the very end. But in news writing the most important moment is right at the start . Succeeding paragraphs explain and sup
5、port the lead.,9,An example of an inverted pyramid news story,A 16-year-old West High School sophomore is in critical condition today at River City Hospital after being treated for smoke inhalation (吸入) at his home last night.Joe Smith, son of Bob and Carol Smith of 116 Travis Lane, was overcome by
6、smoke in the family garage about 8 p.m. after pouring carbon solvent (溶剂) into the carburetor (汽化 器)intake of his car, according to a hospital spokesman.He was discovered by his parents, who called an ambulance.,10,Inverted Pyramid The Inverted Pyramid of news suggests that news be told in order of
7、most interesting or important to least interesting or important,II-1. Inverted Pyramid(倒金字塔结构),Most interesting or most important,Least interesting or least important,11,Another example of inverted pyramid style,Ben Davis, 85, of 345 Benson St., was killed in an automobile accident on Warner Road ab
8、out 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Arkansas State Police.Davis, a Hot Springs farmer, was killed when his car left the road and struck a tree two miles east of town on Warner Road, police said.,12,Same story, written in chronological style,Today at 1:30 p.m., Ben Davis, who is a farmer at 345 Be
9、nson St., was driving home on Warner Road.He was two miles east of town when his car went off the road and hit a tree.Davis, 85, was killed instantly, according to a hospital spokesman. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.,13,Why is inverted pyramid style used?,It allows the reader to
10、read only the lead and know most of the important information.It allows the editor to cut the least important information from the bottom of the story and not worry about leaving out anything of great importance.,14,News listening Vibe film,http:/ to Task One (1),I. 1. D2. C3. D4. B,16,Answers to Ta
11、sk One (2),II. 1. dinosaurs; more than two hundred million;more than three hundred fifty; less than 20 centimeters; the biggest whale shark; bones; cartilage,17,Answers to Task One (3),2. sense of smell; blood; chemicals; electrical and magnetic; nerves and muscles 3. plants that live in the ocean;
12、unusual things; metal protective clothingSome carry their young inside their bodies with a cord connecting the fetus to the mother like humans do.,18,Keys to Task Three (1),News Item 11 17. D 18. A News Item 12 19. B,19,Keys to Task Three (2),News Item 13 20. A 21. C News Item 14 22. C,20,News Item
13、11 (1),letter bombs 信件炸弹(恐怖分子等装在信封内的爆炸物) Sweden n.瑞典 right-wing raitwi a.右翼的;右派的 plot plt n.阴谋;秘密计划 raid reid n.突然袭击;侵袭 Denmark n.丹麦(欧洲国家) Danish a.丹麦的;丹麦人的,21,News Item 11 (2),shoot u:t v.射中;射伤;射死 target t:git n.目标,指标 understand v.认为;推断 disguise disgaiz v.假扮,伪装 videotape vidiuteip n.录影带;录像带 believe
14、 v.认为;猜想,料想 intercepte ,intsept v.拦截;截住;截击,22,News Item 12 (1),rundown rndaun a. 破败不堪的 council kaunsil n.理事会,委员会 estate isteit n.(房地产)产业; 地产 council estate (英国市、镇、郡等)地方当局拥有的地产 challenge tlind v. 要求,需要;激发 enroll inrul v. 把.记入名册,登记(名字等) defeat difi:t v. 征服,击败 welfare welf n. 福利的;福利事业 dependency dipend
15、nsi n. 依靠,信赖,23,News Item 12 (2),launch l:nt v. 发动,发起 wide-ranging waidreindi a. 广泛的 review n. 再检查; 审查 draw dr: v. 获取,得到 reject ridekt v. 拒绝,抵制 placement pleismnt n. 布置 scheme ski:m n. 计划;方案 urge :d v. 催促;力劝;激励,24,News Item 13,expedition ,ekspidin n. 远征;探险;考察 peak pi:k n. 山顶; 山峰 Mount Mckinley 麦金利山
16、attach tt v. 使依附;使附属 dental dentl a. 牙齿的;牙科的 corps k: n. (医务、通讯、军械等兵种的)部队 concussion knkn n. 脑震荡 lance lns corporal k:prl (英) 一等兵,25,News Item 14 (1),Indonesians n.印度尼西亚人 runoff rn,:f n. 决定性竞选; 终投票 incumbent inkmbnt a. 现任的,在职的 moderate mdrit a. 温和的;不偏激的 Muslims n. 穆斯林(即伊斯兰教徒) pledge pled n. 保证;许诺;发誓
17、 candidate kndidit n. 候选人;竞选人 voter vut n. 选举人;投票人,26,News Item 14 (2),tie tai n. 联系;关系 prospect prspekt n. 希望; 前景 Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚 notable nutbl a. 值得注意的,显著的 achievement ti:vmnt n. 成就,成绩 campaign kmpein n. 战役; 运动,活动 authoritarian ,:ritrin n. 独裁的; 专制的,27,News Item 14 (3),lackluster lk,lst a. 无生气的
18、commission kmin n. 委员会 rival raivl n. 竞争者,对手,敌手 camp kmp n.阵营;拥护某一主义或党派的人们 parade preid n. 游行,列队行进 rally rli n. (尤指政治上的)大集会,大会 feature fi:t n. 特征,特色,28,Obama: Netanyahu Offered Nothing New 奥巴马:内塔尼亚胡未提出任何可行方案,1.美国总统奥巴马对以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在美国国会发表的演讲持批评态度。他说,内塔尼亚胡在应对伊朗及其核项目问题上并未提出任何新的选择方案。 2.奥巴马在白宫椭圆形办公室对记者说,他没
19、有观看内塔尼亚胡在国会两院发表的演讲,但他阅读了演讲稿。 3.以色列领导人发言时, 奥巴马正在参加与欧洲领导人讨论乌克兰和其他问题的视频会议。奥巴马表示,内塔尼亚胡在演讲中没有提出任何新东西。 4.奥巴马表示,他同意内塔尼亚胡所说,即美以关系牢不可破以及伊朗政权是危险的。 5.内塔尼亚胡批评奥巴马试图通过谈判与伊朗达成一项核协议,奥巴马在这一点上做出最强烈的谴责。 6.奥巴马说: “如何防止伊朗获得核武器,因为这会使它更加危险并让它在该地区发挥更大作用,在这个核心问题上,总理没有提供任何可行的选择方案。” 7.在内塔尼亚胡访问华盛顿期间,奥巴马不准备同他会晤。,(2)Answers to Task Two,I. 1. General Motors2. Announced; lower its costs3. This week4. a) reduce; North America; thirty thousandb) close; twelve II. a, c, d, f, g, h,29,30,30,Thanks For Your Attending,