1、杰克伦敦的英文简介甘绍旭整理Jack London was a very famous realistic writer of the United States, whose name at birth was John Griffith London. He was also a strong sailor and a war correspondent. He was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. It is believed that he is the illegitimate son of an ast
2、rologer whose name was William Chaney. His family was very poor-no fixed occupations, and no fixed residence, either. So Jack had to leave school to make a living and support his family. Jacks extensive life experiences included: being a laborer, factory worker, oyster pirate on the San Francisco Ba
3、y, member of the California Fish Patrol, sailor, railroad hobo, and gold prospector (in the Klondike from 1897-1898).In his twenty, Jack entered the university of California. But he dropped out of school after a semester because of the poverty. In the year 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Inste
4、ad of getting much gold, he found ideas for his books and stories. So he went back home and began to write. In 1900, he published his first novel-The Son of the Wolf, immediately draw most of the peoples attention. From then on, he continued to publish a series of short novels, and began to have a p
5、lace in the American literature world. Later Jack become the best-selling, highest paid and most popular American author of his time. He was prolific: fifty-one of his books and hundreds of his articles had been published. All of these works can be divided into three big types: one describes the peo
6、ple in the nature; one describes the people in the city; one is the thesis. The works which describe the people in the nature also can be divided into two types: about the life of the polar region, about the life of the sea. His most notable books include The Call of the Wild (originally entitled “T
7、he Sleeping Wolf”) which was published in 1903, belongs to the type which is about the life of the polar region. The Iron Heel, White Fang, The Sea-Wolf (originally entitled “Mercy of the Sea”),which is the symbolic work about peoples life of the sea. The People of the Abyss (a sociological treatise
8、 about the slums of London, England), John Barleycorn, Martin Eden, and The Star Rover. His short story, “To Build A Fire”, is considered to be an all-time classic. His writings have been translated into several dozen languages and to all of his works were widely read throughout the world. Most of h
9、is works are full of positive emotions: energetic, enjoying, enthusiastic, exhilarated and brave, and full of hardworking. Erving Stone, an American biography novelist, called Jack London “the Father of the Proletarian Literature in the United States ” in his biography about Jack London-Sailor on Ho
10、rseback. As his writings were warmly welcomed and he became rich and famous when he was under thirty . But Jack London was not a happy man. In poor health. He took his own life in 1916. He was then only forty years old.私生子出身的杰克伦敦对个人主义和超人哲学的信奉与其童年的苦难记忆有关。正是由于尝尽了穷苦困顿、颠沛流浪之苦,杰克伦敦内心中从不公平、不平等的社会处境中突围的冲动才显得格外强烈。与其无助和软弱地等待,不如与命运殊死一搏。杰克伦敦的生活是高度紧张的,他一生都在寻求从底层中出头,从厄运中成功。他 11 岁就外出打零工谋生, 14 岁因为参与偷袭私人牡蛎场而被抓获,被罚做苦工。后来,他又做了一名水手,开始了航海生涯。18 岁的他参加了向华盛顿“进军” 的失业者组织“基林军” ,又在进军组织遭取缔后恢复了流浪生活,在监牢与街头之间生存。20 岁时他考进加州大学,又因穷困而退学,同姐夫一道去阿拉斯加淘金。坎坷的人生经历和对底层生活的深切体验为他的写作提供了丰富的素材。他专注于人的内心世界,对自我理想的追求和对生命意义的追问更加强烈,对现实世界更加敏感和渴求