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1、Unit19 The merchant of Venice一、 教材分析本单元的中心话题是“莎士比亚与他的戏剧” ;内容涉及“莎士比亚” 、 “威尼斯商人” 、 “亨利四世” 、 “哈姆雷特” 、 “罗密欧与朱丽叶” 、 “特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达”等。语言知识和语言技能都是根据“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”这一中心话题设计的。1、 Warming up 部分由两个练习组成。第一个练习要求学生说出书中对白出自莎士比亚的哪部戏剧,并解释他们的含义。要完成这个练习,学生首先得对莎士比亚的作品要有所了解,因为,要准确理解戏剧中的对白,学生就必须要了解故事情节及相关背景。第二个练习的目的是要帮助学生更多地了解莎士

2、比亚的作品,尤其是他创作的戏剧。2、 Listening 部分由两个练习组成,听力内容是一段独白,向学生介绍了威尼斯商人的故事片段,该片段为阅读部分的故事提供了背景。第一个练习就故事的主要内容设置了四个问题,比如,故事发生的地点、借款与还款方式等。第二个练习用图表的形式,直观地考察学生对故事中五个主要人物的身份、表现以及他们之间的关系的理解。这两个练习主要训练学生把握文段细节的能力。3、 Speaking 部 分 要 求 学 生 就 “同 情 与 报 复 ”和 “爱 情 与 金 钱 ”这 两 个 话 题 进 行 讨 论 。这 是 贯 穿 威 尼 斯 商 人 始 终 的 两 条 线 索 , 对

3、他 们 的 讨 论 至 今 仍 有 着 现 实 意 义 。 对 这 两 个 问题 的 回 答 , 直 接 或 从 侧 面 反 映 了 人 们 的 人 生 观 、 价 值 观 以 及 人 们 对 待 生 活 的 态 度 。 因 此 , 在教 学 和 训 练 本 单 元 有 关 “在 交 谈 中 强 调 细 节 ”的 日 常 用 语 的 同 时 , 教 师 还 有 责 任 给 学 生 以 正确 的 引 导 , 帮 助 学 生 明 辨 是 非 , 确 立 正 确 的 人 生 价 值 取 向 , 建 立 符 合 社 会 规 范 的 道 德 体 系 ,并 做 遵 纪 守 法 的 公 民 。4、 Read

4、ing 部分是根据莎士比亚的戏剧威尼斯商人中的一个片段改编的。该故事情节生动、曲折,语言地道并带有莎翁时代的特色,内容富有深刻的教育意义。5、 Language Study 部分由词汇和语法两部分组成。词汇部分要求学生用课文中出现的词汇或短语完成六个句子。这个练习一方面帮助学生巩固词汇和短语,另一方面也帮助学生加深对课文的理解。语法部分复习直接引语和间接引语的用法,设置了两个练习,这两个练习的内容都是威尼斯商人中的故事,对阅读课文是很好的补充。6、 Integrating skills 部分继续呈现 Reading 部分未讲完的故事。该剧的结局皆大欢喜,但令人回味无穷。写作部分要求学生根据所给

5、的故事情节编写一部短剧,并把故事内容表演出来。7、 Tips 部分介绍了戏剧中展开矛盾的手法。戏剧中的人物往往分别代表着“正义”和“非正义”两方。得道者多助,失道者寡助。“正义”和“非正义”两方谁胜谁负的结局,就形成了戏剧的效果。8、 Checkpoint 部分举例复习直接引语和间接引语的用法。二、教学重点和难点(一) 重点:1、 词 汇 : 理 解 、 内 化 、 运 用 本 单 元 中 出 现 的 一 些 重 要 单 词 如 : deny, mercy, accuse, bless, declare, count, therefore, worthy, punish, order 和 词

6、组 pay back, have mercy on, go about, as far as I know, tear up, at the mercy of, etc.2、 功 能 : 用 本 单 元 中 “在 交 谈 中 强 调 细 节 ”的 日 常 交 际 用 语 来 表 达 自 己 对 “同 情 与 报复 ”和 “爱 情 与 金 钱 ”的 看 法 。语法:复习直接引语和间接引语。(二) 难点:1、 如何理清戏剧中的人物关系。2、 如何分析戏剧中的人物性格。3、 如何体会戏剧的语言。4、 如何自己改编和表演戏剧。三、 教学目标1、 语言知识:1) 词汇:(见教学重点)2) 话题:Talk

7、ing about Shakespeare and his plays3) 功能:在交谈中细述详情(Recounting details in the conversation)Correct me if Im wrong, butYou shouldnt forget thatOne of the most important facts isYou could, for example, The way I would go about isAs far as I know, After all, But in this particular caseWhat shouldnt be fo

8、rgotten is 4) 语法:复习直接引语和间接引语。2、 语言技能:1) 听:捕捉特定信息、抓关键词,听懂一段介绍威尼斯商人的故事片段,理清人物关系,训练学生把握文段细节的能力。2) 说:要求学生就“同情与报复”和“爱情与金钱”这两个话题进行讨论。3) 读:通过阅读“The Merchant of Venice”这部戏剧,训练学生找出文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节发展和可能的结局的能力。4) 写:通过本单元的各项语言输入,形成对戏剧的进一步了解,并能自己改编和表演戏剧。3、 学习策略:1) 通过任务型教学活动设计和活动型教学,训练和培养学生自主、合作、探究、创新的学习能力。2)

9、 利用图书馆和网络搜集资料并加工处理信息。3) 用英语进行讨论、表演等交际活动。4、 情感态度和文化意识:1) 在完成任务的过程中培养团队协作、互助精神,体验学习英语的快乐。2) 通过对莎士比亚作品的学习,体会戏剧的语言,感受戏剧的魅力。3) 理解戏剧和现实生活的联系,提高英语语言的鉴赏能力和修养。4) 通过口语部分的讨论,确立正确的人生价值观。四、 教学策略1、 引趣激趣策略。创造多种情景激发学习兴趣,其中包括戏剧表演、辩论等活动。2、 循序渐进策略。如任务的安排从简到难,语言操练从机械性操练到交际性操练。3、 资源开发策略。互联网为英语教学提供了广阔的空间和丰富的资源,拓宽了学生英语学习的

10、渠道。4、 任务型活动策略。任务型语言教学的倡导者认为,学习者可以通过完成各种任务发展交际的能力。五、 任务设计我们首先给整个单元设计了一个主题任务戏剧节。同时采用任务型教学“PTP”立体型自主学习模式(Pre-task-Task-cycle-Post-task ),安排了一些单元教学前和单元教学后的活动任务。(一) Pre-unit activity: Task1 莎士比亚及其作品简介活 动 内 容 : 从 图 书 馆 和 因 特 网 上 搜 集 有 关 莎 士 比 亚 的 生 平 、 作 品 、 作 品 简 介 、 经 典 佳句 、 名 作 海 报 、 电 影 、 flash 等 资 料

11、。1)个人活动:搜集“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”的有关资料。2 )小组活动:将小组成员的成果汇总、讨论、整理成文或制作简单课件。3)班级活动:每小组各派一名“reporter”将本组的成果向全班做演示。Goal: 使学生对莎士比亚这位十六世纪文艺复兴时代的文学巨匠和他的巨作有更感性的认识。为本单元的学习打下良好的基础。( 二) Task-cycle(见各课时教学设计)(三) Post-unit taskTask 1 为 the Merchant of Venice 配音活动内容:在学生熟悉课文内容的情况下,让学生来为这部戏剧配音。1) 个人活动:认真揣摩角色心理,模仿 VIDEO 中对话的发音和语气

12、。2) 小组活动:各小组组长按照小组成员的特点分派角色,熟悉剧本。3) 班级活动:小组配音,其他同学和老师给各组评分。Goal: 使 学 生 对 课 文 有 更 好 的 理 解 , 更 能 体 会 人 物 的 心 理 , 了 解 人 物 性 格 ,感 受 莎 士 比 亚 的 戏 剧 语 言 的 魅 力 。Task2 写人物或作品评论活动内容:学生挑选莎士比亚的一部作品或是作品中的一个角色,发表自己的感受和理解。Goal: 使学生进一步熟悉莎士比亚的作品。提高学生的写作能力,加强学生语言实践能力。Task 3 戏剧表演活动内容:学生挑选课文片段或是改编 writing 部分进行表演1) 个人活动

13、:背诵台词,体会角色的个性和心理,通过语言与动作表现人物的个性特征。2) 小组活动:把全班分成 4 个小组,分别担任导演、道具、旁白、Shylock、Antonio、Bassanio、Portia、Duke 等角色。由导演负责全局的指挥和排练工作。3) 班级活动:各小组同台演出,由老师和各组导演组成评委会,给各组评分。4) 学校活动:这个活动如果有条件的话可以发展到全级段甚至全校性的一个课本剧表演比赛。比如说在我们学校这个比赛已经是一个一年一度的传统项目了,学生对此有这极高的热情。Goal:真正体现任务型教学“在用中学,在学中用”的原则。全面提高学生的综合素质。六、 教学资源针对本单元话题我们

14、向学生提供以下网站以供参考。1) http:/ http:/ http:/the-tech.mit.edu/shakespeare/4) http:/5) http:/shakespeare- http:/www.uclan.ac.uk/online/shakespeare.htm7) http:/ http:/mail.sjsmit.edu.tw/lhw/Shakespeare001.htm9) http:/ http:/ 课时安排和教学程序据本单元教材的内容、学生学习英语的特点和规律,我把本单元划分为 5 课时:Period 1: Warming up probably she was p

15、regnant. On May 26, 1583, their daughter Susanna was baptized in Holy Trinity. Twins, named Hamnet and Judith, were baptized on Feb. 2, 1585.No records have been found for the years between the twins baptism and 1592. In that year a disappointed author, Robert Greene, referred cryptically to Shakesp

16、eare in his Groatsworth of Wit Bought With a Million of Repentance; he warned his fellow writers about “an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tigers heart wrapped in a players hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you: and being an absol

17、ute Johannes fac totum, is in his own conceit the only Shake-scene in a country.“ Thus as early as 1592, Shakespeare was sufficiently well known to be recognized by the pun on his name and the parody of a line from his Henry VI, Part 3: “O tigers heart wrapped in a womans hide.“ Greenes is the only

18、hostile allusion to Shakespeare that exists; its motive can be guessed from his description of Shakespeare as Johannes fac totum-“Jack-of-all-trades.“Unlike Greene, Shakespeare was an actor (“player“) as well as a writer, and he was associated with a group of other actors that included the days lead

19、ing comedian, Will Kempe, and a leading tragedian, Richard Burbage. They were known, after their nominal patron, as the CHAMBERLAINS MEN and (after 1603) as the Kings Men. By 1592, Shakespeare was acting exclusively for this company; he held shares in the companys profits; he was part of a consortiu

20、m that in 1599 built and owned its home theater, the GLOBE THEATRE; and he wrote his plays exclusively for this company, at the rate of about two per year.In 1593-94 a plague epidemic forced the closing of the London theaters. In those years Shakespeare published two narrative poems, Venus and Adoni

21、s and The Rape of Lucerne. The circumstances surrounding another nondramatic work, the SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE, are less clear. Scholars are not certain how long before their unauthorized publication (1609) they were written, whether they were all written in the same period, or whether the order in w

22、hich they appeared was of Shakespeares design. Because the sonnets are the only works in which Shakespeare may plausibly be thought to write from a frankly autobiographical impulse, they have exercised a fascination beyond even their extraordinary value as poetry.Identity and Authorship(莎士比亚作品)Willi

23、am Shakespeare (baptised April 26 , 1564 , died (O.S.) April 23 , 1616 ) is considered by many to have been the greatest writer the English language has ever known. As a playwright he wrote not only some of the most powerful tragedies, but also many of the funniest comedies ever to appear on an Engl

24、ish stage. He also wrote 154 sonnets and several major poems, some of which are considered to be the most brilliant pieces of English literature ever written, because of Shakespeares ability to rise beyond the narrative and describe the innermost and the most profound aspects of human nature. He is

25、believed to have written most of his works between 1585 -1610, although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are not accurately known. Shakespearean tragedies Romeo and Juliet Macbeth King Lear Hamlet Othello Titus Andronicus Julius Caesar Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus Tro

26、ilus and Cressida Timon of Athens Shakespearean comedies The Comedy of Errors Alls Well That Ends Well As You Like It A Midsummer Nights Dream Much Ado About Nothing Measure for Measure The Tempest Taming of the Shrew Twelfth Night or What You Will The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor L

27、oves Labours Lost The Two Gentlemen of Verona Pericles Prince of Tyre Cymbeline The Winters Tale Shakespearean histories Richard III Richard II Henry VI, part 1 Henry VI, part 2 Henry VI, part 3 Henry V Henry IV, part 1 Henry IV, part 2 Henry VIII King John Summary: Romeo and JulietWhen the old feud

28、 between the Verona families of Montague and Capulet breaks out in street brawling, Prince Escalus threatens with death any further perpetuators of the quarrel. Remeo, a Montague, is in love with Rosaline but forgets her when he daringly attends a Capulet masked ball and sees Juliet, a Capulet. Bene

29、ath her window he hears her proclaim her love for him, and they agree to marry. They are secretly wed the next afternoon by Friar Laurence. Tybalt, a Capulet, taunts Romeo, who refuses to fight against his cousin by marriage. Deeming Romeo a coward, his friend Mercutio fights Tybalt and is killed. T

30、he enraged Romeo slays Tybalt and is banished from Verona. Friar Laurence advises Romeo to spend the wedding night with Juliet, then hasten to Mantua and await his friends appeal against his banishment. Capulet betroths Juliet to Paris and persists against Juliets protests. Her mother and her nurse

31、failing her, Juliet consults Friar Laurence. He gives her a magic potion that will counterfeit death for forty-two hours and promises to fetch Romeo to release her from the burial vault of the Capulets. Friar Laurences messenger to Romeo is delayed by the plague, and Romeo learns that Juliet is dead

32、. At her tomb he kills the mourning Paris and finds the apparently dead body of his bride. He drinks poison and dies beside her. When Juliet revives from her torpor and discovers Romeos body, she stabs herself. Friar Laurence, Romeos servant, and Paris page explain all, and Montague and Capulet are

33、reconciled over the bodies of their dead offspring. Summary: Henry IVContinuing Richard II, Henry IV is now king and is fighting a revolt led by the Welshman Owen Glendower and the Percies. Henry IV wishes he could switch sons with Henry Percy, the Earl of Northumberland, whose son is Henry Percy (H

34、otspur), a valiant soldier. The third Percy is Thomas Percy, the Earl of Worcester and brother to Northumberland. Henry IV is mad at Henry V because Henry V hangs out with John (Jack) Falstaff (who calls Henry V, Hal) and Poins. At the tavern, Poins convinces Falstaff, Bardolph, and Peto to rob some

35、 travelers. Poins and Henry V plan to then rob Falstaff et. al. of the loot. Back at the palace, Henry IV demands that Hotspur turn over the Scottish prisoners he has. As insurance, Henry IV holds Hotspurs brother-in-law Mortimer as hostage (Hotspurs wife Kate is Mortimers sister and Mortimers wife

36、is Glendowers daughter). Ironically, Mortimer was proclaimed heir to the English throne by Richard II, though Henry IV became king. The Percies explain to Henry IV that they are revolting because Henry IV has placed unreasonable demands on them, even after they helped him (as Bolingbroke) become kin

37、g. Returning to Falstaff et. al., they rob the kings transport then Poins and Hal rob them and Falstaff et. al. flee. At the pub, Falstaff makes up extravagant lies about the robbery. Hal rebukes him, proving Falstaff false. In jest, the two pretend to be King Henry IV and Hal and Hal (as Henry IV)

38、tells Falstaff (as Hal) that the man Falstaff is a thief and Hal promises to banish him for his crimes. Moving to the revolt, Mortimer, Worcester, and Hotspur plan the revolt, overseen by Glendower. Oddly, Mortimer speaks no Welsh and his wife speaks no English, so her father interprets for them. Ba

39、ck to Henry IV, he criticizes Henry V for this deeds and associations. Henry IV tells Henry V that Hotspur is more deserving of the crown than Henry V, whereby Henry V vows to prove himself by killing Hotspur in battle. Back at the tavern we learn that Hal repaid the travelers whom the money was sto

40、len from, and that Hal has arranged for Falstaff to lead some forces in the kings army. Hotspurs father (Northumberland) becomes sick, greatly weakening the revolting forces since his men cannot attend the battle. This news, and Prince Hals newfound leadership, and a report that Glendower will arriv

41、e late disheartens Hotspur, yet he overcomes these setbacks with renewed vigor. Falstaff, as military leader, hires very poor and unfit soldiers. Prince Hal and the Earl of Westmoreland observe this, but do nothing. Hotspur wishes to fight the first battle at nighttime, but delays after Sir Walter B

42、lunt brings kind greetings from the king. Worcester meets the king the next morning, but no agreement is made, though the king offers to pardon all the revolters. Worcester, however, lies to Hotspur and tells him the king readies for battle, since Worcester does not believe Henry IV will pardon them

43、 and doesnt want Hotspur to back off. In battle, Archibald, the Earl of Douglas (Percies side) kills Blunt, thinking Blunt is Henry IV due to a disguise. Henry V then rescues Henry IV from Douglas sword. Falstaff and Douglas fight and Falstaff pretends to die. Henry V and Hotspur fight and Henry V k

44、ills Hotspur. Falstaff arises and stabs Hotspur in the leg, then claims to have killed him. Henry IV wins the battle (of Shrewsbury) and executes Worcester and Sir Richard Vernon, but lets Douglas go free. Henry IV also divides his power with Henry V and Hals brother John of Lancaster. This is a pla

45、y concerning honor, as reasoned by Falstaff. Hamlet Act III. Scene IHam. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;No more; and

46、, by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, tis a consummation Devoutly to be wishd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, theres the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may comeWhen we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must

47、give us pause. Theres the respect That makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely,The pangs of disprized love, the laws delay,The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he h

48、imself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bournNo traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolution ls sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought, 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,


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