1、 http:/ 能飞韩语 http:/ 能飞日语http:/ 能飞英语 http:/ 能飞背单词和“食物”有关的英语今天我们来看看美语里面跟“食物(food)”有关的一些说法。1. butter someone up 过分恭维Ive seen you buttering up the boss。我看见你巴结老板来着。2. couch potato 懒在家的人,宅在家的人He is a real couch potato. He just sits and watches TV at home all day。他很懒,整天坐在家里看电视。3. the big cheese 很有影响力的人That
2、s Brandon. Hes the big cheese around here. So you want to get on his good side。Brandon 是这里很有影响力的人物,所以你要想办法获得他的青睐。4. go bananas/go nuts 发疯My mom will go bananas when she finds out I crashed her car。妈妈要是发现我把她的车子撞坏,她一定会发疯的。5. spill the beans 泄露秘密Come on! Tell me! Spill the beans! What did he say?快!告诉我,他到底说了什么呢?6. sharp cookie 很聪明的人You cant fool Lucy. Shes a sharp cookie。你不会骗到 Lucy 的,她很聪明。7. cool as a cucumber 镇定自若 She always stays as cool as a cucumber when things go wrong。有问题发生时,她都会保持镇定自若的。