1、Unit 1Paraphrase1. Ours is an era of conspicuous technological upheaval. But the purported gains of new technology-rising incomes, greater productivity-seem to elude us. (P6)1. It is obvious that technology in modern age has brought about great changes. Nevertheless, we have not yet benefited from t
2、he supposed gains of new technologyrising income and greater productivity. 2. Genuine thought is discouraged. The same thought-deadening process afflicts American managers. (P7)2. Creative thought is not appreciated. American managers have been troubled by the fact that independent and active thinki
3、ng gives way to dumb numbers. Translation 1.这项计划为智力迟钝者提供长期的照顾。 (retarded)1. The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.他有一台又粗笨又庞大的旧电脑,速度慢,使用麻烦。 (cumbersome, bulky)2. Hes got a cumbersome, bulky, old computerits slow and complicated to use.3.他沿着房间后部慢慢移动,尽量不引起别人的注意。 (conspicuous)3.
4、He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4.安装一个不同的计算机系统将会导致巨大的变化。 (upheaval)4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5.她再次与金牌失之交臂。 (elude)5. The gold medal continues to elude her.6.你真是个傻瓜,竟然没抓住那么好的机会。 (embrace)6. Youd be a foo
5、l not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7.她的薪水将猛增 10%。 (hefty )7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8.我草草地留了张纸条给希拉里,塞在门缝底下。 (scrawl)8. I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9.她的办公室视野极佳。9. Theres a smashing view from her office.10.去那儿旅行很愉快,只是旅馆有些脏兮兮的。 (swell)10 The tr
6、ip out there was swelling, but the hotel was a bit crummyUnit 4Paraphrase 1 if the great mythof America is the story of progress, then Disney World is a place that masquerades as the happy ending, in which progress culminates in a utopia of transcendence that undoes the fallen state of nature, socie
7、ty and ourselves.(P7) 1 if the great myth of America is the story of progress, then Disney World serves as the happy ending in which progress reaches the ideal state of utopia that goes beyond limits of our physical world and changes the decadent state of nature, society and ourselves. 2.”it does so
8、 by inviting us to regress to a state of happiness before the fall from childhood, with simplified visions of life that filter out the difficult truths of the self and society.”(P9 )2 it does so by inviting us to see a world that is free from imperfection and to retreat to a happy period before chil
9、dhood ended which is marked by unsophistication, free from moral decay, both individual and social. Translation 1.她对上菜场买菜之类的凡俗之事不感兴趣。 (mundane)1. Mundane matters such as going to the market to buy food do not interest her.2.我还记得我那快乐的学生时代。 (carefree)2. I still remember my carefree student days.3.在孩子幼
10、年时由于缺少家长养育造成的伤害是很难消除的。 (undo)3. Its very difficult to undo the damage caused by inadequate parenting in a childs early years.4.观众显然为她的表演所陶醉。 (be enchanted by)4. The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.5.威尼斯电影节一直都是展示优秀的意大利电影盛会。 (showcase)5. The Venice Film Festival has always been the s
11、howcase of the Italian cinema.6.她因车祸大脑受损,智力退化到一个五岁孩子的水平。 (regress to)6. She suffered brain damage from a car accident and regressed to the mental age of a five-year-old.7.小心点,否则他会欺骗你的。 (take for a ride)7. Be careful or hell take you for a ride.8.她的故事对那些单身旅行的女性来说是一种告诫。 (cautionary tale)8. Her story i
12、s a cautionary tale for women traveling alone.9.她离开了家园,漂洋过海寻找乌托邦,但是从来都没能找到。 (utopia)9. She left her home and traveled across the sea in search of a utopia, but she never found it.10.他的论点的实质是教育应当贯穿我们的一生。 (essence)10. The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout our lives.
13、Unit 5Paraphrase1. And the nostalgia for this America is so strong that for those who have no genuine memory of it, we have created one. (P3)1. For those who have not experienced the good old days of the past, we have created an idealized picture of America. 2. Collectively they seem to exude the sa
14、me relativism and insecurity about right and wrong as the rest of us. (P9)2. Generally the churches are not better than we are, because they are also ambivalent and uncertain about what is right and what is wrong.Translation 1.很少有人像三姆一样流露出如此的自信。 (exude)1. Few people exude such confidence as Sam.2.他两
15、次被判了纵火罪。 (convict of )2. He has twice been convicted of arson.3.经过三年多的侦破,他们终于于上周抓获了那个大毒枭。 (baron)3. After tracking down the drug baron for more than three years, they finally arrested him last week.4.由于战争,他们失去了一个正常的童年时代。 (deprive of)4. They were deprived of a normal childhood by the war.5.银行计划给他们建于
16、30 年代的办公楼进行彻底翻新改造。 (face-lift)5. The bank is planning to give its 1930s building a complete face-lift.6.节俭的概念对我来说是陌生的。 (thrift)6. The concept of thrift is foreign to me.7.顶嘴的孩子被认为是厚脸皮和不懂礼貌的。 (talk back)7. Children who talk back are regarded as cheeky and disrespectful.8.刑满释放人员找工作总是很不容易。 (do time)8.
17、Its not always easy to find a job after youve done time.9.她已经放弃了对这一项目的所有职责。 (abdicate)9. She has abdicated all responsibility for the project.10.冰箱里几乎什么都没有,我怎么凭空给他的六个朋友变出一顿饭来?(conjure up)10. How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his friends with almost nothing in the fridge?Unit 7Paraphr
18、ase 1. The more the teaching of formal religion declines, or takes a sociological form, the less God appears to great numbers of people as a God of Love, resuming his older form of a watchful, minatory power, to be placated and cajoled.(P8)1. Religion seems to be a watchful dog with a threatening ap
19、pearance and becomes less comforting when it loses its credibility or when it distances itself from people by taking a sociological form. 2. Superstition in general is linked to mans yearning to know his fate, and to have some hand in deciding it. (P11)2. Generally, superstition has something to do
20、with mans strong desire to know what will happen to him in the future and his wish to have some control over his fate.Translation 1.他的父母因他的行为越来越乖僻而担忧。 (irrational)1. His parents were worried by his increasingly irrational behavior.2.有些评论家批评电影对妇女的刻画带有性别歧视。 (be condemned by)2. The film was condemned b
21、y some critics for its sexist portrayal of women.3.你不必勉强带我和你一起去,如果你不带我去,我不会生气的。 (under compulsion to)3. Dont feel under any compulsion to take me with you. I wont be offended if you dont.4.在政治问题上他表现得极为幼稚,真令人担心。 (worrying naivet)4. He demonstrated a worrying naivet about political issues.5.每当他们开始争吵,我
22、总是离得远远的。 (remain aloof )5. Whenever they started quarrelling, I would always remain aloof.6.无需惊慌。警方已经控制了局面。 (havein hand )6. Theres no need to panic. The police have the situation in hand.7.遇上一个好老板不是那么容易的。 (come by)7. A good boss is not so easy to come by.8.她脸上丝毫没有懊恼的表情。 (absent from )8. Any sign of
23、 remorse was completely absent from her face.9.你必须打消一切报仇的念头。 (banish from)9. You must try to banish all thoughts of revenge from your mind.10.她对女儿们的影响很大。 (have a hold on)10. She has a strong hold on her daughters.Unit 8Paraphrase 1. When we travel, we put aside our defenses, our anxiety, and invite
24、regression. We go backward instead of forward. We cultivate our hysteria.(P3)1. When we travel, our alertness is slackened and our anxiety relieved; we turn our eyes to the past, to what once happened instead of to what will happen in the future. We do not try to control ourselves or suppress our de
25、sires any more. 2. The centrifugal tendency turns centripetal, and modern travel books may be about the absence of things just as the classic books are about their presence. (P18)2. The tendency to travel in order to see the exotic world has become one to examine ourselves, and modern travel books m
26、ay focus on what we have “eliminated or edited out” of our culture, just as the classic travel books focus on what is still there. Translation 1.七月份全国上下掀起了旅游热。 (wanderlust )1. In July, wanderlust takes over the whole nation.2.我正在研究他的私人生活和公众形象之间的矛盾。 (persona)2. I am doing research on the contradictio
27、ns between his private life and his public persona.3.他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人之间像个冒牌货-似乎他根本没资格在那儿。(imposter)3. He felt like an impostor among all those intelligent people, as if he had no right to be there.4.她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成了美国最出名的电视名人之一。 (profane)4. Funny, profane and fearless, she has become one of Americas bigges
28、t television celebrities.5.一群好奇的旁观者很快聚拢过来看发生了什么事。 (onlooker)5. A crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening.6.再次听到那支曲子使他内心充满了怀旧之情。 (nostalgia)6. Hearing that tune again filled him with nostalgia.7.我讨厌不得不在天还没亮时起床。 (detest)7. I detest having to get up when its still dark outsid
29、e.8.作为悔过,她说要给他们买一盒巧克力。 (penance)8. As a penance, she said she would buy them a box of chocolates.9.这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段。 (sublime)9. The book contains sublime descriptive passages.10.我察觉到他对安排不大满意,于是预定了另一家旅馆。 (perceive)10. Perceiving that he wasnt happy with the arrangements, I booked a different hotel.Un
30、it 10Paraphrase1. The insight gleaned from that experience is really as commonplace as was the experience itself: lifes gifts are precious - but we are too heedless of them. (P8)1. The truth gathered from that experience is really very common or ordinary, just as the experience itself: Lifes gifts a
31、re precious, but we are often blind to them. 2. Put them all together, exalt them above their present imperfections, add to them the vision of humankind redeemed, forever free of need and strife and you have a future lighted with the radiant colors of hope. (P17)2. Put all these virtues together, gl
32、orify them despite the fact that they are still imperfect, add to them the wisdom of humankind that is saved from sins and no longer suffers from poverty and fighting, and then we will have a future glowing with hope. Translation 1.她把对家庭投资的控制权让给了儿子。 (relinquish to)1. She relinquished control of the
33、family investments to her son.2.男孩牙齿紧咬着一把刀,爬上树去割椰子。 (clench between )2. With a knife clenched between his teeth, the boy climbed up the tree to cut some coconuts.3.这家小公司接到命令取消对消费者的这种限制。 (be enjoined to )3. This small company has been enjoined to end all such restrictions on consumers.4.彼此将近五年没说话后,他们
34、终于和解了。 (reconcile to )4. They were finally reconciled to each other, after not on speaking terms for nearly five years.5.我们只有非常有限的时间来完成这项任务-我们不可能无限期地继续下去。(a finite amount of)5. We only have a finite amount of time to complete this taskwe cant continue indefinitely.6.他差点在车祸中丧身,在特护病房住了一个多月。 (in intens
35、ive care)6. He nearly died in the car accident and was in intensive care for over a month.7.这是本有趣的书,充满了对人际关系的深刻见解。 (insight into)7. It is an interesting book, full of valuable insights into human relationships.8.我依稀记得,多年前曾经见过她。 (a dim recollection of)8. I had a dim recollection of having met her man
36、y years ago.9.我不愿意告诉她她儿子被捕了。 (relish doing sth. )9. I dont relish telling her that her son has been arrested.10.公司的关闭既突然又出人意料。 (demise)10. The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.Unit 11Paraphrase 1. The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour from it
37、s vitality. (P4)1. The other thing one should avoid is being emotionally attached to young people, from whom one hopes to draw energy and vigor. 2and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive. (P5)2. and it is in this area of impersonal interes
38、ts (such as academic and artistic interests) that the wisdom you have accumulated in your life can be practised without putting any pressure on your children and grandchildren. Translation 1.她与他在一起生活度日艰难。 (existence)1. She has a miserable existence living with him. 2.他的散文堪称清晰简洁的典范。 (brevity)2. His e
39、ssays are models of clarity and brevity. 3.这也许听起来很无情,但我才不在乎他是否无家可归呢。 (callous)3. It might sound callous, but I dont care if hes homeless. 4.他对老板的尊敬几乎到了低声下气的地步。 (abject)4. He is almost abject in his respect for his boss. 5.痛苦的记忆渐渐从她脑海里消退。 (recede)5. The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.
40、 6.我们应该避免对他们的挑衅做出过度的反应。 (to guard against)6. We should guard against overreactions to their provocation. 7.你最好关心关心自己的事而不是我的事。 (concern oneself with)7. Youd better concern yourself with your own business and not mine! 8.该影片是一部有益的家庭娱乐剧。 (wholesome)8. The film is good wholesome family entertainment. 9.他感到一种难以忍受的负罪感。 (oppressive )9. He felt an oppressive sense of guilt. 10.他被指控在阴谋中充当了不光彩的角色。 (ignoble)10. He is accused of playing an ignoble part in the plot.