3、FDA 要求所有的食品添加剂的生产厂商都要标明其产品是否含有味精,但是餐馆却不需要告知这些信息。我们在社会上,应该时刻关注这些外部化学成分是否会伤害人体健康。它们不是我们食物链的一部分,但还是为了能够给我们的味蕾带来快感,而被加入到我们的饮食中。我觉得餐馆有义务告知顾客他们的食物中是否添加了味精,如果我们不控制这些食品添加剂的摄入,将来我们一定会后悔。Is MSG in restaurant food harming you?Once a month, I try to enjoy a high-end meal at a fancy restaurant in New York City w
4、ith my family. Since its a treat, I usually look for a style of cooking I enjoy which for me, is often French and a restaurant within that genre that may have gained some popularity throughout the year.But no matter how hard I try eat healthy and clean, I always end up sick. And Im not talking about
5、 food poisoning or stomach issues. I wake up with symptoms of toxicity like joint pain, headache and general weakness, and many times, feeling like I didnt get a good nights sleep. And this doesnt only happen to me, it also happens to my wife.Ive racked my brain to try and figure out what it could b
6、e, and I always come back to the same thing: Monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG is a food additive that has been used for decades to enhance flavor. Its commonly used in Chinese food, canned vegetables soups and processed meats. Its composed mainly of glutamic acid and salt; the former having been show
7、n to excite the brain and general nervous system, which in high doses, has been implicated in epileptic seizures.Still, MSG is classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a safe food ingredient, but personally, I feel the jurys still out on that one.Theres not a lot of research to back u
8、p the notion that MSG causes adverse reactions in those that consume it. But over the years, health officials have received thousands of anecdotal reports from people who ate foods containing the additive claiming they suffered from headaches, numbness, sweating, heart palpitations, nausea and fatig
9、ue. Those reactions, known as MSG symptom complex, are usually mild and often dont require medical attention, but it certainly makes you wonder.The FDA requires all manufacturers of processed foods to label whether or not they contain MSG, but restaurants are not required to disclose such informatio
10、n.As a society, we keep honing in on how a lot of these exogenous chemicals might be harming our systems. They are not part of our food chain, but yet, in an effort to please our taste buds, MSG is often incorporated into our diet.I think its important for restaurants to come clean and clearly displ
11、ay that MSG is a part of their food preparation. Because if we dont do something about controlling this chemical exposure, we may regret it later on.重点词 genre r n. 类型;流派;风俗画; adj. 风俗画的;. compose kmpuz vt. 构成;写作;使平静;排 的版; vi. . flavor fleiv n. 情味,风味;香料;滋味; vt. 加味于 additive ditiv n. 添加剂,添加物; adj. 附加的;数. enhance inh:ns, -hns vt. 提高;加强;增加 fatigue fti: n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役; vt. 使疲劳;使心智. jury duri n. 法 陪审团;评判委员会; adj. 应. symptom simptm n. 临床 症状;征兆 adverse dv:s, dv:s adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词 adver. incorporate ink:preit, ink:prt vt. 包含,吸收;体现;把合并; vi. .