1、电子商务概论课程教案目 录教学目的 1课程性质与地位 1教学方法 1教学内容设计 2Chapter 1 Review of Electronic Commerce.2Chapter 2 Technology Infrastructure 23Chapter 3 Selling on the Web .44Chapter 4 marketing on the web 67Chapter 5 B2B strategies: from EDI to EC .93Chapter 6 Online Auctions, Virtual Communities, and Web Portals.114Cha
2、pter 7 The Environment of Electronic Commerce.129Chapter 8 Web Server Hardware and Software.145Chapter 9 Electronic Commerce Software 161Chapter 10 Electronic Commerce Security .178Chapter 11 Payment Systems for Electronic Commerce .197Chapter 12 Planning for Electronic Commerce2181一、教学目的 通过课程学习,使学生
3、掌握电子商务的基本理论、基本知识,了解 电子商务的基本技术、基本应用和发 展趋势等内容,从而 对电 子商务的知识体系和应用状况有一个整体的了解和认识。本课程的任务是培养同学们的电子商务专业思想和专业兴趣,强调创新能力和 创业意识的培育,通 过电 子商务创新思想和创新模式的案例教学,使学生逐渐 具有电子商务创新的思维和能力;倡导研究型教学,注重培养学生的自主学习和研究能力,结合课程内容有意识地指导学生开展科研活动。 二、课程性质与地位电子商务专业的基础性专业核心(骨干)课程,它系统地介绍电子商务的基本理论、基本知识、技术原理、基本 应用和法规等内容。是一门综合性,交叉性的课程,它体现着电子商务专
4、业 的基本特征和特点,勾画出电子商务专业的基本框架和轮廓, 为后继专业课程的学习打下一定的基础和给出必要的线索。 三、教学方法教学原则: ( 1 )教学相长、学问结合、师生互动;( 2 )理论深入、实践浅出、理实结合。 教学形式: ( 1 )教师讲授与课堂讨论相结合,适当开展启发讨论点评,师生互动,尝试探索研究型教学;2( 2 )课堂教学、实验模拟、参 观见习、业界讲座相 结合,理论与实践紧密联系;( 3 )强调学生参与和团队合作,采取小组作业、小组调研、小 组报告和答辩等多种形式,培养学生的研究能力、团队精神和综合素 质。教学手段与课堂形式: ( 1 )主要采取多媒体课件、案例分析与作业等形
5、式;( 2 )课前新闻播报,根据教学内容安排小组案例分析,师生提问与教师点评。 对学生的要求: 做到课前预习、课后复习,做好实验、按时完成作业 ,理论联系实际,多上网浏览和分析。 四、教学内容设计(说明:每一章包括该章的主要内容、教学目标、关键专业术语、案例分析、网 络资源及站点,参考文献和总结。其中,按每一节列出 节目标、重点、主要内容、 测验题和小结)Chapter 1 Review of Electronic Commerce (第一章 电子商务概述)Main Contents of Chapter 1(本章主要内容):1.1 Electronic Commerce: The Secon
6、d Wave1.2 Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes1.3 Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce1.4 Value Chains in Electronic Commerce1.5 SWOT Analysis: Evaluating Business Unit Opportunities31.6 International Nature of Electronic Commerce1.7 The Interdisciplinary Nature of ECObjectives
7、(本章教学目标):In this chapter, you will learn about:(1) What electronic commerce is and how it is poised(沉着的,有自信心的) for a second wave of growth and a new focus on profitability(2) Why business models have given way to revenue models and the analysis of business processes as key elements of electronic com
8、merce initiatives(3) How economic forces have created a business environment that is fostering a rebirth of electronic commerce(4) How businesses use value chains and SWOT analysis to identify electronic commerce opportunities(5) Why electronic commerce is international by its very nature and what c
9、hallenges arise in doing global electronic commerceKey Terms(本章专业术语) :Activity 业务活动:员工在工作过程中所完成的任务。Business unit 业务单元:产品、分销渠道和顾客类型的的一种特定组合。Business-to-business(B2B)企业间的电子商务:企业之间在 WWW 上进行的交易。Business-to-consumer(B2C)企业与消费者间的电子商务:消费者在 WWW 上购物。Business-to-government(B2G)企业与政府间的电子商务:企业与政府机构进行交易。Consumer
10、-to-consumer(C2C)消费者间的电子商务:在个人之间进行买卖,某人通过拍卖网站向他人销售商品。Commodity 商品:指不同厂商提供的产品或服务彼此没有差别,其特性市标准化的,为消费者熟知。Electronic commerce(e-commerce)电子商务:使用诸如互联网和 WWW 等电子数据进行商务活动。Electronic date interchange(EDI)电子数据交换:指一个企业把标准格式的计算机可读的数据传输到另一个企业。Electronic funds transfer(EFT)电子资金转账:指通过企业间的通信网络进行的帐户交易信息的电子传输。Firm 企业
11、:有大量的商务活动发生在大型等级制组织的内部,经济学家一般把这种组织称为企业。Law of diminishing returns 边际效益递减:价值随着消费量的增加而递减,经济活动的4这个特点称为边际效益递减。Market 市场:是一种对稀缺资源进行分配的有效机制。Merchandising 销售规划:店面设计,布局和商品的摆放。Network effect 网络效应:上网的人或组织越多,网络对每个参与者的价值就越大,这种价值的增加称为网络效应。Primary activities 关键活动:每个战略业务单元实施这些活动对其销售的产品或服务进行设计、生产、促销、销售、运输和售后服务,这些被称
12、为关键活动。Procurement 采购部:企业设立的专门同供应商谈判采购交易的部门。Revenue model :公司从客户那里获得现金流的策略与技术。Shipping profile 运输规格:指影响商品包装和运输难易程度的所有特征。Strategic alliance 战略联盟:不同的企业根据共同的目标建立长期的稳定关系,以协调他们的战略、资源和技术组合,这种关系通常称为战略联盟。Strategic partnership 战略伙伴关系:不同的企业根据共同的目标建立长期的稳定关系,以协调他们的战略、资源和技术组合,这种关系通常称为战略联盟战略伙伴关系。Supply management
13、供应管理部:企业设立的专门同供应商谈判采购交易的部门。SWOT analysis SWOT 分析:优势、劣势、机遇和威胁分析。 Telecommuting 远程办公:WWW 帮助员工提高工作效率的一个重要应用是可以让员工在家办公。Telewoek 远程工作:WWW 帮助员工提高工作效率的一个重要应用是可以让员工在家办公。Trading partners 贸易伙伴:用 EDI 互相联系的企业。Transaction 交易:价值的交换。Transaction costs 交易成本:买主和卖主收集信息和协商买卖交易时发生的全部成本的总和。Walue-addded network(VAN) 增值网:单
14、独的企业,它为用 EDI 进行交易的买主和卖主提供连接服务,帮助他们传递交易信息。Value chain 价值链:价值链是一种对企业业务活动进行组织的方法。Value system 价值系统:这个术语用来描述一个特定的业务单元价值链所从属的更大的业务流。Vertical integration 垂直一体化:现有企业自己设立等级制的结构来替代供应商生产产品,这种做法称为垂直一体化。Virtual company 虚拟企业::当战略联盟关系发生在互联网运营的企业之间时,就称为虚拟企业。1.1 Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave(第 1 节 电子商务的新发展)5
15、1.1.1 Electronic commerce and Electronic business1.1.2 Characters of e-commerce1.1.3 Categories of Electronic Commerce1.1.4 The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce1.1.5 Electronic Commerce Framework1.1.6 The Second Wave of Electronic CommerceObjectives(本节教学目标):(1)What electronic commerce i
16、s and what about its characters(2)How many categories does electronic commerce have and what they are (3)How is the framework of Electronic Commerce(4)how it is poised for a second wave of growthFocus(本节重点):(1)Characters of e-commerce(2)Categories of Electronic Commerce(3)Electronic Commerce Framewo
17、rkMain contents(本节主要内容):1.1 Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave1.1.1 Electronic commerce and Electronic business(1) Electronic commerce (e-commerce)(2) Electronic business (e-business)1.1.2 Characters of e-commerce(1) Fictitious(虚拟性) (2)low costs(低成本) (3) Individualization(个性化)(4) Agility(敏捷性) (5)
18、Global( 全球化) 1.1.3 Categories of Electronic Commerce( Five general e-commerce categories)(1)Business-to-business (B2B):请看中国新能源网 011061001 (2) Business processes(3) Business-to-consumer (B2C): 请看当当网(B2C) 011071001(4) Business-to-government (B2G): 握奇信安网(B2G) 011071002(5) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): 淘宝
19、网(C2C) 011071003.1.1.4 The Development and Growth of Electronic Commerce(1) Electronic funds transfers (EFTs)(电子资金转换)(2) Electronic data interchange (EDI) (电子数据交换)(3) Trading partners(4) Value-added network (VAN) 6请看 Pew Internet 0111010011.1.5 EC Framework(电子商务框架) EC applications(应用) are supported
20、by infrastructure(基础设施) and by five support areas:People、Public policy、Marketing and advertising、Support services、Business partnershipsA Framework for Electronic Commerce1.1.6 The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce (1) Defining characteristics of first wave(2) As second wave beginsTest Bank(本节测试题):1
21、.TRUE/FALSE(1)A transaction always has one or more activities associated with it, and an activity will always be related to a transaction.ANS:F REF: 7(2)Business-to-consumer electronic commerce occurs when a person sells an item through a Web auction site to another person.ANS:F REF: 7(3)Transferrin
22、g funds, placing orders, sending invoices, and shipping goods to customers are all types of activities or transactions.ANS: T REF: 7(4)A value added network (VAN) is an independent firm that offers connection and EDI transaction-forwarding services to buyers and sellers engaged in EDI.ANS: T REF: 9(
23、5)The increase in broadband connections in homes is a key element in the second wave of electronic commerce.ANS: T REF: 112.MULTIPLE CHOICE(1)Transactions are conducted between businesses on the Web is often called _.a.B2B c.C2Cb.B2C d.e-businessANS:A REF: 5(2)The group of logical, related, and sequ
24、ential activities and transactions in which businesses engage are often collectively referred to as business _.a.services c.logisticsb.processes munications7ANS:B REF: 7(3).Some researchers define a fourth category of electronic commerce called _, which includes individuals who buy and sell items am
25、ong themselves.a.C2C c.C2Bb.B2B d.B2CANS:A REF: 7(4).Electronic funds transfers are also called _.a.wire transfers c.money transfersb.business transfers d.telephone transfersANS:A REF: 8(5).Businesses that engage in EDI with each other are called _.a.buyers c.suppliersb.sellers d.trading partnersANS
26、:D REF: 8Conclusion(本节小结):1.What electronic commerce is and what about its characters2.How many categories does electronic commerce have and what they are 3.How is the framework of Electronic Commerce4.how it is poised for a second wave of growth5.Characters of e-commerce6.Categories of Electronic C
27、ommerce7.Electronic Commerce Framework1.2 Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes1.2.1 Focus on Specific Business Processes1.2.2 Advantages of Electronic Commerce1.2.3 Disadvantages of Electronic CommerceObjectives(本节教学目标):(1)what business models is (2)what advantages and disadvantag
28、es of Electronic Commerce are(3)Why business models have given way to revenue models and the analysis of business processes as key elements of electronic commerce initiativesFocus(本节重点):8(1)Focus on Specific Business Processes(2)Advantages of Electronic Commerce(3)Disadvantages of Electronic Commerc
29、eMain contents(本节主要内容):1.2 Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes(1)Business model(2)Revenue model1.2.1 Focus on Specific Business Processes(1) Merchandising(销售规划)(2) Commodity item(商品)请看图: 012041001(3) Shipping profile(运输规格 ) (4) High value-to-weight ratio (高的价值/ 重量比)1.2.2 Advantag
30、es of Electronic Commerce(1)Electronic commerce can increase sales and decrease costs(2)If advertising is done well on the Web, it can get a firms promotional message(促销信息) out to potential customers in every country (3)Using e-commerce sales support and order-taking processes, a business canReduce
31、costs of handling sales inquiries(询价)Provide price quotes(报价) (4)It increases purchasing opportunities for buyers(5)Negotiating price(讨价还价) and delivery terms(交易条款) is easier(6)The following cost less to issue and arrive securely and quicklyElectronic payments of tax refunds(税收)Public retirement(退休金
32、 )Welfare(社会福利)support1.2.3 Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce(1)Perishable grocery(易腐烂的食品 ) products are much harder to sell online(2)It is difficult toCalculate return-on-investmentIntegrate existing databases and transaction-processing software(交易处理软件) into software that enables e-commerce(3)Cu
33、ltural and legal obstacles(障碍)also exist请看 grocery gateway 0120810019Test Bank(本节测试题) :1.TRUE/FALSE(1)The idea that the key to success was to copy the business model of a successful dot-com business led the way to many business successes.ANS:F REF: 13(2)Electronic commerce provides buyers with an ea
34、sy way to customize the level of detail in the information they obtain about a prospective purchase.ANS:T REF: 17(3)Electronic commerce reduces the speed and accuracy with which businesses can exchange information.ANS:F REF: 17(4)In some cases, business processes use traditional commerce activities
35、very effectively, and technology cannot improve upon them.ANS: T REF: 14(5)The arts of merchandising and personal selling can be easy to practice remotely.ANS: F REF: 152.MULTIPLE CHOICE(1)A(n) _ is a set of processes that combine to yield a profit.a.value system c.shipping profileb.industry value c
36、hain d.business modelANS: D REF: 13(2)Which of the following types of commerce is/are well suited to electronic commerce?a.Sale/purchase of books and CDs and other commoditiesb.Sale/purchase of high-fashion clothingc.Roommate-matching servicesd.JewelryANS: A REF: 15(3)_ transactions are not well sui
37、ted to electronic commerce because no standard method for transferring small amounts of money on the Web has become generally accepted.a.E-procurement c.Localb.Commodity items d.Low-denominationANS: D REF: 15(4)The return-on-investment number has been difficult to calculate for investment in electro
38、nic commerce because _.a.the costs and benefits have been hard to quantify10b.information technology is difficult to acquirec.sale/purchase prices are unstabled.the technology keeps changingANS: A REF: 19(5)Which of the following will never lend themselves to electronic commerce?a.Greeting cards c.B
39、ooksb.Perishable foods d.CigarsANS: B REF: 18Conclusion(本节小结):(1)what business models is (2)what advantages and disadvantages of Electronic Commerce are(3)Why business models have given way to revenue models and the analysis of business processes as key elements of electronic commerce initiatives(4)
40、Focus on Specific Business Processes(5)Advantages of Electronic Commerce(6)Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce1.3 Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce1.3.1 Transaction Costs1.3.2 Markets and Hierarchies(等级制)1.3.3 The role of Economic Structures1.3.4 Network Economic Structures(网络经济结构)1.3.5 Netwo
41、rk EffectsObjectives(本节教学目标):(1)How economic forces have created a business environment that is fostering a rebirth of electronic commerce(2)How business use electronic Commerce to Reduce Transaction CostsFocus(本节重点):(1)Transaction Costs(2)The role of electronic commerce(3)Network Economic Structure
42、sMain contents(本节主要内容):111.3 Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce(1)Economics (2)Two conditions of a market1.3.1Transaction Costs(1)Total costs that a buyer and seller incur (2)Significant components of transaction costsCost of information search and acquisition(获得) Investment of the seller in eq
43、uipment or in the hiring of skilled employees to supply products or services to the buyer 图:0130410011.3.2Markets and hierarchies(等级制)(1)Coase(科斯) reasoned that when transaction costs were high, business people would form organizations to replace market-negotiated transactions. (2)These organization
44、s would be hierarchical and would include :strong supervisionworker-monitoring elements.(3) Vertical integration(垂直一体化). The practice of an existing firm replacing one or more of its supplier markets with its own hierarchical structure for creating the supplied product图:0130510011.3.3 The role of el
45、ectronic commerce(1)Using Electronic Commerce to Reduce Transaction CostsBusinesses and individuals Can use electronic commerce to reduce transaction costs byImproving flow of informationIncreasing coordination of actions(协调活动)1.3.4 Network Economic Structures(网络经济结构)(1)Network economic structuresCo
46、mpanies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets (组合) (2)Strategic alliances (strategic partnerships)(战略联盟)Relationships created within the network economic structure(3)Virtual companies(虚拟企业)Strategic alliances that occur between or among companies operating on the Internet(4)Strategi
47、c partners(战略伙伴)Come together as a team for a specific project(特定项目 ) or activity图: 013081001121.3.5 Network Effects(网络效应)(1)Law of diminishing returns(边际效益递减)(2)Network effectTest Bank(本节测试题):1.TRUE/FALSE(1)Sellers and buyers in commodity markets experience significant transaction costs.ANS: F REF:
48、 21(2)Most economists agree that markets are weak and ineffective mechanisms for allocating scarce resources.ANS: F REF: 20(3)Nobel laureate Ronald Coase reasoned that when transaction costs were low, businesspeople would form organizations to replace market-negotiated transactions.ANS: F REF: 22(4)
49、Economists use a formal definition of a market that includes two conditions: first, the potential sellers of a good come into contact with potential buyers and second, that a medium of exchange is available.ANS: T REF: 20(4)Businesses and individuals can use electronic commerce to reduce transaction costs by improving the flow of information and increasing the coordination of actions.ANS: T REF: 242.MULTIPLE CHOICE(1)_ are the total of all costs that a buyer and a seller incur as they gather information and negotiate a purchase-sale transact