1、 英语高级口译复习第五十六期句 1Such subtle flattery got hime almost everthing. 译文由于他溜须拍马的手段运用得如此娴熟,他想捞到的东西几乎都捞到了。 分析这里的“flattery”起到原因的作用。 句 2这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。 译文The national key university has prepared batched of qualified graduates for the society. 分析这里“输送”是一个模糊的词,其实真正的意思是“培养”。“人才”这里指大学生。 每个女人都梦想着收到一颗闪闪发光的、价值
2、连城的大钻石。现在科学家们发现了宇宙中最大的钻石。但是这颗钻石是绝大多数热恋中的男人怎么也够不着的精确的说距离有 50光年。宇宙科学家们透露他们发现了一块重达 10的 46次方克拉的宝石。这块石头直径达 2500英里,重 5 10的 42次方磅,藏在人马座中一颗白矮星的中心,是在情人节那天被发现的。 (TopS)译文Every woman dreams of receiving a huge, sparkling and priceless diamond. Now scientists have discovered the largest diamond in the universe.
3、But its well beyond the reach of the most lovestruck men - 50 light years to be precise. Space scientists revealed that they had discovered a ten billion trillion trillion carat gem. Measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion trillion pounds, the rock was found on Valentines Day
4、 buried in the core of a white dwarf star in the constellation Centaurus.英语高级口译复习第五十五期句 1It was all I could do not to laugh. 译文我差点笑出来。 分析原文是否定的,疑问要译成肯定,如果不这样,而译成“这就是我能做到的不笑的所有努力。”,这样读起来很不顺。 句 2我国的社会注意建设,需要一个和平的国际环境,需要一个国内安定团结、天下大治的局面。译文For its socialist construction,China needs and international env
5、ironment of peace and a domestic sitution of stability ,unity and great order 分析翻译这句话的时候,千万不可把“建设”作为句子的主语,真正的主语应该是 China 或是 Our country. 层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。 译文The leaves were dotted in between the layers with white flowers,some blooming gracefully;others ,as if bas
6、hfully ,still in bud .They were like bright pearls or stars in an azure sky. 赏析先声明,这段话不是我翻译的,我觉得这个译文非常好,所以介绍给大家,希望大家喜欢。这篇原文的几个分句都是无主句,而在译文中补足了主语“leaves”“some ”“others”“they”,说明译者对原文的理解是非常准确的。英语高级口译复习第五十四期句 1Language is shaped by, and shapes ,human thought. 译文人的思想形成了语言,而语言又形成了人的思想。 分析“human thought”既
7、是“by”。的介词宾语,又是“shapes”的宾语。 句 2这对真正理解这本书十分重要。 译文This is fundamental to a true understanding of the book. 分析“fundamental”的意思就是十分重要的,不许要加修饰词了这种词称为不是最高级的最高级,还有 basic,major,original 等等。 方言是不是应该让位给普通话呢?我觉得,一种语言有没有生命力,能不能活在大家的口齿之间,是它在我们生活中有没有“用武之地”,有没有让它施展才华的空间;不是我们认为什么应该,什么不应该的问题。中华民族各籍贯各有其“母语”,然而若没有一个共同的
8、语言,各说各话,当然是不行的。有了共同的语言,却不等于它就必然会生机蓬勃地活下去。 Should dialects give way to Mandarin? I think this is not the issue. A language that is often spoken and used widely by people in everyday life will flourish. Chinese speak many dialects (mother tongues) and there must be a single language for them to commun
9、icate effectively. Yet the existence of a common language does not mean that it will necessarily thrive.英语高级口译复习第五十三期句 1But the master of the house was his mother .She was twice than her son was,they said. 译文可是这个家是他妈妈说了算。他们说,他连他妈妈的一半都顶不上。 分析如果译为他是他妈妈的两倍会使人不明白意思。还有一种译法:“他那样的人,两个也比不过他妈妈”。 句 2中国是个文明古国,
10、幅员辽阔,面积达 960多万平方公里。 译文Covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers and more ,China is a country with ancient civilization. 分析翻译这句话的关键是:1)突出信息的重心。2)注意避免语言累赘,比如说 960多万平方公里就已经表示了幅员辽阔,不需要再译出。 然而,所谓过犹不及,包括英国在内的欧洲国家,或许在给国民的医疗福利上的确都做过头了,因此形成了积重难返之势。我们不期望能步上它们的后尘,但总觉得政府还做得不够,还可以在医疗开支预算方面稍微慷慨些。 Going be
11、yond the limit is as bad as falling short. European nations, including Britain, have perhaps gone overboard in providing its citizens with free medical care, something which they now find impossible to reverse. We have no wish of seeing China go down the wrong path. But they do often feel that the g
12、overnment has not done enough and can be more generous with its budget for health care.英语高级口译复习第五十二期句 1I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces .I tried vainly to put them together. 译文我摸索着走到壁炉前,捡起了碎片。我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是拼不起来了。 分析这里的“vainly”在翻译的时候无法保持状语的位置,而且所含的信息过多,所以翻译成谓语。句 2这是一棵拔地崦起、虬枝劲挺的苍松。
13、 译文This is a towering sturdy pine tree,age-old yet still thick of foliage. 分析中文的修饰词意思较多,描写松树的高,直,坚挺,同时还有年代久远至今仍枝繁叶茂的意思。而英语的表达要简洁明快,所以就用了 4个形容词加以修饰。 学生的潜能各有不同,学校本应该提供一个“凭鱼跃、任鸟飞”的天地,让他们学习,给他们尝试发挥所长。可是,考试加上排名的压力是多方面的,来自校长、教师、家长,同辈、甚至社会,层层的压力,学生只得把爱好先搁置一旁,专心搞好功课再说。 Pupils have different potential and sh
14、ould rightly be provided with an environment where they can excel in areas they are good at by schools. However, the stress from examination and rankings comes from many sources - principals, teachers, parents, peers and even society. Very often, they will buckle from the pressure and put their interests aside to concentrate on schoolwork.