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1、 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院:建筑工程学院专 业:土木工程姓 名:学 号:3091421310外文出处:Design of prestressed (用外文写) concrete structures 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语:签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件 1:外文资料翻译译文钢结构在土木工程中的研究应用土木工程结构常用到两种材料,即钢筋混凝土以及结构钢,对于土木工程来说,不仅要从结构特性的角度考虑,还要考虑施工的成本有效性以及施工有效性。本文就分析了钢结构在土木工程中的特点,并简单阐述钢结构的施工要点。1 土木工程中钢结构的特点

2、1.1 强度 一般来说,结构构件承受或者容纳作用效应的能力是由材料的强度来决定的。可以利用有关的国家标准来确定结构钢的构件性能,这些标准中列出了钢结构可使用的材料,比如建筑结构钢要满足 CSA 标准 ASTM standardA992/A992M 或者 CAN/CSA G40.20/C40.21等相关标准的要求。近几年来,建筑用钢发生了很大的变化,过去的建筑结构所用的抗拉强度以及屈服强度相关数据均摘自于CISC(2006)历史记录,而目前加拿大对于工程结构钢以及普通建筑结构钢的标准定出7个钢种和8个强度级别。根据屈服强度其范围为260700Mpa.不过并不是全部的钢种都有所有的强度级别,因此如

3、果是一个特定的建筑钢结构设计,那么对钢种类型和强度级别的选择就非常重要。从整体来说,采用钢结构可以减少物料消耗、减轻结构自重、降低支撑部件与地基的尺寸,最终降低整个建筑的结构成本。1.2 刚度 振动、变形等适用性参数由构件的刚度来决定,进而由结构体系的刚度来决定。结构体系的实际刚度又由其构件和连接件的分布来决定。不过简单说来,构件的刚度由材料的几何截面特性以及材料的弹性模量来决定,结构钢的弹性模量通常为200GPa.而普通密度抗压强度在20-40Gpa 范围内的混凝土其弹性模量通常在20-28GPa 范围内;即使对于高强度混凝土来说,其弹性模量也不过在40-45GPa 之间,由此可见,钢结构的

4、钢性是混凝土的十倍及五倍左右,所以钢结构的刚性有着显著的优势。1.3 延性 延性指的是某种材料拉伸的过程中无断裂的塑性变形能力。一般情况下延性是结构设计中,特别是抗震设计中比较重要的特性参数,地震中幸存的建筑物直接依赖于主要结构框架经历大的非弹性变形时的滞后耗能性。钢结构可以说是目前使用最广泛的、韧性最好的工程材料之一。不过材料内在的延性并不一定都会转化为建筑结构的内在延性,因此要充分认识到这一点,采取适当的设计策略和可靠、稳定的滞消机制。通常一个设计具有延性响应就要有足够的材料截面、材料延性以及结构延性和构件延性。延性值的能力和需求要与变延性水平、曲率延性(构件延性)以及位移延性(结构延性)

5、所匹配。不过虽然钢结构的应变延性比较高,但是因为受弯构件的受力不稳定,所以构件的曲率延性经常不足。1.4 韧性 衡量材料断裂前吸收能量以及塑性变形的能力的指标就是韧性。它可以抵抗缺口部位的不稳定裂纹的扩展。韧性通常表示钢结构在制造、安装以及使用过程中可以承受比较大的工业变形,是钢结构一个很重要的特点。正是因为钢构件的韧性才使其在弯曲、剪切、冲孔、锻造、钻孔等制作过程中降低了产生裂纹的可能性。钢结构足够的断裂韧性是必须具备的,特别对受到交变荷载以及冲击荷载的建筑结构来说更要具备此特性。钢结构的断裂韧性对于温度条件很敏感,并且随着温度的减小而降低。所以在天气寒冷的地区设计钢结构,首先要考虑韧性。相

6、对来说,低碳铌钢比高碳钢成分钢更能改善韧性。1.5 整体 由上可知,无论是从刚度、强度还是在延性方面,钢结构都要优于钢筋混凝土,并且钢结构可以比较容易建构出有异国风情的建筑形式,通常钢结构系统可以提供最佳的设计灵活性以及最大的空间利用率。钢结构的另一个优点就是:它还是一个理想的悬臂施工体系。适当的应用空腹钢铁托架以及构件腹板开孔,可以为管道以及其它供电线路提供通道,不仅降低了楼层的高度,而且增加了审美吸引力。钢架像在钢结构中一样,被用来扩展现有的混凝土建筑结构或者增加楼层。在进行施工时,装配钢结构的施工人员要远远少于混凝土建筑结构所需要的人数;与混凝土建筑相比,钢结构的安装以及制作质量都要更加

7、的可靠和简便。并且在修改时,钢结构比混凝土结构更加容易,成本更低,特别是要附加支撑系统时,钢结构可以更加快施工进度。2 钢结构的缺点当然,每种材料都不是完美的,所以钢结构的应用和施工也存在着一定的缺点,其主要表现为以下几个方而:2.1 材料缺点 尽管钢结构的刚度要远远大于混凝土,但是对于一个给定的负载,钢结构的构件截面刚度则要小于与其对比的混凝土结构,这主要是因为钢的强度优势导致其构件的尺寸相对较小。因此要提高这些构件的稳定性,就要增加型钢的尺寸或者采取填充混凝土以及外包混凝土的措施,以提高截面的刚度。并且钢材的耐火性和耐腐蚀性都相对有欠缺。钢材长期受到100度的辐射热时强度的变化不大,表现出

8、一定的耐热性能,但当温度达到150度时,就要采用隔热层进行保护,并且重要部位的钢结构一定要涂刷防火涂料。2.2 市场环境2.2.1 设计力量较薄弱 在设计建筑结构时要注意结构的功能要求是不是属于钢结构合理的应用范围。通常在设计较高承载力需要使用钢结构时,要考虑用不适合继续承载的巨大变形为结构设计的极限状态为准则。钢结构有很多节点,要对每个螺丝、垫板以及焊缝进行精确的计算,而且每个专业要一次性到位,所以钢结构的设计要比混凝土结构的设计更复杂,并且图纸也远远多于混凝土结构。2.2.2 钢结构生产未形成体系 只有在大规模生产的情况下才可以体现出钢结构的优越性。并且目前钢结构的生产标准、价格标准以及质

9、量标准都没有统一,国家标准以及监管机制方面也都有一定的欠缺,因此很多设计师以及开发商都相对比较茫然。2.2.3 价格问题 由于钢结构的生产未形成体系,因此钢结构的价格比较高。虽然钢产量近年有大幅度的提高,但是人均产量仍然相对较低,钢材仍是我国国民经济中比较贵重的材料,而混凝土的价格优势就体现出来了。2.2.4 钢结构的使用年限 混凝土结构号称永不损坏,但是钢结构一般的使用寿命只有五十年,如果钢结构用在住宅建筑中,那么人们想到自己花费终身积蓄而购买的房子只能住五十年,会让很多人丧失购买的欲望。不过随着保险业的发展,住宅寿命问题应该相对容易解决。3 钢结构施工安装要点整体来说钢结构的施工流程比较复

10、杂,并且建筑的要求不同,在细节上也有很大的差异性。此处列举三点进行简单说明。3.1 选材与连接 钢材通常分为板材、型材、金属制品以及管材四大类。土木工程中的建筑钢材通常采用普通的低合金钢、优质碳素结构钢以及普通碳素钢等,碳钢的塑性比较低,但是硬度强度比较高。在钢结构中,柱子截面一般多为箱形截面或者宽翼缘“工”字形,另外还有“十”字形截面等等;梁多数是焊接或者轧制的“H”型钢梁,如果要求特殊也可以符合截面,在安装前要对主要的焊接接头做焊接工艺的试验,定出焊接的格料和各项参数。梁与梁之间、梁与柱之间的连接,可以采取焊接连接或者高强螺栓连接,要注意高强螺栓的连接孔位的精度。制孔主要有两种,一种是精度

11、较高的数控钻孔,另外一种则是精度相对较低的模板制孔。在技术条件允许时比较适合采用多轴数控钻孔。在运到工地以后要对螺栓参数进行检验,安装时不能用扳手强行拧入或者用榔头强行打入,拧入的步骤要经过初拧、复拧以及终拧。3.2 钢构件的堆放以及选择安装机械地点 通常情况下安装结构的用地面积应为结构占地面积的1.5倍。依照安装流水的顺序,从中转堆场配套运送至现场的钢构件要采用装卸机械把其安置于安装机械的回转半径内。如果因为运输的原因造成了构件的变形,则在施工现场就要加以矫正。一般钢结构的安装采用的是塔式起重机,臂杆长度要有够的覆盖面,并且起重能力要相应足够,从而满足各种不同部位构件的起吊要求。钢丝绳容量也

12、要能满足起吊的高度要求;起吊速度有足够的档次可以满足安装要求。在多机作业的情况下,臂杆的高差要足够,以避免不安全的碰撞,保证安全运转。各个塔式起重机之间要有相应的安全距离,以保证臂杆与塔身不相碰撞。钢结构比较适用于规整、匀称以及较平的建筑平面,所以安装流水线的布置要因地制宜。3.3 油漆工艺流程3.3.1 基层处理 首先把金属的表面清理干净,然后再做除锈。手工处理先用钢丝刷反复刷打,再用精砂布打磨,使得表面光亮、平滑,然后再用棉纱或者纱布把打磨下的锈粉和浮灰清理干净。如果表面腐蚀严重,则用钢丝刷和铲刀处理,大面积的锈蚀则可以用砂轮机来配合清理。3.3.2 涂防锈漆、刮腻子 在涂漆前要保证金属表

13、面的干燥,如果有水份则要立即擦干。施涂时要刷细、刷满、涂刷到位,并且要注意铆孔内不能有涂料涂入。待到防锈漆干燥后,采用和油漆配套的腻子把构件的表面缺陷刮平。可以在腻子中加入适量的红丹粉或者厚漆,从而增加其干硬性。在腻子干燥后要打磨平整,并清理干净。如果堆放的时间太长,则要再做一次涂刷。3.3.3 涂磷化底漆 磷化底漆包括底漆和磷化液两部分。在涂刷磷化底漆两个小时以后就可以涂刷其它面漆或底漆。通常情况下,二十四个小时后可以用清水或者毛刷清理表面的磷化残留物。干燥后如果表面形成了均匀的灰褐色的磷化膜,则代表已经达到了磷化的要求。3.3.4 刷涂面漆 刷涂面漆时要多理多刷,油要不流不坠、饱满均匀、色

14、泽光亮一致。涂刷后要及时检查避免漏刷。钢结构的面漆通常需要刷两遍以上,厚度达70微米。附件 2:外文原文Research and application of steel structures in civil engineeringCivil engineering structures used to the two materials, i.e. reinforced concrete and structural steel, for civil engineering, not only from the structural characteristics of the viewp

15、oint, but also consider the cost-effectiveness of construction and the construction of validity. This article analyzes the characteristics of steel structures in civil engineering, and briefly discusses the steel structure construction points.1、Civil engineering steel structure characteristics1.1、St

16、rength Generally, the structural member the ability to withstand or accommodate the effect of action by the strength of the material determined. Can make use of the relevant national standards to determine the performance of the structural steel member, and these standards are listed in the material

17、 of the steel structure can be used, such as building the structural steel to meet the the CSA standard ASTM standardA992/A992M or CAN / CSA G40.20/C40.21 and other relevant standards. In recent years, construction steel has undergone great changes, the past building structure with tensile strength

18、and yield strength data were drawn from the history of CISC (2006), and Canada for structural steel engineering and building structural steel standard set of seven steel grades and 8 intensity level. According to the yield strength range of 260 to 700 MPa. But not all kinds of steel have all the int

19、ensity level, so if a particular building steel structure design, choice of steel types and intensity level is very important. Whole steel structure can reduce material consumption, reduce structural weight, lower support member and the size of the foundation, and ultimately reduce the cost of the e

20、ntire structure of the building.1.2、Stiffness The suitability parameters of the stiffness of the vibration, deformation, etc. is determined by the stiffness of the member, and thus is determined by the stiffness of the structural system. The actual stiffness of the structural system to determine the

21、 distribution of its member and the connecting member. But simply to the stiffness of the member is determined by the geometric cross-sectional properties of the material and the modulus of elasticity of the material, the modulus of elasticity of the structural steel 200GPa and the elastic modulus i

22、n normal density concrete compressive strength in the range of 20-40Gpa the amount is usually in the range 20-28GPa; even for high-strength concrete, the elastic modulus, but also between 40-45GPa, therefore, the steel structure of the steel concrete times and about five times, so the rigidity of th

23、e steel structure has a significant advantage.1.3、Ductility Ductility refers to a material stretch in the process of plastic deformation without fracture. Under normal circumstances the ductility is the structural design, in particular the more important characteristics of the seismic design paramet

24、ers, The earthquake surviving building directly dependent on the experience large inelastic deformation the hysteresis energy consumption when the main structural framework. Steel structure can be said is the most widely used, one of the toughest engineering materials. However, the inherent ductilit

25、y of the material does not always into the inherent ductility of the structure of the building, so to fully recognize this and take appropriate design strategies and reliable, stable stagnation of consumer mechanism. Usually a design has the ductility response there should be enough material cross-s

26、ection, material ductility and ductility of the structure and ductility. The capabilities and needs of the ductility values to the variable level of ductility, curvature ductility (ductility) and displacement ductility (ductility) match. Although strain ductility of the steel structure is relatively

27、 high, but because of the uneven force stability flexural members, member curvature ductility is often insufficient.1.4、Toughness Toughness absorb energy and plastic deformation indicators measure the material before breaking toughness. It can resist a notch portion unstable crack propagation. Resil

28、ience usually means that the steel structure can withstand a relatively large industrial deformation in the manufacture, installation and use of the process, the steel structure is a very important feature. Precisely because of the toughness of the steel members to reduce the possibility of cracks i

29、n the production process of bending, shearing, punching, forging, drilling. Must have sufficient fracture toughness of the steel structure, in particular by the alternating load and impact load of the building structure to have this feature. The fracture toughness of the steel structure is very sens

30、itive to temperature conditions, and decreases as the temperature decreases. Design of steel structures in cold weather areas, we must first consider the toughness. Relatively speaking, low-carbon the niobium steel is high carbon steel ingredients steel is more improved toughness.1.5、Overall Overall

31、 from the foregoing, either from the stiffness, strength and ductility, steel structure is better than the reinforced concrete and steel structures can be relatively easy to construct exotic architectural forms, usually steel system can provide the best designflexibility and maximum space utilizatio

32、n. Another advantage of the steel structure is: it is an ideal cantilever construction system. Appropriate application fasting steel bracket and component web openings for pipes and other supply line channel, not only reduces the height of the floor, and increased aesthetic appeal. Steel frame like

33、the steel structure, which is used to extend the existing concrete building structure or increase the floor. During the construction and assembly of steel structures construction workers is much less than the required number of concrete building structures; compared with the concrete building, insta

34、llation of steel structures and the production of quality should be more reliable and easy. Modify, steel than concrete structures easier, less costly, especially when you want to attach a support system, steel structure can speed up the construction progress.2、The disadvantage of steel structuresOf

35、 course, each material is not perfect, so the application of steel structure and construction there are also some disadvantages, its mainly for the following parties and:2.1、Material shortcomings Although the rigidity of the steel structure is much greater than the concrete, but for a given load, th

36、e member section stiffness of the steel structure will have to be less than its contrast to the concrete structure, which is mainly because the strength of steel advantages lead to the relatively small size of its components were. Therefore, to improve the stability of these components, it is necess

37、ary to increase the size of the steel filled with concrete and outsourcing concrete measures to improve the stiffness of the cross-section. And fire-resistant and corrosion resistance of steel are relatively lacking. Steel has long been little change of the intensity of the radiant heat of 100 degre

38、es, showing a certain degree of heat resistance, but when the temperature reaches 150 degrees, it is necessary insulation protection layer, and the important parts of the steel structure must brushing fire retardant coating.2.2、Market condition2.2.1、Design strength is weaker To pay attention to the

39、functional requirements of the structure is not part of the steel structure is reasonable range of applications in the design of the building structure. Usually higher bearing capacity need to use steel structure is designed to continue to carry the huge deformation considered not suitable for the s

40、tructural design of the limit state criteria. Steel structure has many nodes, each screw, plate and weld accurate calculation, and each professional time place, so the design of steel structures than the concrete structure design is more complex, and the drawings are far more than concrete structure

41、s.2.2.2、Do not form a system of steel production Only in the case of large-scale production can reflect the superiority of the steel structure. And steel structure production standards, price standards and quality standards are not unified, national standards and regulatory mechanisms also have a ce

42、rtain lack of so many designers and developers are relatively loss.2.2.3Price issue As the production of steel structures do not form a system, so the relatively high price of steel structures. Although steel production in recent years has greatly improved, but is still relatively low per capita out

43、put, steel is still the more valuable materials in Chinas national economy, the price advantage of the concrete is manifested.2.2.4、The useful life of the steel structure Concrete structure known as never damaged steel structure general life of only 50 years, if the steel structure used in residenti

44、al buildings, people expect to spend life savings to buy a house only live 50 years, will make a lot of peopleloss of desire to buy. However, with the development of the insurance industry, residential life issues should be relatively easy to solve.3、Steel construction installation pointsThe whole s

45、teel structure construction process is more complex, and the requirements of the building, is very different in detail. At three points listed here will be briefly described.3.1、Selection and connection The steel is usually divided into plates, profiles, metal products and pipe four major categories

46、. Civil engineering construction steel commonly used ordinary low-alloy steel, quality carbon structural steel and carbon steel, low carbon steel plastic, but the intensity is relatively high hardness. The steel structure, the cross-section of the column is generally box-section or wide-flange “work

47、ers“-shaped, in addition to “X“-shaped cross section and so on; beam most of the “H“ steel beam welding or rolling, if the request special can also meet the cross-section to the main welded joints before installation test of the welding process, set the welding the grid material and various paramete

48、rs. Between the beam and the beam, the connection between the beams and columns, you can take the accuracy of the welded connections or high-strength bolts, pay attention to the high-strength bolts connecting holes. System hole, there are two, one is a high precision CNC drilling, another is relativ

49、ely low precision template system holes. Technical conditions allow more suitable for multi-axis CNC drilling. Transported to the site to test the bolts parameters, installation can not be forced to tighten with a wrench into or forcibly break into with a hammer, step screwed into the screw to go through the beginning, re-tighten and the final twist.3.2、The steel components stacked and select installation of mechanical Location Typically the case of the land area of the mounting structure for the structure covers an area of 1.5 times. Transported to the site from the transit ya


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