1、搞清楚职业规划的七大问题Q1: What goals or purposes would you most enjoy setting your energies to?你的人生目标是什么?是那种无论经历多少波折依然不想放弃的目标。Q2: What knowledge that you already have in your head, do you most want to use in your life and work?你最想把自己的哪些知识转化为工作?知识不仅包括你大学里的专业,也可以是玩出来的知识,比如你的专业是医学,你从小就喜欢摆弄花花草草,医学和植物学知识的结合可能带给你独特
2、的优势。Q3: What skills that you already have,do you most love to use, never mind your skill level in each? 你最想要发挥的技能有哪些?Q4: What are your preferred people-environments that you most like to work with?你喜欢和什么样的人一起工作?比如一群有创意的人或是一群务实的人。Q5: What working conditions do you like best, because they enable you t
3、o do your most effective work?你喜欢什么样的工作环境?你在独立、安静的办公环境里最有效率或是晚上效率最高?Q6: What level of responsibility do you most enjoy working at, and at what salary?你希望承担多少工作职责?你理想的薪水是多少?天下没有免费的午餐,你想要高薪,就要承担更多的职责。Q7: What geographical factors are most important to you, and in what places do you think you would do your best work?你重视的地理因素是什么?不喜欢下雨的人可以选阳光很好的地方,结了婚的人还要考虑另一半和孩子的喜好。