1、Translation from English to Chinese1. Halfway across the room, a small pistol in his hand, stood a man. (倒装)一个男人站在屋当中,手里拿着一把小手枪。2. Splendid is the architecture of Manhattan, the heart of the city, with its one hundred and more skyscrapers. (倒装)市中心曼哈顿的建筑有着百余座摩天大厦,甚为壮观。3. On the job, Chinese women see
2、m more confident, despite their traditional pretty manners, than do American women in their work places. (倒装)在工作单位里,尽管中国妇女有着她们传统的温文尔雅的举止,但她们在工作中所表现的自信心似乎比美国妇女更强。4. Along with this disparagement(轻视、蔑视) of a compliment is the American tendency to laugh at ones own mistakes and admit ones weaknesses. (
3、倒装结构)美国人在自贬别人对自己称赞的同时,还有一种倾向,那就是嘲笑自己的错误并承认自己的弱点。5. But unpopular as red has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair style. (倒装)但是,尽管在过去红色不受欢迎,眼下红色染发剂却是最招人喜爱的颜色。6. No less costly to Third World nations is the steady migration of well-trained professionals in search of a life, any life,
4、in America. (倒装)使第三世界国家付出同样高昂代价的是,受过良好训练的专业人士不断涌向美国去谋生,无论什么样的生活。7. Nothing reveals more quickly the kind of person you are than the thing you talk about. (否定)没有什么比你谈论的事情更能迅速地表明你是一个什么样的人了。 (你的谈吐最先反映你的为人。 )8. However this is not so much a weakness in her work as it is the inevitable result of scholars
5、 neglect of this period. (否定)但是这不是她工作中的缺陷,而是学者们忽略这一时期所带来的不可避免的结果。9. The external circumstances of our daily lives are almost wholly dependent upon science and there is scarcely anything in the modern home that has not been made by processes whose principles involve the scientific advances of recent
6、years. (否定结构)我们日常生活的周围环境差不多完全离不开科学,几乎没件家庭生活用品都是根据与近年来科学进展有关的工艺原理而制造出来的。10. The police didnt arrest him because he really committed any crime. They said that he was wandering with intent (故意) to commit an arrestable offence. (否定)警察逮捕了他并非因为他真的犯了什么罪,照警察的说法,是因为他四处游逛图谋不轨。11. Then, too, as people spread o
7、ut, so will stores, restaurants, and other conveniences. (替代)以后,随着人群的分散,商店、饭馆及其它便利设施也会随之铺开了。12. I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated. (省略)我还未见过有什么问题,无论多么复杂,都不会变得更复杂,只要你以正确的方式看它。13. There is faith that
8、 there is a perfect system, if one can only find it, faith too in the ability of common people to solve problems and in their right to have the good things of life.(省略)(美国人)相信有完美的制度,就看你是否找得到。他们也坚信普通人有能力解决问题并且也有权利享受美好的生活。14. If you think as much of others as of yourself, you will not make any of thes
9、e mistakes. (省略)如果你像关心自己那样关心别人的话,你就不会犯这些错误中的任何一种了。15. Then he called in his two remaining women secretaries and handed them capsules of poison to use if they wished to when the advancing Russians broke in. (省略)然后,他把自己仅剩的两名女秘书传来,递给她们毒药胶囊,以备节节逼进的俄国人冲进来后她们想用时使用。16. This is terrible ordeal(严峻的考验)for me
10、and the hospital staff - much more so than for the parents who never set foot in the nursery. (替代)这对我和其他医护人员来说,是一个严峻的考验,这一考验对于我们比对那些从不踏进婴儿房的父母们要严酷得多。17. Another memory, one that may be even earlier than when I was able to speak, is that of being handed by my father to a strange woman. (替代)另一段记忆也许早早发
11、生在我会说话之前,那就是父亲把我交给了一个陌生的女人。18. Whatever his rank, however rich or poor, an Egyptian believed in another life after death, provided he had pleased the gods. (省略)埃及人无论职位高低,不管贫富贵贱,都相信只要博得神的欢心,他死后就会有来生。19. The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy, to build homes or to design cit
12、ies is culturally influenced. (并列平行结构)怎样利用空间保护个人隐私、修建住宅及规划城市都受到文化上的影响。20. Here we have a little child, without knowledge or experience; there a grown-up person with fully developed mental powers.一方是没有知识也没有阅历的儿童,另一方是智利已得到充分发展的成年人。 (并列平行结构)21. In whatever company, they may find persons and conversatio
13、ns more or less pleasing. At whatever table, they may find meat and drink of better of worse taste, dishes better of worse prepared. (并列平行结构)无论和什么人交往,他们会发现有些人、有些谈话讨人喜欢而有些则讨人嫌。无论吃什么饭酒和肉总有可口的和不可口的,菜肴的烹饪也总有优劣之分。22. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about.
14、(并列平行结构)不仅要复习你仍然混淆不清的地方,也要重温课堂上提到的要点。23. Many workers stay at jobs they are too old for rather than face possible rejection. (并列平行结构)许多工人宁愿守着因自己年老已不适合的工作,也不愿去面对(再找工作时)可能会遇到的拒绝。24. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with l
15、ove when it was tendered. (并列平行结构)可是,我们更痛苦的回忆是,我们没有看见鲜花怒放时的美,也没有在别人对我们施以爱时也已爱回报。25. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what it was and then suddenly realize that it is no more. (并列平行结构)我们大家都知道这是实际情况。可我们却常常只是在回首往事想起它当时的情景时才认
16、识到,并且此时我们会突然发现它已不复存在了。26. Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all. (并列平行结构)然后我回想起自己过去也常常对每天的壮观景象不感兴趣,也经常一头埋在细小的、有时甚至是卑鄙自私的事物中而对这整个奇观无动于衷。27. Human beings hav
17、e distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so endured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs. (并列平行结构)人类已经把自己和其他动物区别开了。人类具有观察和了解周围环境的能力,具有适应环境或控制和根据自身的需要改造环
18、境的能力。人类就是这样生存了下来。28. Now Shaw is exaggerating, but there is something in what he says, and the question is worth following up, for the sake of the light it throws on modern knowledge. (并列平行结构)当然肖伯纳夸大其词了,但他所说的也有些道理,这一问题值得进一步探讨,因为它会帮助人们看清现代知识的真实情况。29. If you are a man, you can point that most poets an
19、d men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. (并列平行结构)如果你是个男人,你会指出,大多数诗人和科学家都是男性;如果你是妇女,你会反驳说,大多数罪犯也是男性的。30. Western manners do not require one to say anything that is untrue, but it is best to avoid being too frank about things which would make people fee
20、l uneasy - unless by doing so you feel some good might come of it. (并列平行结构)西方礼仪不要求人们说假话,但是最好避免过于直率地谈论会使人尴尬的事情,除非你认为这样做会有好处。31. Ideally, then, a school system should be one in which the love of learning, rather than the acquisition of facts, is cultivated. (插入结构)理想的教育制度应当是培养学生渴望学习,而不是教育他们去获得什么实际的东西。3
21、2. American admires the self-made person - the one who, with neither money nor family influence, fights his or her way to the top. (插入结构)美国人钦佩靠个人奋斗而成功的人士:这种人既没有金钱也没有家庭背景只靠自己奋斗进取攀登到最上层。33. Then again, the dream life, though queer and confusing and unsatisfactory in many respects, has its own advantag
22、es. (插入结构)虽然梦中生活在许多方面是离奇、混乱和不能令人满足的,但却又有它自己的优越之处。34. The cessation of the employment of extraordinary means to prolong the life of the body when there is irrefutable evidence that biological death is imminent is the decision of the patient and/or her immediate family. (分割结构)在有不可辩驳的证据表明病人即将进入生理死亡时, 停
23、止采取非常措施来延长其生命应该由病人和(或)其直系亲属来做出决定。35. He merely swallows this theory because there is something about that appeals to the twentieth-century mentality. (复杂句)他毫不怀疑接受这一理论只是因为这一理论中有一种迎合 20 世纪的精神力量。36. Even when the houses are exactly alike, as they are in the many housing developments, cluster planning a
24、dds interest and variety to the scene. (复杂句)即使许多房屋像房地产开发一样极其相似,群体设计方案依然能给这样的景色增添情趣和变化。37. Most Asian-American students owe their success to the influence of parents who are determined that their children take full advantage of what the American educational system has to offer. (复杂句)大多数亚裔美国学生把成功归功于父母
25、的影响,因为他们的父母决心要自己的孩子充分利用美国教育体制所能提供的一切有力条件。38. But a committee faced with a major decision cant always move as quickly as the events its trying to respond to. (复杂句)委员会在面临重大决策时,未必总是能对迅速变化的事件做出及时的反映。 39. One needs only to ask first-year university students what music they listen to, how much of it and w
26、hat it means to them, in order to discover that the phenomenon is universal in America, that it begins in adolescence or a bit before and continues through the college years. (并列复合句)你只需问一问大学一年级的学生,他们听什么音乐、听多少,音乐对他们意味着什么,你就可以发现,这种现象在美国很普遍,它始于少年时代或更早些、并贯穿于整个大学时期。40. Primary emphasis will be placed on
27、the concepts, functions, and terminology associated with this field so as to prepare the business student to understand and communicate effectively within the business organization regarding the automation of paperwork systems.在与文书系统自动化有关的商业部门,为了让学商业的学生懂得并能有效地交际,与该领域有关的概念、功用和术语将是学习的重中之重。41. Knowing
28、that millions of people around the world would be watching in person and on television and expecting great things from him at least one more gold medal for America, if not another world record during this, his fourth and surely his last appearance in the World Olympics, and realizing that his legs c
29、ould no longer carry him down the runway with the same blazing(耀眼的) speed and confidence in making a huge, eye-popping leap that they were capable of a few years ago when he set world records in the 100-meter dash and in the 400-meter relay and won a silver medal in the long jump, the renowned sprin
30、ter(赛跑选手) and track-and-field personality Carl Lewis, who had known pressure from fans and media before but never, even as a professional runner, this kind of pressure, made only a few appearances in races during the few months before the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, partly because he was af
31、raid of raising expectations even higher and he did not want to be distracted by interviews and adoring fans who would follow him into stores and restaurants demanding autographs and photo-opportunities, but mostly because he wanted to conserve his energies and concentrate, like a martial arts expert(武林高手), on the job at hand: winning his favorite competition, the long jump, and bringing home another Gold Medal for the United States, the most fitting conclusion to his brilliant career in track and field.