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    1、1英语学习技巧系列一 The Importance of English为什么要学英语?英语的重要性是什么?这是每个英语学习者必须首先弄明白的问题。 There are thousands of languages in the world. Each language seems to be the most important to those who speak it as their native language.The importance of a language can be judged according to several things. The first is t

    2、he number of native speakers that a language happens to have. The second is how widely the native speakers are spread over the world. Next comes the cultural, economic and political influence of those who speak it as their mother tongue and who write in it.There can be no doubt that English is one o

    3、f the worlds most widely used languages. People use a language in one of the three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign language. English is spoken as a native language by nearly three hundred million people: in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada,

    4、 some Caribbean countries, and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in a great many countries such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Singapore, and the Philippines. Along with Chinese, French, Spanish, Russia and

    5、 so on, it is one of the few “working” languages of the United Nations and is more frequently used than the others.It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport. It is indeed true. Most pilots in planes traveling from one country to another use it to talk with

    6、airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the worlds radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the worlds mail uses English. At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists from different countries and at talks of writers and artist

    7、s from the corners of the earth, English is the language most commonly used and the most widely understood. English has in fact become the language of international cooperation in science and technology. The most advanced results in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. A scienti

    8、s2t who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesnt. In China, more and more people have been learning English as a foreign language since the reform and opening up. At present, all the middle schools and some primary schools have English l

    9、essons. With the all-around development of society, we are experiencing more and more international intercourse(交往)in all kinds of fields, in which we use English as the major tool for conversation. Generally speaking, we can hardly do without English in all the international activities. As the 2008

    10、 Beijing Olympic Games is drawing near, another English heat has appeared all over the country, especially in Beijing. In time the Chinese people are sure to show to the world their high quality of English language as well as their brand-new look in spirit. English is playing a even more important r

    11、ole in international affairs than ever. Only when we realize its importance can we study hard at it and use it to serve society well. (520 words)Questions:1. How can we judge the importance of a language?2. How many people speak English as a native language in the world?3. How many people use Englis

    12、h as a second language in official business, education, information and so on?4. How much of the worlds radio and the worlds mail uses English?5. Why has another English heat appeared in China?Answers:1. We can judge it according to three things: the number of its native speakers, how widely the nat

    13、ive speakers are spread and the cultural, economic and political influence of its native speakers.2. Nearly three hundred million.3. More than 1 billion (including Indians, Pakistanis, etc.). 4. 60 percent and 70 percent separately(分别). Because the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is drawing near.3给英迷朋友介绍

    14、一个赠英语口语电子书注册即自动发送到你邮箱的网址路径,不用心学的或不想学的朋友不要注册,别人送给你,你又不学,浪费时间!做人要有良心!天天口语 365注册下载路径http:/ A fifth skill needed to master English学好英语的第五种技能良好的语感英语学习十分强调听说读写;然而更重要的是,要养成用外语进行思维的习惯。这种习惯或意识就是“语感”。英国诺丁汉大学教授罗纳德卡特把它称为学好英语必须掌握的“第五种技能”。Speaking of English study, as we all know, reading, writing, speaking and l

    15、istening are important for complete mastery of the English language, and many people even think that so long as we master the four kinds of skills, we can study English well. But, according to Ronald Carter, a professor of the School of English Studies at the University of Nottingham in the UK, we n

    16、eed yet another skill, a fifth one, in order to master the language.Whats language awareness? What are its functions?Language awareness is the thinking skill, the ability to think in and about a language and to reflect(think)on it. It is not only something a native speaker does but something that ca

    17、n help students from other countries understand how languages work and how people learn a language and use it.Carter made this point in a speech at an international English language seminar(研讨会)held in China no long before. He spoke about “Language Awareness and English language Teaching” at the Int

    18、ernational Annual TEFL-China (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Conference.4Carters lecture gave a lot of attention to how traditional English teaching overlooks the role of active thinking in the learning process and set people thinking about it.Carter believes that reflective thinking(沉思)can

    19、 help increase language awareness explicit(clear)knowledge about language among students. It is defined(explained)as a kind of conscious perception(有意识的感觉)and sensitivity(敏感)in language learning as well as in the teaching and application process.The focus of language awareness is encouraging learner

    20、s to be more conscious, to pay attention to more things and to become more reflective, Carter explained.In fact, theories of language awareness applied to foreign language teaching have been around for decades. And research has proved the advantage of active thinking.“My research shows in many ways

    21、that a reflective language learner is an effective one. A good language learner is one who is willing to ask questions about the language. Why should we do that? What is the purpose of a certain sentence or a word?” Carter explained.He also placed stress on it that English teachers should pay attent

    22、ion to these questions if they want to encourage students to ask questions and develop the habit of thinking about the language itself, while students themselves should also deeply realize this and pay much attention to their language awareness and try to improve their language awareness through pra

    23、ctice. (403 words)Comprehension Check:1. What are the five skills of learning English well according to Ronald Carter?2. Whats “the thinking skill”?3. How to judge whether a student is one with or without language awareness?Answers:1. Reading, writing, speaking, listening and language awareness / th

    24、inking skill.2. Its the ability to think in and about a language and to reflect on it.53. A student with language awareness is willing to ask questions about the language and think in it.三 How do we learn and remember?怎样才能学好英语?怎样才能记得牢?这些都是同学们苦苦追求并渴望获得的技能。读读下面这篇文章,它也许会给你一个满意的答案。How do we learn? “Prac

    25、tice,” says the piano teacher. “Practice three hours a day, every day, and in four or five years you will have made much progress.”How do we learn and remember English well? “Practice,” says the English teacher. “Practise speaking, listening, writing for hours a day, and youll master the language in

    26、 a possible short period.” “Study,” says the history professor. “Practice,” says the tennis instructor or the track coach. Practice, study, practice. Whenever the task is at all complex, whether it is the acquisition(获得)of a skill such as piano playing or tennis, or the mastery of an intellectual ac

    27、tivity such as chess, mathematics, or 17th-century history the procedure is the same: study, practice. Learning takes time; learning takes effort.Consider how long it takes to learn a language. Children are still learning the grammar of their native language when they are well into their teenage yea

    28、r. The learning of vocabulary continues over the whole life. An adult may never manage all the subtleties(微妙)of a second language.How long does it take to learn? There can be no definite answer, because there may be no end to the learning of a language. Weve watched people learn to ride a unicycle(单

    29、轮脚踏车), to use new computer systems. Five thousand hours seems to be a reasonable minimum(最小量)for learning such things. That sounds like a lot of time. It isnt. Five thousand hours is the equivalent of two and a half years of study, eight hours a day, five days a week, 50 weeks a year. The learning o

    30、f table tennis, baseball, psychology, programming, and chess gives much the same answer. Almost any activity that is difficult enough to learn obviously requires thousands of hours of study and practice over periods of years to reach great ability.With intellectual(智力的)activities, one problem of lea

    31、rning is simply the size of the task. How does one learn a complex(复杂的)intellectual topic? The 6task is not easy. The difficulty seems to lie in the inter-relationships among the ideas that must be acquired. It is the totality of the topic that requires time and mental effort.With sports or the perf

    32、orming arts, there is an additional issue: the body and limbs(四肢)must be controlled with great precision(精确). This requires motor learning, an achievement that is both the same as, and different from, the learning of intellectual skills. Motor skills can be developed to high levels of performance. A

    33、 single piano piece by Chopin may last 20 minutes and require the playing of 10,000 notes. Some piano pieces require the performer to play up to 25 notes per second for many minutes. Practice, practice, practice. It is only by constant, long-time training that such motor-control skillful actions are

    34、 possible. Its the same with English study.How do we remember? Some events are easy to remember. You probably made no effort to remember what you ate at your last meal, yet if I asked you to recall that meal, you would probably do so with ease. I make no effort to remember casual(随便的)conversations o

    35、r the books I read or the comic strips(滑稽漫画)in the newspaper. Yet I do remember them, at least for a while. Tomorrow when I read the same 20 comic strips again, I will naturally pick up the thread of each story, although each strip is different.Sometimes remembrance comes only with difficulty. Learn

    36、ing a persons name, a telephone number, or a foreign language vocabulary may come painfully and with great effort or perhaps not at all. Whats it that makes some things easy to learn, others hard? Why can some high-students quickly repeat from memory the grammar rules statistics of sports players pe

    37、rformances with apparent ease, yet fail to remember topics in the classroom that actually seem to be easier? Motivation(激励)? Not always. Sometimes material that one has difficulty learning is more important and more interesting than material that is learned without effort.To remember is to have mana

    38、ged three things successfully: the acquisition(获得), retention(保持), and retrieval(取回)of information. Failure to remember means failure at managing one of those three things.That calls for “understanding,” for having such a good grasp of the material to be acquired and it fits naturally into an existi

    39、ng framework(框架)of kno7wledge. The new material is understood, and with little effort it is both acquired and made retrievable.Learning and remembering are closely related concepts. But learning is more than simply remembering; it is also performance, the ability to do a task with skill. Learning in

    40、volves purposeful(有目的的)remembering and skillful performance. (762 words)四 The importance of reading听说读写是社会交往的基本手段,也是学习英语需要掌握的四种基本技能。对于一个非 native speaker 来说,阅读在英语学习中起着什么样的作用呢?Speaking in any language is all about imitating(following)other people. You want to be able to speak like native speakers do.

    41、Before you can form your own correct sentences, you first need to see lots of similar ones in the language you are learning. When you speak in your native language, you dont have to think about the grammar or the words you use. Correct sentences just come to you. In fact, your brain uses sentences y

    42、ouve already seen or heard since you began to know things. If you want to speak a foreign language fluently, you have to learn it the way you learned your native language by massive input. In other words, you must learn words and sentences from others, from books and newspapers as much as possible.

    43、Reading (as wells listening) will help you develop language intuition(直觉), namely, language awareness. Its all about putting lots of correct sentences in your head. Then your brain can imitate them, producing similar sentences to express the meanings you want to. When you read and listen a lot, payi

    44、ng attention to useful vocabulary and sentence patterns, you will soon start to use new words and phrases in your speaking and writing. Not only that, you will develop your language intuition. You will start to feel what sounds good and what sounds ugly just as you do in your native language. 8It ma

    45、y seem like you need more time to learn a language by reading (as well as listening), as opposed to learning based on grammar rules. For example, to get a good feeling for the use of articles in English you need to read and have a good knowledge of lots of sentences and expressions, analyze them clo

    46、sely and make yourself understand their meanings. Wouldnt it be easier to read a unit on articles in a grammar book? Well, the problem is that it takes lots of time to build a sentence when you have to think of grammar rules. When you talk to someone, you dont have time for that. The input-based app

    47、roach(摄入法)may seem to be more demanding, but its the only way to achieve fluency. Its obvious that when you have read and had enough useful sentences and phrases kept in mind, you can surely express whatever you want fluently and correctly without turning to the aid of any grammar rules. As a matter

    48、 of fact, any successful person in language learning has started with reading massive and wide reading, especially the useful and idiomatic expressions used in everyday life such as “at the first place”, “look forward to”, “take something into consideration”, “Look before you leap(三思而后行)”, “Good med

    49、icine tastes bitter(良药苦口)” and so on. Such expressions as mentioned above are very important because well often use them in our daily life, but we cant get them anywhere else but only be informed from reading and listening. Besides, most of us learn English to read related materials to our work. In this sense, reading is the most important for an English learner. (507 words)五 What to read要学好英语,阅读是重要的。但是阅读也需要注意方法。怎样读,读什么?这正是本文要告诉读者的。Its importan

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