1、张守晟获奖情况一览表一、2010 欧洲物理学会凝聚态物理奖(Europhysics Condensed Matter Prize)获奖人员名单:Hartmut Buhmann (德国维尔茨堡大学), Charles Kane(美国宾夕法尼亚大学), Eugene Mele (美国宾夕法尼亚大学), Laurens W. Molenkamp(德国维尔茨堡大学) and Shoucheng Zhang(斯坦福大学) 。获奖理由:theoretical prediction and the experimental observation of the quantum spin Hall effec
2、t and topological insulators。 二、 2012 美国物理学会奥利弗 巴克利凝聚态物理奖(Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize)获奖人员名单:Charles L. Kane(University of Pennsylvania) ;Laurens W. Molenkamp(University of Wuerzburg) ; Shoucheng Zhang(Stanford University)获奖理由:“For the theoretical prediction and experimental observation
3、 of the quantum spin Hall effect, opening the field of topological insulators.”三、2012 联合国教科文组织下属国际理论物理学中心(Abdus Salam ICTP )狄拉克 奖(Dirac Medal)获奖人员名单:美国斯坦福大学张首晟、普林斯顿大学邓肯霍尔丹和宾州大学查尔斯凯恩获奖理由:three condensed matter physicists who have furthered the understanding of the strange conductive qualities of topo
4、logical insulators.“One of the Dirac medalists, Haldane, set the foundations for that concept with his 1980s research on electron and spin systems in one-dimension. Kane opened up research to modern spin-orbit based topological insulators in studies with his University of Pennsylvania colleagues Eugene Mele and Liang Fu. Independently, Zhang greatly expanded the effects theoretical infrastructure, and theoretically predicted the first topological insulator material in mercury telluride.”