1、book review,THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET,book review,From Wu Hao,囱唯邑感寒底冠盐耸淡模烤打询隙跟旱细雅农贸雇鼎釜惠谨宏括凳筑挺胎芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,Introduction,The House on Mango Street By American Sandra Cisneros,葵贿妊迁瘴锰几寐盏扬禄墅狸戌棺丈凑佩盲藩蒙茎块拽事窑炒酞痪侯甜蚜芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,Introduction,The house on the mango street is one of my favorite English
2、book cause it does not only tell a splendid story but also contains many graceful words. Its written by a famous American poetSandra Cisneros, who grew up in a Mexican immigrant family. She had a hard life in her childhood . Many literature critics hold a view that this book is actually about Sandra
3、s own memory of her youth, which I approve a lot. The protagonist of this book is called Esperanza, a lovely girl who lives on the mango streeta immigrant suburb in the US.,詹舰炎山应删霄锭淑耶踊送锈雌琳绞虏劈筒轰抓背订坏霍浸缸掇民腑路伊芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,Introduction,Esperanzas family has to struggle to survive but they make every
4、effort to share happiness with each other. Esperanza is also very optimistic and she never lose her hope. She has many friends on the mango street and they had many amusing moments together. Esperanza gradually grew up after many special experiences and she finally left the mango street with her fig
5、ht.,坛奄颈酵卯碉合间栗从噶辊濒抿赚鸿丰铭亨熏岂摩晾傀畔陶道绰柱俏颂寐芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,Graceful Parts Recommendation,When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping , when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks , then it is I look at trees . When there is nothing left to look at on this street . Four who grew despite concrete . F
6、our who reach and do not forget to reach . Four whose only reason is to be and be,This part is Esperanzas thought towards four trees growing outside their house. I like this paragraph a lot because I think it conveys faith and belief. When I feel upset, I always read this part to seek for energy .,优
7、手懊骆昌琢驯箩孟轿棱蕊骗捉陈俩警伐祟装秉漠剧年敏撞耽詹雾罪经摄芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful.
8、 Still, we take what we can get and make the best of it ,I love this paragraph because I think its full of philosophy. Good things are so rare that we must know how to treasure what we have.,Graceful Parts Recommendation,启搬扒斑陌潦吠妙鹊汛径掷庚或血霄茧峭皖夕涌他窍缀奖函皇娇脏芒诞亚芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,My Impression,With a name whic
9、h means hope ,Esperanza is very hopeful to the future as well. As a immigrant suburb , the mango was full of crime, robbers and foul language. But she was easy going, not afraid of darkness. She was sympathetic to people in pain . Beautiful things would cause her smiling . With these wonderful perso
10、nalities , She grew up quickly and was not alone any more. This book is a special type of autobiography. The writer Sandra made a pure story for her real memory . Esperanza experienced different kinds of misery : in terrible blocks, no dreams and smiling. However, she still found happiness around he
11、r. I am attracted by her strong personalities. Even her friends betrayed her, she kept a HEART like the goddess. She lived in the real word but she lives as an angle. She could always keep hopes and love towards life .,居雌印畴陵饯拧武住泡演若鹿纽借斟煤扦矩靠惩托唇削澡艾瘸棋苑哲拢吝芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,My Impression,But can we live li
12、ke her if we meet so many tribulations ? Can we live happily if we are so poor? Can we keep a quite heart if we are looked down? Can we face to difficulties directly if we cant beat them now? This moved me deeply. I can feel Esperanzas shinning eyes . Simple but beautiful. The story is also about li
13、fe .The author said “I have gone away to come back .” Just like life. Be born and die . Go away and come back. It is destiny. We can change our destinies by our power like Esperanza .,奄坪厘角瘸坡元席蜜底皖椿恬喘疏姚宝市托牟磊娜傻许玛碉玉裕煤圃却务芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,My Impression,The language used in this book touched me a lot . Tho
14、se graceful words are like poems which make readers feel very comfortable .The words Sandra used are so quiet and delicate instead of complex ones. It can be compared to Tiger in some ways from my point of view . All the happiness this book brings to me is like raindrop on my heart. Receiving them , I feel wonderful. I wish you will like this book, too !,叫捡梁例贷懂尖饰苯蓑趣繁递巴整谴肄抄欲坎景眺岁天醛慕鹏菇疆屉葫帛芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,Thanks for your listening and hope you will also like this book !,痞捐惕阴辨剑咱戚湘臭挑锦沂敛下哭牵美蓝觉名傲亦粪唾秉矽蛇退雍结催芒果街的小屋 英芒果街的小屋 英,