1、10-1肉雞土雞飼養精準自動秤重系統之研究Study on precision weighing system for broiler and native chicken production計畫編號:93 農科-6.1.2-牧-U1(10)研究人員:夏良宙、陳育群、周淑敏執行單位:國立屏東科技大學畜產系中文摘要本研究之目的在探討秤重方法是否可為土肉雞業者在管理上最佳利器。本年度將在土雞和肉雞舍做測試,其中包括兩方面,第一方面之實用性測定特別是精準否,此部份將分三方面進行測定。(一)行為觀察,觀察是否同一批雞專門站在秤上;第二站在秤重器上之雞是否長時間站在上面;第三站在上之雞,其秤出來的體重
2、正確性如何。(二)放置位置和秤出之結果的差異性。(三) 土雞活動性較大,採用此種設施之精確性之探討,採用行為觀察和實際人工秤重比較結果。本計畫預期提昇養雞效益 5%(減少浪費及疾病管控) 。本試驗結果顯示,並非同一批雞專門站在秤上,但也並非所有的雞均會去站在秤上,可能是因為並非所有雞均有機會走進秤。放置位置和秤出雞之結果差異性並未能達到顯著水準,這表示差異並不大。土雞秤重代表性似乎比肉雞為佳,因為土雞活動性廣而大,因此代表更多雞之秤重結果,但精確性似乎並沒有太大之差異。由以上測試結果可看出,此種自動秤重器是可以用於肉雞飼養管理、飼料評估和健康管理上之重要指標。關鍵詞:肉雞、土雞、自動秤重器Ab
3、stractThe purpose of the present experiment was to understand whether the automatic weighing machine could weigh chickens accurately. The basic principle of automatic weighing machine was based on using load cell to weigh chickens. The weighing machine was connected to a computer and recorded by a s
4、oftware. Chickens weight is an important index to indicate whether chicken has any problem or not. The problems included whether chickens had (1) good health; (2) proper growth; (3) proper management; (4) proper feed. The last item included whether chickens had proper (a) feed intake, (b) proper nut
5、rient balance feed, (c) proper salt, protein, and minerals content in diet, (d) proper water intake. The body weight also can tell farmers when the chickens should sell to the market on the right weight, then the slaughter house can produce very even carcass. That means the slaughter house loss less
6、 on carcass weight. Consequence, they can have more ability to compete with the imported chickens. The present result showed that the chickens stood on the platform of weighing machine was not always the same animals. However it was not all animals had the chance to stand on it. Although the locatio
7、n of weighing machine may attract different chickens, however the weight from different weighing machines had no significantly difference. Native chicken were more active, consequently, the platform was used by more chickens than broilers. However the accuracy of weight had no significantly differen
8、ce. The above results showed that the weighing machine could be used in chicken farms. The weight 10-2of chicken can be a good indicator for management, feed evaluation and health control.Keywords: Broiler, Native chicken, Automatic weigher一、前言肉雞飼養期間與其他動物相比相當短,以目前在臺灣養到 1.75-1.95 公斤而言,約需 35-40 天,在這麼短
9、的時間內如想將肉雞不出差錯飼養得好,則需要極度精準之飼養,否則不易成功達到目標,各家肉雞公司所生產之肉雞均有其一定之生長曲線(美國愛拔益加育種公司,1994; Ross Breeders, 1999)。此種生長曲線是一種指標 (Larbier and Leclercq, 1992; Moran, 1977),如果沒有達成此一理想值就表示未達到最高效率,過去都認為此一理想值的達成是等到雞飼養結束後才能完全瞭解本身飼養之雞隻是否合於標準,或是有人定期(一星期)秤重雞一次以瞭解雞隻是否照著這標準曲線在生長,然而一週秤重一次在 35-40 天內最多秤 5-6 次,而這 5-6 次中間若有任何差錯,等秤
10、重時再發現則為時已晚,但就人力而言,每天秤重一次是不大可能的工作,因此如何以其他輔助設備來幫助此種測定是有其必要性,目前國外有數家公司發展自動秤雞設施,此種設施至目前為止並未有詳細之研究,同時由於國外產品價格相當昂貴,因此本計畫擬發展此項設備外,更將發展出之設備做一測試,以瞭解雞隻實際秤重和自動秤重之準確性是否相關。二、材料和方法本研究採用本校與信可公司研究發展之雞隻自動秤重器四組,做為自動秤重之用,試驗中採用 Avian 和紅羽土雞各 120 隻,採用此數量之原因是同一天要採用人工量測這些數量的雞,需要 6 小時以上才能測完,因此以此數量之雞為基準做為量測此一秤是否精準。分別在 0,5,9,
11、13,16 週秤雞,雞舍之大小及舍內之安排詳見附圖。本試驗之結果採用 SAS 套裝軟體分析。10-3風 扇 側水 簾 側雞舍配置圖圍欄飲水器 飼槽 飼槽飲水器 飲水器保溫器10-410-510-6三、結果與討論本試驗結果顯示,並非同一批雞專門站在秤上,但也並非所有的雞均會去站在秤上,可能是因為並非所有雞均有機會走進秤。放置位置和秤出雞之結果差異性並未能達到顯著水準,這表示差異並不大。土雞秤重代表性似乎比肉雞為佳,因為土雞活動性廣而大,因此代表更多雞之秤重結果,但精確性似乎並沒有太大之差異。由以上測試結果可看出,此種自動秤重器是可以用於肉雞飼養管理、飼料評估和健康管理上之重要指標。土雞和肉雞生長
12、增重之比較 土雞 肉雞自動秤重 人工秤重 自動秤重 人工秤重1-4 週 13.8b 14.1b 42.3a 41.0a5-8 週 29.4b 31.0b 74.6a 73.0a9-12 週 28.4b 27.7b 45.6a 46.4a13-16 週 17.5b 18.0b 25.0a 23.7a1-16 週 23.1b 22.7b 45.2a 46.0a單位:克性別對雞隻成績之影響 公 母自動秤重 人工秤重 自動秤重 人工秤重1-4 週 27.2a 28.3a 27.6b 26.8b5-8 週 58.4a 57.6a 45.2b 46.4b9-12 週 39.5a 40.9a 34.9b 3
13、3.2b13-16 週 17.6b 18.4b 24.5a 23.2a1-16 週 38.0a 36.3a 33.7b 32.4b單位:克四、參考文獻美國愛拔益加育種公司。1994。肉用仔雞飼養理手冊。 Belyavin, C.G. 2001.Nutrition management of broiler programmes. In: Wiseman, J. and Garnsworthy, P.C. (ed). Recent Developments in Poultry Nutrition 2. Nottingham University Press. pp. 93-105. Hubba
14、rd Farms. Standard and HI-Y Broiler Management Guide. Larbier, M. and B. Leclercq. 1992. Feeding of growing birds. (Translated and edited by Wiseman, J.) Nottingham University Press. pp. 147-168. Moran, E.T. 1977. Growth and meat yield in poultry. In: Boorman, K.N. and Wilson, B.J. (ed). Growth and
15、Poultry Meat Production. British Poultry Science Ltd., Edinburgh. pp. 145-173. Ross Breeders. 1999. Broiler Management Manual. Siegel, H.S. 1977. Effects of temperature and light on growth. In: Boorman, K.N. and Wilson, B.J. (ed). Growth and Poultry Meat Production. British Poultry Science Ltd., Edinburgh. 10-7pp. 187-226.