1、13.人工湖水质检测与改善方案研究周 筝(成都工业学院,四川 成都 611730)摘 要:人工湖景观水体在城市中出现的越来越普遍,水体质量也越来越受到重视。该文以校园人工湖为研究对象,对人工湖水体进行了水质检测、水量平衡分析和水质改善方案设计,提出采用地下水补水和雨水收集处理回用的补水换水方式处理以雨水污染为主的人工湖水体,并对实施步骤提出了建议。该套方案目前运行良好,对雨水污染为主的人工湖水体有很好的改善作用。关键词:人工湖;水质检测;水量平衡;雨水污染中图分类号:X832;R123.1;TM930.12;TV213.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5124(2012)05-0047
2、-04Research on water quality testing and improvement for artificial lakesZHOU Zheng(Chengdu Technological University,Chengdu 611730,China)Abstract: As artificial lakes become more and more common in cities, its water quality also gets much attention. An artificial lake polluted by rainwater is suppo
3、sed to be the study object in this paper. The water balance analysis and water quality improvement design have been completed. It is proposed to use groundwater and rainwater collected for recycling use to change and supply water. And the author also presented suggestions for implementation steps. T
4、his scheme runs well currently, groatly improving the artifical lakes primarlly polluted by stormwater.Key words: artificial lake; water quality testing; water balance; rainwater pollution中国测试杂志(中文核心期刊)2012 年, 第 38 卷第 4 期,页码:89-92投稿网址:http:/ 再点击“在线投稿”就可以方便快捷的网上投稿, 另外本刊全文在知网的下载权限:账号:DKSYCS01,密码:v9m43ab7