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1、THE WEI WU WEI ARCHIVES一杯水和一片湖一位禅学大师有一个老是爱抱怨的弟子。有一天,大师派这个弟子去集市买了一袋盐。弟子回来后,大师吩咐他抓一把盐放入一杯水中,然后喝一口。 “味道如何?”大师问道。 “咸得发苦。”弟子皱着眉头答道。 随后,大师又带着弟子来到湖边,吩咐他把剩下的盐撒进湖里,然后说道:“再尝尝湖水。” 弟子弯腰捧起湖水尝了尝。 大师问道:“什么味道? ” “纯净甜美。”弟子答道。 “尝到咸味了吗?”大师又问。 “没有。”弟子答道。 大师点了点头,微笑着对弟子说道:“生命中的痛苦是盐,它的咸淡取决于盛它的容器。” 你愿做一杯水,还是一片湖? 指向月亮的手/序言/

2、 味无味德不孤你是天的镜子!I wonder why this collection of observations and suggestions is not signed with the personal name of an author, as books usually are?Is the person responsible modest? Is he ashamed of them? Perhaps he does not wish those who would not understand to associate him with ideas of this kind

3、? Is it pride? Is it humility?What is a name? (Is it not the symbol of someone who regards himself as a separate individual?) Is not a name essentially - the name of an ego? But the Self, the Principal, the I-Reality has no name. (The Tao that can be named is not the real Tao: one of the greatest bo

4、oks in the world opens with those words.)May we see in this the pretension that these thoughts are of someone who lives on the plane of Reality? But were that so would not the Fingers have been pointing AT the moon?No doubt the fact itself is of little interest, but its implications may be worth thi

5、s consideration. Perhaps the explanation is simpler than any of these suppositions.Tom, Dick, and Harry think they have written the books that they sign (or painted the pictures, composed the music, built the churches). But they exaggerate. It was a pen that did it, or some other implement. They hel

6、d the pen? Yes, but the hand that held the pen was an implement too, and the brain that controlled the hand. They were intermediaries, instruments, just apparatus. Even the best apparatus does not need a personal name like Tom, Dick, or Harry.If the nameless builders of the Taj Mahal, of Chartres, o

7、f Rheims, of a hundred cathedral symphonies, knew that - and avoided the solecism of attributing to their own egos the works that were created through their instrumentality - may not even a jotter-down of passing metaphysical notions know it also?If you should not understand this - give the book awa

8、y before reading it! But give it to a pilgrim on the Way. Why? Because it would have helped the pilgrim who compiled it, if it had been given to him, and that is why he compiled it, and why he presumes to offer it to other pilgrims.But in case you should still wonder who is responsible for this book

9、 I do not know how to do better than to inscribe the wordsWEI WU WEIIt is less what one is that should matter, than what one is not.越在乎,就越减少。* * *The qualities we possess should never be a matter for satisfaction, but the qualities we have discarded.我们占据的任何质量绝不是一项满足而是我们已经抛弃的她的出现为这个时代注入了新的活力!* * *It

10、is not for us to search but to remain still, to achieve Immobility not Action.不是寻找而是保留安静,达到静止而不是行动* * *There is no becoming. ALL IS.没有什么成为。一切本来就是。只是你认为不是。* * *The Saint is a man who disciplines his ego. The Sage is a man who rids himself of his ego.圣徒就是约束小我的人。圣人则是从自我里面清除小我的人。* * *It is only the arti

11、ficial ego that suffers. The man who has transcended his false me no longer identifies with his suffering.痛苦只是人造的小我。一个超越了他的假“我”的人不会再与自己的痛苦认同。* * *We ourselves are not an illusory part of Reality; rather are we Reality itself illusorily conceived.我们的自性不是真实的虚幻部分;也不是真实自己所设计的虚幻。* * *Are we not wasps who

12、 spend all day in a fruitless attempt to traverse a window-pane - while the other half of the window is wide open?当另一半窗户打开着,一整天我们试图穿越窗玻璃却毫无效果的时候,我们不是易怒的么?* * *Detachment is a state, it is not a totalisation of achieved indifferences.超脱是一种状态,而不是已经取得的无分别的万有。* * *The notion that human life has greater

13、value than any other form of life is both unjustifiable and arrogant.人类生命比其他生命形式更伟大的的概念是不合道理的和自大的。* * *Wise men dont judge: they seek to understand.智者不评价:只是寻求领会。* * *How many of the ways (disciplines, exercises, practices) recommended as helpful, or even necessary, for the attainment of Satori are n

14、ot in fact consequences of that state erroneously suggested as means?有多少条路(训导、练习、实践)被认为是有帮助的,甚至是必需的,开悟的造诣不是* * *There seem to two kinds of searchers: those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. holy, happy, unselfish (as though you could make a fish unfish), and those who under

15、stand that all such attempts are just gesticulation and play-acting, that there is only one thing that can be done, which is to disidentify themselves with the ego, by realising its unreality, and by becoming aware of their eternal identity with pure being.似乎有两种追寻着:那些为小我寻找它所不是的,如神圣,幸福,无私(好像你可以使一条鱼成为

16、非鱼) ,或那些洞悉所有这些努力不过是姿态和表演,只有一个能做的事,就是不认同小我,通过了解它的不在,变得觉察自己永恒的自性。Click here for more from this book.* * * * *From Why Lazarus Laughed:Living should be perpetual and universal benediction.生活应该是永恒的和对全宇宙的祝福。* * *Doctrines, scriptures, sutras, essays, are not to be regarded as systems to be followed. They

17、 merely contribute to understanding. They should be for us a source of stimulation, and nothing more. Adopted, rather than used as a stimulus, they are a hindrance.不能把教条、经文、经典、短文当作要遵从的系统。它们只是促成理解。对我们来说应该是一个刺激的来源,如此而已,被采用而不是当作刺激物而起到妨碍作用。* * *Of the many earnest, and how earnest, people we may observe

18、 reading, attending lectures, studying and practising disciplines, devoting their energies to the attainment of a liberation which is by definition unattainable, how many are not striving via the ego-concept which is itself the only barrier between what they think they are and that which they wish t

19、o become but always have been and always will be?非常郑重地,不论如何郑重,我们去观察阅读,参加演讲,学习和实践纪律,献出* * *Play your part in the comedy, but dont identify yourself with your role!* * *On the phenomenal plane we seek pleasure and the avoidance of pain. On the noumenal plane we know the absence of both - which is Blis

20、s.在现象的水平上我们趋乐避苦。在本体的水平上我们了解二者都不在-这就是至福。* * *When you give a shilling to a beggar- do you realise that you are giving it to yourself?给一先令与乞讨者 -你觉得是给你自己么?帮助侧路上的瘸狗 -你觉得是在帮助自己么?When you help a lame dog over a stile- do you realise that you yourself are being helped?When you kick a man when he is down- d

21、o you realise that you are kicking yourself?Give him another kick - if you deserve it!踢一个人把他踢到了-你觉得是踢了自己么?再踢他一下-如果觉得你应得的话!* * *Reality alone exists - and that we are. All the rest is only a dream, a dream of the One Mind, which is our mind without the our. Is it so hard to accept? Is it so difficult

22、 to assimilate and to live?唯有真实存在-这就是我们。 其它的只是梦,一体心智之梦,一个没有“我们”的心智。真的如此难于接受么?真的如此难于理解透并活出来么?* * *Even the intellectual understanding of the inexistence of our selves is a rare and bitter attainment which few even attempt. And that is only the elimination round which qualifies us for access to Realit

23、y. Intellectual understanding should be not indispensable to a simple mind, but, with our conditioning, it would seem to be an almost inevitable preliminary.即使智力理解我们“自我”的不存在是稀少的、难以接受的成就甚至人们连试一试都不,经过淘汰到达真实。 。 。对“简单”的心智智力理解也不是必不可少的,经过训练,几乎是不可避免的开端。* * *Past and Future are a duality of which Present is

24、 the reality. The now-moment alone is eternal and real.过去未来是来自真实当下的二元性。当下才是永恒的和真实的。* * *Spontaneity is being present in the present.Spontaneity by-passes the processes of the conceptual (aspect of) mind.Reintegration with Nature, which we are, is the recovery of spontaneity.自发性是当下存在的出场。自发性经过概念 (方面的)

25、心智。与自然互相和谐,这我们所是的,是自发性的恢复。* * *What we know as lifeis the analytical realisationin the seriality of timeof our eternal reality.我们所知道的“生活”是对我们永恒真实的时间序列的分析领会而已。* * *We have only to eliminate the ego-notion by succeeding in the difficult task of understanding that it does not exist except as a notion.我

26、们只能通过除了概念什么也不是的理解这个艰难任务来完成对小我概念的擦除。Click here for more from this book.* * * * *From Ask The Awakened:Why are you unhappy?Because 99.9 per centOf everything you think,And of everything you do,Is for yourself -And there isnt one.* * *What is your trouble? Mistaken identity.你的烦恼是什么?是错误认同而已。* * *Truth i

27、s that which lies in a dimension beyond the reach of thought.Whole-mind has no thoughts, thoughts are split-mind.真理就在思想不能到达的那个维度。整体-心智没有“思想”,思想是分离 -心智。(右脑 VS 左脑)* * *Realisation is a matter of becomeing conscious of that which is already realised.实现就是对已经领会到的变为有意识。* * *A man who is seeking for realis

28、ation is not only going round searching for his spectacles without realising that they are on his nose all the time, but also were he not actually looking through them he would not be able to see what he is looking for!寻求开悟的人不仅是对眼镜一直在他的鼻子上不了解而到处找他的眼镜,而且是通过这不可能找到眼镜的这个眼镜去看去找!* * *It is necessary to un

29、derstand that I Am,In order that I may know that I Am Not,So that, at last, I may realise that,I Am Not, therefore I Am.必须了解我是谁,以便懂得我不是什么,最后能够了解到,我不是,找到我所是。* * *We do not possess an ego.We are possessed by the idea of one.我们从没有占据一个“自我”。我们却被自我的想法所占有了。* * *All the evil in the world, and all the unhapp

30、iness, comes from the I-concept.世界上所有的邪恶、所有不幸,都来自于概念我。* * *This real nature with whose revelation the Chan Masters are primarily concerned, or the Atman-I of the Vedantists, is not the far-off, unreachable will-o-the-wisp we are apt to imagine, but just the within of which we know the without. It is

31、 just the other side of the medal, and it lies wherever our senses and our intellect cease to function.禅师所关注的“真实”自然及其显现,或本源-“我”,并不遥远,不能到达的这个想象,* * *The only real service we can render to that which we perceive and interpret in phenomenal existence as others is by awakening to universal consciousness

32、 ourselves.我们唯一能够作为报答的真正服务,对我们在当作“他物”的存在现象里的感受和理解,就是我们自己对宇宙意识的觉醒。* * *The Void is not of the nature of a black abyss or a bottomless pit.Rather is its nature vast and expansive like space itself.It is apprehended as serene, marvellous, all-pure, brilliant and all-inclusive.Above all does it partake

33、of the nature of light.And it is not anything.For Void is Mind Itself, and Mind Itself is Void.虚无不是黑洞或无底深渊的属性。而是“空间自己的巨大和扩展”属性。被理解为“不可思议、纯粹、闪耀和万有的”。它吸收光的属性不是任何东西。虚无就是心智自己,心智就是虚无。* * *One must know that one is not in order to be able to understand that we are.人必须知道自己不是为了能够知道我们是谁。* * *A myriad bubbles

34、 were floating on the surface of a stream.What are you? I cried to them as they drifted by.I am a bubble, of course nearly a myriad bubbles answered,and there was surprise and indignation in their voices as they passed.But, here and there, a lonely bubble answered,We are this stream, and there was n

35、either surprise nor indignation in their voices,but just a quiet certitude.* * *Go to the Awakened Masters - and leave all your baggage behind.去找觉醒的师傅 -把所有的行李留下。Click here for more from this book.* * * * *From All Else is Bondage; Non-Volitional Living:TAOThe Doctrine is the doctrine of non-doctrine

36、,The Practice is the practice of non-practice,The Method is meditation by non-meditation,And Cultivation which is cultivation by non-cultivation.教条是非教条的教条,训练是非训练的训练,静默是非静默的静默,教化是非教化的教化This is the Mind of non-mind, which is wu hsin,The Thought of non-thought, which is wu nien,The Action of non-action

37、, which is wu wei,The Presence of the absence of volition,Which is Tao.没有心智的心智就是无心没有思想的思想就是无念没有行为的行为就是无为没有意志的存在就是道* * *The seeing of Truth cannot be dualistic (a thing seen).It cannot be seen by a see-er, or via a see-er.There can only be a seeing which itself is Truth.观察真理不能是二元的(看“东西” )看者不能看,或经过看者来

38、看。唯有自身就是真理的看。* * *There is no mystery whatever - only inability to perceive the obvious.根本没有神秘-唯有对现象的不察。* * *THIS which is seeking is THAT which is sought, andTHAT which is sought is THIS which is seeking.正在寻找的此,就是被寻找的彼,已被找的彼就是正在找的此* * *As long as we are identified with an object: that is bondage.As

39、 long as we think, act, live via an object, or as an object: that is bondage.As long as we feel ourselves to be an object, or think we are such (and a self is an object): that is bondage.只要我们认同一个对象,那就是束缚只要我们思想,借助客体生活,或当作客体对象,那也是束缚只要我们觉得自己是个对象,或认为我们是如此(“自己”就是对象) ,那是束缚* * *The purest doctrines, such a

40、s those of Ramana Maharshi, Padma Sambhava, Huang Po and Shen Hui, just teach that it is sufficient by analysis to comprehend that there is no entity which could have effective volition, that an apparent act of volition when in accord with the inevitable can only be a vain gesture and, when in disco

41、rd, the fluttering of a caged bird against the bars of his cage. When he knows that, then at last he has peace and is glad.Non-volitional living is glad living.最纯净的学说,诸如马哈虚、萨哈瓦、黄婆和沈晖,只是充分地用分析教导来理解根本不存在能有效选择的实体,与不可避免的事物一致时选择行为的出现只不过是一种自负的姿态,而不一致时,只是笼子里的鸟对着他的笼子杆飞来飞去而已。当他了解了,他就会平静下来,获得愉悦。* * *Let us li

42、ve gladly! Quite certainly we are free to do it. Perhaps it is our only freedom, but ours it is, and it is only phenomenally a freedom. Living free is being as one is. Can we not do it now? Indeed can we not-do-it? It is not even a doing: it is beyond doing and not-doing. It is being as-we-are.This

43、is the only practice.让我们喜悦吧!很确定我们可以自如自在地如此。这也许是我们仅有的自由,仅有的非凡自由。 “生活自由”就是一直“如人所是的” 。我们现在能如此么?我们真的能不如此么?它甚至不是“做”:是超越做和不做。只是如我们所是的那样存在。这就是唯一的 “训练 ”Click here for more from this book.* * * * *From Open Secret:公开的秘密Are you still thinking, looking, living, as from an imaginary phenomenal centre?As long as

44、 you do that you can never recognise your freedom.你还是在一个虚构现象中心里思考、观察、生活么?只要你如此,你就绝不会认出你的自由。* * *What do you have to do?Pack your bags,Go to the station without them,Catch the train,And leave your self behind.什么是你不得不做的?装好你的行囊,留下行囊去到车站,赶上火车,把你自己丢在后面。* * *We are required to cease looking at objects as

45、events apart from ourselves,And to know them at their source - which is our perceiving of them.我们必须停止注视那些作为我们自己的一部分的事物的对象,从它们的本源了解-就是从它们那里来的察觉。* * *The practice of meditation is represented by the three monkeys,who cover their eyes, ears and mouths so as to avoid the phenomenal world.The practice of

46、 non-meditation is ceasing to be the see-er, hearer or speakerwhile eyes, ears and mouths are fulfilling their function in daily life.静默练习由三个猴子来表现,它们闭上眼睛、掩上耳朵、捂上嘴巴避开现象世界。非静默练习就是终止作为看者、听者和说者,这时眼耳嘴令人愉快地起着过日子的作用。* * *The identified man takes part: the unidentified looks on!认同的人入戏:未认同者袖手旁观* * *What is n

47、on-objective relation?Wherever there are others there is a self,Wherever there are no others there can be no self,Wherever there is no self there are no others,Because in the absence of self I am all others.That is non-objective relation.什么是非对象关系?只要有他人就有自己,没有他人才没有自己,没有自己就没有他人,因为自我缺席则我即所有他人。这就是非对象关系。

48、Click here for more from this book.* * * * *From The Tenth Man:I have only one object in writing books:to demonstrate that there could not be anyone to do it.写书,我只有一个对象:说明没有没有任何人能做它。* * *What we appear to be is a fleeting shadow, a distorted and fragmentary reflection of what we all are when we no l

49、onger assume that we are that phenomenal appearance.* * *It is only with total humility, and in absolute stillness of mindthat we can know what indeed we are.* * *Humility, metaphysically, implies the absence of any entity to be either proud or humble.* * *Everything cognised is just what is called mind,And what is called mind is just the cognising of everything.* * *Fear, desire, affectivity are manifestations of the pseudo-entity which constitutes pseudo-bondage.It is the entity, rather than the manifestations thereof,


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