1、第六章 34-54,第七章第九节 93-98,第八章 99-110,第十章 128-144,第十一章 145-163,第十三章 174-192 第一节 第二节 各类证书的内容、展期与更新 各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等) 航海图书资料( 16) 第二章 航海图书资料(1-16)第一节 第二节 第三节 第 1 组 航路指南 进港指南 航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等) 1. _D_ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts AAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty Lis
2、t of Signals CMariners Handbook DAdmiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海通告出版用于英版海图的改正。 2. _C_ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks AO
3、cean Passages for the World(NP136) BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735) DThe Mariners Handbook(NP100) 国际航标协会海上浮标系统给出有关包括文字和图表解释的方位标和侧标(五种航标:侧标,方位标,安全水域,特殊标志) 的描述。 3. _A_ gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low wa
4、ters for over 230 standard and 6,000 secondary ports in the world AAdmiralty Tide Tables BAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases CAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120) DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3) 英版潮汐表给出全球超过 230 个主港和 6000 个附港的每天潮时,高潮高度,低潮高度的预报。 4. _D_ gives listings of all lighthouses,lightships,lit fl
5、oating marks(over 8m in height) ,fog signals and lights of navigational significance AOcean Passages for the World(NP136) BAdmiralty List of Radio Signals CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)DAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 英版灯标雾号表给出有关灯塔,灯船,点亮的浮标(H 大于 8M),雾号,和航行灯等重要灯标的列表。 5. _D_ is a compre
6、hensive reference in graphical and textual form of all Admiralty Charts and Publications worldwide(link to Admiralty Charts)listed by region AOcean Passages for the World(NP136) BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735) DCatalogue of Admiralt
7、y Charts and Publications(NP131) 英版航海图书总目录是按区域用图形和文字的形式表示所有英版海图及其他出版物的综合参考资料。 6. _C_ offers a detailed description of tidal theory and its application to the analysis and prediction of tides and tidal streams AOcean Passages for the World(NP136) 1 BAdmiralty Tidal Stream Atlases CAdmiralty Manual of
8、 Tides(NP120) DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3) 英版潮汐指南提供有关的有关潮汐预报理论及其在潮汐和潮汐分析与预报方面的详细描述。 7. _D_ outlines the Admiralty method of Harmonic tidal analysis for long and short observation periods plus a volume on datums for hydrographic surveys AOcean Passages for the World(NP136) BAdmiralty Tidal S
9、tream Atlases CAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120) DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3) 英版潮汐手册描述一段时间内观测的潮流分析以及一些列的水文资料 8. A certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat should _C_ Abe the first individual to board the craft Bdrain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craft Chave a l
10、ist of the persons assigned to the lifeboat DAll of the above 指定的操作救生艇的持证艇员应当持有相关登艇人员的名单。 9. A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port sideWhich action should you take _B_ Aimmediately put the rudder over hard right Bimmediately put the rudder over hard left Cimmediately put the engines
11、astern Dwait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard right 一名船员刚刚从你船左舷落入水中,你需要采取哪一行动?立即操左满舵。 10. A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessels stability by _D_ Bdecreasing the vessels displacement Dshifting the CG(center of gravity)off cen
12、ter Aincreasing the righting moment Cincreasing the reserve buoyancy 船上一救生艇进水,对船舶的稳性不利影响是重心偏离中心。 11. A life line must be connected to the liferaft _D_ Aat the bow Bat the stern Cin the middle Dall around 救生索应该在救生筏四周配备。 12. A life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn on a ship when a
13、 person is _B_ BWorking over water CWorking on the pipe racks AWorking on the rig floor DOperating line throwing equipment 当船员在弦外作业时,要求穿戴救生工具或可浮工作背心。 13. A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water _A_ Ashould be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder,holding the righting straps
14、,and leaning backwards Bshould be righted by standing on the life line,holding the righting straps,and leaning backwards Cwill right itself when the canopy tubes inflate Dmust be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself 救生筏在水中充气的底部向上,应站在 CO2 钢瓶上,抓住扶正索,身体后倾,来进行扶正。 14. A light sign
15、al consisting of three flashes means _D_ BMy engines are full speed astern DI am operating astern propulsion 2 AI am in doubt as to your actions CI desire to overtake you 一个包含三次闪光的灯光信号表示我船正在向后推进。 15. A line of position derived from a Loran reading is a section of a(n)_D_ BArc CParabola DHyperbola AS
16、traight line 罗兰图上的位置线是双曲线的一部分。 16. A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a _A_ BParallel of declination CParallel of altitude ACircle of equal altitude DVertical circle 利用天体定位的位置线是等高度圈的一段弧形。 17. A man aboard a vessel,signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms t
17、o each side,is indicating _D_ Adanger,stay away Call is clear,it is safe to approach Ball is clear,it is safe to pass Da distress signal 船上的船员,两臂伸展,缓慢上下重复摆动,此信号表示遇险信号。 18. A person who sees someone fall overboard should _D_ Aimmediately jump in the water to assist the individual Bgo to the bridge fo
18、r the distress flares Crun to the radio room to send an emergency message Dcall for help and keep the individual in sight 发现有人落水的船员应该大声呼救并保持落水者在视野之内。19. A sweep oar is an oar that is _D_ Agenerally shorter than the others and is used to steer with Bis longer than the others and is used as the stroke
19、 oar Cis raised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer by Dlonger than the others used for steering 舵桨(长桨)是一个长于其他桨,用来操舵的桨。20. A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the _B_ ADistress position BSpoken words“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday
20、” CShips name DShips call letters 遇险的船舶,在“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”之后,使用无线电话发送声音警报 第 2 组 1. Aboard a survival craft,ether can be used to _A_ Baid in helping personnel breathe Dprime the air supply Astart the engine in cold weather Cprime the sprinkler system 登上救生艇,乙醚可用来在冰冷的水中启动机器。 2. According to the re
21、gulations,the capacity of a liferaft is required to be marked _B_ BAt the liferaft stowage location DIn the Operations Manual AOn the Muster List COn the Certificate of Inspection 根据规则,救生筏乘员定额应标记在救生筏存放处。 3. Admiralty EasyTide _A_ 3 Ahas little use for ocean-going mariners Bpermits the mariner to sel
22、ect and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven days Cincludes periods of daylight and nautical twilight,moon phases and a springs and neaps indicator Dis supplied in the form of a single CD which contains the calculation program and the seven geographic Area Data S
23、ets(ADS)providing global coverage 英版简易潮汐表对于远洋船员无多大用处。 4. After being launched from a vessel,totally enclosed survival craft which have been afloat over a long period require _B_ Afrequent opening of hatches to permit entry of fresh air Bregular checks of bilge levels Cuse of ear plugs to dampen engi
24、ne noise Dfrequent flushing of the water spray system with fresh water 在吊放下船之后,长时间航行的全封闭式救生艇需要经常检查污水液面高度。 5. After being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to _A_ Bbe thankful Cbe thanked Dbe thankful for Athank 在被从船舶事故中营救之后,他承认他非常感激。6. After jacking down your lift
25、boat you have an unexpected listYou find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded legYour next course of action should be to _A_ AJack the vessel back up to a safe height BProceed on to your next destination since the list is unimportant CPump out all ballast to gain reserve buoyancy DNoti
26、fy the Coast Guard 吊起救生艇时你发现你船有未预料到的横倾,你发现横倾唯一的原因是一侧进水,你下一步的行动命令是重新起吊使其回到安 全高度。 7. After launching,an inflatable raft should be kept dry inside by _D_ BDraining the water pockets DUsing the bailers and cellulose sponge AOpening the automatic drain plugs CUsing the electric bilge pump 气胀式救生筏在被放下之后,应通
27、过使用水瓢或吸水海绵保持内部干燥。 8. After putting on a self-contained breathing apparatus,you open the air supply and hear a continuous ringing of a bellWhat does this mean _C_ AThe unit is working properly BThe face mask is not sealed properly DThe air supply hose has a leak CThe air bottle needs to be refilled 在
28、穿上自给式呼吸器后,你打开瓶口阀听到连续的气鸣声,这说明空气瓶需要充气。 9. After the boat is at the top of the davit heads,the davit arms begin moving up the tracks and are stopped by the _B_ Ahoist man Blimit switch Cbrake handle Dpreventer bar 艇在吊杆顶端,吊艇臂沿导轨向上移动,用限制开关可以使其停止。 10. All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survi
29、val crafts _A_ Bmaintenance schedule Dfuel consumption rates Aboarding and operating procedures Cnavigational systems 所有船员必须熟悉救生艇的登艇和操作程序。 4 11. An immersion suit should be equipped with a/an _C_ BWhistle and hand held flare DWhistle,hand held flare and sea dye marker AAir bottle for breathing CWhis
30、tle,strobe light and reflective tape 救生服应当配备笛号,闪光灯和反光带。 12. An inflatable liferaft is hand-launched by _D_ Bcutting the wire restraining bands Dthrowing the entire container overboard Apulling a cord Cremoving the rubber packing strip 气胀式救生筏通过将救生筏箱抛入水中来释放。 13. An inflatable liferaft should be manual
31、ly released from its cradle by _D_ Acutting the straps that enclose the container Bremoving the rubber sealing strip from the container Cloosening the turnbuckle on the securing strap Dpushing the button on the hydrostatic release 气胀式救生筏人工从托架上释放的方法为按静水压力释放器按钮。 14. An on-load release system on a surv
32、ival craft means the cable can be released _D_ Aonly when the load is taken off the cable Bonly when there is a load on the cable Conly when activated by the controls at the lowering station Dat any time 一艘救生艇的释放系统意味着在任何时候均可将其释放。 15. An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a _B_ BDistres
33、s signal DSignal indicating danger ASignal indicating a course change CSignal of asking to communicate with another vessel 一面橙色旗帜,显示一个环形和一个方形表示遇险信号。 16. Attention is _D_ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariners Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1 CPushed to DDrawn to AFixed to BNeeded for 注意航海员手册第三章
34、第一部分关于使用海图的建议。 17. Before personnel are lifted from a vessel in a personnel basket,the vessel should be _A_ BMoving away from the boom DTied to the boom ADirectly under the boom CStopped dead in the water 在使用吊篮将人员从船上吊起之前,船舶应处于吊杆的正下方。 18. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts
35、and Admiralty Lists should be _B_ Cconcluded Dcommanded Aconsidered Bconsulted 为获得这些及其他灯光的详细资料,需要查阅大比例尺海图和英版无线电信号表。 19. Important changes to charts and lights(including temporary ones) ,radio signals and sailing directions are listed in _A_ AWeekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners COcean Passages for t
36、he World(NP136) DSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 有关海图和灯标的重要资料的改正(包含临时性的),无线电信号表和航路指南的相关信息改正在周末版英版航海通告。 BThe Mariners Handbook(NP100) 20. Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication _A_ 5 AList of Light
37、s BCoast Pilot CSailing Directions DList of Radiobeacons 有关国外的雷康工作时间和性能等信息在下列哪一出版资料中找到?灯标表 第 3 组 1. Light Lists for coastal waters are _D_ Apublished every year and require no corrections Bpublished every second year and must be corrected Cpublished every five years and require no correction Daccura
38、te thru NM number on title page and must be corrected 2. Lines drawn through points on the Earth having the same atmospheric pressure are known as _C_ CIsobars DSeismics AIsothermal BMillibars 通过地球上气压相等的点的线称之为等压线。 3. Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by
39、 _D_ BTower CCover DShower APower 这个海岸的灯标太高以至于经常被阵雨遮蔽。 4. Mariners not entering the port are _A_ to keep at least one mile off BReported CComplied DSupplied AAdvised 禁止海船进入港口,建议:离岸至少 1 海里。 5. Mean high water is the average height of _D_ BThe lower high waters DAll high waters AThe higher high waters
40、 CThe lower of the two daily tides 平均高潮是指所有高潮的平均高度。 6. Of the following,_A_ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) Anavigational hazards and buoyage,meteorological data,details of pilotage,regulations,port facilities and guides to major port entry Binformation on charts Cinformation on
41、operational information and regulation Dinformation on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea 如下所述,航海员手册中找不到:航行危险物,浮标,气象数据,引航信息。 7. On a voyage from Capetown to London,the favorable ocean current off the coast of Africa is the _B_ BBenguela Current DSouth Atlantic Current ACanary Current CAgu
42、lhas Current 从开普敦到伦敦的航线,在非洲海岸最有利的海流是本格拉洋流。 8. On an Atlantic Ocean voyage from New York to Durban,South Africa,you should expect the Agulhas Current to present a strong _C_ Aoffshore set Bonshore set Chead current Dfair or following current 从纽约到南非德班的大西洋航线,你应预料到有强烈的逆流安格列斯海流。 9. The Coast Radio Statio
43、ns are found in _C_ AAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals BAdmiralty Maritime Communications CAdmiralty List of Radio Signals 海岸无线电台能在英版无线电信号表中查到。 DAdmiralty Digital List of Lights 10. The daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard Ports are 6 gi
44、ven in _B_ AAdmiralty Maritime Communications BAdmiralty Tide Tables DALRS Ca comprehensive guide for the yachtsman 众多主港的高潮高度,低潮高度和潮时由英版潮汐表给出。 11. The information on _B_ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) AIALA Buoyage system Bhydrography,topography,navigational aids and their servi
45、ces Cbasic meteorology and navigation in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigation Dinformation on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea 关于水文,地形,助航标志以及其他服务的信息,不能在航海员手册中找到。 12. The information on ocean voyage planning with routeing details for powered and sailing vessels is likely found
46、in _A_ AOcean Passages for the World(NP136) BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 CWeekly Admiralty Notices to Mariners DThe Mariners Handbook(NP100) 机动船和帆船关于远洋航线设计的详细资料信息在世界大洋航路查找。 13. The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics a
47、nd intensity, elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in _D_ AOcean Passages for the World(NP136) BAdmiralty List of Radio Signals CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)DAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 灯标的国际编码,位置,名称,地理坐标,性质,亮度,高度(m),射程(M)以及结
48、构的描述在英版灯标雾号表中查找。 14. The latest known details of lights are given in _C_ Agives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard Ports Blists the principal harmonic constants for all those ports where they are known,for use for prediction by the Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal Prediction Cis a comprehensive guide for the yachtsman Dpe