1、On translation of Chinese Traditional Festival in Poems -from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory 从“功能对等”理论探究中国传统节日在诗词中的翻译,Researches done by scholars,陈红娟文化差异和不可译性 熊建闽翻译中的模糊表达和功能对等理论 袁庸新 论词语的文化性及其在翻译中的体现 顾正阳 古诗词英译中时令节日的处理 王皓璇 ,王之光 对节气与清明翻译的探讨 Nidas “dynamic equivalence” theory Peter New
2、mark-Methods of communication translation and semantic translation,In the light of Nidas “functional equivalence”. The relations between the readers and articles being the main measurement . In accordance with the poetic imagery, functional equivalence theory has been applied, together with the rece
3、ption of the readers of the target language.,The researches character,The translated festival (from scholars) I would prefer Qingming (jie)-杜牧清明,朱淑真眼儿媚,晏殊蝶恋花等 Yuanxiao(jie)-李清照永遇乐,欧阳修 生查子等 Chongyang(jie)-王维 九月九日忆山东兄弟 李清照 醉花阴 等 Qixi(jie)- 秦观 鹊桥仙 等,Outline,I propose to work out the analysis under the
4、guidance of Functional Equivalence Theory. Introduction mainly talks about the sketch of the dissertation. Literature review , a section summed up by the predecessors from various perspectives.,3. Summarize the theory, illustrating the definition of the Functional Equivalence.4. Analysis , includes the examples of the translation in the Chinese ancient poems under certain circumstances.,Thank you!,