1、 http:/ 能飞韩语 http:/ 能飞日语http:/ 能飞英语 http:/ 能飞背单词个性十足的汽车“后窗文化”的英文表达前段时间,大家都在讨论“头像性格”。说的是,使用不同类型的网络头像可以显示其使用者的潜在性格特征。其实,在我们的身边还有另一种展示个性的方式,那就是在汽车后窗上张贴各种个性图释。转播到腾讯微博Many people like to put stickers or posters on the rear window of their car, which can show the unique personality of the car owner and st
2、art a new trend known as “rear window culture.”越来越多的人喜欢在汽车后窗张贴各类图释或标语。不同个性的车主,所展示的显然是不同的姿态,这些标语图案汇集在一起其实就是一种文化,即“后窗文化”。There are different types of posters people like to put on their rear windows. Some are warning the vehicles running behind them, such as “Dont follow me, I lost my way too,” “Baby
3、in car” and “Stop pursuing, Im married.”后窗标语有很多种。有的属于车距警示类:如“别跟着我,我也迷路了”、 “车里有小孩”、 “别追了,本人已婚”等。Some are just making jokes of themselves, such as “Newbie on road, no threatening please,” “Oops, I dont know which one is the brake pedal,” or “After you.”有些则是自我调侃,如“新手上路,禁止恐吓”、 “脚底哪个板板是刹车? ”、 “新手龟速,你走先”等。