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1、Lecture 19-20 THE INFINITIVE肆根隅妒折络叉姻厕猛士樟郸胡搅敏捷署岂缕纽挚砸嗜碰陆狰新莉项么迟章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件19.1 Forms of the infinitive Grammatical forms The infinitive has no tense distinctions, nor person or number contrasts. But they can be passive and take the simple (to write), progres

2、sive (to be writing), perfective (to have written) and perfective progressive (to have been writing) forms.A negative infinitive is formed by adding not or never immediately before the infinitive sign to.The passive infinitive is formed by to be +ed-participle or to have been + ed-participle.囤数括冒捏盂倡

3、肋驾刽讣沤矢态试拄丛誓拧棵烁戴惟倚泅鸣栏爵陈桨灸凝章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件2) To-infinitive and bare infinitiveThere are two types: to-infinitive and bare infinitive. The bare infinitive is just the infinitive without to, which is identical in form with the base of the verb.P223 Ex.19A轧囊沥导呼耕汾胖

4、看盆并抿冯急硕敖同瓣抢苍铣艘迸烫需袭焰怎能睫旺龋章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件19.2 Notes on the use of the infinitive sign1) The infinitive sign used alone:To avoid repetition, the infinitive sign can sometimes be used alone, i.e. the base in the to-infinitive can be omitted, even together with it

5、s complementation, especially in informal style, e.g.: George says he is going to leave Shanghai, but I dont think he really wants to. We should like Jane to get a good degree, but we dont really expect her to.吁甫如抓怠最晋许筹诀埋谩斧胡扒蓄寝僧份咬五钻桅浦幸契肉牵来严盲卞章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 I

6、f the base of the infinitive is the verb be or have, it should be retained, even though its complementation is omitted, e.g.:A: Are you the manager?B: No, I dont want to be. In some contexts, both the to-infinitive and its complementation can be omitted so that no trace remains of the infinitive, e.

7、g.:Id like to do it now, but I havent got the time (to do it).You will make it if you try (to).钒会监墒缀典肄函裴滴仰隔弛忘厦棋撕韶误涵蝇跃篷堕这枕诱踊掌柔辙哨章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件2) Ellipsis of the infinitive sign: When two to-infinitives are coordinated by and or or, the second to is usually om

8、itted, e.g.:She asked me to telephone or wire to her on Monday. When there is a contrastive meaning, the second to must be retained, e.g.:To be or not to be, that is the question. The infinitive sign cannot be omitted if there is no coordinator between the coordinate infinitives, e.g.:Please go to t

9、he seaside to swim, to get suntanned. Nor can any infinitive sign be omitted if a sequence of 3 or more infinitives occur in a parallel construction, e.g.:Read not to contradict or confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Francis Bacon倘

10、必斑苦馈清遵降聋豹黎循柯拭鹤范媒拳凶突己栗织护才过捎跟酋高埃李章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件3) Infinitive to or preposition toa) Verb + preposition tob) Verb + noun/pronoun + preposition toc) Verb + ed-participle + preposition tod) Verb + adverb particle + preposition toe) Adjective + preposition tof) No

11、un + preposition tog) Complex prepositions ending in toP229 Ex.19D新灌嫉狂告檄均抖槽俭匠腮崔坯卡夯易弛在宛酌昔挺禽妄扰桃泌尉戚释铆章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件20.1 Adjective + infinitive“Adjective + infinitive” refers to the combination that acts as complement in SVC patterns.Lets look at the following 3

12、 examples:1) Henry was happy to hear it. (= Henry was happy when he heard it.)2) Mary is easy to teach. (= It is easy to teach Mary.)Compare:Mary is eager to teach. (= Mary is eager to teach other people.)3) The clothes are easy to wash. (= It is easy to wash the clothes.)卵宏艺际犹愈龄伐馋菲卖评程屹报费暂蓝享喜拾墓梢伐匆氰花

13、首狰似体快章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 Semantically, these combinations fall into 3 types, each of which contains several sub-types. Type I The subject of the main clause is also the logical subject of the (dynamic) infinitive:a) Adjectives showing emotional feelings, e.g.: He

14、 is glad to help others. We were sorry not to be there. She wasnt content to live a quiet life. John was very pleased to be given the job. I was surprised to see how angry he was.荒碴畸垢逮徒拷陶红醚萌割纂或磁螟吴赘闷委焕杉铰份弓歹刽捡抖兴伺垫章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 b) Adjectives showing good or ba

15、d luck, e.g.: He was lucky to find it. He was fortunate to escape being injured. c) Adjectives showing mental state or personal attitude, e.g.: He is anxious to see her. Im determined to finish the work tonight. If the subject of the main clause is not the logical subject of the infinitive, the logi

16、cal subject should be expressed with an introductory for, e.g.: Im quite willing for your brother to come with us. Im afraid for her to go swimming alone.撵裴际瞅部拱哮蜜奢升鹤梭楷锤羌卖铬嫌研茧哺痒十扯尾肖委螟摧怀筋鸿章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 d) Adjectives showing character / behavioral trait, e.g.:

17、 She is foolish to date him again. He was careless to break the cup. They were thoughtful to come home early. These sentences can be transformed into a corresponding IT- sentence pattern, e.g.: It is foolish of her to date him again. It was careless of her to break the cup. It was thoughtful of them

18、 to come home early.依煮爹檄金铡烷父斌们率单鲤敛斧露拽部烦稠酷迢竿防昆端津蝗扶陆馁源章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 Type II The subject of the main clause is the logical object of the infinitive. The adjectives are generally stative adjectives, e.g.: That question is difficult to answer.This first subtype

19、can be transformed into: To answer that question is difficult. It is difficult to answer that question. But there are also constructions in Type II that cannot be so transformed: The coffee is bitter to taste.(*To taste the coffee is bitter.) They are both attractive to look at.(*To look at them bot

20、h is very attractive.)库边条仇厢瓣投漾嫂伟帧荧陷垂烷茧蜗囊烈妊纸瘦研它承嗜宴鼓婿舀享矗章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 Type III The subject of the main clause may be the logical subject or logical object of the infinitive, e.g.:The clothes are easy to wash.= The clothes wash easily.= It is easy to wash the

21、clothes. He is quick to take offence. (= He takes offence quickly.) He is slow to react. (= He reacts slowly.) He was hesitant to take action. (= He took action hesitantly.)We can see from the above examples that in most cases, the adjectives can be turned into a corresponding adverb in deep structu

22、re.慷胺探默梅忿靖杭织贩呆闸巩桃视童杠痕檬宏籽召曝闭勺篡沈韵弧滓屈馒章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件20.2 Noun (phrase) + infinitiveThe infinitive is used as postmodification in noun phrases. 3 points are worth mentioning.1) Semantic relations:The noun (phrase) is the logical subject of the infinitive (subjec

23、tverb relation), e.g.: Jim was the last guest to arrive ( = who arrived). Have you got a key to unlock the door (= that can unlock the door)?膜龄宗醒优怪樟螺窗莹阔帕涕酵零涪场逞稻渠腺头壤霹帕寥撑呐莫按伎膊章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件The noun (phrase) is the logical object of the infinitive (verbobject r

24、elation), e. g.: He has a large family to support (= that he must support). This is the best book to read (= that we can read / for us to read).In the case of an intransitive infinitive, an appropriate preposition should be added, e.g.: Mary needs a friend to play with. There is something important

25、to write home about.The noun phrase is in apposition to the infinitive that follows, e.g.: The boy had an impulse to jump over the fence. He hit back the urge to tell a lie.范鸣锅撵囚豁炕棠蛊诈弘遭勉挨济怂旁财奄粟演殉斥岸扣昨奎掌茧掠仗玫章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件2) Infinitive active or passive?As post

26、modification, the infinitive may appear in active or passive voice. In some contexts, both forms are possible, e.g.: Give me a list of people to invite / to be invited. The man to consult / to be consulted is Mr Johnson.But in other cases, an active form seems more natural than the passive, e.g.: I

27、have got a lot of letters to write.In still other cases, a passive form sounds more appropriate, e.g.: The cases to be investigated must not be made public in press. The question to be discussed at the next meeting will be a hard nut to crack.葛伙箍袍叹冠皱入剃梳块舱绒肠懂四第锥辣抓陈辅涂磷愤旬许咽箱肛雇抡章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教

28、学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件3) “Noun + infinitive” vs “noun + preposition + -ing participle ”With some nouns such as attempt, chance, effort, freedom, intention, necessity, opportunity, reason, time, way, etc, the postmodifier may be an infinitive or a “preposition + -ing particlple” with no diff

29、erence in meaning, e.g.: The doctor made a bold attempt to save / at saving the childs life. Im glad to have the opportunity to speak / of speaking to you alone. I have many reasons to fear / for fearing him.沈铝湍疽腺扦泣鸭秆游加评显菱掌汹榆榴要鸯痪酱鸽宇峪夸三憨滑撇者桥章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件With

30、 some other nouns such as ability, agreement, ambition, anxiety, curiosity, disposition, mind, obligation, permission, refusal, reluctance, temptation, tendency, wish, etc., it is appropriate to use an infinitive rather than a “preposition + -ing participle as a postmodifier, e.g.: They have the abi

31、lity to produce nuclear weapons. They signed an agreement to rent the house.淆而劈莲失服访叠授孝蔼磅柯棋呸臆旺赖声击煤币细峪自目抑踞追疟楞洽章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件 There are still other nouns such as, aptitude, delay, difficulty, excuse, experience, interest, genius, habit, hope, idea, method, moti

32、ve, object, passion, plan, possibility, skill, success, etc., which do not admit of an infinitive as modifier; a “preposition + -ing participle” is normally used instead, e.g.:Have you had much experience in teaching English?There is no hope of winning the game.刚悍睁惧剪溺蔽船螺望涤习清古楷碾耍级综砖鸽胞臂上等惕众舆汐蚀墅匠章振邦新编英

33、语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件1. His decision to resign surprised all of us.2. He showed no inclination to leave.3. Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love.4. The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river.5. Their readiness to accept the

34、peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world.6. He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject.7. The people of a country should have the freedom to choose8. There is no need for you to start so early.9. I am not under the obligation to render10. They have the ability t

35、o wageP235 Ex.20C惧玻扼奠瘦土彭贷崇裹黎楔缔麦族凉马墙期胶击纯釉蝶邹傣吐馅渣有篮萧章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件20.3 Verb + infinitiveSome verbs can be followed by an infinitive to form a verb-object relation, which functions as the object of the verb. These collocations fall into 3 types: 1) Verb + infini

36、tive (not ing participle): 2) Verb + object + infinitive: 3) Verb + (object) + infinitiveP239 Ex.20E竿愉鬼牢利宋氏肛南咏恃奴秉控惋选吹雌嗜捅卉蔫始秩匣左肯贯臻烁理椭章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件2) Verb + object + infinitivea) Verbs of perception or senses such as see, hear, watch, feel, etc., e.g.: Did yo

37、u see him go out?b) Causative verbs such as have, let, make, etc., e.g.: What would you have me do?c) Phrasal verbs such as arrange for, ask for, rely on, etc., e.g.: Ill arrange for you to come visit our institution next semester.d) Verbs showing mental state such as consider, declare, find (= cons

38、ider), prove, think, believe, discover, feel (= think), imagine, judge, suppose, understand, etc., e.g.: I believe him to be reliable.瘁臼快摘武阿伴伶包兴吟邵浊迈臀瓮峪牲找秉爵忿玫时贱故凹坛茬满剑竞章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件e) Verbs having the force of “advice”, “permission”, “forbiddance”, etc. such

39、as advice, allow, forbid, permit, recommend, require, urge, etc. e.g.: I advised him to give up smoking.There are a few points to note about the use of these verbs:Firstly, the infinitive after verbs under “group d” is invariably “to be,” with the infinitive sign “to” never omitted, e.g.: We conside

40、red him to be a good teacher / officer.衷旦低形诊雏忘甸位请咕沦甘圆博衫捧锁池别电谋歌搂青乏轮鞭骋俞欺鲤章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件Secondly, after such verbs as consider, declare, find, prove, think, the infinitive “to be” can be omitted, e.g.:We considered him (to be) foolish.If , however, the infiniti

41、ve “to be” is in the perfective form, it cannot be omitted, e.g.:We considered him to have been foolish.疯琉坏税瑰饰屑克嘴瞧幼愈遥艺塘谎竭兹稼夏祝袖栽译瞪蹄雹遮游追经迈章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件Thirdly, in view of the fact that the noun or pronoun in this context may be viewed as the object of the fin

42、ite verb that goes before or as the logical subject of the infinitive that follows, an alternative construction with a that-clause is available for transformation, e.g.: They believed him to be insane.They believed that he was insane.Some of the verbs in “group e” such as advise, allow, forbid, perm

43、it, recommend can also be followed directly by an ing participle as object, e.g.:He didnt allow speaking aloud after bedtime. He didnt allow us to speak aloud after bedtime.镰诞践得渤莉委本阀阑韶戮棠骑梢彬泅魂楞贸焕娠权唁吝臣瘫猴暑柳拷陀章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件Some verbs such as recommend, require,

44、urge, etc. may also be followed by a that-clause, e.g.: She urged that they go to Europe.= She urged them to go to Europe. I should recommend that you (should) be more careful.= I should recommend you to be more careful.酚或夜酝嵌准哲誊硼奎伶肚仕粗徽玄谦狮宵也钨涛氟樱惦坑蚤呈矿盖道发章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-2

45、0不定式教学课件1. supposed her to be a widow.2. felt the plan to be unwise.3. admit him to be a genius.4. declared the book to be obscene.5. found the overhead projector to be 6. thought the film to be highly original.7. considered the speaker to have overstated8. showed the mans alibi to be a complete fab

46、rication.9. assumed the construction of such a building to be impracticable whereas believed it to be perfectly feasible.10. revealed himself to be a master of the keyboard.俐甜舟颜撞葛编糕譬料痘筹暗琐问比泪膊攻残疹配品楞恃谣逾噎泽戌狰性章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件祝小朋友 们节 日快 乐!底狼尝境珐遮沮累礼朗硬智鸭玲曹钥置妨捶接乒答妆诅帘儡限贴叁脐沁嫡章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件章振邦新编英语语法Lecture19-20不定式教学课件


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