1、Unit 11. 即使你不会讲法语,你也能找到那个地方。Even though you dont speak French, you can still find that place.2. 我想去一所我能获得优良教育的大学。(where-clause)I want to go to a college where I can get an excellent education.3. 我很快就适应了大学生活。I soon adjust to college life.4. 他们已查清了那个人是谁。They have found out who that man is.5. 船应该在什么时候开
2、?When is the ship supposed to leave?Unit 21.谈论早期的摇滚乐不想到埃尔维斯普莱斯利是很难的 。It is difficult to talk about early rock and roll without thinking of Elvis Presley.2.这首歌不仅在美国,而且在全世界都流行起来了。This song has become popular not only in the United States but also around the world.3.这种做法的根源可追溯到 18 世纪。The root of the pr
3、actice goes back to the 18th century.4.他的观点和我的差不多。 His view is similar to mine.5.这位教师对我依然有着强烈的影响。 This teacher still has a strong influence on me.Unit 31.每当不好的事情发生时,他并不是抱怨,而是从中汲取教训。 Each time /Every time something bad happened, he would learn from it instead of complaining. 2.由于医生的技术,也由于他积极向上的人生态度,他
4、活了下来。He lived because of the skill of the doctors and also because of his positive attitude to life. 3.生活就是各种各样的选择,说到底:如何生活是你自己的选择。 Life is all about choices. The bottom life is its your choice how you live life. 4.当他看到医生们脸上的表情,他真吓坏了,可是经过几周的特别护理,他出了医院。 When he saw the expressions on the faces of the
5、 doctors, he was really scared, but after a few weeks of intensive care, he was released from (the) hospital5.我仔细考虑了他对我说的话,我记不清当时脑子是怎么想的。 I reflected on what he told me and I couldnt remember what had gone through my mind at that time. Unit 41. 他盯着我看,好像是第一次见到我似的。 He stared at me as if seeing me /he
6、saw me for the first time. 2. 此项规定仅适用于新员工。 This rule applies to new employees /workers only.3. 人生的成功在很大程度取决于如何与他人交往。 Success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people. 4. 就是在这最初的四分钟中,我们决定是否要成为朋友。 It is during these first four minutes that we decide whether or not we want to become
7、 friends.5.这最初的四分钟不是抱怨身体不佳或谈论自己在别人身上所发现缺点的时候。The first four minutes is not the time to complain about ones health or to mention faults one finds in other people. Unit 51. 我要打电话问清楚会议是否晚上 7 点钟开始。Ill phone to make sure that the meeting begins at seven this evening. 2. 请帮我搬一下这只重箱子。 Please lend me a hand
8、 with this heavy box.3. 很抱歉,我不能帮你的忙。 Sorry, I am not in a position to help you. 4. 除非你用功学习,你考试是不会及格的。 You wont pass your examinations unless you study hard. 5.许多志愿者牺牲了他们自己的空闲时间来照料这些老人。 Many volunteers give up their leisure time to take care of these elderly people. Unit 61. 我们在常用菜之外还加点了几个蔬菜。We order
9、ed some extra vegetables in addition to our usual dishes. 2. 为了不迟到,我想现在就走。I want to leave now so that I wont be late. 3. 警方正在寻找真正的盗贼。The police were trying to search out the real robber. 4. 显然,许多人认为一个人花在学习上的时间越多,他的考试成绩便越好。Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends on his study, the better the examination results. 5. 在我看来, 努力学习也许是他解决问题的唯一办法。In my opinion, perhaps working hard is his only solution.