1、29 12 ;0Vol. 29 No. 122000 M12ACTA PHOTONICA SINICADecember 2000A);=5;0 梁 创 廖 静 梁 冰 吴令安(S S ; 7b L i,603-15Q100080)Email: K1将硅雪崩光电二极管应用于盖革模式下,制作出高量子效率、低噪音、短死时间的单光子探测器. 设计并制作了雪崩抑制电路,获得探测器特性参量为无源抑制方式下死时间1nulls,有源抑制下6080ns,输出脉冲宽度1520ns. 并详细检测了探测器直到液氮温度下的特性. 观察到一些新现象.1oM雪崩光电二极管;雪崩抑制;盖革模式;单光子探测0 0Y 0; L,
2、1ra.;0 .Y P;95(PMT)o 0r q ,7A);=5(APD)No 0r qa9mv, H9 ? Vn u.YAPD T) f /;APDZ T5 T) f /, T.SCXAPDZ T ,NL. 1-1 !,i nQA/ L,S = nQT ;0 .APDTv/) H, )y0M| t kv1; L= ,Tl) H, M1000P. T/,T) , H,M ?v;0. T/,.9Mv,yNAT,h . 6,AB;0(? )T ,5)?/ , E l/B;0.yN, HW, ?4;0 q.vM/,1pn iB0- b,)?i. 1 ),AKYVpn . lB H, HW9Bs,A
3、iB W, pn = 0 b,)$. Z TAPD T/ s :2j45j7.9 q1 p f /, 0Y9 q1 p L. AAPDaHq/T;0 . V A T/TAAPD9 vac aLPMT, 0;a; a;. LZ 7 OYa +Z 1-. “d To 0 s?p L7, z.K ,| s ,1 LT.1Z Tm1 U, BvER1APDe1 ,;0 3) |VB50nullE FRs . r mH.APD V ATB X; e71KBVb1 ,;0 HK,7Vb APD).mAPDr =ERd Cd. i L=is Cg, B国家自然科学基金和中国科学院计量测试高技术联合实验室资助
4、项目收稿日期: 2000-04-10pF ), “1 .m1(a) m, (b) r m(Vp)Fig. 1(a) Schematic diagram of a passively quenchedAPD circuit;(b)Equivalent circuit;0 | 3s : a) .1) vs HW ) ,N H ;0r,Cg#APD FB Vp. L=FAPD TVd1)VbnullV,Rs 0.2)B;0$) APD l H,APD +fs HW =1)Bt, Cg 7 SYVERsb,Rs 3B |.VRsCg HW, CgAPD B, APD lAPD ,)T.3)T, 7 S
5、YVvER1APD Cg , HW CgR1.V,Rs 9B |, 1)|1l23 ). , S . TAPD WB;0r,9B)| 3,|1lBt, - HW1, HW s,|v, + ql( :)V$ uJ 0; $db 3d;0 ).YV - ) , V A, APD;0 +1+, |a| zRsCg# HW( HW)CgR1,s Cg1.Cgv,)|9v,| zF z, HWF, ?;0 1h . L=,Cg4 B|5. t 1 p7 O z -bv , Vi MFv Cg. ;i B200pF , A) z100ns, 1VP,NH HWM,v10nulls ), K ?: c105
6、;0. 6Bt1 : c;0r HW, V !9 ,KvKh s Cg. TX1 ?z;09 , VZE. i/APD 9 ?;0,9 (;Hq/. 39 ) v.9 1 APD,S (i8 /. |APDA/T, z+. ; kVSAAPD 9ml ? aT;0 .KEG 0. 5mm, 50nullA. L;0 Uim m2.m2APDZ T;0 UimFig.2Block diagram of the passively quenchedsingle photon APD detectorL APD22Hq/)239V,A/)110VP.A/4)| z20ns, HW1nulls. #9
7、 F1, m3j5 U.)| T479v,8Cg1.m3 Cg1pF H f; V)6V H,|100mVP.Cg100pF H,M /| Vr0.6V, m4 U. M,B4T H, “9m9v,.9 6, m5 U. L= P H V |B.9mKDT.114312 7.A);=5;0 m3APD)|T1“(Cg= 1pF)Fig.3Height of avalanche pulses v. voltageabove breakdown (Cg= 1pF)m4APD)|T1“(Cg= 100pF)Fig.4Height of avalanche pulses v. voltageabove
8、 breakdown (Cg= 100pF)m5APD9 T1“Fig.5Dark counts v.voltage above breakdownVm6( P kY3EG0 Hi V,B ;0 ;m6)|sm( nullV= 1. 4V)Fig.6Distribution of avalanche pulseheight ( nullV= 1. 4V)3 0 V, 6B B; 30 3=Q 0 V, 0 )9m, 3 F.V :.y0FV U9., | %)9ma 3; # b“ nullp0 “ nulln1:k= nullp/nulln.“ l :B 0T/ M 30- b “.MV U
9、)9m, Iph9; (|),I. , V9sI2t= 2eIphsMt2F (1)F=sM2t/sMt2= 1+ null2/sMt2 (2)Tnull29m (Z,null2=sM2t-sMt2 (3) 0 %V :.y0Fn= Mn1- (1- k)(Mn- 1)2/ M2n (4)b %V :.y0Fp= Mp1- (1- 1/k)(Mp- 1)2/M2p (5)TMnMpsY0 b9y0.9m f (Mv), 09 Hk= 1,F= M( F= FnFp,M= MnMp).7B 0F Hnullnnullp0,MF= 2.7Y;95.y01, APD.YvPMT., LTM. “ -
10、X4.lPMT0#APD10. APD (.vPMT, m6A UAPDvs.;0. y: APD ; , =;r;r;7PMT ;? , ;r;? r.APD a ?. 0 ? H ? )r, $bv,m6!)L f .1144;029 7PMT.0Y ?/B)u 0| b us 7. Vn,0#APDF B+, ;0 ?PMT,i OPMT;? r %oSN J.LEG0 . ;0 z20ns, HW1nullS,Kv9 q Vr1MHz,9 100j500Q/ .2 | Z, HWal9 9 q.Z TAPD 3 |VM, YV )i|APD P ?/B;0,V7vv HW. m7 U.
11、m7 mFig.7Schematicdiagram of an activelyquenchedAPD circuit)? 3 H1 /, !Vref H1 J( )Y852SC3355 PAPD ). HZ2Q_|APD1 7 .1 KMYVB H DS1000Y852N2907A P1 6)? 3 - ,85 .)V, !z/BQ;0.1 IVrefM - kY ,1 VT |(TTL). HW1 a H 0 q %. HW H H1 H %, YVAPD) u 0 ,$J . HB“, | bCC =,APD% , ;0 . - 13. 7j+ 21. 1#A/sY_ T; HWa9 a
12、)+.m8Tektronix TDS520A500MHz 3 Uo : c) o.B) V60nsC) . V A, T;0 z20ns, HWv75j80ns. L )0, ;| 22/;0,?C zvv9Fr60ns, HW9M9v150ns, L=H, a T4 ?v.B49 anullV1“,?CA/TVd)Vb f /(A/Vb111.2V, - 12 H211. 3V,18/233.2V)9 1j20counts/s, - 12 H9 50P, 18/9 250P,1Z T/1l.Z TB“,9 TV)9F7 yFv, APDT7vh , L=|TY$ 1“.m9APDTHq/m8
13、; o(nullV= 27V)Fig. 8Waveforms at the detector output ( nullV= 2V)114512 7.A);=5;0 m9/9 qnullV1“Fig.9Counting rate v. voltage above breakdownat various temperatures T T f . H wLsYAa- 12a18 f /9 q(d iHq)nullV1“ wL. V A,M9m/9 qv, 0r q.Z TM1,4 Q 0r q, Hh .P ?0 q,z ? . HM !99 VB ?+.6,APDF K 9 BZ T.1 e H
14、W f /,Z T. m10 U, HW10ns.“L VYV9 eS1 P E 7174H C40534APD : Y;| H Y,9vAPD , PV);7 ;0 H,hlAPD , P).N q,GateZ Tm10GateZ T Fig.10Schematic of gated active quenching circuitAPD;0 :8 - 50 H, HW60ns, z15ns,.200counts/sP, 1VP. vy 0 Y LZL P Y8APD ( EG=5;0 ,i_ /T+. 4CT s.(TA)APD : f / HW1nulls,9 + ; f / HW60j
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20、 LinganLaboratory of Optical Physics,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080Receiveddate: 2000-04-10AbstractSilicon avalanche photodiodes operating in the Geiger mode are capable of detecting singlephoton in the near infraredregime.It isdesigned andtestedtwo types ofquenching
21、 circuit,with a deadtime of about 1nulls in the passive quenching mode and 60j80ns in the active quenching mode. Theoutput pulse width is about 20ns. The performance of the detector under various operatingtemperatures has been investigated down to liquid nitrogen temperatures, and a new observation
22、isreported.KeywordsAvalanche photodiode;Quenching;Geiger mode;Single photon detectionLiang Chuangwas born in Anhui, China, 1976. He received the B. S.Degree at Tsinghua University in 1993,and iscurrently studying for theM. S. degree. His research project is quantum key distribution, andinvolves quantum optics, cryptography, electronics, optronics and fiberoptics.114712 7.A);=5;0