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1、供应链管理体系下的物流管理【摘要】供应链管理是一种有效的管理方法,而物流管理是供应链管理的重要组成部分。物流是为实现商品价值,使物质实体从生产者到达消费者之间的物理性活动。供应链管理体系下的物流管理是一种统一规划下的物流系统,它具有供应链的管理特征,表现出集成化优势,进一步带来了物流系统的敏捷性,更加有效地提高了企业的运作效率,使企业创造更大收益成为可能。本文首先阐述了供应链管理和物流管理的基本概念,分析了供应链管理体系下的物流管理,并对应注意的问题进行了说明。 20 世纪 80 年代,随着物流一体化由企业内部物流活动的整合转向跨越企业边界的不同企业间协作,供应链管理(Supply Chain

2、 Management,简称SCM)的概念应运而生。能够真正认识并率先提出供应链管理概念的也是一些具有丰富物流管理经验和先进物流管理水平的世界级顶尖企业。这些企业在研究企业发展战略的过程中发现,面临日益激烈的市场竞争,仅靠一个企业和一种产品的力量已不足以占据优势,企业必须与原料供应商、产品分销商和第三方物流服务者等结成持久、紧密的联盟,共同建设高效率、低成本的供应链,才可以从容面对市场竞争并取得最终胜利。 一、供应链管理和物流管理的概念 1、物流管理的概念 物流管理有狭义和广义之分。狭义的物流管理是指物资的采购、运输、仓储和配送等活动,是企业之间的一种物资流通活动。广义的物流管理包括了生产过程

3、中的物料转化过程,基于这种广义的物流管理,供应链管理也常常被人们认为即是物流管理。物流管理与供应链管理具有相似性,但在管理范围、管理角度、组织内部关系等方面又有明显的区别。由此可以看出,供应链管理源于物流管理,物流管理是供应链管理的重要内容,供应链管理的实效很大程度上取决于采购、运输、仓储和配送等物流作业环节的管理和运作状况。因此,物流管理是供应链管理发挥整体效益的前提和基础。 2、供应链和供应链管理的概念 供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料、制成中间产品以及最终产品,由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商和零售商直到最终用户连成一个整体的功

4、能网链结构模式。 供应链管理是指人们在认识和掌握供应链各环节内在规律和相互联系的基础上,利用管理的计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和激励职能,对产品生产和流通过程中各个环节所涉及的物流、信息流、资金流、价值流以及业务流进行的合理调控,以期达到最佳组合,发挥最大效率,以最小成本为客户提供最大价值的过程。 供应链管理是在满足服务水平需要的同时,为了使系统成本最小而采用的把供应商、制造商、仓库和商店有效结合成一体,并把正确数量的商品在正确时间配送到正确地点的一套方法。供应链管理把对成本有影响和在满足顾客需求过程中起作用的每一方都考虑在内,从供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心到零售商,甚至是供应商的供应商及客

5、户的客户,其目的在于提高效率、降低成本。供应链管理把企业管理的范畴从单个企业扩大到整个供应链并对之进行有效管理,通过信息共享将错失销售机会的可能性降到最低,减少整个供应链上的库存,降低操作成本,缩短交货时间,改善现金流量,将市场需求变化的风险降到最低。 二、供应链管理下物流管理的应用 1、供应链管理在物流中应用的必然性 物流系统是一个社会化系统,制约其发展的因素很多:不同消费区域的客户情况和环境条件,配送环节,物流成本,库存控制等等。供应链管理应用于物流是一种统一规划下的物流系统,具有供应链的管理特征和集成化优势。供应链管理中“业务流程重组”的思想使得作业流程快速重组能力极大提高,促进了物流系

6、统的敏捷性,通过消除不增加价值的部分为供应链物流系统进一步降低成本和精细化运作提供了基本保障。 供应链是一个整体,合作性与协调性是供应链管理的重要特点。在这一环境中的物流系统也需要无缝连接,它的整体协调性应得到强化,例如运输的货物要准时到达,顾客的需要才能及时得到满足。采购的物资不能在途中受阻才会增强供应链的合作性,因此供应链物流系统获得高度的协调化是保证供应链获得成功的前提条件。 物流管理主要关注企业内部的功能整合,而供应链管理则是把供应链中的所有节点企业看作一个整体,强调企业之间的一体化,关注企业之间的相互关联。物流管理是计划机制,而供应链管理是协商机制,是一个开放的系统,通过协调分享“需

7、求与存货” 的信息以减少或消除供应链成员之间的缓冲库存。供应链管理的概念不仅仅是物流的简单延伸。物流管理主要关注于组织内部对“流”的优化,而对供应链管理仅仅认识到进行内部整合的重要性是不够的。所以,供应链应用于物流不但优化了传统的物流系统,更使物流系统向更高一级发展,使物流的支链变大变广,使供应链管理发挥最佳效果。 2、供应链管理体系下物流管理的特点 物流管理是供应链管理的一个重要组成部分,其显著特点就是整体性。供应链管理过程中的信息传递很重要,其信息传递是在企业间逐级进行的,信息偏差也会沿着传递方向逐级变大,难免会出现信息失真,信息的利用率随之降低。另外,一般环境下的物流管理缺乏整体规划的观

8、念,链上的每个组织只关心自己的资源(如库存),相互之间很少有沟通和合作。这经常导致一方面库存不断增加,另一方面当市场需求出现时又无法满足,因而企业库存成本很高,企业间因为物流系统不善而错失市场机遇。在供应链管理体系下,各环节之间是战略合作关系,具有利益一致性,各方的信息交流不受时间和空间的限制,信息的流量增加,信息的传递方式实现网络化,进而各方提高了在信息共享的程度,避免了信息的失真现象。除此以外,供应链管理体系下的物流管理还有以下特点。 (1)提高了物流系统的快速反应能力。供应链管理以 Internet 作为技术支撑,其成员企业能及时获得并处理信息,通过消除不增加价值的程序和时间进一步降低供

9、应链的物流系统的成本,为实现其敏捷性、精细性运作提供基础性保障。(2)增进了物流系统的无缝连接。无缝连接是使供应链获得协调运作的前提条件,没有物流系统的无缝连接,顾客需求得不到及时的满足、物资采购中途受阻等等而造成的有形成本和无形成本的增加会使供应链的价值大打折扣。 (3)提高了顾客的满意度。在供应链管理体系下,企业能够迅速把握顾客的现有和潜在(一般和特殊)需求,使企业的供应活动能够根据市场需求而变化。这样企业能比竞争对手更快、更经济地将商品或服务供应给顾客,极大地提高了服务质量和顾客满意度。 (4)物流服务方式的多样化。随着现代信息技术和物流技术的不断发展,物流服务方式日益表现出灵活多样的特

10、点。为了适应国际化经营的要求,出现了发生在不同国家间的国际物流、专门从事物流服务的第三方物流企业及进行联合库存管理的分销中心等等。 3、供应链管理体系下物流管理的功能 (1)库存管理。通过库存管理缩短订货运输支付的周期,加速库存周转,减少及消除缺货事件的发生,有利于整个供应链的协调和运转。 (2)订购管理。订购是给供应商发出订单的过程,主要包括供应商管理、订购合同管理及订购单管理。通过供应链管理,企业可利用配销单据等对整个补充网络制定计划,并向供应链自动发出订货单,通过合同管理在供需双方建立长期关系,通过检查订购数量将订购单送达供应商并对已接收货物进行支付。(3)配销管理。对进入分销中心的物资

11、,其管理过程主要有以下几个方面:配销需求管理、实物库存管理、运输车队管理、劳动管理等。 (4)仓库管理。仓库管理除了入库货物的接运、验收、编码、保管及出库货物的分拣、发货、配送等一般业务外,还包括代办购销、委托运输、流通加工、库存控制等业务。 4、如何协调供应链管理和物流的关系 物流是供应链的重要组成部分,并贯穿于整个供应链,连接供应链中的各个环节,成为企业合作的纽带。在制定供应链物流战略的过程中,一般需要注意以下问题:要对客户进行细分,对不同类型的客户确定相应的客户服务水平,如订货周期、运输方式库存水平等;要根据销售情况对产品进行分组,针对每一类别的产品可以采取不同的策略。定单录入、定单执行

12、及交货作业处理占物流活动很大比例,因而需要通过技术和管理使整个供应链的物流流程更有效率,特别是对于成员企业间的接口部位,通过集成能剔除多余工作流,提高物流效益。各个成员企业应通过改善合作关系、使用现代管理手段和技术来实现准确预测、信息共享,从而减少不确定性因素带来的负面影响。 供应链与物流有着密切联系,在现阶段如何协调物流与供应链的相互关系,已经成为管理方向的一个重要研究课题。只有协调好物流和供应链的相互关系,才能使企业更有条理、更有针对性地进行配置、调控,应用更加适应企业发展的管理模式,使企业获得更大的效益。 三、总结 供应链管理在物流中的应用已经得到了广泛认同,如沃尔玛公司的销售配送系统计

13、划、台湾雀巢与家乐福的 VMI 计划等,这些供应链管理环境下的物流更加具有实效性和成效性。企业通过供应链管理环境下的物流来建立新的企业管理模式,克服了传统物流的缺陷,更适应企业发展,更能为企业降低成本、创造利润。【英语原文】OnTheSupply-Chain Management System Of Logistics Management【Abstract】supply chain management is an effective management methods, and logistics management supply chain management is an impo

14、rtant component of the. Logistics is to achieve the commercial value, so that material entities to reach consumers from the producers of physical activities. Supply chain management system of logistics management is a uniform planning, logistics system, it has the characteristics of supply chain man

15、agement, to demonstrate the advantages of integrated and further brought agility logistics system more effectively to improve the operation of the enterprise efficiency, enabling enterprises to create more revenue possible. In this paper, on supply chain management and logistics management of the ba

16、sic concepts, analysis of supply chain management system, logistics management, and the corresponding attention to the issues described.20th century 80s, with the integration of logistics activities by the internal integration of logistics enterprises across the border towards the different business

17、-to-business collaboration, supply chain management (Supply Chain Management, referred to as SCM) concept came into being. Can truly understand and first proposed the concept of supply chain management are also a number of rich experience and advanced logistics management logistics management level

18、of the top world-class enterprise. These enterprises in the process of enterprise development strategies found that facing the increasingly fierce competition in the market, relying on an enterprise and the strength of a product no longer sufficient to take advantage, enterprises must be consistent

19、with raw material suppliers, product distributors and third-party logistics services, such as to form a lasting and close alliance to build an efficient, low-cost supply chain, we can easily face the competition in the market and achieve final victory.First,supply chain management and logistics mana

20、gement. the concept of logistics management Logistics management of the narrow and broad points. The narrow sense refers to material logistics management of the procurement, transportation, warehousing and distribution activities, is a material flow between activities. A broad sense including the lo

21、gistics management of production materials in the process of transformation process, such a broad-based logistics management, supply chain management are often considered of logistics management. Logistics management and supply chain management has a similar, but in the management of the scope of ma

22、nagement, organization of internal relations and a clear distinction. From here we can see, supply chain management from logistics management, logistics, supply chain management is an important aspect of management, supply chain management depends largely on the effectiveness of procurement, transpo

23、rtation, warehousing and distribution operations and other aspects of logistics management and operation of situation. Therefore, the logistics management of supply chain management is to play the overall effectiveness of the prerequisite and foundation. supply chain and supply chain management conc

24、ept Supply chain is organized around the core businesses, through the flow of information, logistics, capital flow controls, from procurement of raw materials, intermediate products into final products, as well as from sales of network products to consumers will be suppliers, manufacturers, sub - an

25、d retailers sell until the end-users even as a function of the overall network chain structure. Supply chain management refers to people in understanding and mastering the supply chain and inter-linkages inherent laws, based on the use of the management of the planning, organization, command, coordi

26、nation, control and incentive function, production and circulation of products in all aspects of the process involved in logistics, information flow, capital flow, the value of stream flow, as well as a reasonable business regulation to achieve the best combination for maximum efficiency and minimum

27、 cost to provide customers with maximum value of the process. Supply chain management is the need to meet the level of service at the same time, in order to minimize system cost while the use of suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and shops effectively combine into one, and the number of the correc

28、t time in the right distribution of goods to the correct location of a sets of methods. Supply chain management and the impact on the cost to meet customer needs in the course of the role of each party are taken into account, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers to retaile

29、rs, suppliers and even suppliers and customers customers, the aim is to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Supply chain management to business management from a single business area expanded to the entire supply chain for effective management and, through information-sharing will be the possibilit

30、y of missed sales opportunities to a minimum, the entire supply chain to reduce inventory, lower operating costs, shorten delivery times, improve cash flow, changes in market demand to minimize the risk. Second, under the management of supply chain logistics managementapplication.supply chain manage

31、ment applications in the logistics of the inevitability of Logistics system is a socialized system, constraining the development of a number of factors: different consumer customers and the regional environmental conditions, distribution links, logistics costs, inventory control and so on. Applies t

32、o the logistics supply chain management is a kind of uniform planning, logistics systems, supply chain management with the features and advantages of integration. Supply Chain Management “Business Process Re-engineering“ the idea of making rapid restructuring processes have greatly improved the abil

33、ity to promote the logistics system agility, not to increase the value by removing part of the supply chain logistics system to further reduce operation cost and provides a fine basic security. Supply chain as a whole, cooperation and coordination of supply chain management is an important feature.

34、In this environment a seamless logistics system also needs to connect, and its overall coordination should be strengthened, such as transportation of goods to arrive on time, customer needs can be met in time. Procurement of goods will not be hindered in the way of cooperation to strengthen supply c

35、hain, therefore, supply chain logistics system is a high degree of coordination of the supply chain to ensure that the prerequisite for success. Major concerns of logistics management functions of the enterprise integration, and supply chain management is the supply chain enterprises in all nodes as

36、 a whole, emphasizing the integration between enterprises, concern about the linkages between enterprises. Logistics management is the planning mechanisms, and supply chain management is a consultative mechanism, is an open system, by coordinating the sharing of “demand and inventory“ of information

37、 in order to reduce or eliminate the supply chain between the members of the buffer stock. The concept of supply chain management is not just a simple extension of the logistics. Major concerns of logistics management in the organization of “flow“ of the optimization of supply chain management is on

38、ly recognized the importance of internal integration is not enough. Therefore, supply chain logistics not only applies to the traditional logistics optimization systems, logistics systems more so to a higher level, so the logistics of the branched-chain variable change widely, so that supply chain m

39、anagement to play the best results. supply chain management system, the characteristics of logistics management Logistics management of supply chain management is an important part of a distinctive feature is its holistic. Supply chain management in the process of information transmission is very im

40、portant, the information transmission is carried out by inter-enterprise level, information transmission along the direction of deviation will become larger level, information will inevitably lead to some distortion, decreased utilization of information. In addition, the general environment of the l

41、ogistics management concept of the lack of overall planning, each chain is concerned only about their own organizational resources (such as inventory), there is little communication between each other and co-operation. Stock on the one hand, this often resulted in increased demand on the other hand,

42、 when the market can not meet again, and the high costs of inventory, business-to-business logistics system because of poor market opportunities missed. In supply chain management system, the link between the strategic and cooperative relations with the interests of consistency, the parties to the e

43、xchange of information from the constraints of time and space, increase the flow of information, means of information transmission network, which the parties increased the degree of information sharing, to avoid distortion of information. In addition, supply chain management system, logistics manage

44、ment have the following characteristics. (1) To improve the logistics systems rapid response capability. Supply chain management to Internet as a technical support, its members and businesses can receive timely processing of information, by eliminating non-value added procedures and time to further

45、reduce supply chain costs of the logistics system, in order to achieve its agility, precision and provide a basis for the operation of protection. (2)To promote the seamless logistics system. Is to enable seamless supply chain was a prerequisite for co-operation, there is no seamless logistics syste

46、m, customer demand can not be timely met, the procurement of goods and so on caused by the middle of blocked tangible costs and intangible costs will increase in the supply of greatly reduced the value chain. (3)Improved customer satisfaction. In supply chain management system, enterprises can quick

47、ly grasp the current and potential customers (the general and special) needs of the supply business activities change according to market demand. Such enterprises to more quickly than competitors, more economical to supply goods or services to customers, which greatly improved the quality of service

48、 and customer satisfaction. (4) The diversification of logistics services. With modern information technology and the continuous development of logistics technology, logistics services is increasingly being demonstrated by the characteristics of flexible and diverse. In order to adapt to the require

49、ments of international operations, there has been occurred in the different countries, international logistics, logistics services, specializing in third-party logistics companies and a joint inventory management and so the distribution center. supply chain management system, the functions of logistics management (1) inventory management. Order to shorten the adoption of inventory management - Transport - to pay cycle, accelerate inventory turnover, reduce and eliminate out-of-stock events, the whole supply chain coordination and operation. (2) order management. Order is issued orders


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