1、Career Tab Refers to the office where you would like to work. Refers to the location where you would like to have the tests and/or interviews. Refers to the date on which you can start the Elite Programme with us. Top Personal Details Tab Example: Chen or Chan Example: Tai Man or Da Wen Example: Tom
2、 Example: 陈大文 or 陳大文 For applicants from mainland China, please fill in your 18-digit PRC ID card number. Example: 140102199011191428 For applicants from Hong Kong, please fill in your HK ID card number in the format of A123456(7) For applicants from overseas, please fill in your passport number For
3、 applicants from mainland China only, example: Chengdu All emails from KPMG will be sent to this address, so please check your email frequently to avoid missing any key information/updates. Please only enter digits and do not leave any space in between. Mainland China example, area code followed by
4、Tel. number, example: 01012345678 Hong Kong & Macau example, area code followed by Tel. number, examples: 85287654321, 85387654321 Overseas example, Country code followed by area code, if applicable and followed by Tel. number : 0019031234567 Please only enter digits and do not leave any space in be
5、tween. Mainland China example, 139876543212 Hong Kong & Macau example, area code followed by Tel. number, examples : 85287654321,85387654321 Overseas example, Country code followed by area code, if applicable and followed by Tel. number : 0019031234567Top Language Ability Tab English - Others Please
6、 enter any other English certification that you may have. Example: GRE Other Language Please enter any other languages that you know. Example: Japanese, French Please enter any other Language certification that you have obtained Top Secondary/ High School Tab Example as above. For applicants who att
7、ended secondary/high school in mainland China or outside mainland China, the exam subjects and results are optional. For applicants who attended secondary/high school outside mainland China, example as above.Top Tertiary Education Tab Please fill in your highest degree first and then your second hig
8、hest degree. For example, if you are currently pursuing a Masters degree, please fill in your Masters education first and then click “add” to fill in your Bachelors degree. Applicants are required to fill in their Cumulative GPA (or other point-based scores) in the fields shown as above. OR Applican
9、ts can fill in the field above if their scores are not point based. Please fill in the results for your subjects as is (i.e. no conversion is necessary). Top Awards or Qualifications Tab Refers to any other courses you have attended. Example: Music Academy, Digital Photography, etc. Refers to any sc
10、holarship/academic awards you have received or any other outstanding accomplishments you have achieved. Please include other special skills and/or professional qualifications (e.g. CICPA, ACCA, QP, IT qualifications). Top Work Experience Tab Please start from the most recent one and include any prev
11、ious work experience, e.g. internship, temporary and/or permanent employment. Top Interests Tab You are recommended to answer all 5 questions in order to demonstrate your interests and ambitions. If the question(s) are not applicable to you, type N/A into the text box.Top References Tab The referees can be your university lecturer/professor and/or your mentor in the company that you worked for. We may ask your referee(s) for more information about you.