1、字符从天而降脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中0) index = 0; index-)layer=document.layersindexif (layer.left=10000)layer.left=0returnfor (index=document.all.length-1; index = document.body.sourceIndex; index-)el = document.allindexanimation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)if(null != animation)if(animation = “dro
2、pWord“ | animation = “flyTopRightWord“ | animation =“flyBottomRightWord“)ih = el.innerHTMLoutString = “i1 = 0iend = ih.lengthwhile(true)i2 = startWord(ih, i1)if(i2 = -1)i2 = iendoutWord(ih, i1, i2, false, “)if(i2 = iend)breaki1 = i2i2 = endWord(ih, i1)if(i2 = -1)i2 = iendoutWord(ih, i1, i2, true, an
3、imation)if(i2 = iend)breaki1 = i2document.allindex.innerHTML = outStringdocument.allindex.style.posLeft = 0document.allindex.setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)if(animation = “zoomIn“ | animation = “zoomOut“)ih = el.innerHTMLoutString = “outString += ihoutString += “document.allindex.innerHTML = out
4、Stringdocument.allindex.style.posLeft = 0document.allindex.setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)i = 0for (index=document.body.sourceIndex; index )tag = falsereturn -1function endWord(ih, i)nonSpace = falsespace = falsewhile(i “outString += ih.substring(i1, i2)if(dyn)outString += “function animate()el
5、= animateElementscurrentElementanimation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)step+if(animation = “spiral“)steps = stepsSpiralv = step/stepsrf = 1.0 - vt = v * 2.0*Math.PIrx = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initLeft), 200)ry = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initTop), 200)el.style.posLeft = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)
6、*rx)el.style.posTop = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry)else if(animation = “zoomIn“)steps = stepsZoomel.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(50+50*step/steps) + “%“el.style.posLeft = 0else if(animation = “zoomOut“)steps = stepsZoomel.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(100+200*(steps-step)/steps) + “%“el.style.posLeft = 0
7、elsesteps = stepsFlyif(animation = “dropWord“ | animation = “flyTopRightWord“ | animation =“flyBottomRightWord“)steps = stepsWorddl = el.initLeft / stepsdt = el.initTop / stepsel.style.posLeft = el.style.posLeft - dlel.style.posTop = el.style.posTop - dtif (step = steps)el.style.posLeft = 0el.style.
8、posTop = 0currentElement+step = 0if(currentElement 第二步:把如下代码加入区域中( 也就是在页面中调用脚本 )很 好 玩 吧 ! 有 没 有 吓 一 跳 ?YES!第三步:把 改为打字机式字符输出脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中欢迎光临精彩JavaScript 世界.你知道怎样在你的网页中做一个很酷的网页菜单吗?你知道怎样让你的网页背景向上或向下移动吗?你知道怎样在你的主页中任意位置显示一个时钟吗?你知道怎样在主页中做特效文字吗 ?你知道怎样做一个很cool 的日历吗?“);var overMe=0;function txtTyper(s
9、tr, idx, idObj, spObj, clr1, clr2, delay, plysnd) var tmp0 = tmp1 = , skip = 0;if (both idx+; if (str.charAt(idx) = )idx+; idx+; tmp0 = str.slice(0,idx);tmp1 = str.charAt(idx+);if (overMe=0 setTimeout(“document.embeds0.play(false)“,100); else if (document.all) ding.Stop();setTimeout(“ding.Run()“,100
10、);overMe=1; else overMe=0;writeOnText(idObj, “+tmp0+“+tmp1+“);setTimeout(“txtTyper(“+str+“, “+idx+“, “+idObj+“, “+spObj+“, “+clr1+“, “+clr2+“,“+delay+“ ,“+plysnd+“)“,delay);function init() txtTyper(dispStr0, 0, ttl0, ttl1, #339933, #99FF33, 50, 0);/ 第二步:把如下代码加入区域中第三步:把 改为滚动显示的LOGO脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中
11、标签即可。var slideimages=new Array()slideimages0=slideimages1=slideimages2=slideimages3=slideimages4=/尽管填加更多的。if (slideimages.length1)i=2elsei=0function move1(whichlayer)tlayer=eval(whichlayer)if (tlayer.top0/ otherwise, update characters left counterelse form.remLen.value = maxLen - form.message.value.
12、length;/ End 第二步:把如下代码加入区域中( You may enter up to 125 characters. )charactersleft文本上下弹跳脚本说明:把如下代码加入区域中yk) step = -4if(yp上下不停弹跳的文本 特酷消隐字体脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中=0) glowdiv.innerText=messagei_messagedocument.all.glowdiv.style.filter=“glow(color=“+textcolori_strength+“, strength=4)“i_strength-timer=setTimeo
13、ut(“deglowtext()“,100)else clearTimeout(timer)i_message+if (i_message=message.length) i_message=0i_strength=0intermezzo()function intermezzo() glowdiv.innerText=“setTimeout(“glowtext()“,1000)/第二步:把如下代码加入区域中第三步:把 区中内容改为文本框栏目介绍脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中第二步:把如下代码加入区域中The Menu MessageSeen this before?Possible
14、uses?Shares InformationSaves spaceGet the code!旋转变换文字脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中/luxiaoqingPhrase=“欢迎你的光临 “Balises=“Taille=40;Midx=100;Decal=0.5;Nb=Phrase.length;y=-10000;for (x=0;x + Phrase.charAt(x) + document.write (Balises);Time=window.setInterval(“Alors()“,10);Alpha=5;I_Alpha=0.05;function Alors()Alpha
15、=Alpha-I_Alpha;for (x=0;x特酷的文本输出脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中第二步:把如下代码加入区域中欢迎光临怀柔网网站, 请多提意见。http:/E-mail:第三步:建立一个名为lu.htc 的文件,内容如下。(注意要在文本窗口中编辑好!)/ 声明变量var counter=0;var buffer1;var buffer2;var bufLength;var typing;if (!speed) var speed=100function startTyping()buffer1 = element.innerText;element.innerText=“;
16、buffer2 = “;bufLength = buffer1.length;typing = window.setInterval(uniqueID+“.typeIt()“,speed);function typeIt()buffer2 = buffer2 + buffer1.substring(counter,counter+1);element.innerText = buffer2;counter = counter + 1;if (counter = bufLength)clearInterval(typing)页面自动滚屏效果脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中第二步:把如下代码
17、加入区域中第三步:把 区中内容改为炽热的文字特效(IE)脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中function glowit(which)if (document.all.glowtextwhich.filters0.strength=2)document.all.glowtextwhich.filters0.strength=1elsedocument.all.glowtextwhich.filters0.strength=2function glowit2(which)if (document.all.glowtext.filters0.strength=2)document.all.gl
18、owtext.filters0.strength=1elsedocument.all.glowtext.filters0.strength=2function startglowing()if (document.all.glowtexti第二步:把如下代码加入区域中任意文字鼠标响应文字变色脚本说明:把如下代码加入区域中欢迎光临怀柔网网站隐藏显示字符脚本脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中第二步:把如下代码加入区域中隐藏字符 显示字符对不起,代码不能随便看的 ,如果你真的想要,请与我联系!鼠标响应图片变化脚本说明:把如下代码加入区域中img1=new Array(2);img10=new I
19、mage; img10.src=“image/img-01.jpg“;img11=new Image; img11.src=“image/img-02.jpg“;img12=new Image; img12.src=“image/img-03.jpg“;img2=new Array(2);img20=new Image; img20.src=“image/img-01-a.jpg“;img21=new Image; img21.src=“image/img-02-a.jpg“;img22=new Image; img22.src=“image/img-03-a.jpg“;function sh
20、ow(n)if (n=0) document.P0.src=img20.src;if (n=1) document.P1.src=img21.src;if (n=2) document.P2.src=img22.src;function hide(n)if (n=0) document.P0.src=img10.src;if (n=1) document.P1.src=img11.src;if (n=2) document.P2.src=img12.src;星星满天闪烁脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中255) return “ff“;else return “ + hexaMath.fl
21、oor(i/16) + hexai%16;function setbgColor(r, g, b)var hr = hex(r);var hg = hex(g);var hb = hex(b);document.bgColor = “#“+hr+hg+hb;function fade(sr, sg, sb, er, eg, eb, step)for(var i = 0; i 第二步:把如下代码加入区域中“);function randommove()for(i=1;i第三步:把 改为打开页面颜色渐变脚本说明:第一步:把如下代码加入区域中function BgColor()var x = 0,
22、step = 1while( x = 0x1000000) step = 1BgColor()第二步:把中的内容改为:页面打开特效脚本说明:把如下代码加入区域中:var mylocation=“time3.htm“var winheight=100var winsize=100var x=5function go()win2=window.open(“,“,“scrollbars“)win2.location=mylocationif (!document.layerselse l = inp.charAt(cnt+1);if (k = “ “) | (k = “-“) | (k = “) o
23、tp = otp + k;cnt += 1;if (l = “y“) if (k = “x“) if (cnt = 0) k = “z“;else k = “k“;if (k = “g“) if (l = “e“) | (l = “i“) | (l = “y“) k = “j“;else if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else otp = otp + k + “u“;cnt += 1;if (k = “j“) if (l = “a“) | (l = “u“) | (l = “o“) otp = otp + k + l;cnt +=2;if
24、(l = “e“) | (l = “i“) otp = otp + “ji“;cnt += 2;if (k = “y“) if (l = “a“) | (l = “u“) | (l = “o“) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else k = “i“;if (k = “m“) if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else if (l = “b“) | (l = “m“) | (l = “p“) otp = otp + “n“;cnt += 1;else otp = otp + “mu“;cnt += 1;if (isvow
25、el(k) | (k = “n“) cnt = cnt + 1;if (k = “q“) k = “k“;if (k = “v“) k = “b“;if (k = “l“) k = “r“;if (k = “c“) if (l = “h“) otp = otp + “chi“;cnt += 3;else if (l = “e“) | (l = “i“) | (l = “y“) k = “s“;else k = “k“;if (k = “w“) if (l = “a“) | (l = “o“) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else if (l = “i“) | (l=“
26、e“) otp = otp + “u“ + l;cnt += 2;else k = “b“;if (k = “b“) | (k = “k“) | (k = “r“) if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else otp = otp + k + “u“;cnt += 1;if (k = “d“) if (l = “i“) | (l = “a“) | (l = “e“) otp = otp + “de“;cnt += 2;if (l = “u“) | (l = “o“) otp = otp + “do“;cnt += 2;if (!isvowel(l
27、) otp = otp + “de“;cnt += 1;if (k = “f“) otp = otp + “fu“;cnt += 1;if (isvowel(l) cnt += 1;if (k = “h“) if (l = “u“) otp = otp + “fu“;cnt += 2;else if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else otp = otp + “fu“;cnt += 1;if (k = “z“) if (l = “i“) k = “j“;else if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;else otp = otp + “zu“;cnt += 1;if (k = “n“) if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;if (k = “p“) if (l = “h“) otp = otp + “fu“;cnt += 2;if (isvowel(l) otp = otp + k + l;cnt += 2;