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1、第一课:1、Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there has been foreign languages fervor in china, with English on top of the list. 就如澳大利亚在全国推广学亚洲语言一样,中国也掀起一股外语热,在这股热潮中英语高居榜首。2、Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy

2、 before it is mastered? 英语真的有这么难,需要人们投入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗?3、From my personal experience, I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation, grammatical rules, etc. 从我个人的经验来看,英语学习不仅仅是指学习英语发音和语法规则等。4、Without a complete understanding of the language, the English a foreigner speaks will

3、 inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation, sentence structure and the words he uses. 对英语没有全面的理解,即便有完美的发音、句子结构、措词,一个外国人所讲的英语也会是稀奇古怪甚至难以理解的。5、Social customs and habits contribute to the difficulty in learning a foreign language. 社会风俗习惯增加

4、了学习外语的难度。6、By the same token, “Have you eaten?” will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 由于同样的原因,英语母语者听到“吃了吗?” ,会觉得中国人非常好客,在事先毫无准备的情况下会请人吃饭。7、The foreigner will respond “Oh, its very nice of you. When?”, if he happens to

5、have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had现在完成时 his dinner yet. 如果这位外国人此刻正希望品尝一下中国美食,而且又碰巧没有吃饭,他会回答:“太好啦,什么时候?”8、Chinese has nothing in common with English and China had little contact with the Western world in modern history. 汉字和英语这两种文字毫无共同之处,并且中国和西方世界在近代史上很少接触。9、The background knowledge of

6、 English fascinates large numbers of interested and determined English learners but at the same time disheartens quite a few. 英语背景知识既吸引了大量英语爱好者,也使许多人丧失信心。 10、The Western and Oriental values are found to be in confrontation in learning English. 英语学习中,东西方价值观念是冲突的。11、Native English speakers are more ge

7、nderblind when they mention their cousins. 在涉及表亲的时候,英语母语的人更容易混淆性别。12、A Chinese English learner could not have a good command of English unless he overcomes the cultural barriers in learning English. 中国人在英语学习中,只有克服文化障碍,才能很好地掌握英语。第二课:1、It was the first time Id gone back home since coming to the United

8、 States. 这是我来美国后第一次回家探亲。2、You speak on matters that are of concern only to men. 你对那些只与男人有关的事情发表意见。3、Through my association with Americans during the past six years, I had gradually adopted some of their ways. 在过去的六年和美国人的交往中,我逐渐学会了他们的一些做法。4、I no longer belong to the old world and the new world has no

9、t yet accepted me. 我不再属于旧世界,但还未被新世界接纳。5、I no longer consider Hong Kong my home and feel homeless. 我不再将香港视做我的故乡,感到无家可归。6、Things had changed so much in Hong Kong that I didnt recognize parts of it. 香港发生了巨大的变化,有些地方都认不出来了。7、I cut my visit short by three weeks and came back to the United States. 我提前三周结束了

10、这次访问,回到美国。8、They gradually became less warm and friendly toward me. 他们对我渐渐地疏远起来,不像开始时那麽友好。9、My mother prepared a special dinner in my honor. 我母亲特意为我准备了一顿饭。10、They dont take a silent back seat during a discussion. 在讨论中,他们不会做一个沉默的旁观者。11、Coming back here didnt lessen my confusion and pain. 回来之后我的困惑和苦恼并

11、没有减轻。12、The houses on the street where I used to live had been torn down and replaced by office buildings. 我曾经住的那条街上的房子被拆掉了,代之而起的是办公大楼。第三课1、Never desert him when your friend is in the trouble. 不要在朋友困难的时候抛弃他。 2、To improve national economyis the governments consistent policy. 发展国民经济是政府的一贯政策。3、China to

12、ok a stand on these issues. 中国在这问题上标明了立场。4、It is wrong to ignore their suggestions. 不理睬他们的建议是不对的。5、I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 我总是先开始工作,而不愿把事情留到最后才做。6、Please see (to it) that my children are taken good care of when I am away.请务必在我外出的时候照顾好我的孩子。7、

13、The precise meaning of one word can only be defined from the context. 一个词准确的意思只能在上下文中来确定。8、The instruction of the policeman set the convict on the right path. 警察的教育使这个罪犯走上了正路。9、Nowadays, many people commit illegal acts in the name of science. 当前,有许多人打着科学的旗号干一些违法的事情。10、These tickets are available on

14、(the) day of issue only. 这种车票(仅在发售当天)有效。11、You dont have any authority for entering this house, Its private. 你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。12、I hope you will give favorable consideration to my suggestion. 我希望你对我的建议作出肯定的表示。13、Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book我们很多

15、人再也没有静下来读上一小时书所必需的那种心情了。14、A person with a book is a real person alive on the earth;手不释卷是(活在世上)真正的人。第四课1、在你怒火爆发之前,深吸一口气,记住:怒气伤身。 Before you lose your temper, take a deep breath and remember this: Anger hurts.2、释放或抑制怒气,其后果没什麽两样,两者对你的健康造成的影响是一样的。It doesnt matter whether you release the anger or hold i

16、t in. The effects on your health are the same. 3、一个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去-要尽量当场就控制住你的怒火。A rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene-work to put your anger on hold right then and there.4、我们应该尝试着去理解那些曾经对自己不公正的人,试想着些问题是由环境造成的,而非人为因素。We should practice understanding people who have done us minor wron

17、gs, and think of the problems as having been caused by the situations, not the people.5、许多发火的人都不承认他们在生气。Many people who are angry dont recognize themselves as angry.6、乐观的消息是,怒气是有办法来控制的。The good news is that it is possible to control your anger.7、你越能接受他们,也就越不会动不动发脾气。The better able you are to accept

18、them, the less angry youll be.8、你知道食品杂货店到周末往往挤满了人,那就索性平时下班后去购物。As you know that the grocery store is crowded on weekends, you can shop after work.9、你可以问自己如下几个问题来判断发怒的程度。You can ask yourself the following questions to measure your anger quotient.10、有个推着满满一车货的顾客正好插在你前头。A customer wheeling a full cart

19、cuts ahead of you.11、当你觉得怒火中烧快要爆发了,采取“改变它”或是“接受它”的策略。When you feel anger welling up, take a change-it or accept-it approach.12、如果你对一次已经过去很久的小挫折依然耿耿于怀,是时候释怀了。If you still remember a minor infraction long after it happened, its time to let go.第五课1、你曾经在浓雾茫茫的时候到过海上吗?那时候会有这样的感觉:周围是白茫茫的一片,什麽也看不见。轮船焦急万分又小心

20、翼翼地摸索着靠近海岸。 Have you ever been at sea in a densefog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore?2、我的老师安。曼斯费尔德。萨莉文小姐来到我家的那一天,是我一生中最重要的日子。The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teach

21、er, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.3、在那个激动人心的下午,我从妈妈的活动和家里人们的忙乱中猜到要有什麽不平常的事情发生。On the afternoon of that exciting day, I guessed vaguely from my mothers signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen.4、我感到有人朝我走来,以为是妈妈,就伸出了手。I felt approaching foots

22、teps. I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand.5、有个人握住它,把我拉了过去,紧紧地抱在怀里。这个抱我的人,就是那个将为我揭开生活的帷幕,而且也将把她满腔的爱倾注给我的的人。Someone took it, and then I was caught up and held close in the arms of the person who had come to reveal all things to me, and, more important than that, to love me.6、我最后终于成功地把

23、这个单词拼对了,自己有孩子般的高兴与骄傲。When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly , I was filled with childish pleasure and pride.7、后来的几天,用这种我也不理解的方法,我学会了拼写很多单词。In the days that followed, I learned to spell in this uncomprehendingway many words.8、我和老师生活了几个星期之后,我才明白了每个东西都有自己的名称。My teacher had been with m

24、e several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.9、在这个黑暗、寂静的世界中,我对任何东西都没有太深的感情。In the dark, still world, I had no strong sentiment for anything.10、当清凉的水流过我的一只手时,她在另一只手上写出了“水”这个单词,先是慢慢的,然后速度逐渐加快。As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she spelled into the other the word water, first sl

25、owly, then rapidly. 11、我一动不动地站着,全神贯注地感觉她手指的动作。I stood still; my whole attention was fixed upon the movements of her finger.12、回家的路上,我触摸到的一切都充满了生命的活力。On my way home, every object which I touched seemed to be full of life.13、走进家门,我想起了摔碎的洋娃娃。On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken.14、我摸

26、索着向那堆碎片走去,想把它们弄在一起,没有成功。I felt my way to the fragments and tried in vain to put them together.15、有生以来,我第一次向往新的黎明的到来。For the first time I longed for a new day to come.第六课1、除了很少的几句外,我对法语一无所知。Apartfrom a few words, I do not know any French at all.2、许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。Many a woman has had an influence upon her

27、 husband.3、我们应该把注意力集中在提高学生的英语水平上。We should concentrate our attention on improving the students English level.4、幼儿园教师经常带领孩子去看飞机起飞或降落。The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts take off or land.5、所有的饮料都是免费的。All the drinks are free of charge.6、最后他决定买一束玫瑰花送给那个生病的小女孩。 In the end, he

28、decided on buying a bunch of roses for the sick girl.7、政府给了我们一笔补助,用来盖另外一间教室。The government gave us a grant to build another classroom8、总的说来,这次演出是受欢迎的。Overall, the performance is enjoyed. 9、申请这个工作你所具备的条件是什麽?What qualifications have you got to have for this job?10、他把他的成功归于他以前所受的良好教育。He referred his su

29、ccess to the good education he had had.11、在当前强烈竞争的社会,我们应该具有全面的能力。In a highly competitive society, we should have overall abilities.12、电影票价为五美元。The admission to the movie was five dollars.第七课1、直到公元四世纪,罗马的教会才开始庆祝圣诞。 It was not until the 4th century that the church in Rome began to celebrate Christmas.

30、考过了2、冬天是个让人害怕的时节,天变短了,变冷了,太阳好像有全面消失的危险。The approach of the winter time, as the days grew shorter and colder and the sun seemed to threaten to disappear entirely, was a time of fear.3、白天最短也意味着冬天即将离去,春天要来了,温暖的阳光,田野里植物返青也不远了。The shortest day also meant that winter was leaving and that ahead were spring

31、, the warmth of the sun and return of vegetation to the fields.4、他们祝愿朋友“圣诞快乐” “新年快乐” 。They wish their friends“A Merry Christmas” and “A happy New Year.”5、他们用一串串的彩灯装饰圣诞树。They trim their Christmas trees with strings of colored lights.6、他们把白纸片撒在树上和周围,用白纸包住圣诞树的底部,仿佛树上白雪皑皑。They throw little pieces of whi

32、te paper over the trees and put white paper or a white sheet around the feet of the trees, so that they seem to be covered with snow.7、小伙子们把亲吻有意无意地站在树下的漂亮姑娘看作他们的特权。The youths regard it as their privilege to kiss any pretty young girl who wittingly or unwittingly stands under it.8、在树下亲吻这一风俗源于十七世纪的英国。

33、Kissing under the tree originated in Britain in the early 17 th century.9、每当树下一个姑娘被亲吻时,人们就会从圣诞树枝上拿走一个浆果。A berry was to be removed from the bough every time a girl was kissed under it.10、小孩在圣诞夜把长统袜挂在床边,他们相信睡着的时候,圣诞老人就会来看他们。Little children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve near their beds, and

34、they believe that when they are asleep, Santa Claus will come to visit them.11、圣诞节家宴和感恩节的筵席差不多,但最传统的特色就是要有葡萄干布丁甜食。The Chrismas dinner, which is similar to the Thanksgiving feast, is traditionally distinguished by a plum-pudding dessert.12、许多城镇都在公园内树起很大的圣诞树。Many towns have very large Christmas trees

35、set up outdoors in the parks. 13、空气中弥漫着圣诞的歌声,商店也装饰得红红绿绿这是圣诞节的传统颜色。The air is filled with the sounds of Christmas songs, and the stores are decorated in red and green, the traditional Christmas colors.14、普通群众创造了关于圣诞老人的各种传说,以表达对孩子深深的爱意。The common people have created legends of Santa Claus as a symbol

36、of their deep love for the children.15、主要街道两旁的商人和广告公司把圣诞老人当作了冰冷的商业诱惑。The businessmen and the advertising companies (on the main roads ) have turned Santa Claus into a cold commercial attraction.第八课1、你务必于下午两点半来参加会议 Be sure to attend the meeting at half past two in the afternoon. 2、假定明天没有课,我们将去爬长城。Sup

37、pose that we had no classes, we would go to the Great Wall.3、一位好的领导,应该时刻和人民群众保持密切的联系。As a good leader, one should keep close contact with the masses now and then.4、如果你处在他的位置上,你就会同情他了。If you put yourself into his shoes, you will be sympathetic with him. 5、老人已经九十岁了,手术后能活下来真是幸运。The old man was 90 years

38、 old and lucky to come through his operation.6、当别人讲话时,不要插嘴。Please dont cut in when someone is speaking.7、只要你找出你的弱点,并加以克服,你一定会成为一名优秀生。As long as you find out your shortcoming and overcome it, you are sure to become one excellent student.8、上课集中注意力听老师讲解意味着课后少花力气。Listening to the teacher carefully in cl

39、ass means little work after class.9、在重要的场合,要穿着得体大方。When you are in important occasion, you must wear in good taste.10、当你读完这本小说后,你会看到一个戏剧性的结局。When you finish reading the novel, you will get a dramatic end.11、这些数学题我解答不了。These mathematics questions are over my head.12、如果你想解决这个问题,你最好先找出基本的矛盾。If you want

40、 to solve the problem, you had better find out the principal contradiction.第九课1、这些规章仍然有效。These regulations continue in effect.2、政府应该在洪水过后为老百姓提供足够的资金用来重建。After the flood, the government should put up enough funds for the masses to rebuild their hometown.3、去年我们获得了棉花丰收。Last year we brought in a good co

41、tton harvest.4、理论的基础是实践,又转过来为实践服务。Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.5、这次会谈以双方达成一致协议结束。The negotiation ended up with signing the agreement. 6、不要在上班时间来访。 Dont call in anybody on work.7、新来的秘书是个敏捷的、效率高的工作人员,老板对她很满意。The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is qui

42、te satisfied with her.8、你不需要下雨时外出,因为商店可以免费送货上门。You dont have to go out into the rain since the store delivers free of charge.9、苍蝇在窗帘上跳来跳去,弄上了许多污点。The flies tapped and blurred at the window curtain.10、你能从它的上下文说出这个词的意思吗?Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?11、真正的权力属于人民。The real power

43、 resides in the people.12、科幻小说不能简单地看成是供消遣的,而实际上它给读者展示更深刻的内容。A science fiction cannot be regarded as a more entertainment, but in fact it tells the reader much more.第十课1、对于大多数 55岁或 55 岁以下的美国妇女和中国妇女来说,工作包括家务、照顾一个或几个孩子以及一份家庭以外的工作。Work, for most American and Chinese women age 55 and under, involves resp

44、onsibility for a household, a child or children, and a job outside the home as well. 2、在中国,几乎所有年轻的母亲都有职业,但随着步入中年,人数越来越少。In china, nearly all young mothers are employed outside the home, with their numbers decreasing as they approach middle age.3、以后,孩子长大了。老两口靠丈夫的收入加上妻子的养老金,生活就不太困难了。Later on, when the

45、 children grow up, the older couple can more easily live on the husbands earnings plus the wifes pension.4、美国妇女的“金字塔”形状恰好相反:年轻妇女工作的人数较少,而岁数较大时,人数却增加了。The pyramid for American women is the opposite, with fewer young women employed, and the number increasing at older ages.5、许多年轻的美国母亲觉得自己呆在家里照顾孩子效果更好,等

46、孩子长大些后,能比较独立地生活了,在去找工作。Many young American mothers have found it more efficient to stay home and care for the children themselves, and then find employment later when the children are older and more independent.6、生活费用的增加需要更多的美国年轻妇女帮助养家。The rising costs of living require more young American women to

47、help support their families.7、要是送孩子上幼儿园和自己上下班的汽车坏了怎麽办?What if the car, necessary to get the child to the daycare center and herself to and from her job, breaks down?8、在中国,年轻的母亲工作,祖母在照看孩子和料理家务上起了不可估量的作用。In China, grandmothers play an invaluable role in taking care of children and households while the

48、 young parents are at work.9、奶奶成了家庭中的重要成员,供吃管住是对他们的报答。Grannies become important members of the family, and they are housed and fed return.10、在美国,必须这样做的老年妇女可能有被当作佣人使的感觉。In America, an older woman who had to fill this role would be likely to feel she was being made a kind of servant. 11、她经历了 50年代的生育高峰

49、,把很多子女都抚养大了。自己感到现在不应再看小孩了。She herself tends to feel she deserves to be free of childcare now, having reared the large family of the 1950s baby boom.12、在工作单位里,尽管中国妇女有传统的温而文雅的举止,她们在工作中表现出的自信心似乎比美国妇女更强。On the job, Chinese women seem more confident, despite their traditional pretty manners, than do American women in their work place.13、同中国妇女相比,美国妇女似乎不愿向上司大胆表述自己的意见。Compared with Chinese women, American women seem less inclined to speak up easily to the boss. 14、中国妇女没有社会地位上的竞争,特别是没有家庭代表的社会地位的竞争。Chinese women are free of the competition for status, especially as represe


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