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    35岁前你不该错过的30本书 趁年轻多读点书吧!.doc

    1、measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection meas

    2、ures planned in implementation of measures against accidents and guarantee schemes, security technology protection measures planned in implementation. Seventh article 38th of education and training: new factory (company) production staff (including internships, commissioned officer), must be approve

    3、d by the factory (company), workshop and team level safety education upon passing the examination before entering production site. Tertiary-level education after card registration, by the companys production technology section recovery archive, and reported to the company trade unions, safety record

    4、. Training and examinations including the safe work procedures as well as relevant safety regulations, work environment and jobs there are risk factors, preventive measures and emergency treatment, and so on. The 39th article: new producers must receive the following training and qualified posts: (a

    5、) the operating personnel, scheduling, must pass through the field point, institutional learning, on-site training and classes practice; (B) the maintenance, including technical staff, must undergo maintenance, technical specifications for learning and class practice; (C) special operations personne

    6、l, must pass the national professional training, after obtaining a special operations qualifications before they can post. 40th: on-the-job training of production personnel: (I) post production staff should regularly carry out targeted of technical questions and answers, an accident expected on site

    7、 training and anti-accident; (B) from running post 1 month and above the main post on duty or leave transportation . Drive system and security studies, arranged by upper management or organization of the examination. The 42nd article: June of every year once regulatory and safety procedures of the c

    8、ompany system of examinations, examination the failed again, still not eligible waiting list study. Article 43rd: every year in June the work ticket issuer, assignee, licensee of work training, after passing the examination, as a formal announcement are eligible to work as ticket issuer, head of ins

    9、pection, work permits and the right to a separate high-pressure equipment list, and reported to the Management Department. Failing the exam may not serve as a two person, stop classes, examinations before they can post. 44th: for breach of discipline system caused the accident, a kind of disorder an

    10、d attempted serious responsibility for the accident, in addition to the relevant provisions dealing with should also be tasked to learn about a point system, and after passing the exam, before they can post. Article 45th: units of the company using the security video, slide projector, television, co

    11、mputer, multimedia, radio, Billboard, artifacts, photo exhibitions, as well as security knowledge exam, lectures, contests, and other forms of advocacy, popularize the knowledge of security technology, targeted, Visual training, enhancing workers safety awareness and self-protection ability. Article

    12、 46thregular issuance system of internal and external accident cases, organizational learning, analysis and discussion on a regular basis, and educate the persons concerned in a timely manner. 47th article: strengthening the safety of staff, establishing the concept of legalization of production saf

    13、ety, establish a “people-oriented“ concept, “three do no harm“ (dont hurt yourself, no harm to others, not to be hurt). 48th eighth day routine: pre-shift and post-shift monitor organizations, safety assist. Before class: succession (started), combined with shift operation and tasks for better risk

    14、analysis, arranged security account considerations. After class: summarizing comment on duty and the security situation, praise good deeds criticism ignored safety, illegal operations and other adverse phenomena, and completes the record. 49th: safety day event organized by the monitor, safety help,

    15、 workshop leaders and checking activities. Classes (groups) or rotating a safety day event a week, activities to learn more about the superior file and the spirit of the meeting, informed of the accident, analysis of the company, workshop and fewer security incidents, as well as the typical illegal

    16、team, analysis of operation environment, there may be a risk factor for the main content. 50th: security analysis companies every quarter of a security analysis; shop at least once a month analysis, comprehensive analysis of production trends, sum up lessons learned from and the weakness in safety m

    17、anagement, accident prevention measures in the study. Meeting was chaired by enterprise security responsibility, concerning the participation of Heads of Department, workshop. Formation meeting and made public. 51st: security check for carbon companys periodic and non-periodic safety checks should b

    18、e carried out. Periodic inspection includes fall and spring security checks, security checks should be combined with spring or autumn season characteristics and accident law . 52nd: security analysis companies should all be actively involved in the preparation of security advisories, bulletins, inte

    19、grated security, analysis of accident law, drawing on lessons learned from. 53rd: the companys safety safety month activities each year according to the Governments requirements and deployment of the group, safety month activities focus on advocacy efforts to improve production safety and strengthen

    20、 company-wide awareness of work safety, improve the safety awareness, improving the companys safety culture. 54th: units of the company in relation to the units actual, active use of “risk analysis“ method, and is actively exploring new management tools for enterprises and job site safety analysis,

    21、identify weaknesses and potential accidents and take preventive measures in a timely manner. 55th: units of the company against the possibility of seriously affecting the safety of emergency contingency plans, and actively prepared for the critical work, ensure that the critical situation occurred a

    22、fter relief, rescue and recovery work in an orderly manner. 56th Nineth day construction project: company or project, the implementation of construction projects legal and construction team joint management of construction site safety of principle. Identified under the project bear this organizing,

    23、coordinating and oversight responsibilities;35 岁前你不该错过的 30 本书,趁年轻多读点书吧!“如果你半夜醒来,发现自己好长时间没读书,而且没有任何负罪感,你就要知道,你已经堕落了。不是说书本有多了不起,而是读书意味着你没有完全认同于这个现世和现实,你还有追求,还在奋斗,还有不满,你还在寻找另一种可能性,另一种生活方式。”多思考,多读书,希望你的世界更加辽阔和美好。1、目送作者:龙应台目送共由七十四篇散文组成,是为一本极具亲情、感人至深的文集。由父亲的逝世、母亲的苍老、儿子的离开、朋友的牵挂、兄弟的携手共行,写出失败和脆弱、失落和放手,写出缠绵不

    24、舍和绝然的虚无。这是一本生死笔记,深邃,忧伤,美丽。2、傲慢与偏见作者:英 简奥斯丁傲慢与偏见是一部描写爱情与婚姻的小说,也是简奥斯丁的代表作。小说围绕班奈特太太如何把五个女儿嫁出去的主题展开。以男女主人公达西和伊丽莎白由于傲慢和偏见而产生的爱情纠葛为线索,共写了四起姻缘:伊丽莎白与达西、简与宾利、莉迪亚与威克姆、夏洛蒂与柯林斯。达西富有骄傲,代表傲慢;伊丽沙白聪明任性,代表偏见。最后,真爱终于打破了这种傲慢和偏见,小说在结婚典礼中结束。奥斯丁在这部小说中饶有风趣地反映了 18 世纪末、19 世纪初英国乡情风俗和世态人情,给人以艺术的想象,是一部社会风俗喜剧佳作。3、边城作者:沈从文它以 20

    25、 世纪 30 年代川湘交界的边城小镇茶峒为背景,以兼具抒情诗和小品文的优美笔触,描绘了湘西地区特有的风土人情;借船家少女翠翠的纯爱故事,展现出了人性的善良美好。由于边城的美学艺术,边城这部小说在中国近代文学史上具有独特的地位。measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head

    26、 of the company should periodically check the anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection measures planned in implementation of measures against accidents and guarantee schemes, security technology protection measures planned in implementation. Seventh article 38th of education an

    27、d training: new factory (company) production staff (including internships, commissioned officer), must be approved by the factory (company), workshop and team level safety education upon passing the examination before entering production site. Tertiary-level education after card registration, by the

    28、 companys production technology section recovery archive, and reported to the company trade unions, safety record. Training and examinations including the safe work procedures as well as relevant safety regulations, work environment and jobs there are risk factors, preventive measures and emergency

    29、treatment, and so on. The 39th article: new producers must receive the following training and qualified posts: (a) the operating personnel, scheduling, must pass through the field point, institutional learning, on-site training and classes practice; (B) the maintenance, including technical staff, mu

    30、st undergo maintenance, technical specifications for learning and class practice; (C) special operations personnel, must pass the national professional training, after obtaining a special operations qualifications before they can post. 40th: on-the-job training of production personnel: (I) post prod

    31、uction staff should regularly carry out targeted of technical questions and answers, an accident expected on site training and anti-accident; (B) from running post 1 month and above the main post on duty or leave transportation . Drive system and security studies, arranged by upper management or org

    32、anization of the examination. The 42nd article: June of every year once regulatory and safety procedures of the company system of examinations, examination the failed again, still not eligible waiting list study. Article 43rd: every year in June the work ticket issuer, assignee, licensee of work tra

    33、ining, after passing the examination, as a formal announcement are eligible to work as ticket issuer, head of inspection, work permits and the right to a separate high-pressure equipment list, and reported to the Management Department. Failing the exam may not serve as a two person, stop classes, ex

    34、aminations before they can post. 44th: for breach of discipline system caused the accident, a kind of disorder and attempted serious responsibility for the accident, in addition to the relevant provisions dealing with should also be tasked to learn about a point system, and after passing the exam, b

    35、efore they can post. Article 45th: units of the company using the security video, slide projector, television, computer, multimedia, radio, Billboard, artifacts, photo exhibitions, as well as security knowledge exam, lectures, contests, and other forms of advocacy, popularize the knowledge of securi

    36、ty technology, targeted, Visual training, enhancing workers safety awareness and self-protection ability. Article 46thregular issuance system of internal and external accident cases, organizational learning, analysis and discussion on a regular basis, and educate the persons concerned in a timely ma

    37、nner. 47th article: strengthening the safety of staff, establishing the concept of legalization of production safety, establish a “people-oriented“ concept, “three do no harm“ (dont hurt yourself, no harm to others, not to be hurt). 48th eighth day routine: pre-shift and post-shift monitor organizat

    38、ions, safety assist. Before class: succession (started), combined with shift operation and tasks for better risk analysis, arranged security account considerations. After class: summarizing comment on duty and the security situation, praise good deeds criticism ignored safety, illegal operations and

    39、 other adverse phenomena, and completes the record. 49th: safety day event organized by the monitor, safety help, workshop leaders and checking activities. Classes (groups) or rotating a safety day event a week, activities to learn more about the superior file and the spirit of the meeting, informed

    40、 of the accident, analysis of the company, workshop and fewer security incidents, as well as the typical illegal team, analysis of operation environment, there may be a risk factor for the main content. 50th: security analysis companies every quarter of a security analysis; shop at least once a mont

    41、h analysis, comprehensive analysis of production trends, sum up lessons learned from and the weakness in safety management, accident prevention measures in the study. Meeting was chaired by enterprise security responsibility, concerning the participation of Heads of Department, workshop. Formation m

    42、eeting and made public. 51st: security check for carbon companys periodic and non-periodic safety checks should be carried out. Periodic inspection includes fall and spring security checks, security checks should be combined with spring or autumn season characteristics and accident law . 52nd: secur

    43、ity analysis companies should all be actively involved in the preparation of security advisories, bulletins, integrated security, analysis of accident law, drawing on lessons learned from. 53rd: the companys safety safety month activities each year according to the Governments requirements and deplo

    44、yment of the group, safety month activities focus on advocacy efforts to improve production safety and strengthen company-wide awareness of work safety, improve the safety awareness, improving the companys safety culture. 54th: units of the company in relation to the units actual, active use of “ris

    45、k analysis“ method, and is actively exploring new management tools for enterprises and job site safety analysis, identify weaknesses and potential accidents and take preventive measures in a timely manner. 55th: units of the company against the possibility of seriously affecting the safety of emerge

    46、ncy contingency plans, and actively prepared for the critical work, ensure that the critical situation occurred after relief, rescue and recovery work in an orderly manner. 56th Nineth day construction project: company or project, the implementation of construction projects legal and construction te

    47、am joint management of construction site safety of principle. Identified under the project bear this organizing, coordinating and oversight responsibilities;4、穆斯林的葬礼作者:霍达一个穆斯林家族,六十年间的兴衰,三代人命运的沉浮,两个发生在不同时代、有着不同内容却又交错扭结的爱情悲剧。这部五十余万字的长篇,以独特的视角,真挚的情感,丰厚的容量,深刻的内涵,冷峻的文笔,宏观地回顾了中国穆斯林漫长而艰难的足迹,揭示了他们在华夏文化与穆斯林文

    48、化的撞击和融合中独特的心理结构,以及在政治、宗教氛围中对人生真谛的困惑和追求,塑造了梁亦清、韩子奇、梁君壁、梁冰玉、韩新月、楚雁潮等一系列栩栩如生、血肉丰满的人物,展现了奇异而古老的民族风情和充满矛盾的现实生活。作品含蓄蕴藉,如泣如诉,以细腻的笔触拨动读者的心灵,曲终掩卷,回肠荡气,余韵绕梁。5、百年孤独作者:哥伦比亚 加西亚马尔克斯百年孤独是魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁美洲一个世纪以来风云变幻的历史。作品融入神话传说、民间故事、宗教典故等神秘因素,巧妙地糅合了现实与虚幻,展现出一个瑰丽的想象世界,成为 20 世

    49、纪最重要的经典文学巨著之一。1982 年加西亚马尔克斯获得诺贝尔文学奖,奠定世界级文学大师的地位,很大程度上乃是凭借百年孤独的巨大影响。6、致加西亚的信作者:美 阿尔伯特哈伯德这是一本关于敬业、忠诚、勤奋的管理书。美西战争爆发以后,美国必须立即与古巴起义军的首领加西亚取得联系,并获得他的合作。加西亚在古巴的深山里没有人知道他的确切地点,所以无法与他取得联系。有人向总统推荐:“有一个名叫罗文的人,有办法找到加西亚,也只有他才能找得到。”他们找来罗文,交给他一封写给加西亚的信。三周后,罗文徒步走过一个危机四伏的国家,把那封信交给了加西亚。罗文的事迹也被传为佳话。本书所推崇的关于敬业、忠诚、勤奋的思想观念影响了一代又一代人。书中告诉人们,一个人真正所需要的,不只是学习书本上的知识也不只是聆听他人的种种指导,而是需要一种敬业精神,对上级的托付,立即采取行动。全心全意去完成任务就像把信送给加西亚一样。measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager.

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